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HSK Standard Course 2

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  • The main content of Ebook HSK Standard Course 4下 (Workbook): Part 2 including 5 exercises for each of the 5 lessons in the textbook: Lesson 16 生活可以更美好; Lesson 17 人与自然; Lesson 18 科技与世界; Lesson 19 生活的味道; Lesson 20 路上的风景. This book can help students succeed in the HSK Level 4 test and all-roundly improve their Chinese competence and proficiency.

    pdf67p runordie6 05-08-2022 18 6   Download

  • The main content of Ebook HSK Standard Course 5下 (Workbook): Part 2 including 4 exercises for each of the 4 lessons in the textbook: Lesson 33 以堵治堵——缓解交通有妙招; Lesson 34 鸟儿的护肤术; Lesson 35 植物会出汗; Lesson 36 老舍与养花.

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  • This is Textbook 5下 Part 2, which includes 9 lessons: Lessons 28 最受欢迎的毕业生; Lessons 29 培养对手; Lessons 30 竞争让市场更高效; Lessons 31 登门槛效应; Lessons 32 身边的环保; Lesson 33 以堵治堵——缓解交通有妙招; Lesson 34 鸟儿的护肤术; Lesson 35 植物会出汗; Lesson 36 老舍与养花. Upon finishing this book, students will be able to make conversations on a wide range of topics in Chinese and fluently communicate with native Chinese speakers.

    pdf103p runordie6 05-08-2022 13 6   Download

  • This is Textbook 4下 Part 2, which includes 5 lessons: Lesson 17 人与自然; Lesson 18 科技与世界; Lesson 19 生活的味道; Lesson 20 路上的风景. Upon finishing this book, students will be able to make conversations on a wide range of topics in Chinese and fluently communicate with native Chinese speakers.

    pdf73p runordie6 05-08-2022 18 5   Download

  • This is the ebook HSK Standard Course 6下 (Workbook): Part 2, including exercises for each of the 6 lessons in the textbook, from lesson 35 to lesson 40: Lesson 35: 走进木版年画 Approaching the woodblock New Years Pictures; Lesson 36: 中国古代书院 The ancient Chinese academics; Lesson 37: 警察的故事 Stories of the policemen; Lesson 38: 慧眼捕捉商机 Having an insight into business opportunities; Lesson 39: 互联网时代的生活 Life in the Internet era; Lesson 40: 人类超能力会改变世界纪录吗 Will superhuman powers change the world records? This book can help students succeed in the HSK Level 6 test and all-roundly improve their Chinese compe...

    pdf138p runordie6 05-08-2022 14 5   Download

  • This is ebook HSK Standard Course 6下 (Textbook): Part 2 which includes 8 lessons: Lesson 32: 有时, 不妨悲伤 Sometimes it’s good to be sad; Lesson 33: 怀念慢生活 Cherishing the memory of slow life; Lesson 34: 为文物而生的人 A person who was born for cultural relics; Lesson 35: 走进木版年画 Approaching the woodblock New Years Pictures; Lesson 36: 中国古代书院 The ancient Chinese academics; Lesson 37: 警察的故事 Stories of the policemen; Lesson 38: 慧眼捕捉商机 Having an insight into business opportunities; Lesson 39: 互联网时代的生活 Life in the Internet era; Lesson 40: 人类超能力会改变世界纪录吗 Will superhuman powers change the world records?


    pdf132p runordie6 05-08-2022 8 4   Download

  • HSK Standard Course Textbook 1 includes 15 lessons and covers 150 words and 45 language points required by the HSK Level 1 test. Upon finishing this book, students will be able to “understand and use a few simple Chinese words and sentences to meet their specific needs in communication and to prepare themselves for further learning”.

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  • Ebook HSK Standard Course 1 (Textbook): Part 2 include lessons: Lesson 8: I’d like some tea 我想喝茶; Lesson 9: Where does your son work 你的儿子在哪儿工作; Lesson 10: Can I sit here 我能坐这儿吗; Lesson 11: What is the time now 现在几点; Lesson 12: What will the weather be like tomorrow 明天天气怎么样; Lesson 13: He is learning to cook Chinese food 他在学做中国菜呢; Lesson 14: She has bought quite a few clothes 她买了很多衣服; Lesson 15: I came here by air 我是坐飞机来的.

    pdf74p runordie6 05-08-2022 11 6   Download

  • HSK Standard Course 1 including exercises for each of the 15 lessons in the textbook, one HSK Level 1 model test, and an introduction to the HSK Level 1 test. This is Ebook HSK Standard Course 1 (Workbook): Part 2 including exercises for each of the 8 lessons in the textbook.

    pdf77p runordie6 05-08-2022 11 5   Download

  • HSK Standard Course 2 Textbook includes 15 lessons and covers 300 words (of Levels 1 and 2) and language points required by the HSK Level 2 test. Ebook HSK Standard Course 2 (Textbook): Part 1 include lessons: Lesson 1: September is the best time to visit Beijing 九月去北京旅游最好; Lesson 2: I get up at six everyday 我每天六点起床; Lesson 3: The red one on the left is mine 左边那个红色的是我的; Lesson 4: He recommended me for this job 这个工作是他帮我介绍的; Lesson 5:Take this one 就买这件吧; Lesson 6: Why don’t you eat more 你怎么不吃了; Lesson 7: Do you live far from your company 你家离公司远吗.

