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Vietnam’s culture in foreign affairs in relationship with France: Some achievements, limitations and prospects

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This is the period when Vietnam overcame the siege and embargo of major countries. The article clarifies the achievements and limitations of this practice in order to forecast the prospects of Vietnam’s external cultural development in its relations with France in the coming time.

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Nội dung Text: Vietnam’s culture in foreign affairs in relationship with France: Some achievements, limitations and prospects

  1. Nghiên Tạp chí cứu Khoatrao họcđổi ● Research-Exchange - Trường Đại học Mở HàofNội opinion 71 (9/2020) 53-57 53 VIETNAM’S CULTURE IN FOREIGN AFFAIRS IN RELATIONSHIP WITH FRANCE: SOME ACHIEVEMENTS, LIMITATIONS AND PROSPECTS Le Trong Thuong* Date received the article: 3/3/2019 Date received the review results: 4/9/2020 Date published the article: 25/9/2020 Abstract: Vietnam and France have a long-standing cultural exchange, especially since Vietnam and France established official diplomatic relations since 1973, Vietnam’s foreign culture in diplomatic relations with France has been increasingly developed, especially from 1989 to present. This is the period when Vietnam overcame the siege and embargo of major countries. The article clarifies the achievements and limitations of this practice in order to forecast the prospects of Vietnam’s external cultural development in its relations with France in the coming time. Keywords: Culture, diplomatic relations, Vietnam, France. 1. Achievements in developing Since the Vietnam Cultural Vietnam’s external culture in relation Center in France was established (under to France the Agreement on Cultural Centers, The evolution of Vietnam’s November 2009) cultural activities external culture in relations with France (music, art, cinema, literature, heritage, from 1989 to 2019 shows that Vietnam’s etc.) was introduced to the French public external culture continues to develop, more, from which the traditional values of making an important contribution to the Vietnamese people were spread more the development of relations between to the French people. Vietnam and France, namely: Both sides want to continue First, Vietnam’s external culture in developing Vietnamese culture in France relations with France has contributed to as well as French culture in Vietnam. In the making the Vietnamese-French cultural field of training, the French want to receive relations an important part of the foreign more Vietnamese students to study in all relations between Vietnam and France. fields, especially science - technology. In Second, France actively and addition, France actively develops cultural effectively supports the exchange, cooperation with Vietnam on the basis of promotion and development of Vietnamese knowledge exchange and dissemination. culture in France and French culture in The above reality shows that the Vietnam. Vietnamese - French cultural relations * Department of International Cooperation - Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics
  2. 54 Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion are increasingly developed. The French In addition, the relationship between government gives priority to supporting Vietnam and France so far is considered Vietnam’s policy of cultural integration to be strong in terms of culture, education, with the motto of affirming and and now, culture and education are still a respecting Vietnam’s cultural diversity. priority in the bilateral relationship”. Every These achievements have increasingly year, France maintains a budget for cultural, contributed greatly to the development scientific and technical cooperation for of foreign relations between Vietnam and Vietnam worth about 10 million euros, France in general and external culture focusing on the fields of French language of Vietnam in relations with Vietnam - teaching and development, human resource France relationship in particular. training in Vietnam at University level ... Third, Vietnam’s external culture Each year, France grants Vietnam about in relations with France has contributed 100 graduate scholarships ..., supporting to building a good image of Vietnam the implementation of the training plan in the international arena, through of 10,000 PhDs from now to 2020 of which Vietnam has strengthened its Vietnam”. comprehensive cooperation with the EU, 2. Restrictions on Vietnam’s especially in the fields of economy, trade, external cultural development in its culture, education, science and technology, relations with France especially promoting the development In addition to the above results, of diplomatic relations between Vietnam Vietnam’s external culture in relations and France to a new height, a strategic with France from 1989 to now still has partnership since 2013. certain limitations: In the bilateral relationship, “the Firstly, Vietnamese cultural foreign quality and dynamism of cooperation activities in relations with France are not between the two countries with very rich, commensurate with the potential of the comprehensive and effective fields of relationship between Vietnam and France. cooperation, from political, diplomatic, In fact, “compared to the economic, security cooperation. national requirements of the integration and defense, cooperation in culture, health, national development, Vietnam’s foreign science, education - training, law and justice, cultural activities have not yet met the cooperation among localities”. On that requirements of the new situation”. In basis, Vietnam and France signed a series relations with France, foreign