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Xem 1-20 trên 2616 kết quả Factorization
  • According to Hayashi et al. (2014), delivery service significantly affects the success of online shopping. Today, the quality of life is enhanced and personalized, consumer demand for saving time and upgrading shopping facilities through online purchases of ever-expanding food products, so the satisfaction of customers buying food with last-mile delivery service on e-commerce platforms in Vietnam becomes an important issue that businesses should focus on.

    pdf6p zizaybay1101 09-05-2024 10 3   Download

  • Biến thể đa hình rs216321 trên gen VWF giúp dự đoán sự mở rộng của khối máu tụ ở các trường hợp xuất huyết nội sọ tự phát (sICH). Hiện chưa có dữ liệu về biến thể này tại Việt Nam. Bài viết bước đầu xác định tỷ lệ biến thể rs216321 này trong một nhóm đối tượng bị ICH và mô tả sự hiện diện của biến thể theo một số đặc điểm của ổ xuất huyết.

    pdf4p vicarlos 16-05-2024 5 1   Download

  • Hiệu quả kinh doanh của ngân hàng thương mại (NHTM) được đo lường và đánh giá theo nhiều cách khác nhau. Tại nghiên cứu này, tác giả sử dụng phương pháp bao dữ liệu (Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA) và phương pháp ước lượng năng suất nhân tố tổng hợp (Total Factor Productivity - TFP) qua chỉ số Malmquist để phân tích hiệu quả kinh doanh của các NHTM có vốn Nhà nước.

    pdf6p zizaybay1101 09-05-2024 5 2   Download

  • Nghiên cứu này tập trung vào phân tích đóng góp của năng suất các nhân tố tổng hợp (TFP) vào tăng trưởng kinh tế tỉnh Bình Dương giai đoạn từ năm 2018 đến năm 2022, bằng cách sử dụng những dữ liệu thống kê và phương pháp phân tích kinh tế học. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy, TFP đóng góp ngày càng lớn vào tăng trưởng kinh tế của Bình Dương.

    pdf5p zizaybay1101 09-05-2024 5 3   Download

  • In this study, all the expressions of Otubain-1, NF-κB2, SHPs and STATs genes, the concentrations of cytokines IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α and clinical features in NHL patients were examined. To the end, gene expression levels of 82 NHL patients and 56 healthy individuals were determined by quantitative real time RT-PCR and secretion of cytokines by ELISA.

    pdf10p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 5 1   Download

  • In this study, an evaluation of the enantioselective of a chiral flavanone with 2'-OH substitution (5,7,2'- trihydroxyflavanone) on ring C was studied by high performance liquid chromatography using the cellulose tris(3,5- dimethylphenyl carbamate)-based stationary phase with n-hexane and iso-propanol doped with 0.1% (v/v) trifluoroacetic acid as a mobile phase.

    pdf6p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 2 2   Download

  • This study aims to collect and systematically document the traditional knowledge of poisonous plants by interviewing Van Kieu and Pa Ko ethnic communities in Quang Tri province. A total of 56 poisonous plant species (27 herbs, 15 shrubs and 14 woody plants) of flowering plants belonging to 26 families and 50 genera were found in the study site. Based on the Recorded Poisonous Plant Proportion (RPPP) values, 25 commonly recorded poisonous plants were selected for analyzing Fidelity Level (FL) and Informants Consensus Factor (ICF).

    pdf15p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 2 1   Download

  • The plasmon characterization of AgNS on paper was systematically investigated by the diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The fabricated paper-based SERS substrates were used to detect melamine in an aqueous solution and to determine the influence of type RAs on the enhancement factor (EF) and signal uniformity of SERS substrates. Among the four types of RAs, the SERS substrates used NaBH4 have the highest SERS signal with the limit of detection of 10-8 M for melamine and the EF = 2.3 × 109 .

    pdf9p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 6 2   Download

  • The study found that choosing a nest is influenced directly by the location of the nearest food source and nearest water source in Guwahati city. The study presents the merit and needs for studying the nesting ecology of birds in India, also suggests best practices to conserve bird’s nest specific to the Indian context which might provide important information for the nesting ecology of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus).

    pdf15p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 4 1   Download

  • Forest fires present a significant threat to the tropical forest ecosystem in the northwestern region of Vietnam. Our study aimed to assess the impacts of environmental factors on forest fire occurrence and to map forest fire probability for the whole region. The forest fire occurrence data over the period 2003–2016, environmental factors (climate, fuel condition, topography, and human activity), and the MaxEnt approach were used for this study.

