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Xem 1-20 trên 742 kết quả Financial
  • Nghiên cứu "Fintech development and its impact on Vietnam’s financial sector" sử dụng kết hợp phương pháp thống kê và mô tả để làm sáng tỏ nguyên nhân ra đời và sự phát triển Fintech trong những năm gần đây. Số liệu và nhận định trong bài viết được trích dẫn từ các tổ chức quy mô lớn, có uy tín để tăng độ tin cậy và cung cấp cái nhìn sâu sắc về sự tăng trưởng tiềm năng của lĩnh vực Fintech tại Việt Nam. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!

    pdf11p dathienlang1012 03-05-2024 1 0   Download

  • In recent years, the fourth industrial revolution has been progressing strongly, resulting in numerous accomplishments that have profound implications for various industries and sectors of the economy, including the banking sector. In the context of the digital transformation boom, traditional banking models have undergone modifications and advancements with the aim of boosting competitiveness and efficiency, leading to the emergence of the Open banking .

    pdf3p zizaybay1101 09-05-2024 8 3   Download

  • This paper examines the types of fraud in the financial affairs of public corporations and the way they deal with them and ultimately the right to judicial review. The results of the investigations showed that after proving any crime and issuing a lower court judgment, there is a right for the offender to seek authority from the authorities in order to obtain a reduction in the punishment. The multiplicity of judicial procedures is a mechanism and tool for correcting a mistake or probable judicial error.

    pdf4p longtimenosee10 26-04-2024 7 1   Download

  • This study summarizes a sample of the managers of the Iraqi cellular communications company with 84 employees. The company is a service organization responsible for providing integrated telecommunications services. As a management system that uses human, technical, material and financial resources, its size and value increase in line with technical progress. The demand for telecommunication services is increasing for several factors, the most important being the only means available to the majority and to the increase in population.

    pdf6p longtimenosee10 26-04-2024 4 1   Download

  • The importance of supply chain governance mechanism has grabbed the attention of academia due to massive corporate scandals in 21st century. The following study is aimed to investigate the supply chain governance mechanism in Iraqi corporations at first stage and develop the relationship between supply chain governance with quality of financial reporting at second stage. The sample of this study is consists of listed Iraqi companies between the time period of 2009 to 2016.

    pdf4p longtimenosee10 26-04-2024 5 1   Download

  • This research aims to identify the rules of lean system application in the service industry. It also seeks to highlight the requirements of applying the lean production system on Al-Ahliyya Amman University to reduce costs. The research was conducted in the form of a case-study in Al-Ahliyya Amman University. Data was collected through discussions with some the officials in the university. Including the HR manager, the financial manager, the student affairs manager, and the student registration manager.

    pdf5p longtimenosee10 26-04-2024 2 1   Download

  • The study examine relationship between implementing ERP systems on the boosting of the organizational performance, in addition, to examine the mediating role of agile supply chain approach to achieve the targeted performance enhancements in manufacturing listed firms in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE). The study population entails all manufacturing listed firms in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE), particularly the top retail firms operate in the Jordanian market constitutes of firms.

    pdf12p longtimenosee10 26-04-2024 4 1   Download

  • The results of the research showed that the scorecard is balanced and affects the financial performance of small and medium enterprises’ supply chain. In this research, Pearson correlation coefficient and regression test were used. The results of this study showed that the balanced scorecard is effective on the financial performance of small and medium enterprises supply chain.

    pdf4p longtimenosee10 26-04-2024 3 1   Download

  • Responding to the needs of shareholders and investors, earning profit and income and covering current expenses are the hugest goals of each economic unit. Banks and financial institutions also have these rules. Perhaps the most important thing for them is calculating and understanding the cost of money.

    pdf11p longtimenosee10 26-04-2024 4 1   Download

  • - The purpose of this paper is to study the drivers of competitiveness in sectors of the Greek Manufacturing Industry, both in the pro and posteconomic crisis era, based on firm level financial/accounting and qualitative data attempting to identify critical issues about Greek SMEs. Although considerable empirical work has been done on this subject, research on the topic is limited and nonexistent for Greece.

    pdf8p longtimenosee10 26-04-2024 3 1   Download

  • This study examines the relationship between financial leverage deviations and supply chain management rewards on investment diversions in companies admitted to Tehran Stock Exchange during the period of 1387-1395. Therefore, information and statistics of 70 Tehran Stock Exchange members were analyzed using panel data approach and tested by hypothesis testing of three models.

