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Increase crop yields

Xem 1-9 trên 9 kết quả Increase crop yields
  • Hybrid technology in many crops has contributed 20-30 per cent increase in the production and exploitation of heterosis through the development of F1 hybrids which has been recently deployed in rice with yield advantage of 20-25 per cent over best pure lines. The main aim of any plant breeding programme is to develop special high yielding hybrids and success of any plant breeding programme depends on the choice of appropriate genotypes as parents in the hybridization programme.

    pdf13p angicungduoc6 22-07-2020 23 1   Download

  • Front line demonstration is an effective and appropriate tool to demonstrate recommended technologies among the farmers. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, JAU, Amreli conducted 30 demonstrations on castor during 2015-16 to 2017-18 in the villages of Amreli district. The study found, the yield of castor in IT under irrigated conditions ranges from 25.70 to 27.85 q/ha whereas in FP it ranges between 19.45 to 22.31 q/ha. The per cent increase in yield with IP over FP was recorded in the range of 18.5 to 32.1%. The extension gap and technological index were ranging from 4.1 to 6.3 q/ha and 2.2 to 4.

    pdf5p gaocaolon5 14-06-2020 22 1   Download

  • Increasing the productivity of rapeseed as one of the widely cultivated oil crops in the world is of upmost importance. As flowering time and plant architecture play a key role in the regulation of rapeseed yield, understanding the genetic mechanism underlying these traits can boost the rapeseed breeding

    pdf12p vishikamaru2711 29-04-2020 15 1   Download

  • Under high plant density, intensifying competition among individual plants led to overconsumption of energy and nutrients and resulted in an almost dark condition in the lower strata of the canopy, which suppressed the photosynthetic potential of the shaded leaves. Leaf removal could help to ameliorate this problem and increase crop yields.

    pdf12p vishikamaru2711 29-04-2020 13 0   Download

  • A field experiment was conducted during Kharif season of 2016 at College of Agriculture, Gwalior with a view to assess the effect of crop geometry and fertility levels on growth and productivity of Clusterbean. Experiment was laid out as randomized block design(RBD) replicated thrice with 10 treatments. The study revealed that among different crop geometry treatments, reducing 25% plant population (by increased plant intra-row spacing) gave significantly higher values of all growth attributes viz., plant height and number of branches/plant; yield attributes viz.

    pdf7p caygaocaolon4 04-04-2020 17 2   Download

  • Cashew is an important crop in Vietnam, and the government has assigned the development as a national priority gia.Nang cashew productivity has been increased since 2002, but the widespread use pesticides has caused health problems for farmers, animals and the environment. Article IPM program using ants as a key component in the development of Charles Darwin University (CDU) does not use toxic pesticides, but high-yield results. This project is using the CDU of IPM to develop and implement an IPM program that will work in conditions of Vietnam....

    pdf10p xinh_la 10-02-2012 70 7   Download

  • Cashew is an important crop in Vietnam, and the government has assigned the development as a national priority gia.Nang cashew productivity has increased since 2002, but the widespread use of drugs pesticides has caused health problems for farmers, animals and the environment. Article IPM program using ants as a key component in the development of Charles Darwin University (CDU) does not use toxic pesticides, but high-yield results. This project is using the CDU of IPM to develop and implement an IPM program that will work in conditions of Vietnam....

    pdf19p xau_la 10-02-2012 64 7   Download

  • Cashew is an important crop in Vietnam, and the government has assigned the development as a national priority gia.Nang cashew productivity has increased since 2002, but the widespread use of drugs pesticides has caused health problems for farmers, animals and the environment. Article IPM program using ants as a key component in the development of Charles Darwin University (CDU) does not use toxic pesticides, but high-yield results. This project is using the CDU of IPM to develop and implement an IPM program that will work in conditions of Vietnam.

    pdf24p xau_la 10-02-2012 67 6   Download

  • Cashew is an important crop in Vietnam, and the government has assigned the development as a national priority. Cashew productivity has increased since 2002, but the widespread use of pesticides has caused health problems for farmers, animals and the environment. Article IPM program using ants as a key component in the development of Charles Darwin University (CDU) does not use toxic pesticides, but high-yield results. This project is using the CDU of IPM to develop and implement an IPM program that will work in conditions of Vietnam.

    pdf12p xau_la 10-02-2012 72 8   Download



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