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Vietnam 5 year natural resources & environment plan (2006-2010): poverty linkage issues

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This study is based on the data collected from working with different departments of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and in the 12 selected communes, 9 districts of 3 provinces – Ha Giang, Dak Lak and Kien Giang. The findings show that The implementation of some propoor targets e.g. water licensing, Environmental Impact Assessment, mineral resources mapping etc., is well towards planned, however, some pro-poor targets were not likely to be achieve such as the targets that 75% of rural households having access to clean water, forest coverage increasing to 43%, 90% of solid waste being collected etc.

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Nội dung Text: Vietnam 5 year natural resources & environment plan (2006-2010): poverty linkage issues

Trần Đại Nghĩa<br /> <br /> Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ<br /> <br /> 63(1): 90 - 94<br /> <br /> VIETNAM 5 YEAR NATURAL RESOURCES & ENVIRONMENT PLAN (2006-2010):<br /> POVERTY LINKAGE ISSUES<br /> Tran Dai Nghia<br /> Thai Nguyen University<br /> <br /> ABSTRACT<br /> This study is based on the data collected from working with different departments of the Ministry<br /> of Natural Resources and Environment and in the 12 selected communes, 9 districts of 3 provinces<br /> – Ha Giang, Dak Lak and Kien Giang. The findings show that The implementation of some propoor targets e.g. water licensing, Environmental Impact Assessment, mineral resources mapping<br /> etc., is well towards planned, however, some pro-poor targets were not likely to be achieve such as<br /> the targets that 75% of rural households having access to clean water, forest coverage increasing to<br /> 43%, 90% of solid waste being collected etc. Also, the findings show that non-participatory<br /> approach of NRE planning has weakened the capacity-building process for communities, hindered<br /> problem identifications and taken inappropriate solutions in helping the poor to cope with their<br /> poverty and protecting the environment.<br /> Key words: review, pro-poor, environment & natural resources.<br /> *<br /> <br /> BACKGROUND<br /> The Ministry of Planning and<br /> Investment (MPI) has embarked on a MidTerm Review of the National SocioEconomic Development Plan (2006-2010).<br /> The MPI has requested all Ministries to<br /> conduct the Mid-Term Review of their sector<br /> 5YP [2]. This supplementary assessment<br /> focuses on poverty and environmental<br /> concerns, pro-poor targets and outcomes of<br /> the NRE 5 year plan. The review is<br /> particularly in reference to assessing pro-poor<br /> issues and of the plan [11].<br /> REVIEW OBJECTIVES<br /> - Assess the progress towards the NRE 5YP<br /> pro-poor objectives and outcomes and<br /> impacts of the 5YP implementation on both<br /> the poor and the environment.<br /> - Identify strengths and weaknesses in the<br /> plan implementation and to assess the<br /> likelihood of the plan achieving its pro-poor<br /> targets and objectives.<br /> - Provide recommendations on modifications<br /> to increase the likelihood of success (if<br /> *<br /> <br /> Tel: 0945514735; Email:<br /> 90<br /> <br /> necessary) in target delivery within the life of<br /> the plan and on proposed measures for<br /> increasing the likelihood of success in<br /> delivering pro-poor outcomes of the next plan.<br /> METHODOLOGY<br /> This review is based on desk studies,<br /> interviews and meeting with key agencies at<br /> national, provincial, district and local level.<br /> The results from the desk studies, such as upto-date progresses towards NRE 5YP’s<br /> targets and their impacts on the environment<br /> and the poor reported by different<br /> departments of MONRE, provide the team<br /> with sufficient information for forming and<br /> assuring study approaches that were applied<br /> when working with provinces<br /> Section of provinces, districts and communes<br /> Field reviews were carried out in the<br /> three selected provinces, Ha Giang, Kien<br /> Giang and Dak Lac. In addition, other three<br /> provinces, Ha Tinh, Ha Noi (the former Ha<br /> Tay part only) and Nghe An, the<br /> questionnaires and information queries were<br /> sent to three provincial departments (i.e.,<br /> DARD, DOPI and DONRE) for providing<br /> required information needed for the review.<br /> The selection of the provinces was<br /> <br /> Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – Đại học Thái Nguyên<br /> <br /><br /> <br /> Trần Đại Nghĩa<br /> <br /> Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ<br /> <br /> subjectively based on PEP working<br /> experiences and ensuring the representation<br /> of geographical and institutional issues of the<br /> environments and poverty [6].