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International transportation

Xem 1-20 trên 24 kết quả International transportation
  • The research aims to systematize the theoretical basis of road traffic accidents find out the way to determine damage caused by road traffic accidents. Accordingly, a model to determine the damage caused by road traffic accidents may be developed in satisfaction of the following requirements: quick, timely, accurate determination and in compliance with international practices.

    pdf28p gaocaolon12 18-06-2021 18 3   Download

  • Research objectives Assessing the impact level of components of IC on the effectiveness of the IC of VITC as a basis for proposing solutions for improving the effectiveness of the IC of VITC.

    pdf27p hobbsandshaw 09-06-2021 14 3   Download

  • On the basis of clarifying theoretical issues on multimodal transport, multimodal transport law; the purpose of the thesis is to evaluate the legal status and effectiveness of law enforcement on multimodal transport in Vietnam, to recommend a number of solutions to improve the law and improve the effectiveness of law enforcement on multimodal transport.

    pdf29p nguathienthan10 23-02-2021 24 3   Download

  • The research purpose of this thesis is to clarify both theoretical and practical aspects of legal provisions of Vietnamese workers working abroad under the agreements on labor cooperation between Vietnam and other countries; current legal status, and building directions and solutions to complete the Vietnamese law on labor cooperation with foreign countries in the current context of international integration.

    pdf26p nguathienthan10 23-02-2021 37 5   Download

  • Some issues on inflectional and derivational morphology in English; Using VOA special English in teaching listening skill for the first year international relation cadets at Military Science Academy; A study on English reading strategies employed by construction engineering students at University of Transport and Communications....

    pdf124p kethamoi 02-10-2019 30 1   Download

  • Studying and proposing solutions to improve management accounting of cost of road construction cost at civil engineering construction corporations under the MOT in the context of market economy and international economic integration.

    pdf27p quenchua 28-09-2019 54 4   Download

  • Endocytic and biosynthetic trafficking pathways to the lysosome⁄vacuole converge at the prevacuolar endosomal compartment. During transport through this compartment, integral membrane proteins that are destined for delivery to the lysosome⁄vacuole lumen undergo multivesicular body (MVB) sorting into internal vesicles formed by invagination of the endo-somal limiting membrane.

    pdf17p inspiron33 26-03-2013 34 4   Download

  • Prokaryotes, yeasts and plants synthesize thiamin (vitamin B1) via complex pathways. Animal cells capture the vitamin through specific high-affinity transporters essential for internal thiamin homeostasis. Inside the cells, thi-amin is phosphorylated to higher phosphate derivatives. Thiamin diphos-phate (ThDP) is the best-known thiamin compound because of its role as an enzymatic cofactor.

    pdf9p viettel02 22-02-2013 30 2   Download

  • Đợc phát triển bởi tổ chức tiêu chuẩn thế giới ISO (International Standard Organization) Gồm có 7 tầng: Tầng vật lý (Physical layer) . Tầng liên kết dữ liệu (Data link layer) Tầng mạng (Network layer) . Tầng vận chuyển (Transport layer) . Tầng giao dịch (Session layer) . Tầng trình bỡy (Presentation) . Tầng ứng dụng (Application layer) .

    pdf13p nghiapro512 22-09-2012 130 28   Download

  • Air travel is continuing to experience the fastest growth among all modes of transport. Increasing total fuel consumption and the potential impacts of aircraft engine emissions on the global atmosphere have motivated the industry, scientific community, and international governments to seek various emissions reduction options. Despite the efforts to understand and mitigate the impacts of aviation emissions, it still remains uncertain whether proposed emissions reduction options are technologically and financially feasible....

    pdf160p muakhuya 03-09-2012 65 6   Download

  • The budget deficit equivalent to total government spending tax minus total government spending revenue.If income tax independently, but depend on the net income, The relevance of seaports in the efficient working of an economy cannot be understated since all goods and passengers transported by sea require the use of, at least, two ports. In the majority of countries, most international trade (export/import), and in some cases also large shares of domestic trade, is done through maritime transport.

