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Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 16

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Nội dung Text: Wordpress 3.0 jQuery - part 16

  1. Doing a Lot More with Less: Making Use of Plugins for Both jQuery and WordPress Last, for this new page to be recognized as a special template for WordPress, we have to add a template header to the very top of the document in commented out PHP as shown here: ... As with our plugin in Chapter 3, Digging Deeper: Understanding WordPress and jQuery Together, make sure there are no spaces or hard returns before the
  2. Chapter 4 That's the first half of our solution. Let's now finish it. Creating the custom category template We now need to create a special category template for the Events category. Again, we'll want each event to have a registration link. That link will pass the event's title to the registration form. [ 137 ]
  3. Doing a Lot More with Less: Making Use of Plugins for Both jQuery and WordPress To get started with this, if you'll recall the Template Hierarchy from Chapter 3, Digging Deeper: Understanding WordPress and jQuery Together, the category.php template page trumps the archive.php template page. Turns out, the default template that we're using doesn't have a category.php page. We'll simply create one by duplicating the archive.php page and naming it category.php. But wait; we don't just want this page to show any category. We want to only show the Events category. You'll also recall from Chapter 3, Digging Deeper: Understanding WordPress and jQuery Together, that you can further trump the category.php template with a specific category-ID.php template page such as category-3.php. It just so happens that in my local setup of WordPress, the ID for the Event category is 3, so that's what we'll name the file. Finding your category ID Those of you working in your own WordPress installation, the category ID numbers are assigned as you create categories. First, you'll need to determine what your Events category's ID number is. You can do this by navigating to the Posts | Categories page in the Administration panel and selecting Edit under the Events category. You can then check the URL in that category's Edit page. At the very end of the URL you'll see the category's ID number. We're now ready to customize the category-3.php template for the Events page. [ 138 ]
  4. Chapter 4 First up, as we saw in the previous chapter, this page calls the get_template_part( 'loop', 'category' ) function from the loop.php template page. We actually want a custom, very simple setup for the Events category only. While we certainly could update the if...else statement of loop.php with an additional custom loop (which is a tad beyond the scope of this book, stay tuned for the upcoming WordPress 3.0 Theme Design book from Packt!), for this custom client project we'll just comment out the call to that loop and add in our own very simple loop that, thanks to the Template Hierarchy, will only work on our Events category page.
  5. Doing a Lot More with Less: Making Use of Plugins for Both jQuery and WordPress Notice that in the loop towards the bottom, we made a link tag that references the register form. I've ammended a variable string named evnt to that link and added the title of the event using the get_title() template tag as shown: ...
  6. Chapter 4 .register-separate{ clear:both; padding-top: 10px; border-bottom:1px solid #999; } When we look at an event post now, we'll see our Event post with a dynamic link at the bottom to Register: Getting jQuery in on the game plan Alright! I don't know about you, but I feel that was quite a bit of prep-work. It's all going to come together now as we load up the ColorBox plugin and cook up a few final custom jQuery scripts. [ 141 ]
  7. Doing a Lot More with Less: Making Use of Plugins for Both jQuery and WordPress Including the ColorBox plugin In our theme, let's create a js directory, and within that directory, let's create an additional directory named colorbox. This will allow us to place in the CSS sheet and image collateral for the ColorBox plugin and keep everything tidy and working the way it prefers to work in the colorbox.css sheet. We'll unzip our ColorBox plugin and move over the minified version into our js/colorbox directory. We'll then take the stylesheets and collateral from the example1 folder (I like it the best, the striped, transparent background and rounded corners are great), and drop them into the colorbox directory. We'll then go to our theme's header.php file and include both the colorbox.css stylesheet, underneath the theme's main stylesheet as shown: ...
  8. Chapter 4 Writing a custom jQuery script Now, in the root of our js directory, let's create a new custom-jquery.js file and also be sure to include it in our header.php file, under our ColorBox includes as follows: ... wp_enqueue_script('custom-jquery', get_bloginfo('stylesheet_ directory') . '/js/custom-jquery.js', array('jquery'), '20100510' ); ... Get set for some jQuery fun now. Since we've gone through the trouble of hand including the ColorBox plugin into our WordPress theme, we might as well make sure it can load up images in addition to our registration form. To ensure that ColorBox only loads up images, and not every link on the page, we'll think of some examples back to Chapter 2, Working with jQuery in WordPress, and do a little creative selecting. We'll add this rule to our custom-jquery.js file: jQuery(function(){ jQuery(".entry-content a:has(img)").colorbox({height:"98%"}); });//end docReady This selection only works on tag links that are in posts, inside the .entry class, that have thumbnail img tags. No other links will activate ColorBox. [ 143 ]
  9. Doing a Lot More with Less: Making Use of Plugins for Both jQuery and WordPress Now, to get the registration page to launch ColorBox, we'll be a bit more clever. While I've added a .registration class, I don't want to rely on it to launch ColorBox. The only link that should trigger the modal window is a link to the registration form, so I'll be sure to select for that. In my cb-registration.js file, inside my document ready function and after my image select colorbox function, I'll add this script: ... jQuery("a[href*='register']") .colorbox({iframe:true, width:"500px", height: "600px"}); ... That particular jQuery selector will make sure that again, only links that contain (that's what the asterisk * is for) the word register in the href attribute will trigger the ColorBox modal window, in ColorBox's iframe mode. You'll notice that I also used ColorBox's available parameters to set a constrained height and width for the registration form's modal box. Now, only our Registration links and image links with thumbnails launch ColorBox: [ 144 ]
  10. Chapter 4 Pulling it all together: One tiny cforms II hack required You'll recall that we set up our registration link to pass the name of the event in the URL via a GET call, sometimes called a variable string, to the Registration form. Right now, there is no way that the cforms administration panel will pick up that variable, but there's a quick, and fairly commonly used "hack" for cforms to make sure you can pass your own custom variables to the form. cforms II creates little-bracket-enclosed template names for the variables it can pick up, like adding the variable template:{Title} will display post or page title that the form is on. We want to pass it a post title from another page (rather than having to manually add this form to every Event post), so we'll add our own variable template to the cformsII plugin. Customizing a plugin? Keep copious notes! WordPress and jQuery developers usually keep updating and refining their plugins. Your best bet is to try to find a solution that doesn't require you to edit the actual plugin source files. However, as in this case, if you find you do edit a plugins source file, add your own customization- readMe.txt file to the directory and keep detailed notes of what you amended or edited in the plugin. When the developer releases and upgrades their plugin, especially WordPress plugins that sometimes need updating to keep up with the current WordPress core version, you'll lose your amendments and hacks when you update the plugin. Your notes will make it easy to reintegrate them. In the cforms II plugin directory, locate the lib_aux.php file. Around line 421, just after code that looks like ...$m = str_replace( '{BLOGNAME}',... add this line of code: ... $m = str_replace( '{Event}', esc_attr($_GET['evnt']), $m ); ... [ 145 ]



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