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- Giúp cho sinh viên đọc và hiểu về lễ hội truyên thống là " Tết ở Việt Nam" - Giúp cho sinh viên biết cách sử dụng từ điển như thế nào và tìm kiếm nghĩa của từ hoặc nhóm từ trong những lễ kỷ niệm. - Giúp sinh viên phát triển kỹ năng đọc. - Hiểu nghĩa của các từ trong bài.\ - Biết các lễ hội truyền thống trong "Ngày Tết Viêt Nam" - Tài liệu: hình ảnh...

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  1. UNIT 8 : CELEBRATIONS LESSON 1 : READING PERIOD: I. Aims : - To help students read and understand the traditional festival “Tet in Viet Nam”. - To help students know how to use a dictionary to find the meaning of words or phrases in the celebrations - To develop students’reading skills. II. Objectives : by the end of the lesson, ss will be able to : - Know the meaning of vocabulary basing on the text. - Understand the traditional festival “Tet in Viet Nam”. III. Materials : posters , pictures… IV. PROCEDURE: Time Contents Teacher’s activity Students’activity 5’ I. Warm-up : Network - Gives instructions. Play the game. ( what do you often do at “ Make cakes Tet days” ?) Tet in Viet Nam - Gives remarks. II. Pre-reading : Ask and answer the following questions: - Gives instructions. - Pairwork 5’ 1.Are they happy ? - Asks students to work in - Look at the picture on 2.What are they doing ? pairs . page 90 3.What are on the table and the alter? - Corrects. - Give answers. 4.What tree is on the right of the picture ? - Gives remarks. * New words : - agrarian(n, adj) - Provides students with - Give meaning of new - apricot blossom new words . words - beach blossom - Rub out and remember. - kumquat tree 5’ - sugared apple - comment (n) - pray (v) - firework (n) III.While-reading : 1. Task 1 : The meaning of these words - Gives instructions. - Do the exercise - Asks students to read the individually. (page 92) 1. to l n, hoành tráng reading and to do the task - Compare the answers 2. thu c v nông nghi p individually. with a partner. 3. băng r ô n,kh u hi u - Corrects answers. - Give answers. 8’ 4. c u nguy n 5. táo t m ñư ng 6. s nô n c, nh n nh p 2.Task 2 :True & false statements: - Gives instructions. - Pairwork : do the 1.F 2.F - Asks students to work in task. 3.T 4.F pairs to do the task. - Give answers on the 5.T 6.F - Corrects answers. blackboard. 3.Task 3 :Answer the following questions : 7’ 1. It’s sometimes between 19 January and - Gives instructions. - Pairwork : do the 20 February. - Asks students to work in task. 2.for months. pairs. - Give answers. 3. They are decorated with coloured lights - Gives remarks and red banners. 4. They buy gifts, clean and decorate their GV: Nguy n Th Bích Th y – THPT BC T Ki t – Cai L y – Ti n Giang
  2. houses and cook traditional foods. 5.It is made from sticky rice, green bean and 10’ fatty pork. 6. It is candied fruit such as sugared apples, plums or tomatoes. 7. Visiting friends and others family members, exchanging wishes, going to the pagoda, playing games, etc. IV.Post-reading : - Gives instructions. Tell each other about your last Tet holiday : - Asks students to do the - Groupwork . - How you and your family prepared for Tet task in groups of four. - Give answers . - Corrects answers. - How you decorated your house. - Goes around and gives - Who visited you and who you visited. help - Special food you ate - Activities you most enjoyed during Tet. V. Homework : Write about your last Tet, using what you have just said. GV: Nguy n Th Bích Th y – THPT BC T Ki t – Cai L y – Ti n Giang