    ppt9p nhatro75 09-07-2012 68 5   Download

  • This report provides basic data concerning the development of plantation sawlogs glue in central and northern Vietnam, logging, harvesting and transportation, and processing of sawn boards in a sawmill. Planting Acacia pulpwood to appear as a profitable enterprise for small-scale farms, many of them are prepared to borrow from banks to establish plantations. Acacia hybrid clones are the materials most popular varieties. A simple spreadsheet financial model for pulpwood development has been developed that internal rate of return can be as high as 24% in basic conditions....

    pdf19p xau_la 10-02-2012 66 7   Download

  • This business plan leads the way. Renewing our vision and strategic focus: value to the target market segment of our small business and advanced home office users, the market of our local. It also provides step-by-step plan sales improved our gross margin, and profitability. This plan includes this summary, and the chapter on companies, products and services, market focus, action plans and forecasts, management team, and financial planning.

    pdf40p khanhpro89 11-10-2011 88 15   Download

  • Đã phát quang để hạ cánh? Thương hiệu hàng không và Trung Quốc Đây là khoảng thời gian khó khăn đối với các thương hiệu hàng không, nhưng nếu thương hiệu nào đó thu hút được khách hàng Trung Quốc, nó hoàn toàn có thể vượt qua “giai đoạn sống còn” này – Mikko Rautio, Trưởng cơ quan đại diện của Finnair tại Trung Quốc Theo International Air Transport Association, sau vài tháng tăng trưởng, vận tải hàng không trên toàn cầu đã đi xuống, đây là đợt suy giảm đầu tiên trong vòng 5 năm qua, lượng hành khách giảm...

    pdf9p messi1357 24-02-2011 80 4   Download

  • Pathogenesis Contamination of wounds with spores of C. tetani is probably a frequent occurrence. Germination and toxin production, however, take place only in wounds with low oxidation-reduction potential, such as those with devitalized tissue, foreign bodies, or active infection. C. tetani does not itself evoke inflammation, and the portal of entry retains a benign appearance unless coinfection with other organisms is present.

    pdf5p colgate_colgate 21-12-2010 63 2   Download

  • The microbiology laboratory must be an ally in the diagnostic endeavor. Astute laboratory personnel will suggest optimal culture and transport conditions or alternative tests to facilitate diagnosis. If informed about specific potential pathogens, an alert laboratory staff will allow sufficient time for these organisms to become evident in culture, even when the organisms are present in small numbers or are slow-growing.

    pdf9p thanhongan 07-12-2010 72 4   Download

  • Abnormalities of the Glycolytic Pathway (Fig. 101-1) Since red cells, in the course of their differentiation, have sacrificed not only their nucleus and their ribosomes but also their mitochondria, they rely exclusively on the anaerobic portion of the glycolytic pathway for producing energy in the form of ATP. Most of the ATP is required by the red cell for cation transport against a concentration gradient across the membrane. If this fails, due to a defect of any of the enzymes of the glycolytic pathway, the result will be hemolytic disease.

    pdf6p thanhongan 07-12-2010 88 4   Download

  • SECRETORY CAUSES Secretory diarrheas are due to derangements in fluid and electrolyte transport across the enterocolonic mucosa. They are characterized clinically by watery, large-volume fecal outputs that are typically painless and persist with fasting. Because there is no malabsorbed solute, stool osmolality is accounted for by normal endogenous electrolytes with no fecal osmotic gap. Medications Side effects from regular ingestion of drugs and toxins are the most common secretory causes of chronic diarrhea.

    pdf5p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 65 3   Download

  • Pathophysiology of Dysphagia Based on anatomic site of involvement, dysphagia may be divided into oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal dysphagia. Normal transport of an ingested bolus through the swallowing passage depends on the size of the ingested bolus and size of the lumen, the force of peristaltic contraction, and deglutitive inhibition, including normal relaxation of UES and LES during swallowing.

    pdf8p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 69 2   Download

  • Disorders of the Sense of Taste Disorders of the sense of taste are caused by conditions that interfere with the access of the tastant to the receptor cells in the taste bud (transport loss), injure receptor cells (sensory loss), or damage gustatory afferent nerves and central gustatory pathways (neural loss) (Table 30-2). Transport gustatory losses result from xerostomia due to many causes, including Sjögren's syndrome, radiation therapy, heavy-metal intoxication, and bacterial colonization of the taste pore.

    pdf5p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 72 6   Download



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