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Health benefits

Xem 1-19 trên 19 kết quả Health benefits
  • The main objective of this thesis is to illustrate the benefits of using a cultural studies approach in the field of health communication research in Thailand. In this thesis I apply a cultural studies approach to examine the construction of meanings involving drug use and abuse in Thai television advertisements and dramas. The thesis has as its focus analyses of television texts and audience responses.

    pdf316p runthenight07 01-03-2023 5 2   Download

  • Those living with disadvantage suffer from higher rates of chronic conditions and multimorbidities. Little work has been done to investigate how this cohort experience patient-centred care and what their outcomes might be. This study showed that as a result of a short course of treatment clients experienced better levels of health and wellbeing and decreased levels of pain and disability. Interview data suggest that this may be due to a combination of therapy, setting and relationships formed within that setting.

    pdf177p runthenight04 02-02-2023 3 1   Download

  • The dihydrochalcone phlorizin (phloretin 2¢-glucoside) contributes to the flavor, color and health benefits of apple fruit and processed products. A genomics approach was used to identify the geneMdPGT1in apple (Ma-lus x domestica) with homology to the UDP-glycosyltransferase 88 family of uridine diphosphate glycosyltransferases that show specificity towards flavonoid substrates.

    pdf11p galaxyss3 07-03-2013 48 3   Download

  • Implementing and Managing Networks Describe the elements and benefits of project management Manage a network implementation project Understand network management and the importance of baselining to assess a network’s health Plan and follow regular hardware and software maintenance routines Describe the steps involved in upgrading network hardware and software

    ppt50p itvovantien 13-07-2012 89 11   Download

  • In the early 1980’s, the Japanese were the first to recognize dairy components as having significant contributions to “physiologically functional foods.” Since then there has been an increasing number of investigations that have supported this view.Current evidence for the health benefits of most dairy foods and dairy components is based primarily on in vitro and in vivo animal studies. Human clinical studies are still needed in many areas.

    ppt34p nhocbuonthich 18-06-2012 132 24   Download

  • New technologies have led to revisiting of the individual-collective relation in public health …and to questions of their impact on health inequalities The upholding of ‘choice’ coincides with new forms of stratification No consistency in argument Examples: nutrigenetics, obesity and functional foods

    ppt35p nhocbuonthich 18-06-2012 79 11   Download

  • Small farmers in central Vietnam mainly Mong Cai breed, Mini pigs, and SocHighland, be adapted to local conditions which have limited performance and economic efficiency. Genetic improvement of local varieties by the introduction of high performance Mong Cai breed pure lines and exotic breeding program will lead to significant benefits for small farmers if it could be linked to a birth plan-to-finish integrated management (focusing on health, breeding, housing and nutrition) to improve manufacturing parameters and limits health problems.

    pdf12p xau_la 10-02-2012 63 5   Download

  • Small farmers in central Vietnam mainly Mong Cai breed, small pigs, and SocHighland, well adapted to local conditions but the performance and economic efficiency. Genetic improvement of local varieties by introducing the high performance of Mong Cai for breeding pure lines and exotic breeding program will lead to significant benefits for small farmers if it can be associated with a plan-to-finish delivery of integrated management (focusing on health, breeding, housing and nutrition) to improve the production parameters and the limited health problems....

    pdf21p xau_la 10-02-2012 57 7   Download

  • Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học Wertheim cung cấp cho các bạn kiến thức về ngành y đề tài: Ethnobotany, diverse food uses, claimed health benefits and implications on conservation of barley landraces in North Eastern Ethiopia highlands...

    pdf15p thulanh23 21-11-2011 50 2   Download

  • Liver fibrosis ranks as the second cause of death in México's productive-age population. This pathology is characterized by acummulation of fibrillar proteins in hepatic parenchyma causing synthetic and metabolic disfunction. Remotion of excessive fibrous proteins might result in benefit for subjects increasing survival index. The goal of this work was to find whether the already known therapeutical effect of human urokinase Plasminogen Activator and human Matrix Metalloprotease 8 extends survival index in cirrhotic animals.