  3. UNIT 8 : CELEBRATIONS LESSON 2 : SPEAKING PERIOD: I. Aims: - To help students ask and answer about the celebrations in Viet Nam or other countries : time, main activites…..of those celebrations. - To develop students’speaking skill. II. Objective : by the end of the lesson, ss will be able to : Ask and answer about the celebrations in Viet Nam or other countries : time,main activites…..of those celebrations. III. Materials: posters , pictures… IV. Procedure: Time Contents Teacher’s activity Students’ activity 10’ I. Warm –up : Game Jumbled words : 1.DOFO (food) - Gives instructions and ask - Close their books 2.LETOSCH (clothes) students to work in groups - Play the game. 3.LFVETAIS (festival) to play the game. 4.ASGEM (games) 5.ARITNALDITO (traditional) 6.PAYHP( happy ) - Gives remarks. 7.NPGSIR (spring) 8.YTPRA (party ) II. Pre speaking: * Task 1 :Practice reading the dialogue: (textbook on page 93 ) - Gives instructions. - Asks students to work in - Pairwork : 8’ pairs to do the task. - Look at the task and - Goes around and gives do it.(2 or 3 pairs) help III.While speaking : * Task 2 : Match the holidays with its - Gives remarks. - Look at the pictures main purpose and activities: - Mid-autumn festival - Gives instructions. on page 93 - Thanksgiving - Asks sts look at the - Pairwork : do the task - Valentine’s day pictures and tell the name of 1.c. C 2.a. A celebrations. - 2 or 3 pairs speak 3.b. B - Asks students to work in their results loudly 7’ pairs to do the task. - Calls students to give out their answers. * Task 3:Ask and answer about the - Gives marks. holidays above,using the dialogue in task 1 - Pairwork . as the model: - Asks students to work in Suggestion: A : Do you know that Mid-Autumn festival pair to do the task. is next week? - Goes around and gives - Give answers. B: What is Mid-Autumn festival? help 15’ A: It’s the time people celebrate the large - Calls students to speak out full moon in the year and it’s a special day their dialogues. for children. - Gives remarks. B: When is it exactly ? A: It comes on the fifteenth day of the 8th lunar month. B : What do people usually do on that day ? A: Children have mooncakes and lots of fruits.Then they carry their beautiful glowing lanterns along the streets in their GV: Nguy n Th Bích Th y – THPT BC T Ki t – Cai L y – Ti n Giang
  4. neighbourhood. Dragon dance is also a special activity on that day. B: Oh, that sounds really interesting. IV. Post speaking: - Groupwork . Talk about one festival you like best 5’ - Asks students to work in groups of four to do the - Present. task. - Goes around and gives V. Homework : help Write a short paragraph about the festival - Calls students to give out you like best. their presentation. - Gives remarks GV: Nguy n Th Bích Th y – THPT BC T Ki t – Cai L y – Ti n Giang
  5. UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS LESSON 3 : LISTENING PERIOD: I. Aims: To help students listen to understand the conversation about the New Year’s activites in Japan. II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to understand the conversation about the New Year’s activites in Japan. III. Materials : cassette player, disc, posters, pictures….. IV. Procedure: Time Contents Teacher’s activity Students’activity 7’ I. Warm- up: Answer the following - Gives instructions . - Close their books question : - Asks sts to work in pairs and - Pair work. -Can you guess what Japanese do on the answer the question - Ask and answer New Year holiday ? - Gives remarks. freely. + decorate their houses. + make special food. + wear special clothes. + visit friends and relatives. ……… II. Pre- listening : 8’ - Provides students with new - Give meaning of new * Vocabulary: words and their pronunciation . words - Similarity (n) - Rub out and remember - Kimono (n) - Shrine (n) - longevity (n) - constancy (n) * Guess which of the following activities -Asks students to answer - One st. read some the Japanese often do on their New year’s “Yes-No” statements loudly, days. - Gives remarks and lead to the others answer “Yes- - wearing kimonos or special dress. new lesson. No” - decorating their houses with peach - Listen. flowers . ………… 10’ III. While –listening : 1. Task 1: Listen and tick (√ ) the things -Asks sts to read the task and - Read the task you hear: do the task individual. - Listen and do the task 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11 - Plays the tape. - Compare the answers - Gives remarks. with a partner. - Give answers. 