cultural of important cooperation documents, such activities still have certain limitations, as: Financial Protocol for the equipment the number of programs introducing, project of Can Tho General Hospital; promoting and exchanging Vietnam in Agreement on the information exchange of France, the active annual organization banking supervision and inspection between abroad is still limited due to tight budgets. the State Bank of Vietnam and the French Therefore, when organizing art groups, safety supervision agency; Memorandum of exhibitions and cultural exchanges in Understanding between the Vietnam Trade France, the number of people must be Promotion Agency and the French Agency limited to save money, which greatly for International Development of Small and affects the quality of the programs. In Medium Enterprises; etc … addition, there are not many special and
  3. Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion 55 high quality programs; the content of initial achievements, there are still some cultural external activities lacks creativity, limitations on the intensity and extent monotonousness, duplication, the of the implementation of the Strategic potential of Vietnamese cultural treasure Partnership Agreement, of which, on the has not fully exploited, the development scale, there was no exchange between of Vietnamese culture and arts have not high-level delegations between the two yet introduced; lack of cultural products to countries; Discussions in the delegations compete and attract audiences in France. at all levels were mainly the reaffirmation In fact, in recent years the number of of existing commitments. These contents movies participating in the Cannes Film have not been concretized by specific, Festival in France has been very modest. practical actions with clear benefits and Second, Vietnam’s cultural foreign practical actions. In terms of intensity, activities in relations with France have the exchanges and dialogues between not been commensurate with the wishes the two sides have not been regular, and expectations of the people and the number of exchanges is still small, governments of the two countries. so the implementation of the strategic In reality, the perception of cultural partnership agreement between Vietnam foreign role among the people and cadres and France has not really met the echoes and party members in the political system of both sides. is still limited, thus, Vietnam’s foreign The above shortcomings come from cultural activities in relations with many reasons, of which, there are reasons France has not been fully implemented; from “Propaganda to raise awareness, the financial mechanisms and policies promote the role of responsibility at all for cultural foreign activities such as levels, branches, and all walks of life. overseas cultural and cultural exchange There are still many limitations regarding and introduction are still inadequate; foreign culture and carrying out cultural the cultural industry in Vietnam is work”. Although this is not a new underdeveloped; human resources in problem, but at present, this issue has the cultural and art field have not been not been fully resolved. In addition, the properly, professionally and long-term above fact is also due to “The association invested. These restrictions will reduce and coordination between ministries, the “attractiveness” of foreign visitors to branches, localities, people’s external Vietnam’s foreign cultural activities, thus relations organizations, art organizations, greatly affecting the success of cultural freelance artists and enterprises in their external activities of Vietnam in relations work, the foreign culture remains weak. with France in the coming time. Therefore, there are few large-scale foreign France wishes to become a cultural promotions in foreign countries. “powerhouse” in foreign relations with Communication on external culture has Vietnam in many fields, especially in not been paid adequate attention, thus, the economy; at the same time, France wants to influence and the pervasiveness of foreign have a greater presence in Southeast Asia cultural activities in the current digital and through Vietnam to be present here. technology era has not been replicated”. Although Vietnam and France have made In addition, nowadays, in the face of great efforts to implement the Strategic the strong trend of the fourth industrial Partnership Agreement and have had revolution, Vietnam’s foreign cultural
  4. 56 Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion activities need to change the way of Agreement, Vietnam and France strategy is expression, methods of implementation, still relatively short (from 2013 to present), form of performance and promotion, etc. so it is not qualified to fully push the signed instead of using traditional methods to agreements. promptly respond to the trends and tastes Second, Vietnam’s external culture of the audience. in relations with France continues 3. Prospects of Vietnam’s external to strongly contribute to building an cultural development in its relations advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with with France national identity. With the tradition and achievements French culture and more broadly in diplomatic relations between the two Western culture was introduced into countries, in the coming time, Vietnam’s Vietnam during nearly 100 years of French external culture in relations with France will colonial rule, “Although the period of direct continue to develop in the following trend: influence of French culture was only sixty Firstly, Vietnam’s external culture in years, it can be said that Vietnamese culture relations with France continues to develop has changed more clearly than the long in