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Kiến trúc evolution

Xem 1-20 trên 21 kết quả Kiến trúc evolution
  • Trong bệnh viện, cảm biến được đặt tại các phòng khám nhằm giám sát số lượng bệnh nhân đến khám chữa bệnh. Trong điều trị, bệnh nhân mang các thiết bị cảm biến sinh trắc học để theo dõi sức khỏe.... Nghiên cứu đề xuất mô hình mạng động cho bài toán lập lịch tài nguyên trong mạng LTE nhằm nâng cao chất lượng dịch vụ và là một phần của bệnh viện thông minh.

    pdf8p vijihyo2711 25-09-2021 20 2   Download

  • Đồ Án Tổng Hợp.Đề Tài: Tổng Quan Về Công Nghệ W-CDMA..Tên đề tài:..Tổng quan về công nghệ W-CDMA.Sinh viên: Nguyễn Trung Tuấn.GVHD:..Th.S. Trần Thanh Hà..Lớp:..09LTĐT..GVHD: Th.S. Trần Thanh Hà..1..SVTH: Nguyễn Trung Tuấn...Đồ Án Tổng Hợp.Đề Tài: Tổng Quan Về Công Nghệ W-CDMA..LỜI NÓI ĐẦU.Nhu cầu trao đổi thông tin là nhu cầu thiết yếu trong xã hội hiện đại. Các hệ thống.thông tin di động với khản năng giúp con người trao đổi thông tin mọi lúc, mọi nơi đã.phát triển rất nhanh và đang trở thành không thể thiếu được trong xã hội thông tin ngày.nay.

    pdf78p bautroibinhyen1 02-11-2016 161 11   Download

  • Trong những năm gần đây, mạng không dây ngày càng trở nên phổ biến với sự ra đời của hàng loạt những công nghệ khác nhau như Wi-Fi (802.1x), WiMax (802.16)...

    pdf123p khanhhungno1 24-03-2014 288 127   Download

  • Công nghệ WiMAX là giải pháp tương thích tổng hợp cung cấp đa dịch vụ cùng lúc cho nhiều người dùng ở khoảng cách xa đồng thời cho phép các nhà khai thác dịch vụ hội tụ kỹ thuật trên nền mạng IP. Do đó mặc dù hiện nay công nghệ 3G đang phát triển với tốc độ dữ liệu không ngừng tăng việc nghiên cứu WiMAX vẫn có tính thời sự, nó vẫn là đích nhắm cho phát triển công nghệ thế hệ sau (Long Term Evolution - LTE) và đặc biệt nó là giải pháp kinh tế khi...

    pdf77p daodungdkn117 03-05-2013 118 28   Download

  • To commemorate the 50th year of modern computing and the Computer Society, the timeline on the following pages traces the evolution of computing and computer technology.

    pdf68p tiasangmoi 09-04-2011 85 7   Download

  • Reference Architecture This chapter provides a consolidated view of the software-radio architecture models developed throughout the text for convenient reference. This consists of a radio platform view (Figure 16-1) and a software components view

    pdf2p tienvovan 11-09-2010 90 8   Download

  • This chapter develops illustrative applications, including the design of a contemporary SDR infrastructure product, the disaster-relief system. I. THE DESIGN PROCESS The implementation of SDR applications can be structured into an SDR design process. This process begins with the definition of a concept of operations (CONOPS), in which functions of the product are identified. The next stage, system definition, includes rapid prototyping and benchmarking. The third stage, system development, includes the implementation of hardware-software components. ...

    pdf11p tienvovan 11-09-2010 83 7   Download

  • Smart Antennas Smart antennas are an important application of SDR technology [381]. An in-depth treatment is beyond the scope of this chapter. The objective is to introduce the topic to identify the implications of smart antennas for softwareradio architecture. The smart antenna is a logical extension of antenna diversity described above [382].

    pdf15p tienvovan 11-09-2010 95 10   Download

  • Performance Management The material covered in this chapter can reduce DSP hardware costs by a factor of 2 : 1 or more. Thus it is pivotal and in some sense the culmination of the SDR design aspects of this text. I. OVERVIEW OF PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Resources critical to software radio architecture include I/O bandwidth, memory, and processing capacity.

    pdf30p tienvovan 11-09-2010 72 9   Download

  • Software Component Characteristics This chapter addresses the structure and function of low-level software components. These include algorithms, modules (e.g., Ada packages, C++ objects), and APIs. The perspective is bottom-up, with the emphasis on computational complexity. Low-level algorithms may be simple at first, but complexity can increase over time. The increases in complexity can occur with research advances. Measures taken to compensate for a performance problem in one area (e.g., noisy voice channel) can increase complexity of an algorithm (e.g.

