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NOUN ADJECTIVE 1. Subject 1. adjective + noun 2. (possessive) adjective + noun 2. Be/ Linking verbs + adjective 3. enough + noun 3. Be + too + adjective + to-v 4. a/an/the + adjective + noun 4. Be + adjective + enough

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  1. WORD FORMATION EXERCISES: MCQs NOUN ADJECTIVE ADVERB 1. Subject 1. adjective + noun 1. Verb + Object + adverb 2. (possessive) adjective + noun 2. Be/ Linking verbs + adjective 2. Verb + too + adverb + to-v 3. enough + noun 3. Be + too + adjective + to-v 3. Verb + adverb + enough 4. a/an/the + adjective + noun 4. Be + adjective + enough 4. Verb + so + adverb + that 5. Preposition + noun 5. Be + so + adjective + that 5. How + adverb + S + verb! 6. quantifiers + noun 6. How + adjective + S + be! 6. Aux + Adverb + Verb 7. Be + Adverb + adjective 1. Her …………….was so great that she broke a glass. a. anxious (a) b. anxiously (adv) c. anxiety (n) d. anxieties 2. The audience burst into …………….at the end of the play. a. applaud (v) b. applause (n) c. applaudable (a) d. applaudably (adv) 3. He felt very …………when he saw he had failed the exam again. a. courage (n) b. discouraged (a) c. encouragement (n) d. encourage (v) 4. The work is still at a very …………level. a. experiment (n) b. experimental (a) c. experimentally (adv) d. experimentalize 5. It is the most …………film I have ever seen. a. fright (n) b. frighten (v) c. frightened (a) d. frightening (a) 6. It is very…………to live in a damp room. a. health (n) b. healthy (a) c. healthily (adv) d. unhealthy (a) 7. He promised to come but he’s very ………… a. rely (v) b. reliable (a) c. reliably (adv) d. unreliable (a) 8. How much do you ………… a. weight (n) b. weigh (v) c. weightless (a) d. weightlessness (n) 9. Since …………has been so poor the class is being closed. a. attend (v) b. attention (n) c. attendance (n) d. attentive (a) 10. Magnets will …………most metals. a. attraction (n) b. attract (v) c. attractive (a) d. attractively (adv) 11. His …………has not improved much. a. behave (v) b. behavior (n) c. behaved (p.p.) d. behaving 12. She is extremely …………about the history of art. a. know (v) b. knowledge (n) c. knowledgeable (a) d. knowledgeably (adv) 13. The plane had to make a crash (land)…………in a field. a. landing b. land c. landed d. to land 14. He owes his …………largely to his sense of humor. a. popular (a) b. popularity (n) c. popularly (adv) d. popularize (v) 15. As she is so …………with her present job, she’s decided to leave. a. satisfaction (n) b. satisfactory (a) c. satisfactorily (adv) d. dissatisfied (a) 16. What a very …………old man he is! a. learn (v) b. learning c. learned (a) d, to learn 17. Traveling in big city is becoming more ………… everyday. a. trouble (n) b. troublesome (a) c. troubling d. troubler (n) 18. Less public transport is now available because of the …………of staff. a. short (a) b. shortly (adv) c. shorten (v) d. shortage (n) 19. Because of the volume of traffic local councils are forced to give ………… for more roads to be constructed. a. permit (v) b. permission (n) c. permissive (a) d. permissively (adv) 20. …………, many houses have to be demolished to make ways for the roads. a. Fortune (n) b. Fortunate (a) c. fortunately (adv) d. unfortunately (adv) 21. But traveling by public transport is very (attract)…………as there are long delays. a. attract (v) b. attractively (adv) c. unattractive (a) d. attraction (n) 22. The new film is ………… good. a. exception/n b. exceptional/a c. exceptionally/adv d. except/v/preps 23. She felt a sense of …………when her friend went to live abroad. a. lose b. loss c. loser d. losing 24. You need a lot of …………to be a teacher. a. patient b. patience c. impatience d. impatient 25. I’m afraid you aren’t suitably …………for the job. a. qualification b. qualified c. qualify d. qualifying 26. The weather will be bright with …………showers. a. occasion b. occasional c. occasionally d. occasions
  2. 27. Most birds …………in the winter. a. migratory b. migrate c. migration d. migrator 28. He draws cartoon for a …………magazine. a. humor b. humorous c. humorously d. humorless 29. Do you have a …………costume in your country? a. nation b. national c. nationally d. international 30. What is the (long)…………of the runway at this airport? a. long b. lengthen c. length d. longer 31. He was too (shame)…………to tell his teacher about the stupid mistake. a. ashamed b. shame c. shamefully d. shamelessly 32. The police are interested in the sudden …………of the valuable painting. a. appear b. disappear c. disappearance d. appearance 33. I believe you because I know you are ………… a. true b. truth c. truthful d. truthfully 34. The cost of …………must be paid by the buyers. a. carry b. carriage c. carried d. carrying 35. They are going to announce the …………of the President. a. arrival b. arrive c. arrived d. arriving 36. She made no…………to our conversation of the night before. a. reference b. referentially c. referential d. refer 37. She is one of the greatest…………to appear in this theater. a. perform b. performers c. performance d. performing 38. The …………which she gave last night was marvelous. a. perform b. performers c. performance