the coming years, bringing the strategic time being exposed to Han culture over two partnership between Vietnam and France thousand years”. Therefore, French culture into essence and depth. and Western culture have a great influence Vietnam continues to persevere on language, education, literature, arts, etc., in implementing the foreign policy thereby contributing to building Vietnamese of independence, autonomy, culture. With that special history, in the multilateralization and diversification; relationship with France in the current proactively and actively integrate into the period, Vietnam introduces, exchanges, world, bringing the strategic partnership, and promotes Vietnamese culture in France comprehensive strategic partnership, and thereby penetrates cultural values of comprehensive partnership, special Vietnam into Europe. This is one of the partnership of Vietnam into reality and important contents in Vietnam’s external depth. This is an important basis for Vietnam cultural strategy to 2020 and vision to to promote deep cooperation with France, 2030: “Promote the cultural values of the thereby bringing the strategic partnership nation to the world, make the world more between Vietnam and France into reality. In understanding about the country, people and fact, the relationship between Vietnam and culture of Vietnam, building trust and love France still has a lot of potential that has not for Vietnam, contributing to promoting the been promoted, especially in the cultural implementation of cooperative relations in field, cultural and foreign affairs should other fields; To absorb the cultural essence continue to be exploited and promoted to of humanity, enrich and deepen traditional enhance the exchange, cooperation and cultural values, contribute to building a promotion of the cultural values of the two comprehensive development of Vietnamese countries. Mechanisms for cooperation, human culture, towards truth - goodness exchange and promotion of Vietnamese - beauty, permeability imbued with the culture in France and French culture in national spirit, humanity, democracy and Vietnam have been established in recent science; Develop cultural industries in a years, however, due to lack of funding and professional and synchronous direction, time to implement the War Partnership encourage the export of cultural products
  5. Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion 57 to foreign markets, contribute to bringing Vietnam’s external culture in Vietnamese cultural brands to the world, relations with France over the past 30 promote national culture”. years has developed dramatically, thereby, Third, Vietnam’s external culture contributing to building an advanced in relations with France continues to Vietnamese culture imbued with national contribute strongly to the development identity; promote diplomatic relations of Vietnam and France relations to new between Vietnam and France to a new heights. height, commensurate with the potentials Currently, Vietnam and France and expectations of the two countries and have raised their external relations into a nations, for the purpose of closing the strategic partnership, although the current “sad past” together, towards a good future relationship of the two countries has not beauty of both nations, mutual friendship fully reflected and commensurate with the and friendship, for the benefit of both special potentials and histories of the two countries, for the prosperity of both nations countries and aspirations of the people of and for peace, stability, development the two countries, so in the coming time, of the region and the world. This is also Vietnam and France will continue to push Vietnam’s foreign cultural philosophy all the agreements and bring the strategic in relations with France over the past 30 partnership of the two countries into years and continues to be maintained and reality and depth, at the same time. That developed in the following years. relationship continues to develop each References: relationship of Vietnam and France to new [1]. Trần Nguyên Khang (2018), French Soft heights, especially strongly developing Power: Theoretical and Practical Issues, areas that are the strengths of the two National Political Publishing House, Hà Nội, countries, especially in the cultural field. tr. 134 To fulfill that requirement, there is no other [2]. Nguyễn Thị Quế (2020), Vietnam relations way to promote and develop Vietnam’s with a number of major countries in the early foreign culture in relations with France, because nowadays, “soft power” are the years of the twenty-first century, the National factors to improve national competitiveness Truth Publishing House, tr. 101 as well as to expand a country’s influence [3]. Trần Thị Khánh Hà (2012), “ Vietnam - in the region and in the world. Therefore, France: towards comprehe1nsive partnership the increase of “soft power” is being ”, European Research Journal, số 4 (139), tr. considered by many countries as a 75-76 key point in the national development [4]. Vũ Văn Hà, Hợp tác kinh tế Pháp - strategy. “Soft power” is shown in the Việt Nam trên đà phát triển, http://www. attraction, spread from the cultural values of that country. Furthermore, culture is duong-doi-moi/2014/26152/Hop-tac-kinh-te- increasingly valued, associating culture Phap-Viet-Nam-tren-da-phat-trien.aspx, ngày with development, considering culture 3/5/2014 as a driving force and a factor creating conditions for sustainable development”. Author address: Department of International Moreover, promoting “soft power” in Cooperation - Ho Chi Minh National foreign strategy is also a policy that France Academy of Politics is aiming for. Email:



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