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Library system

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  • This paper presents the recent improvements in the DeCART code for HTGR analysis. A new 190-group DeCART cross-section library based on ENDF/B-VII.0 was generated using the KAERI library processing system for HTGR. Two methods for the eigen-mode adjoint flux calculation were implemented. An azimuthal angle discretization method based on the Gaussian quadrature was implemented to reduce the error from the azimuthal angle discretization.

    pdf18p minhxaminhyeu3 12-06-2019 9 1   Download

  • In this chapter, the following content will be discussed: Overview, multicore programming, multithreading models, thread libraries, implicit threading, threading issues, operating system examples.

    ppt46p dien_vi02 07-10-2018 37 0   Download

  • Nội dung bài viết là báo cáo về tương lai kiểm soát thư mục của Quốc hội Mỹ (Library of Congress) và các điều tra nghiên cứu về xu hướng và nhu cầu của thư viện đại học và nghiên cứu của Ủy ban chung về Hệ thống Thông tin (Joint Information Systems Committee –JISC).

    pdf6p cumeo5000 06-08-2018 42 1   Download

  • In this paper, a domain specific ontology called Information Technology Ontology (ITO) is proposed. This ontology is built basing on three distinct sources of Wikipedia, WordNet and ACM Digital Library. An information extraction system focusing on computing domain based on this ontology in the future will be built.

    pdf10p dieutringuyen 07-06-2017 22 3   Download

  • Research purpose: Giving arguments, the scientific basis of the theoretical and practical of IR development and propose possible solutions for the development of IR of the public library system in Vietnam in terms of quantity and quality to meet the demand of users.

    pdf28p change01 05-05-2016 68 4   Download

  • Research aims: The research clarifes scientific evidences, practical basis and proposes a model of Information and Library system for training at Technical universities in Vietnam.

    pdf27p change00 04-05-2016 82 5   Download

  • Objectives of Input and Output is survey IO facilities in .NET Framework Class Library (file and directory management, text files, binary files, object serialization). It includes IO Library, Files and directories, File System Info, Utility classes, Choice of file/directory class.

    pdf0p cocacola_08 21-11-2015 50 2   Download

  • Bài giảng Tổng quan .Net Framework do Trần Anh Tuấn A biên soạn cung cấp cho các bạn những kiến thức về ý nghĩa .Net; bộ khung .Net Framework; Common Language Runtime (CLR); Common Type System (CTS); Gabage Collector (GC); Framework Class Library - FCL và một số kiến thức khác.

    ppt15p cocacola_08 21-11-2015 70 5   Download

  • Bài giảng Hệ điều hành Unix chương 7 trình bày về Linux file system. Các nội dung cần học trong chương này gồm có: Các khái niệm cơ bản, các loại filesystem cơ bản, virtual filesystem, file I/O, file standard library,... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.

    pdf8p namthangtinhlang_01 04-11-2015 91 5   Download

  • Nội dung bài giảng Vấn đề định chủ đề trình bày về sự phát triển Thư viện học thế giới – The Development of World Library, hai nền thư viện học – Two Library Systems, giai đoạn hợp nhất – The Union Stage, vấn đề Từ khóa đối với Tiêu đề đề mục – Problem of Keywords vs Subject Headings.

    pdf26p narrow_12 17-07-2014 141 16   Download

  • – Allows users to send electronic mail – Discussion groups, newsgroups, bulletin boards – Databases, library catalogs, and electronic journals – Software protocol for transferring files – Software protocol for transferring hypertext language files – Computer system for transferring files between computers – Document retrieval system used to search for Information – Use of keywords in databases to retrieve full text information – Sound, graphic images, video, and hypertext on single pages...