    pdf53p tienvovan 11-09-2010 86 8   Download

  • Software Architecture Tradeoffs This chapter addresses software design for SDR nodes. This includes software functions, hardware-software interactions, object-oriented design, and software architecture. It also addresses the evolution of the software components of SDR designs. Architecture tradeoffs addressed include the partitioning of software into objects. The boundaries of functional-interfaces and levels of abstraction determine the potential for reuse.

    pdf37p tienvovan 11-09-2010 103 9   Download

  • Digital Processing Tradeoffs This chapter addresses digital hardware architectures for SDRs. A digital hardware design is a configuration of digital building blocks. These include ASICs, FPGAs, ADCs, DACs, digital interconnect, digital filters, DSPs, memory, bulk storage, I/O channels, and/or general-purpose processors. A digital hardware architecture may be characterized via a reference platform, the minimum set of characteristics necessary to define a consistent family of designs of SDR hardware....

    pdf35p tienvovan 11-09-2010 79 13   Download

  • ADC and DAC Tradeoffs This chapter introduces the relationship between ADCs, DACs, and software radios. Uniform sampling is the process of estimating signal amplitude once each T seconds, sampling at a consistent frequency of fs = 1=T Hz. Although s s there are other types of sampling, SDRs employ uniform-sampling ADCs.

    pdf23p tienvovan 11-09-2010 93 8   Download

  • RF/IF Conversion Segment Tradeoffs This chapter introduces the system-level design tradeoffs of the RF conversion segment. Software radios require wideband RF/IF conversion, large dynamic range, and programmable analog signal processing parameters. In addition, a high-quality SDR architecture includes specific measures to mitigate the interference readily generated by SDR operation. I. RF CONVERSION ARCHITECTURES The RF conversion segment of the canonical software radio is illustrated in Figure 8-1. The antenna segment may provide a single element for both transmission and reception....

    pdf24p tienvovan 11-09-2010 103 7   Download

  • Antenna Segment Tradeoffs The antenna segment establishes the available RF bands. Although much research has been applied toward creating an “all-band” antenna, multiband radios generally require at least one antenna per decade of RF band (e.g., HF, VHF, UHF, SHF, etc.). In addition, the antenna determines the directional properties of the receiving system. Sectorized antennas, static beamforming arrays, and adaptive beamforming arrays (smart antennas) each have different spatial and temporal properties, the most significant of which is the pattern of transmit and/or receive gain....

    pdf21p tienvovan 11-09-2010 99 9   Download

  • Segment Design Tradeoffs I. OVERVIEW The six steps in the systems-level design process associated with the software radio are illustrated in Figure 6-1. The tradeoffs proceed from front end to back end. The choice of antennas (step 1 in the figure) determines the number and bandwidth of RF channels (step 2). This, in turn, constrains the numbers and bandwidths of ADCs (step 3). Some waveforms may require dedicated ASICs (e.g., W-CDMA despreaders) in front of the ADCs. Additional parallel IF processing and ADC paths may be necessary to support multiple-service bands simultaneously....

    pdf8p tienvovan 11-09-2010 96 8   Download

  • Node-Level Architecture Analysis This chapter analyzes node-level software radio architecture. Attention turns to the internal functions, components, and design rules within a radio node. The canonical node architecture partitions software-radio functions into segments within which functions are functionally cohesive, and between which the segments are data-coupled. This approach conforms to well-established principles of structured design [183, 184]. SD has been superseded in contemporary practice by object-oriented technology (OOT) [185]....

    pdf65p tienvovan 11-09-2010 108 9   Download

  • Systems-Level Architecture Analysis The objective of this chapter is to give the reader practice in addressing software-radio architecture issues at the systems level. The study of systemslevel software-radio architecture is first motivated with a realistic case study. The case study includes the critical parameters of most radio architectures. The analysis focuses on those aspects that are significant for software-radio architecture. The balance of the chapter develops the issues raised in the case study. I.

    pdf59p tienvovan 11-09-2010 100 8   Download

  • The Radio Spectrum and RF Environment Radio is the penultimate medium for mobile communications, but it has also been used for many fixed-site applications such as AM/FM broadcast, satellite trunking, point-to-point microwave telephony, and digital TV. Although there are radio applications in very low frequencies (VLF) and extremely low frequencies (ELF), these bands require extensive fixed-site infrastructure whose size and cost is dominated by the mile-long antennas and megawatt-power handling requirements. SDR insertion opportunities in these bands are limited. ...

    pdf39p tienvovan 11-09-2010 125 11   Download

  • Architecture Evolution This chapter will convey a deeper understanding of the roots of the software radio. This includes the technical evolution that has resulted in today’s emphasis on SDR. And it includes the management motivations toward realizing appropriately tailored implementations. The chapter begins with an introduction to technology-demographics, a method for studying architecture.

    pdf38p tienvovan 11-09-2010 98 11   Download



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