    pdf16p longtimenosee10 26-04-2024 4 1   Download

  • The process of integrating with the popularity of digital technology has changed the way of financial accounting practices, as well as posed certain requirements on the capacity of the account and audit team. However, in fact, every year, Vietnam has tens of thousands of students graduating from colleges and universities that are major in accounting and auditing but they can not immediately meet the requirements of businesses, they even have to be retrained. Therefore, improving the quality of training is an urgent requirement for the accounting and auditing field nowadays.

    pdf3p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 7 1   Download

  • This study aims to analyze the simultaneous relationship between supply chain strategy and profitability. This study will also analyze the effect of capital structure and profitability on firm value based on the supply chain strategy. Furthermore, it will analyze the factors that influence capital structure, profitability and firm value in manufacturing companies in Indonesia.

    pdf13p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 2 0   Download

  • The research subject is the process of economic and mathematical modelling of time series characterizing the bitcoin exchange rate volatility, based on the use of artificial neural networks. The purpose of the work is to search and scientifically substantiate the tools and mechanisms for developing prognostic estimates of the crypto currency market development. The paper considers the task of financial time series trend forecasting using the LSTM neural network for supply chain strategies.

    pdf5p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 7 1   Download

  • Trong xu hướng hội nhập quốc tế, kế toán Việt Nam ngày càng tiệm cận với kế toán quốc tế. Bộ Tài Chính đã và đang xây dựng lộ trình áp dụng Chuẩn mực báo cáo tài chính quốc tế (IFRS – International Financial Reporting Standards) tại Việt Nam. Bài viết này tập trung vào xem xét vai trò của chuyển đổi số trong quá trình thu thập dữ liệu và chạy mô hình ước tính giá trị khi áp dụng IFRS.

    pdf11p viohoyo 02-04-2024 4 1   Download

  • Bài giảng "Kiểm soát nội bộ: Chương 1 - Tổng quan về kiểm soát nội bộ" trình bày các nội dung chính sau đây: Định nghĩa về kiểm soát nội bộ; Lịch sử phát triển kiểm soát nội bộ; Các khuôn mẫu kiểm soát nội bộ và báo cáo Coso; Kiểm soát nội bộ đối với lập và trình bày báo cáo tài chính cho bên ngoài ( Internal Control Over External Financial Reporting – ICFR); Vai trò và trách nhiệm đối với Kiểm soát nội bộ. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!

    ppt25p gaupanda017 19-03-2024 10 4   Download

  • In addition to financial liberalization - our main explanatory variable, we control other factors which may affect SMEs’ collateral requirements such as country and firm characteristics. The main result shows that financial liberalization increases the likelihood of collateral requirements.

    pdf15p vimarillynhewson 02-01-2024 4 1   Download

  • Bài giảng "Thẩm định đầu tư công: Bài 11 - Giá trị kinh tế của hàng ngoại thương, tỷ giá hối đoái, vốn, lao động và đất đai" trình bày những nội dung chính sau đây: ước lượng lợi ích kinh tế của dự án; giá tài chính và kinh tế của hàng ngoại thương; tỷ giá hối đoái tài chính (financial exchange rate – FER) và tỷ giá hối đoái kinh tế (shadow exchange rate – SER);... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết!

    pdf13p kimphuong1144 04-12-2023 7 3   Download

  • Bài giảng "Tài chính phát triển: Bài 4 - Từ áp chế tài chính đến tự do hóa tài chính" trình bày những nội dung chính sau đây: một số nghiên cứu về áp chế tài chính; áp chế tài chính (Financial Repression); các hình thức áp chế tài chính; sơ đồ về hệ thống tài chính bị áp chế;... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết!

    pdf39p kimphuong1144 04-12-2023 8 4   Download

  • Master's thesis "Factors impacting on abnormal investment of listed firms in Ho Chi Minh stock exchange" to study factors impacting on abnormal investment in Vietnam, namely that factors are free cash flow and dividends. To achieve the main purpose, the study aims to first classify abnormal investment into two categories, over- and under-investment, by using an accounting-based framework developed by Richardson (2006) and Guariglia and Yang (2016).

    pdf125p caongulam 10-11-2023 13 7   Download



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