    pdf23p sonnguyen3515 19-09-2013 60 6   Download

  • The siglecs (sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectins) are a distinct subset of the Ig superfamily with adhesion-molecule-like structure. We describe here a novel member of the siglec protein family that shares a similar structure including five Ig-like domains, a transmembrane domain, and a cytoplasmic tail containing two ITIM-signaling motifs. Siglec10 was identified through database mining of an asthmatic eosinophil EST library. Using the Stanford G3 radiation hybrid panel we were able to localize the genomic sequence of siglec-10 within the cluster of genes on chromosome 19q13.

    pdf14p system191 01-06-2013 41 4   Download

  • We previously reported that GTS1 is involved in regulating ultradian oscillations of the glycolytic pathway induced by cyanide in cell suspensions as well as oscillations of energy metabolism in aerobic continuous cultures. Here, we screened a yeast cDNA library for proteins that bind to Gts1p using the yeast two-hybrid system and cloned multiple TDH cDNAs encoding the glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH).

    pdf10p research12 01-06-2013 39 2   Download

  • Lesson 1: Why do librarians need to know about ICTs and acquire skill in their use? - Lesson 2: How do computer work? Lesson 3: What is the internet? -Lesson 4: What are the trend and issues in ICT development affecting libraries? To improve the library staff to know about how to use ICts as computer including using internet …

    ppt7p hoangyen999 04-05-2013 52 5   Download

  • Rationale: ICTs have changed the way information is created and distributed. They have also changed the way libraries select, acquire, organize and deliver information. Library automation has. By the end of the lesson you should be able to: Define library automation Define an automated/Integrated Library System and identify as general features. Be aware of standards. Define an online public access catalog/web catalog Indentify the binifit of Library automation Identify potentail difficult in imple menting library automation ...

    ppt32p hoangyen999 04-05-2013 36 2   Download

  • Mammalian alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) 3 form a com-plex enzyme system based on amino-acid sequence, func-tional properties, and gene expression pattern. At least four mouseAdhgenes are known to encode di€erent enzyme classes that share less than 60% amino-acid sequence iden-tity. Two ADH-containing and overlapping C57BL/6 bacterial arti®cial chromosome clones, RP23-393J8 and -463H24, were identi®ed in a library screen, physically mapped, and sequenced.

    pdf9p research12 29-04-2013 19 1   Download

  • We isolated two novel 14-3-3 binding proteins using 14-3-3fas bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen of a human brain cDNA library. One of these encoded the C-terminus of a neural specific armadillo-repeat protein, d-catenin (neural plakophilin-related arm-repeat protein or neurojungin). d-Catenin from brain lysates was retained on a 14-3-3 affinity column.

    pdf9p fptmusic 11-04-2013 20 1   Download

  • The regulation of adenosine kinase (AK) activity has the potential to control intracellular and interstitial adenosine (Ado) concentrations. In an effort to study the role of AK in Ado homeostasis in the central nervous system, two iso-forms of the enzymewere cloned fromamouse brain cDNA library. Following overexpression in bacterial cells, the cor-responding proteins were purified to homogeneity.

    pdf9p awards 05-04-2013 37 2   Download

  • A putative transcription factor, named RAMY, that binds to the 20-bp O2S sequences of the regulatory region of the Amy2genepromoter has been identifiedusing the yeast one-hybrid system from a rice library. The full lengthRAMY cDNA clone encodes a 218-amino acid protein and is homologous to the late embryogenesis-abundant protein (LEA5). In vitromutagenesis and electrophoretic mobility shift assays confirmed that RAMY can bind with O2S spe-cifically throughanunusual zincfingerwithaCXCX4CX2H consensus sequence. ...

    pdf0p awards 05-04-2013 48 1   Download

  • To address questions of protein stability, researchers have increasingly turned to combinatorial approaches that permit the rapid analysis of libraries of protein variants. Phage-displayhasprovedtobeapowerful tool foranalyzingprotein stabilitydue to the large library sizeand the robustnessof the phageparticle toavarietyofdenaturingconditions.

    pdf7p dell39 03-04-2013 34 4   Download


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