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Xem 1-11 trên 11 kết quả Antineoplastic
  • Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về hóa học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học quốc tế đề tài : Chemomodulation of human dendritic cell function by antineoplastic agents in low noncytotoxic concentrations

    pdf10p dauphong3 03-01-2012 77 4   Download

  • Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học ngành y học tạp chí Medical Sciences dành cho các bạn sinh viên ngành y tham khảo đề tài: Effect of corticosteroids on phlebitis induced by intravenous infusion of antineoplastic agents in rabbits...

    pdf6p thulanh9 07-10-2011 47 3   Download

  • Allopurinol (1H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidin-4-ol) (Fig. 1) is a commonly used drug in the treatment of chronic gout or hyperuricaemia associated with leukaemia, radiotherapy, antineoplastic agents and treatment with diureticsconditions.1 Allopurinol is a structural isomer of hypoxanthine (a naturally occurring purine in the body) and acts to inhibit xanthine oxidase. In the presence of xanthine oxidase, allopurinol will be converted to alloxanthine (Fig. 2), after that the formation of uric acid from xanthine and hypoxanthine will be inhibited....

    pdf8p hoami_266 15-09-2011 59 7   Download

  • A subset M  E(G) of the edge set E(G) of a graph G is called a matching provided that no two edges in M have a vertex in common. A perfect matching M is a matching with the property that each vertex of G is incident with an edge in M. For k a positive integer, a graph G is k-extendable provided that G has a matching of size k and every matching in G of size at most k can be extended to a perfect matching in G.

    pdf15p thulanh6 14-09-2011 56 4   Download

  • Let N be a nilpotent group normal in a group G. Suppose that G acts transitively upon the points of a nite non-Desarguesian projective plane P. We prove that, if P has square order, then N must act semi-regularly on P. In addition we prove that if a nite non-Desarguesian projective plane P admits more than one nilpotent group which is regular on the points of P then P has non-square order and the automorphism group of P has odd order.

    pdf6p thulanh6 14-09-2011 62 5   Download

  • Let T be an in nite regular tree and n a positive integer. Fix two vertices x and y in T . By a walk or a path between x and y we mean any nite sequence of edges that connect x and y in which backtrackings are allowed. There are many formulas in the literature which give the number of walks of length n between x and y, such as recurrence formulas, generating functions, Green functions, and others. Here we consider walks of length n between x and y which at a certain time follow a number of predetermined steps....

    pdf18p thulanh6 14-09-2011 37 5   Download

  • This chapter provides a brief overview of the immune response as background for understanding the mechanism of action of immunomodulatory agents. The general principles of pharmacological immunosuppression are discussed in the context of potential targets, major indications, and unwanted side effects.

    doc26p vanass 01-04-2011 68 8   Download

  • Macrolides and Ketolides Erythromycin, clarithromycin, and telithromycin inhibit CYP3A4, the hepatic P450 enzyme that metabolizes many drugs, including cyclosporine, certain statins (lovastatin, simvastatin), theophylline, carbamazepine, warfarin, certain antineoplastic agents (e.g., vincristine, irinotecan), and ergot alkaloids. In ~10% of patients receiving digoxin, concentrations increase significantly when erythromycin or telithromycin is coadministered, and this increase may lead to digoxin toxicity. Azithromycin has little effect on the metabolism of other drugs. Many drugs (e.g.

    pdf9p colgate_colgate 21-12-2010 78 2   Download

  • Nausea and Vomiting The most common side effect of chemotherapy administration is nausea, with or without vomiting. Nausea may be acute (within 24 h of chemotherapy), delayed (24 h), or anticipatory of the receipt of chemotherapy. Patients may be likewise stratified for their risk of susceptibility to nausea and vomiting, with increased risk in young, female, heavily pretreated patients without a history of alcohol or drug use but with a history of motion or morning sickness. Antineoplastic agents vary in their capacity to cause nausea and vomiting. ...

    pdf5p konheokonmummim 03-12-2010 70 3   Download

  • The taxanes include paclitaxel and docetaxel. These agents differ from the vinca alkaloids in that the taxanes stabilize microtubules against depolymerization. The "stabilized" microtubules function abnormally and are not able to undergo the normal dynamic changes of microtubule structure and function necessary for cell cycle completion. Taxanes are among the most broadly active antineoplastic agents for use in solid tumors, with evidence of activity in ovarian cancer, breast cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma, and lung tumors.

    pdf5p konheokonmummim 03-12-2010 68 3   Download

  • Mitomycin C undergoes reduction of its quinone function to generate a bifunctional DNA alkylating agent. It is a broadly active antineoplastic agent with a number of unpredictable toxicities, including delayed bronchospasm 12–14 h after dosing and a chronic pulmonary fibrosis syndrome more frequent at doses of 50–60 mg/m2. Cardiomyopathy has been described, particularly in a setting of prior radiation therapy. A hemolytic/uremic syndrome carries an ultimate mortality rate of 25–50% and is poorly treated by conventional component support and exchange transfusion.

    pdf5p konheokonmummim 03-12-2010 61 3   Download



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