    pdf9p toshiba23 18-11-2011 48 3   Download

  • Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học Critical Care giúp cho các bạn có thêm kiến thức về ngành y học đề tài: The establishment of a primary spine care practitioner and its benefits to health care reform in the United States...

    pdf11p thulanh18 28-10-2011 44 1   Download

  • Briefly describe the point of this lesson, which is that the class will be learning about the relationship between good nutrition and health. Fruit: List a few examples of fruits that are plentiful in your area. Discuss how many servings a day children should eat and when they might have them. Together, research and discuss the health benefits of fruits. Encourage children to list foods that they like from this food group.

    ppt12p lehuuloi 29-12-2010 426 125   Download

  • Gastrointestinal Illness Decreased levels of gastric acid, abnormal gastrointestinal mucosal immunity, other complications of HIV infection, and medications taken by HIVinfected patients make travelers' diarrhea especially problematic in these individuals. Travelers' diarrhea is likely to occur more frequently, be more severe, be accompanied by bacteremia, and be more difficult to treat. Although uncommon, Cryptosporidium, Isospora belli, and Microsporidium infections are associated with increased morbidity and mortality in AIDS patients.

    pdf5p thanhongan 07-12-2010 89 4   Download

  • Table 116-4 Standards for Immunization Practice Child and Adolescent Immunization Practice 1. Immunization services are readily available. 2. Vaccinations are coordinated with other health care services and provided in a "medical home" when possible. 3. Barriers to vaccination are identified and minimized. 4. Patient's costs are minimized. 5. Health care professionals review the vaccination and health status of patients at every encounter to determine which vaccines are indicated. 6. Health care professionals assess for and follow only medically accepted contraindications. 7.

    pdf6p thanhongan 07-12-2010 97 6   Download

  • Risk Assessment Vaccines are considered safe when the risk of use is judged to be acceptable in relation to the benefits. For vaccines given to healthy individuals for diseases that are no longer common, acceptable risks are set at very low levels—indeed, far lower than for most medical products. However, "safety" does not and cannot ever mean "zero risk." The determination of safety is thus based on a scientific assessment of the data and a considered judgment of all the issues involved, including benefits and risks.

    pdf9p thanhongan 07-12-2010 131 5   Download

  • Efficacy of SNS in Different Disease States Efficacy studies have shown that malnourished patients undergoing major thoracoabdominal surgery benefit from SNS. Critical illness requiring ICU care including major burns, major trauma, severe sepsis, closed head injury, and severe pancreatitis [positive CT scan and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) 10] all benefit by early SNS, as indicated by reduced mortality and morbidity. In critical illness, initiation of SNS within 24 h of injury or ICU admission is associated with a ~50% reduction in mortality.

    pdf5p konheokonmummim 03-12-2010 66 4   Download

  • Government role Governments establish regulations to protect the safety and health of their citizens, to manage their environment and resources, and to ensure national security. Citizen value Citizens benefit from regulations that provide protection AND facilitate market development, technology diffusion, and business investment.

    ppt17p tiennuhoiai 18-07-2010 72 9   Download

  • Benefits Analysis Sheet Use this to analyze various benefits packages and quotes from providers you are considering. Type provider names in the {Provider} placeholders at the top of each column and enter itemized information to compare packages at a glance. Health HEALTH PLAN Employer Cost: Employee Cost: Covered: {Provider 1} {Provider 2} {Provider 3} {Provider 4} Not Covered: Additional Information: Dental DENTAL PLAN Employer Cost: Employee Cost: Covered: {Provider 1} {Provider 2} {Provider 3} {Provider 4} Not Covered: Additional Information: Provided By HR.

    pdf3p thanh_trieu 25-12-2009 104 10   Download

  • In a complex enterprise computing environment, the ability to centrally monitor and manage key system components can provide many benefits: greater operational efficiency, faster issue resolution, higher availability to meet service level agreement (SLA) requirements, more efficient server auditing, and improved planning, among others. Oracle Enterprise Manager delivers benefits like these by centrally monitoring and managing the health of an organization’s complete Oracle systems.

    pdf2p bichhuyen 19-06-2009 197 9   Download



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