13’ 2. Task 2 : Answer the questions: - Ask sts read the questions. - Pair work : listen and 1. Because they want to get rid of the dirt - Plays the tape . do the task. of the old year and welcome the new - Asks sts answer these - Give answers. year. questions. 2. From television or the radio. - Plays the tape again 3. Kimonos or special dress. - Corrects the answers. 4. No, New Year’s day is mostly celebrated among family only. 7’ IV. Post –listening: Compare the Tet in Viet Nam and The - Gives instructions. - Groupwork New Year in Japan - Asks students to work in - Give the ideas GV: Nguy n Th Bích Th y – THPT BC T Ki t – Cai L y – Ti n Giang
  6. groups. - preparations - Gives remarks. - activities on New Year’s Eve - foods and clothes - people to celebrate with * Homework: - Write the comparison on your notebook. - Prepare for new lesson: Writing GV: Nguy n Th Bích Th y – THPT BC T Ki t – Cai L y – Ti n Giang
  7. UNIT 8 : CELEBRATIONS LESSON 4 : WRITING PERIOD: I.Aims: - To teach students to describe the activities in a celebration. - To help students develop their writing skill. II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to : - Describe the activities in a celebration. III .Materials: posters , pictures… IV. Procedure: Time Contents Teacher’s activity Students’activity I. Warm –up: Listing : - Gives instructions. - Play the game. List some celebrations which are famous in 10’ - Divide class into 2 - Write the answers on Viet Nam you know. groups the blackboard (one by - New Year. one of each group) - Independence Day. - Gives remarks. - Woman’s Day. - Teacher’s Day. - Mid- Autumn Festival II. PRE-WRITING: - Describe the Mid- Autumn Festival in Viet Nam. * New words : 5’ - Asks sts to remember - Remember voca. and - lantern (n) voca. and activities in activities in that - dragon or lion dance. that festival. festival. - moon cake (n) - full moon * Making the detailed outline - Name and time of festival : Mid- Autumn - Explains - Pairwork : Festival, the fifteenth day of eighth lunar month. - Asks students to work - Discuss and write - Purpose: to welcome the brightest full moon of in pairs to discuss and down the main ideas of the year. write down the main the composition - Activities : children carrying beautiful glowing ideas of the composition lanterns, admiring the full moon, singing, - Goes around and gives dancing, dragon dance, having mooncakes. help. - Whether you like it or not and the reason- like it because it’s a great ocassion for children. II. WHILE-WRTING: - Asks sts to write - Write individual * Write a paragraph 20’ individual. - Asks sts to correct the - Correct the composition of each composition with the other . partner - Corrects some papers. III. POST-WRITING: - - Asks ss to work in Groupwork Talk about the other popular celebrations in - 10’ group of 4 or 5 to discuss Present about one Vietnam (names, time, purposes, feelings,…) - Take notes on the BB - Copy down Hint: National Independence Day: - the 2nd of September - to remember the birth of Vietnam / the day Vietnam was founded - meetings, parades, displays of fireworks, special programs on TV and radio, … . GV: Nguy n Th Bích Th y – THPT BC T Ki t – Cai L y – Ti n Giang
  8. Teacher’s Day: - the 20th of November - to honor the important work of teachers - students give their teachers gifts / flowers / cards, meetings are hold at schools, … Women’s Day: - the 8th of March - to honor the work of women at home as well as in society - meetings, men give women gifts / flowers / cards, male family members (father, sons) volunteer to do the housework, … * Homework : Write another paragraph about one of the festival in Viet Nam. GV: Nguy n Th Bích Th y – THPT BC T Ki t – Cai L y – Ti n Giang