    pdf72p runordie6 05-08-2022 15 7   Download

  • HSK Standard Course 2 (Workbook) includes exercises for each of the 15 lessons in the textbook, one HSK Level 2 model test, and an introduction to the HSK Level 2 test. This book can help students succeed in the HSK Level 2 test and all-roundly improve their Chinese competence and proficiency. This is Ebook HSK Standard Course 2 (Workbook): Part 1 including exercises for each of the 7 lessons in the textbook.

    pdf77p runordie6 05-08-2022 12 5   Download

  • Ebook HSK Standard Course 2 (Textbook): Part 2 include lessons: Lesson 8:Let me think about it and I’ll tell you later 让我想想再告诉你; Lesson 9:There were too many questions; I didn’t finish all of them 题太多,我没做完; Lesson 10:Stop looking for your cell phone; it’s on the desk 别找了,手机在桌子上呢; Lesson 11:He is three years older than me 他比我大三岁; Lesson 12:You wear too little 你穿得太少了; Lesson 13:The door is open 门开着呢; Lesson 14: Have you seen that movie 你看过那个电影吗; Lesson 15: The New Year is coming 新年就要到了.

    pdf76p runordie6 05-08-2022 14 5   Download

  • Ebook HSK Standard Course 2 (Character book) covers the most basic 150 words in the Chinese language, which are based on the Chinese level 2 proficiency exam (HSK 2). This book supports both simplified and traditional Chinese characters.

    pdf36p runordie6 05-08-2022 9 5   Download

  • HSK Standard Course 3 Textbook includes 20 lessons and covers 600 words and language points required by the HSK Level 3 test.

    pdf92p runordie6 05-08-2022 19 5   Download

  • Ebook HSK Standard Course 3 (Textbook): Part 2 include lessons: Lesson 12: Leave the important items with me 把重要的东西放在我这儿吧; Lesson 13: I walked back我是走回来的; Lesson 14: Please bring the fruit here 请把水果拿过来; Lesson 15: The rest of them are all OK 其他都没有问题; Lesson 16: I am so tired that I want to do nothing but sleep after work 我现在累得下了班就想睡觉; Lesson 17: Everybody is able to cure your “disease” 谁都有办法看好你的“病”; Lesson 18: I believe they’ll agree 我相信他们会统一的; Lesson 19: Didn’t you recognize him 你没看出来吗; Lesson 20: I’ve been influenced by him 我被他影响了.

    pdf108p runordie6 05-08-2022 12 5   Download

  • HSK Standard Course 2 (Workbook) is used to support HSK Standard Course 2. It aims to be in accordance with the HSK, and to provide students with training in listening and reading skills without neglecting practice in pronunciation and characters. This is Ebook HSK Standard Course 1 (Workbook): Part 2 including exercises for each of the 8 lessons in the textbook.

    pdf85p runordie6 05-08-2022 14 4   Download

  • This is Ebook HSK Standard Course 3 (Workbook): Part 2 including exercises for each of the 9 lessons in the textbook. This book can help students succeed in the HSK Level 3 test and all-roundly improve their Chinese competence and proficiency. The workbook is illustrated with plenty of photos matching the style of the test.

    pdf85p runordie6 05-08-2022 15 4   Download

  • HSK Standard Course 4A Workbook includes exercises for each of the 10 lessons in the textbook, one HSK Level 4 model test, and a Chinese-English introduction to the HSK Level 4 test. The main content of Ebook HSK Standard Course 4B (Workbook): Part 1 including 5 exercises for each of the 5 lessons in the textbook: Lesson 1: 简单的爱情; Lesson 2: 真正的朋友; Lesson 3: 经理对我印象不错; Lesson 4: 不要太着急赚钱; Lesson 5: 只买对的,不买贵的.

    pdf52p runordie6 05-08-2022 24 6   Download

  • HSK Standard Course 4上 (Textbook) includes 10 lessons, covering about 300 words (half of the Level 4 vocabulary) and the detailed explanations of 50 language points and 10 groups of confusable phrases. This is Textbook 4上 Part 1, which includes 5 lessons: Lesson 1简单的爱情; Lesson 2真正的朋友; Lesson 3经理对我印象不错; Lesson 4不要太着急赚钱; Lesson 5只买对的,不买贵的.

    pdf75p runordie6 05-08-2022 9 6   Download

  • The main content of Ebook HSK Standard Course 4上 (Workbook): Part 2 including 5 exercises for each of the 5 lessons in the textbook: Lesson 6: 一分钱一分货; Lesson 7: 做好的医生是自己; Lesson 8: 生活中不缺少美; Lesson 9: 阳光总在风雨后; Lesson 10: 幸福的标准. This book can help students succeed in the HSK Level 4 test and all-roundly improve their Chinese competence and proficiency.

    pdf50p runordie6 05-08-2022 17 5   Download



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