<br /> The selection of districts and<br /> communes followed the same procedure<br /> which was based on the total score calculated<br /> from potential impact matrixes (the highest<br /> score was selected). In the matrixes, seven<br /> criteria were included (poverty rate ranked by<br /> local authorities in 2007), land ownership<br /> problems, water resource problems, minerals,<br /> environment,<br /> hydro-meteorology,<br /> accessibility, and willingness to cooperate<br /> from local authorities.<br /> Since at district level, there is no separate plan<br /> for district Departments of Natural Resources<br /> and Environment, the Five Year Plans for<br /> socio-economic development of the were used<br /> as the plans for review. However, only targets<br /> or indicators related to NRE and pro-poor<br /> NRE targets were discussed and reviewed.<br /> Secondary data collection and review<br /> consultations at national level<br /> Departments/Offices at national level visited<br /> by the team before finalizing methodologies<br /> for working in the selected provinces include:<br /> Department of Planning and Department of<br /> Land. Also, the Mid-Term review reports<br /> submitted under the request from the<br /> Department of Planning by all departments,<br /> institutes and centers of MONRE were<br /> studied. The results from the desk studies reaffirmed the review approach and<br /> methodologies when working on the field.<br /> KEY FINDINGS<br /> Land resources<br /> Up to the present, 63 provinces and cities and<br /> 450 out of 676 districts, communes and cities<br /> under control of the provinces finished land<br /> use plans to 2010 as did a majority of wards<br /> and towns [3]. DONRE also submitted the<br /> plans of land use in seven economic zones to<br /> the Prime Minister. According to land<br /> management statistics, in the whole country,<br /> 81.39% agricultural land, 59.2% forestland,<br /> <br /> 63(1): 90 - 94<br /> <br /> 68.73% aquaculture land, 56.9% urban<br /> residential land and 75% rural residential<br /> lands have been provided with land<br /> certificates [1, 3]. However, land use planning<br /> and allocation are still behind the schedule.<br /> Challenges remain to ensure that plans are<br /> made with a consistent and high standard and<br /> that these land use plans are feasible and to<br /> ensure land resources will be used effectively<br /> and sustainably. These issues and problems<br /> were identified during the study team and<br /> have important implications for addressing<br /> poverty.<br /> The process of re-structuring<br /> collective farms has been very slow and<br /> private encroachment of state-owned lands<br /> has continued to take place in areas where<br /> local people seek land for subsistence<br /> purposes [6].<br /> Water resources<br /> Achievements in water resource management<br /> at national level have been concentrated in<br /> following aspects: the development of legal<br /> documents on water resources, creating a<br /> legal environment for both central<br /> management and local management of water<br /> resource. By the end of the second quarter of<br /> 2008, 54 cities and provinces had completed<br /> regulations on water resource management at<br /> localities [3]. In order to effectively manage<br /> water resources, MONRE has granted<br /> issuance of these licenses to localities; this<br /> change has made the licensing process more<br /> effective and faster. Parallel with licensing for<br /> water resource exploitation, MONRE and<br /> DONREs have carried out monitoring and<br /> inspections to check regulation compliances<br /> of water extractions and liquid waste<br /> treatment and management.<br /> However,<br /> monitoring and inspection on water resource<br /> use and exploitation have not been regularly<br /> uncovering the existence of many cases of<br /> unlicensed water exploitation, especially in<br /> the Central Highlands [14]. The plans for<br /> water resource management have been<br /> developed just recently. The roles of state<br /> management have not been clearly divided,<br /> <br /> 91<br /> <br /> Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – Đại học Thái Nguyên<br /> <br /><br /> <br /> Trần Đại Nghĩa<br /> <br /> Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ<br /> <br /> for example water resource management at<br /> river basins belongs to both MONRE and<br /> MARD. The weak coordination between<br /> MONRE and MARD agencies in managing<br /> and having responsibility to monitor water<br /> use regulations has undermined the impacts<br /> on the environment and on the poor of the<br /> implementation of water resource targets in<br /> the plan, for example, depletion of<br /> groundwater in the Central Highlands, water<br /> contamination in Mekong river delta during<br /> fish and spawn harvesting season [5].