  9. UNIT 8 : CELEBRATIONS LESSON 5 : LANGUAGE FOCUS PERIOD: I.Aims : - To help students distinguish and pronounce the compound consonants / fl/ , /fr/ and /θr/ correctly. - To teach students to use pronoun :one(s), someone, no one, anyone, everyone. - To teach sts to remember vocabulary about holidays and celebrations. II.Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to : - pronounce the compound consonants : / fl/ , /fr / and /θr/ correctly. - know how to use pronoun: one(s), someone, noone, anyone, everyone. - to remember vocabulary about holidays and celebrations. III.Materials: cassette player, disc, posters, pictures… IV. PROCEDURE: Time Contents Teacher’s activity Students’activity 7’ A. Warm –up : Guessing the pronunciation of these pictures : - Gives instructions. - Pair work - Asks ss to guess the - Give the words to pronunciation of these describe the pictures pictures (in pairs) - Guess the pronunciation of these pictures - Gives remarks. - Introduce new lesson Three, flag, flowers, fruits, frog B. New lesson : 8’ - Play the disc to models - Listen and repeat. I. PRONUNCIATION : words in the columns. / fl/ , /fr/ and /θr/ . - Asks students to repeat - Pairwork : practise the after the speaker. words. - Asks students to practise the words in pairs. - Asks students to practise - Practise the sentences. * Listen and repeat : on page 97 the sentences . - Gives remarks. * Practise the sentences : on page 97 II.GRAMMAR 5’ 1. Someone, anyone, no one, - Gives examples to lead to - Draw out the rules from everyone new lesson. the examples. a. Presentation : GV: Nguy n Th Bích Th y – THPT BC T Ki t – Cai L y – Ti n Giang
  10. - Elicits students to draw Ex : out the rules. 1. Someone has stolen my wallet. - Gives instructions. 2. Is there anyone home? 5’ 3. No one likes to play with him. 4. Everyone goes to the church today. * Note: - Someone, anyone, no one, everyone ñöôïc sd vôùi ñoäng töø soá ít. - Someone vaø everyone ñöôïc duøng trong caâu khaúng ñònh. - No one ñöôïc duøng vôùi ñoäng töø ôû theå khaúng ñònh. - Anyone ñöôïc duøng trong caâu hoûi vaø caâu phuû ñònh. b. Practice : * Exercise 1 :Using someone, anyone, 10’ - Asks students to do the - Do the ex. individually. no one or everyone to complete the ex. - Compare the answers sentences: - Gives remarks. with a partner. 1. anyone 2. someone - Give answers. 3. anyone 4. someone - Pairwork : do the ex. 5. no one 6. everyone 7. no one 2. Pronoun ONE(S) a. Presentation: - Ex: - Ask ss to look at the Work in pair to draw 1. My motorbike is broken. I want to examples and give out the out the rule. buy a new one. usage. 2. Let me choose the flowers. I will take all the white ones. * Note: 10’ ONE(S) ñư c dùng ñ thay th cho m t danh t ñ tránh l p l i danh t ñó trong câu. b. Practice: - Gives instructions. *Exercise 2 :Rewrite the sentences, - Asks students to work in - Give answers. using the pronoun one(s): pairs to do the ex. 1. Of the three bags I like the blue one. - Corrects answers. 2. Mai is making a fruit cake, Huong is making one, too. 3. I like reading books, especially the ones about the natural world. 4. I don’t have a computer, and my father doesn’t want me to have one. 5. They let me choose a pencil, and I took the red one. 6. There are several celebrations in Viet Nam, but perhaps the most meaningful one is Tet. 7. We told each other both happy stories and sad ones about our lives. III. VOCABULARY: * Exercise 3 : Use the words from the - Gives instructions. - Do the ex. dividually. GV: Nguy n Th Bích Th y – THPT BC T Ki t – Cai L y – Ti n Giang
  11. - Asks students to work - Compare the answers box to complete the following individually to do the ex. with a partner. sentences 1. traditional 2. grand - Give answers and 3. gifts 4. celebrating - Corrects answers. explain. 5. polite 6. good luck 7. excitement C. Homework : Find ten words pronounce / fl/ , /fr/ and /θr/ . GV: Nguy n Th Bích Th y – THPT BC T Ki t – Cai L y – Ti n Giang



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