d. performing 39. She received a lot of …………from her mother. a. courage b. encourage c. encouragement d. encouraged 40. Does this …………suit you? a. arrange b. arrangement c. rearrange d. arranged 41. Conversation is one of the most enjoyable forms of ………… a. entertain b. entertainment c. entertainer d. entertainingly 42. ………… is such a competitive profession. a. Advertise b. Advertisement c. to advertise d. Advertising 43. Have you seen the latest ………… for Pepsi? a. Advertise b. Advertisement c. to advertise d. Advertising 44. The judge told him it was ………… to drink and drive and banned him for a year. a. responsibleb. irresponsible c. responsibility d. irresponsibility 45. She divorced him because of his …………to the children. a. kind b. kindness c. unkindness d. unkind 46. The evening was …………spent playing cards and talking. a. enjoy b. enjoyable c. enjoyably d. enjoying 47. The keys were locked inside the car. …………, a side window was open. a. Luckily b. Luck c. Lucky d. unluckily 48. Due to the clerk’s ………… , we missed the train. a. stubbornness b. stubborn c. stubbornly d. unstubborn 49. Thousands of people are living in ………… after the earthquake. a. miserable b. miserably c. misery d. miser 50. The thing I hate about Jim is his ………… a. reliable b. unreliability c. reliably d. unreliable 51. It was a complete ………… due to poor planning. a. fail b. failure c. failures d. failing 52. Their …………has lasted a lifetime. a. friendship b. friend c. friendly d. friends 53. The world of computers is extremely ………… a. compete b. competition c. competitive d. competitively 54. She left school with good ………… a. qualify b. qualified c. qualifications d. qualifying 55. My car isn’t very …………. It is always letting me down. a. reliable b. unreliability c. reliably d. unreliable 56. Burning coal is an/a …………way of heating a house. Gas is much cheaper. a. economy b. economical c. uneconomical d. economically
  3. 57. I’ve just been told some …………news. a. astonish b. astonishment c. astonishing d. astonished 58. In …………with mot other countries, Britain has a very high rate of heart attacks. a. compare b. comparison c. comparative d. comparatively 59. It is usually forbidden to destroy …………buildings. a. history b. historical c. historically d. historian 60. The old couples have saved a lot of money for their ………… a. retire b. retired c. retiring d. retirement 61. The old fishing village is very ………… a. picture b. picturesque c. picturesquely d. pictures 62. …………is a very serious problem in many countries. a. Employ b. Employers c. Employment d. unemployment 63. The …………area of the city is not very attractive. a. industrial b. industrially c. industrialize d. industry 64. Many …………families have to live in hostels. a. homeless b. home c. house d. homesick 65. Have you got any …………? a. suggestion b. suggest c. suggested d. suggesting 66. I had to check the wages in …………to my normal work. a. add b. addition c. additionally d. additional Exercises Choose the best answer a,b,c or d 1.John is out of work . He is........... A.employ B.unemployed C.employment D.unemployment 2.We were.............because the film was very............... A.boring_boring B.bored_boring C.boring_bored D.bored_bored 3.They like Mr.David because he always has..............lessons. A.interested B.uninterested C.interesting D.uninteresting 4.English and Vietnamese have many.................They are very difficult. A.differences B.different C.difference D.differ 5.We will have a very...............exam next year . A.import B.important C.importance D.unimportant 6.He is unhappy because he his life . A.success B.unsuccess C.successful D.unsuccessful 7.Peter is a...............driver . He always has dangerous accidents . A.careless B.careful C.carefully D.crelessly 8.The old man has saved a lot of money for his................. A.retire B.retied C.retirement D.retiring 9.I hates my motorbicycle so much. It is always................ A.rely B.reliable C.reliability D.unreliable 10.Halong is one of the most famous tourist................ in Vietnam A.attract B.attractions C.attractive D.attracted 11.The man looks very handsome in the..............clothes A.northern B.north C.northwards D.northbound 12.There are a lot of good............... in the factory A.scientst B.scientific D.scientists 13.Uncle Ho said , “ There’s nothing more precious than freedom ,............. and happiness . A.dependence B.dependent C.independence D.independent 14.The exercises are too difficult for him. He is................ to do them . A.ability B.unable D.unability 15.Smoking is........... to your health so don’t smoke . A.harm B.harmful C.harmless D.harmfully 16.Mr.John is very rich but he hasn’t got his.............. A.possess B.possessive C.possession D.possessor 17.The police is now investigating the............. of the child .
  4. A.appear B.appearance C.disappear D.disappearance 18.Our envirnment is................. seriously. The government should do something to protect it. A.pollute B.polluting C.polluted D.pollution 19.David Backam is getting fatter because he is............. A.act B.action D.inactive



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