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Algorithmic rules

Xem 1-15 trên 15 kết quả Algorithmic rules
  • The main purpose of this paper is to identify mainstream views to develop students thinking ability. For each view, we provide a process of researching, discovering, setting up and implementing algorithmic rules, quasi-algorithmic rules by giving out examples.

    pdf9p tamynhan5 10-12-2020 15 2   Download

  • Bài báo này đề xuất một thuật toán mới được gọi là EDMAR (an Efficient Distributed algorithm for Mining Association Rules) . Thuật toán này sử dụng thuật toán FP-Growth và cấu trúc FP-Tree để khai phá tập phổ biến cục bộ tại các điểm đã làm giảm số lần quét cơ sở dữ liệu, từ đó tăng hiệu quả khai phá tại các điểm cục bộ.

    pdf11p tamynhan8 04-11-2020 43 2   Download

  • The main contents of the chapter consist of the following: Remaining part of maximum contiguous subsequence sum problem, general big-oh rule, running time of algorithm.

    ppt34p nanhankhuoctai10 23-07-2020 10 1   Download

  • This paper proposed a hybrid GA rule based categorization method, named genetic algorithm rule based categorization (GARC), to enhance the accuracy of categorization rules and to produce accurate classifier for text mining.

    pdf14p tohitohi 22-05-2020 12 1   Download

  • The research used Fuzzy Logic algorithm based on the rule, the principle of "IF - THEN" and built the membership functions for the input variables: water level, inflow to the reservoir, the water demands, and discharge from the reservoir.

    pdf111p bautroibinhyen211 07-11-2018 24 5   Download

  • In this paper we present two parallel algorithms for mining association rules that are well suited for distributed memory parallel computers. The algorithms are developed based on FP-growth method. The first algorithm is a task parallel formulation using a static load balancing technique. The second algorithm improves upon the first algorithm by dynamically balancing the load when the static task assignment leads to load imbalance.

    pdf17p binhminhmuatrenngondoithonggio 09-06-2017 45 4   Download

  • This paper proposes a method for mining fuzzy association rules using compressed database. We also use the approach of Hedge Algebra (HA) to build the membership function for attributes instead of using the normal way of fuzzy set theory. This approach allows us to explore fuzzy association rules through a relatively simple algorithm which is faster in terms of time, but it still brings association rules which are as good as the classical algorithms for mining association rules.

    pdf12p dieutringuyen 07-06-2017 38 2   Download

  • The fuzzy rule based classification system (FRBCS) design methods, whose fuzzy rules are in the form of if-then sentences, have been under intensive study during last years. The fuzzy rule based classification system (FRBThis paper presents an approach to tackle the high-dimensional dataset problem for the hedge algebras based classification method proposed in by utilizing the feature selection algorithm proposed inS) design methods, whose fuzzy rules are in the form of if-then sentences, have been under intensive study during last years.

    pdf14p dieutringuyen 07-06-2017 48 1   Download

  • This paper describes a model of syntactical analysis. It shows first how a context-free grammar formalism can be modified in order to reduce the number of rules required by a natural language, and second, how this formalism can be extended to the handling of some non-contextfree phenomena. The description of the algorithm is also given.

    pdf11p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 38 1   Download

  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the oft-repeated assertion regarding the efficiency of a "simple parsing algorithm" combinable with a variety of different grammars written in the form of appropriate tables of rules.

    pdf0p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 50 2   Download

  • Problems of machine translation have been investigated in the Soviet Union since 1955.1 A number of groups are carrying out theoretical and experimental work in the area of machine translation. In the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (ITM and VT) dictionaries and codes of rules (algorithms) have been compiled for machine translation from English, Chinese, and Japanese into Russian; and a GermanRussian algorithm is being worked out.

    pdf0p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 63 1   Download

  • LANs, WANs, WLANs are known as edge networks May be contained within businesses or homes Needs to be protected from the rest of the Internet! Why firewall? Encryption? Cannot stop malicious packets from getting into an edge network Authentication? Can determine whether an incoming IP packet comes from a trusted user However, not all host computers have resources to run authentication algorithms Host computers managed by different users with different skill levels.

    ppt38p doilan 26-01-2013 68 4   Download

  • Given a set of transactions, find rules that will predict the occurrence of an item based on the occurrences of other items in the transaction. Given a set of transactions T, the goal of association rule mining is to find all rules having support ≥ minsup threshold confidence ≥ minconf threshold Brute-force approach: List all possible association rules Compute the support and confidence for each rule Prune rules that fail the minsup and minconf thresholds  Computationally prohibitive!...

    ppt82p trinh02 18-01-2013 75 5   Download

  • Transform categorical attribute into asymmetric binary variables Introduce a new “item” for each distinct attribute-value pair Example: replace Browser Type attribute with Browser Type = Internet Explorer Browser Type = Mozilla Browser Type = Mozilla

    ppt67p trinh02 18-01-2013 61 4   Download

  • Given a connected, undirected graph, a spanning tree of that graph is a subgraph that is a tree and connects all the vertices together. A single graph can have many different spanning trees. We can also assign a weight to each edge, which is a number representing how unfavorable it is, and use this to assign a weight to a spanning tree by computing the sum of the weights of the edges in that spanning tree.

    ppt97p locnp0209 11-06-2011 152 10   Download


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