<br /> Mineral resources<br /> The main achievement in mineral resource<br /> management target in the 5YP was the<br /> progress towards completing surveys for, and<br /> the developing of, geological and mineral<br /> maps and the facilitation of enforcing the<br /> 2005 mineral law. Up to the present, 50% of<br /> the total inland area has been surveyed for<br /> geological and mineral resources at a scale of<br /> 1/50,000 [10, 11]. MONRE has delegated to<br /> DONREs in provinces to pay regular<br /> monitoring and unannounced visits to check<br /> areas that reportedly have profile problems of<br /> mineral exploitations. These monitoring and<br /> checks have found illegal coal mining<br /> activities in Quang Ninh province, illegal<br /> titanium exploitation in Binh Thuan, Ninh<br /> Thuan, Quang Ngai provinces, and chromite<br /> exploitation in Thanh Hoa province and<br /> uncontrolled gold mining in Bac Kan<br /> province, amongst others [9]. Plans of mineral<br /> resources were implemented only slowly,<br /> creating obstacles for the survey and<br /> exploitation of mineral resources. The<br /> management of mineral resources was<br /> focused on granting licenses rather than<br /> examining and investigating compliance and<br /> regulations. In addition, the closing of illegal<br /> coal mining operations in Quang Ninh<br /> province has led to thousands of poor laborers<br /> becoming jobless, having severe effects on<br /> their income.<br /> Environment<br /> <br /> 63(1): 90 - 94<br /> <br /> The environmental target was considered as a<br /> cross-cutting issue. The progress of the<br /> implementation of the environmental target<br /> resulted from the implementation of the other<br /> NRE targets (e.g., land resource, water<br /> resource, mineral resource, etc.). At the<br /> national level, reinforcement and facilitation<br /> of the 2003 environmental law with emphasis<br /> on the implementation of EIAs at different<br /> levels has been improved. Generally, the<br /> examination and certification of these EIAS<br /> have been accelerated. Localities were<br /> authorized to examine and certify EIA reports<br /> for larger scale projects. MONRE has paid<br /> more attention to investment in environmental<br /> protection. Since 2006, on average, about 1%<br /> of annual government’s budget has been<br /> allocated for environment-related activities.<br /> To reduce water contamination problems, by<br /> the end of 2007, 59 out of 64 provinces had<br /> started collecting fees on residential and<br /> industrial liquid wastes in accordance with<br /> Decree<br /> No<br /> 04/2007<br /> NĐ-CP.<br /> The<br /> implementation of the NRE 5YP targets has<br /> contributed to improvement in the<br /> environment [3]. The positive impacts of<br /> implementing environmental targets, such as<br /> waste management, sanitation and access to<br /> clean water, on the poor have been seen in<br /> some areas like Quan Ba, Ha Giang province<br /> and Lak district, Dak Lak province. However,<br /> it has revealed weaknesses in implementing<br /> the target, such as the very slow development<br /> and adjustment of the legal system and<br /> legislations on environment, which did not<br /> meet the requirements of rapid changes in<br /> socio-economic<br /> development,<br /> and<br /> punishments<br /> for<br /> violations<br /> of<br /> the<br /> environmental law were too light [12].<br /> Hydro-meteorology<br /> MONRE has completed the development of<br /> the regulations for storm and flood forecast<br /> and quality operation of hydro-meteorological<br /> network in the whole country that meets the<br /> demanding requirements for HM data<br /> <br /> 92<br /> <br /> Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – Đại học Thái Nguyên<br /> <br /><br /> <br /> Trần Đại Nghĩa<br /> <br /> Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ<br /> <br /> collection, serving to mitigate damages<br /> caused by calamities. Accurate forecasts have<br /> contributed to reducing and preventing<br /> damage from severe weather phenomena.<br /> Longer-term forecasting, with higher<br /> accuracy level, has helped people, especially<br /> the poor, to prepare in advance, preventing<br /> damage from severe calamities such as flash<br /> floods and coastal storms etc. Although there<br /> were achievements and progress towards<br /> NRE targets with regard to hydrometeorology, the impacts of implementing<br /> this target on the environment and, especially,<br /> on the poor are unclear.<br /> Survey and mapping<br /> Achievements of survey and mapping target<br /> were reflected by the completion of the<br /> development of topo-maps at scale 1/50000<br /> covering the whole country and the terrain<br /> map system at scale 1/2,000 and 1/5,000<br /> covering two focal economic areas (Hanoi<br /> and Ho Chi Minh cities). The completion of<br /> border fixing in 2008 and the effective<br /> implementation of the government’s projects<br /> on survey and mapping were significant<br /> progress of the NRE 5YP implementation<br /> towards achieving the survey and mapping<br /> target. However, the implementation of the<br /> plan target on survey and mapping was slow,<br /> due to a lag behind schedule in data collection<br /> and analysis, inadequate equipment and a<br /> funding shortage for the whole country.<br /> CONCLUSIONS<br /> The implementation of water extraction<br /> licensing was more effective and faster thanks<br /> to the delegation of license issuing authority<br /> to the DNREs.