    pdf21p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 7 3   Download

  • The electronic states of FeSin −/0/+ (n = 1-2) clusters have been investigated with DFT, CASPT2, and DMRGCASPT2 methods. By using relatively large active spaces, the DMRG-CASPT2 method is found to provide highly accurate relative energies for the various relevant electronic states. Leading configurations, bond distances, harmonic vibrational frequencies, and relative energies for the low-lying states of the title clusters are reported.

    pdf9p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 5 2   Download

  • n this work, the main aim is to map the potential zones of groundwater in Central Highlands (Vietnam) using a novel ensemble machine learning model, namely CG-LMT, which is a combination of two advanced techniques, namely Cascade Generalization (CG) and Logistics Model Trees (LMT). For this, a total of 501 wells data and a set of twelve affecting factors were gathered and selected to generate training and testing datasets used for building and validating the model.

    pdf10p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 9 2   Download

  • This article presents computational insights into the geometric and electronic structures of NbSi4 −/0 clusters using density functional theory and the CASSCF/CASPT2 method. The anionic and neutral ground states are identified as the 1A′ and 2A′ states, respectively, within a trigonal bipyramidal isomer where the Nb atom occupies the equatorial position. The adiabatic detachment energy for the transition from the anionic ground state 1A′ to the neutral ground state 2A′ is estimated to be 2.30 eV.

    pdf8p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 5 2   Download

  • Supply chain management literature suggests that there are many mutually dependent points in the supply chain and each supply chain point is sensitive to the performance of one another. In the course of business, interrelated supply chain activities might get destabilized because of the manmade or natural factors.

    pdf8p longtimenosee10 26-04-2024 4 1   Download

  • The research found that most foreign workers are of unskilled labor with less pay and longer working hours, and this justifies their recruitment, which means that local workers with skilled skills are more affected by the increasing numbers of foreign workers. Therefore, it is necessary to protect national workers against foreign labor competition. In the labor market through the establishment of strict laws protect the local factor and restrict the work of foreign workers and contribute to the stability of wage rates

    pdf10p longtimenosee10 26-04-2024 5 1   Download

  • This paper contributes to the literature on the internationalization process of new ICT companies, especially the ride-hailing developer firms. It analyzes the global expansion of UBER in the Asian market. UBER did an aggressive expansion using a standard business model in every market that they get into. The strategy was on scale economy rather than localization of services. The case analysis suggests that UBER was unsuccessful in its global expansion due to a number of factors especially t

    pdf7p longtimenosee10 26-04-2024 1 1   Download

  • Manufacturing organizations spend lot of money and time to implement ERP thinking that after implementation, it will lead to increase in work efficiency. However, in most cases, ERP implementation results in a high failure rate. Most research has focused on the critical success factors (CSF) for ERP implementation, whereas factors such as success measures, benefits of ERP and the factors responsible for successful implementation in Indian manufacturing sectors has been discussed by very few researcher.

    pdf11p longtimenosee10 26-04-2024 4 2   Download

  • The purpose of this article is to analyze the performance of companies in the slaughterhouse industry in health and safety issues. The research method is quantitative modeling. The main research technique uses a mixed method based on multi-attribute utility method (MAUT) and artificial neural networks (ANN). The research object is 34 slaughterhouse companies located in Southern Brazil. Then, we ranked the companies and modeled their decision trees using the MAUT method.

    pdf9p longtimenosee10 26-04-2024 3 1   Download

  • The results of the research showed that paying attention to employees' motivational factors and their needs and paying attention to individual differences of each employee is one of the most important factors. Which can be achieved in the productivity of human resources and one of the essential conditions for achieving the goal in every way is to provoke and motivate and respond to the people who do it. Factors like meritocracy, awarding rewards to better services, preventing and disrupting individual choices are one of the most important motivations and responses.

    pdf4p longtimenosee10 26-04-2024 1 1   Download

  • This study summarizes a sample of the managers of the Iraqi cellular communications company with 84 employees. The company is a service organization responsible for providing integrated telecommunications services. As a management system that uses human, technical, material and financial resources, its size and value increase in line with technical progress. The demand for telecommunication services is increasing for several factors, the most important being the only means available to the majority and to the increase in population.

    pdf6p longtimenosee10 26-04-2024 4 1   Download


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