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Ebook HSK Standard Course 6下 Workbook

Xem 1-6 trên 6 kết quả Ebook HSK Standard Course 6下 Workbook
  • This is the ebook HSK Standard Course 6下 (Workbook): Part 2, including exercises for each of the 6 lessons in the textbook, from lesson 35 to lesson 40: Lesson 35: 走进木版年画 Approaching the woodblock New Years Pictures; Lesson 36: 中国古代书院 The ancient Chinese academics; Lesson 37: 警察的故事 Stories of the policemen; Lesson 38: 慧眼捕捉商机 Having an insight into business opportunities; Lesson 39: 互联网时代的生活 Life in the Internet era; Lesson 40: 人类超能力会改变世界纪录吗 Will superhuman powers change the world records? This book can help students succeed in the HSK Level 6 test and all-roundly improve their Chinese compe...

    pdf138p runordie6 05-08-2022 14 5   Download

  • HSK Standard Course 6下 (Workbook) includes exercises for each of the 18 lessons in the textbook, and an introduction to the HSK Level 6 test. This is the ebook HSK Standard Course 6下 (Workbook): Part 1, including exercises for each of the 14 lessons in the textbook, from lesson 21 to lesson 34.

    pdf128p runordie6 05-08-2022 14 4   Download

  • The main content of Ebook HSK Standard Course 4上 (Workbook): Part 2 including 5 exercises for each of the 5 lessons in the textbook: Lesson 6: 一分钱一分货; Lesson 7: 做好的医生是自己; Lesson 8: 生活中不缺少美; Lesson 9: 阳光总在风雨后; Lesson 10: 幸福的标准. This book can help students succeed in the HSK Level 4 test and all-roundly improve their Chinese competence and proficiency.

    pdf50p runordie6 05-08-2022 17 5   Download

  • HSK Standard Course 5上 (Workbook) includes exercises for each of the 18 lessons in the textbook, and an introduction to the HSK Level 5 test. This book can help students succeed in the HSK Level 5 test and all-roundly improve their Chinese competence and proficiency. This is the ebook HSK Standard Course 5上 (Workbook): Part 1, including exercises for each of the 8 lessons in the textbook: Lessons 1 爱的细节; Lessons 2 留串钥匙给父母; Lessons 3 人生有选择,一切可改变; Lessons 4 子路背米; Lessons 5 济南的泉水; Lessons 6 除夕的由来; Lessons 7 成语故事两则; Lessons 8 “朝三暮四”的古今义.

    pdf63p runordie6 05-08-2022 20 5   Download

  • This is the ebook HSK Standard Course 6上 (Workbook): Part 1, including exercises for each of the 14 lessons in the textbook: Lesson 1 孩子给我们的启示; Lesson 2 父母之爱; Lesson 3 一盒月饼; Lesson 4 完美的胜利; Lesson 5 学一门外语需要理由吗; Lesson 6 当好职场插班生; Lesson 7 我的人生我做主; Lesson 8 遇见原来的我; Lesson 9 不用手机的日子; Lesson 10 全球化视野中的中国饮食; Lesson 11 我不在时,猫在干什么; Lesson 12 我们都爱白噪音; Lesson 13 从旅游指南看世事变迁; Lesson 14 背着电饭锅拍北极.

    pdf128p runordie7 11-08-2022 21 9   Download

  • This is the ebook HSK Standard Course 6上 (Workbook): Part 2, including exercises for each of the 6 lessons in the textbook: Lesson 15: 山脉上的雕刻 Sculptures on the mountain range; Lesson 16: 徐健和他的野生动物摄影师们 Xu Jian and his team of wildlife photographers; Lesson 17: 小动物眼中的慢世界 The slow world in small animals’ eyes; Lesson 18: 神奇的丝瓜 The magical towel gourd; Lesson 19: 无阳光的深海世界 The deep sea without sunshine; Lesson 20: 金鸡窝 The golden henhouse.

    pdf116p runordie7 11-08-2022 21 6   Download


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