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Objectives By the end of the lesson students are able to - improve their writing skill - write a set of instruction II. Teaching aids - Workbook, board III. Anticipated problems - Students may have limited linguistic resources for writing

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  1. WEEK 9 EXERCISES FOR UNIT 4 + 5: WRITING th The 9 period Date: 12 / 10 / 2008 I. Objectives By the end of the lesson students are able to - improve their writing skill - write a set of instruction II. Teaching aids - Workbook, board III. Anticipated problems - Students may have limited linguistic resources for writing IV. Teaching procedures Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Greeting - Greeting I. Warm - up - Check the attendance - Answer (2minutes) - Call some students to write their - Write on the board II. Review (5 writing on the board. minutes - Check and give marks III. Pre - writing (5 - Ask students to read the - Read exercise 1 requirement in exercise 1 in the minutes) workbook page 33 - Explain the requirement and ask - Do the exercises students to do it III. While - writing Exercise 1: First boil the water. Next rinse the (20 minutes) teapot and cups with hot water. Make sure that the teapot is hot. Then fill the tea into the teapot. Make sure not to use too much tea.
  2. Then close the lid. Waite for about three or four minutes. Then pour the tea into the cups. Remember the tea should be served hot. Exercise 2: First rinse the cooking pot. Then wash the rice and boil the water. Pour the rice into the teapot while the cooking pot is boiling. Then stir the rice with two chopsticks. After that, keep the fire low and - Exchange wait for about 10 minutes for the IV. Post - writing rice to be cooked. - Correct the mistakes (10 minutes) - Ask students to exchange their paper to get some comments - Correct and copy - Give some common mistakes and - Listen and copy ask them to correct V. Homework (3 - Collect some papers to give minutes) marks - Ask students to write an instruction to cook one of their favorite dishes V. Remarks Ngày 13 / 10 / 2008 K í duyệt
  3. WEEK 10 EXERCISES FOR UNIT 4 + 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS The 10th period Date: 19 / 10 / 2008 I. Objectives By the end of the lesson students are able to - use the present perfect, the present perfect passive, who, which, that - do some difficult exercises II. Teaching aids - Workbook, board III. Anticipated problems - Students may have limited linguistic resources for doing exercises IV. Teaching procedures Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Greeting - Greeting I. Warm - up - Check the attendance - Answer (2minutes) - Call some students to recall the - Recall II. Review (5 structures and uses of the present minutes perfect, the present perfect passive, who, which, that - Ask students to read the - Read exercises III. New lesson (30 requirement in exercises in the workbook page 30, 31 - Do the exercises minutes) - Explain the requirement and ask students to do it - Exchange - Ask students to exchange the answer with others - Write the answer on the - Call some students to give the board answer on the board. - Check and correct - Correct and copy Exercise 2: 1. Complaints should be sent to the main office 2. Your car might have been stolen if you had left the keys in it. 3. The fire could have been caused by a short circuit. 4. The bank near our house has been robbed. 5. I was told to wait outside. 6. She has not been invited to the party. 7. They have been driven to the airport.
  4. 8. We were not sent any tickets. 9. Has my bedroom been decorated? 10. Were you disturbed in the night? Exercise 3: 1. were caught 2. were leaving 3. arrived 4. had caught 5. are emptied 6. hadn’t been delivered 7. has been missing 8. don’t you like 9. love 10. were overtaken Exercise 4: 1. The man who is talking to my father spent 15 minutes measuring our kitchen last week. 2. The architect who designed these flats has moved to HCM city. 3. The young man who lives on the - Listen and copy IV. Homework (3 corner rides an expansive minutes) motorbike. 4. I’m reading the book which I bought in Sydney in 1996. 5. I will introduce to you the man who is sharing the flat with me. - Ask students to do the extra exercises in the handouts and prepare for the next lesson. V. Remarks Ngày 20 / 10 / 2008 K í duyệt



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