<br /> Among the environmental targets, the target<br /> of EIA certification and approval for<br /> businesses at different levels was well<br /> implemented.<br /> Management of mineral resources was<br /> focused on granting licenses rather than<br /> monitoring and investigating, leading to<br /> violations of mineral laws, such as illegal<br /> <br /> 63(1): 90 - 94<br /> <br /> mining, pollutions, water contaminations etc.<br /> There existed adverse attitudes from many<br /> owners of businesses, plants and production<br /> facilities in carrying out EIA or ERC. EIA or<br /> ERC, which was considered as a prerequisite<br /> for applying for a business license; however,<br /> once a business license was approved, EIAs<br /> or ERCs might never be implemented..<br /> The closure of illegal or violated mining<br /> operations as solutions to the aftermaths of<br /> improper mineral extractions has led to severe<br /> effects on the income and lives of the poor in<br /> mining operations and entailing services, so<br /> the progress of implementing this target<br /> seemed not to benefit the poor.<br /> Sustainable mineral resource management<br /> and exploitation was far from achieving the<br /> target.<br /> MONRE’s forecasting systems for natural<br /> calamities, such as flash flood, landslides and<br /> coastal storm was still rather simple and did<br /> not meet the requirements for preventing bad<br /> consequences for people living in vulnerable<br /> areas (mountainous, coastal areas) and<br /> making the poverty in these areas worse.<br /> The<br /> coordination<br /> between<br /> different<br /> government agencies in implementing NRE<br /> targets was very loose, which led to<br /> inconsistencies in setting the targets of the<br /> plan; some even conflicted with each other<br /> therefore affected the implementation of both<br /> poverty reduction and environmental<br /> protection targets.<br /> The non-participatory approach of NRE<br /> planning has weakened the capacity-building<br /> process for communities, hindered problem<br /> identification and taken inappropriate<br /> solutions to the problems in helping the poor<br /> to cope with their poverty and with protecting<br /> the environment.<br /> REFERENCES<br /> [1].<br /> [2].<br /> [3].<br /> <br /> 93<br /> <br /> Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – Đại học Thái Nguyên<br /> <br /><br /> <br /> Trần Đại Nghĩa<br /> <br /> Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ<br /> <br /> [4]. Law on Environmental Protection. 2006.<br /> National Political Publishing House: Hanoi<br /> [5]. Law on Aquaculture. 2004. National Political<br /> Publishing House: Hanoi<br /> [6]. Martin Ravallion. 2008. Lands in the<br /> Transitional Period: Reforms and Poverty in the<br /> Rural Areas of Viet Nam. Cultural and<br /> Information Publishing House: Hanoi.<br /> [7]. Ministry of Resources and Environment.<br /> 2003. Viet Nam’s Environment Report 2003.<br /> [8]. Nguyen Van Tam. 2006. The Impact of Trade<br /> Liberalization on the Mineral Resources of Viet<br /> Nam. (Report for FSP Project 2006).<br /> <br /> 63(1): 90 - 94<br /> <br /> [9]. Report on Environmental Conditions of Hai<br /> Phong and Quang Ninh in 2004 and 2005<br /> [10]. Revised Law on Mineral Resources,<br /> approved by National Congress on June 14th 2005.<br /> [11]. SEMLA. (2007). Status Report: For SEMLA<br /> Contribution to the implementation of 5 Year Plan<br /> for Natural Resource and Environment Sector.<br /> MONRE/SEMLA<br /> [12]. Tran Van Tung. 2005. The Impact of<br /> Environmental Pollution in Some Industrial Zones<br /> in the Northern Provinces on the Health of Local<br /> Communities. Social Sciences Publishing House:<br /> Hanoi<br /> [13]. UNDP (2007): Listen to the Voice of the Poor.<br /> <br /> TÓM TẮT<br /> KẾ HOẠCH 5 NĂM BỘ TÀI NGUYÊN -MÔI TRƯỜNG VIỆT NAM (2006-2010):<br /> CÁC VẤN ĐỀ LIÊN QUAN ĐẾN ĐÓI NGHÈO<br /> Trần Đại Nghĩa2<br /> Đại học Thái Nguyên<br /> <br /> Nghiên cứu này tập trung xem xét mối liên hệ giữa đói nghèo và môi<br /> trường cũng như<br /> các chỉ tiêu trong kế hoạch 5 năm 2006-2010 của ngành Tài nguyên –Môi trường. Nghiên<br /> cứu dựa các số liệu điều tra đại diện tại 12 xã của 9 huyện ở 3 tỉnh (Hà Giang, Đắc Lắc và<br /> Kiên Giang ). Kết quả nghiên cứu c hỉ ra rằng một số chỉ tiêu liên quan đến đói nghèo<br /> trong kế hoạch như cấp phép khai thác nước , đánh giá tác động môi trường , điều tra và vẽ<br /> bản đồ khoáng sản được thực hiện đúng tiến độ kế hoạch . Tuy nhiên có một số chỉ tiêu<br /> như 75% hộ gia đì nh ở nông thôn có nước sạch , tỷ lệ che phủ rừng tăng lên 43% và 90%<br /> chất thải rắn được thu và xử lí v.v khó có khả năng hoàn thành được như kế hoạch đề ra .<br /> Từ khóa: review, pro-poor, environment & natural resources.<br /> <br /> 2<br /> <br /> Tel: 0945514735; Email:<br /> 94<br /> <br /> Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – Đại học Thái Nguyên<br /> <br /><br /> <br />



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