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Ngôn Ngữ Mô Hình Hoá Thống Nhất Visualising và tài liệu phân tích và thiết kế nỗ lực. • Thống nhất bởi vì nó ... - Kết hợp phương pháp chính trước OO (Booch của Grady Booch, OMT bởi Jim Rumbaugh và OOSE bởi Ivar Jacobson) • Mô hình hóa bởi vì nó là ... - Chủ yếu sử dụng cho các hệ thống trực quan mô hình. nhiều hệ thống quan điểm được hỗ trợ bởi các mô hình thích hợp • Ngôn ngữ bởi vì ... - Nó cung cấp một cú pháp thông qua đó để thể hiện kiến thức về mô hình...

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: YẾU TỐ CƠ BẢN UML

  1. UML FUNDAMENTALS © 2001-2004 - Dr. Ernest Cachia
  2. UML Unified Modelling Language Visualising and documenting analysis and design effort. • Unified because it … – Combines main preceding OO methods (Booch by Grady Booch, OMT by Jim Rumbaugh and OOSE by Ivar Jacobson) • Modelling because it is … – Primarily used for visually modelling systems. Many system views are supported by appropriate models • Language because … – It offers a syntax through which to express modelled knowledge
  3. UML Ancestry (visual) Fragmentary Unification Booch '91 OMT-1 Other OOSE Booch '93 OMT-2 UM 0.8 1995 Standardisation UML 0.9/0.91 June to Oct 1996 Public feedback Jan 1997 Partner's Jun-Oct'96 UML 1.0 expertise UML 1.1 Sep1997 Industrialisation
  4. Further (latest) UML Evolution U M L 2 .0 c o m p o s it io n ( w h o le - p a r t ) r e la t io n s h ip U M L 2 .0 2002 S u p e r s tr u c tu r e U M L 2 .0 U M L 2 .0 Q4 2001 In fr a s tr u c tu r e OCL U M L 1 .4 Q1 2001 dependency r e la t io n s h ip U M L 1 .3 1999 E d it o r ia l r e v is io n w it h o u t s ig n if ic a n t U M L 1 .2 1998 t e c h n ic a l c h a n g e s . 1997 U M L 1 .1 (a d o p te d by OMG) ( L o o s e ly a d a p t e d f r o m K o b ry n , 2 0 0 1 )
  5. UML Partners The list is quite an impressive one: Hewlett-Packard Unisys ● ● ● IBM ● Sterling Software ● Microsoft ● Rational Software ● Oracle ● ICON computing ● i-Logix ● Platinum Technology ● Intelli Corp. ● and others… ● MCI Systemhouse ● ObjectTime
  6. and so…What is UML? Based on the previous three slides… • A language for capturing and expressing knowledge • A tool for system discovery and development • A tool for visual development modelling • A set of well-founded guidelines • A milestone generator • A popular (therefore supported) tool
  7. and…What UML is not! • A visual programming language or environment • A database specification tool • A development process (i.e. an SDLC) • A panacea • A quality guarantee
  8. What UML can do for you Help you to: – Better think out and document your system before implementing it – “forecast” your system – Determine islands of reusability – Lower development costs – Plan and analyse your logic (system behaviour) – Make the right decisions at an early stage (before committed to code) – Better deploy the system for efficient memory and processor usage – Easier maintenance/modification on well documented systems – Lower maintenance costs – Establish a communication standard – Minimise “lead-in” costs
  9. UML components UML Views Functional Non-functional Organisational Diagrams 9 diagrams (see further on) Model Elements Symbology / notation General Mechanisms Adornments Notes Specifications
  10. The Case “for” Diagrams • Aesthetic • Descriptive • Compressive • Simple • Understandable • Universal • Formalise-able / Standardise-able
  11. The Case “against” Diagrams • Not inherent knowledge • Easily cluttered • Require some training • Not necessarily revealing • Must be liked to be accepted and used • Effort to draw
  12. UML diagrams UML diagrams Use-Case Static Structure Object Class Interaction Sequence Collaboration State Activity Implementation Component Deployment
  13. UML Diagrams (comparative slide) Use-Case (relation of actors to system functions) Class (static class structure) Object (same as class - only using class instances – i.e. objects) State (states of objects in a particular class) Sequence (Object message passing structure) Collaboration (same as sequence but also shows context - i.e. objects and their relationships) Activity (sequential flow of activities i.e. action states) Component (code structure) Deployment (mapping of software to hardware)
  14. UML Diagram Philosophy Any UML diagram: • Depicts concepts – as symbols • Depicts relationships between concepts – as directed or undirected arcs (lines) • Depicts names – as labels within or next to symbols and lines
  15. The Main 4 UML Diagrams • Use-Case • Class • Sequence • State Examples are depicted on the following slides.
  16. The Use-Case Diagram
  17. The Class Diagram
  18. The Sequence Diagram
  19. The State Diagram
  20. The Other 5 UML Diagrams • Object • Collaboration • Activity • Component • Deployment Examples are depicted on the following slides.



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