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Linear control

Xem 1-20 trên 28 kết quả Linear control
  • The purpose of the field-oriented control (FOC) is therefore to create a tool that allows the decoupling control of the flux and torque-producing current components from the three-phase AC currents flowing in the coil. The FOC drive system is a system based on the principle of decoupling the above power components thanks to the stator current feedback control (the innermost circuit of the drive system). The FOC-type control method belongs to the class of vector control methods for electrical machines.

    pdf22p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 5 2   Download

  • This study focuses on electrospinning with linear spinnerets to overcome the drawbacks of existing electrospinning methods. The aim of this study is thus to design and realise the linear spinnerets that hold the advantages in generating multiple polymer jet with a low applied voltage and easy controlling.

    pdf138p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 2   Download

  • This study develops an online unmanned UAV path-planning strategy for autonomous search and localisation of RF emitter. The UAV is equipped with Receiver Signal Strength (RSS) sensors to localise stationary radio frequency (RF) emitter. A high-fidelity non-linear measurement model of RF propagation in an urban environment is adopted for this purpose. The measurement model of the likelihood function is considered a Gaussian mixture.

    pdf105p runthenight04 02-02-2023 2 2   Download

  • Bài viết "Theo dõi quỹ đạo Quadrotor sử dụng Linear và Nonlinear Model Predictive Control" trình bày chi tiết hai nền tảng điều khiển dựa trên mô hình hiện đại nhất cho bám quỹ đạo: linearmodel-predictive controller (LMPC) và nonlinear-modelpredictive controller (NMPC). Bên cạnh đó, các mô hình động học, động lực học của quadrotor được mô tả đầy đủ. Cuối cùng, hệ mô phỏng được triển khai và kiểm nghiệm tính khả thi, cho thấy sự hiệu quả của hai bộ điều khiển.

    pdf6p lieuyeuyeu18 23-12-2022 30 2   Download

  • Bài viết này ứng dụng kỹ thuật điều khiển hồi tiếp tuyến tính hóa (Feedback Linearization Control – FLC) và phương pháp điều khiển cuốn chiếu (Backstepping) để thiết kế hệ thống điều khiển từ thông và tốc độ động cơ không đồng bộ ba pha, trong đó từ thông và mô-men được ước lượng từ các giá trị dòng điện và điện áp của động cơ.

    pdf9p vinayeon2711 17-08-2021 20 3   Download

  • Phytoplankton which can affect higher trophic levels play a pivotal role as primary producers. Phytoplankton structure and diversity may, besides other factors, be controlled by the changing of water temperatures. Hence, the present study aimed to determine some relationship between phytoplankton assemblage and water temperature in Ba Lai River, Vietnam.

    pdf12p larachdumlanat127 02-01-2021 12 1   Download

  • Bài viết này ứng dụng kỹ thuật điều khiển hồi tiếp tuyến tính hóa (Feedback Linearization Control – FLC) và phương pháp điều khiển gán cực để thiết kế hệ thống điều khiển từ thông và tốc độ động cơ không đồng bộ ba pha, trong đó từ thông và mô men được ước lượng từ các giá trị dòng điện và điện áp của động cơ.

    pdf7p viamman2711 10-08-2020 47 4   Download

  • We study axial core oscillations due to xenon poisoning in thermal neutron nuclear reactors with simple 1D models: a linear one-group model, a linear two-group model, and a non-linear model taking the Doppler effect into account.

    pdf13p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 6 0   Download

  • The present paper summaries the results from uniaxial-tension stress-controlled fatigue tests performed at different temperatures up to 650°C on Cu-Be specimens. Two geometries are considered: hourglass shaped and plates weakened by a central hole (Cu-Be alloy).

    pdf6p tohitohi 19-05-2020 8 0   Download

  • Bài viết đề cập tới vấn đề phân tích mô hình toán tàu thủy 3 bậc tự do thiếu cơ cấu chấp hành (3 DOF) trên mặt phẳng ngang. Nghiên cứu thiết kế bộ điều khiển chuyển động tàu thủy theo quỹ đạo dựa theo nguyên lý tối ưu RHC (Receding Horizon Control) trên nền LQR (Linear Quadratic Regulator ) thông qua việc tuyến tính hóa từng đoạn mô hình dọc theo trục thời gian cho đối tượng tàu thủy ba bậc tự do thiếu cơ cấu chấp hành với mô hình phi tuyến.

    pdf6p vimante2711 05-03-2020 51 2   Download

  • This paper focuses on a SCESS in terms of modeling and control designing aim to manage active power flow between the grid and the SCESS. A predictive control algorithm for discrete-time bilinear state-space model of a non-isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter is proposed. This algorithm is supplementary methods for this converter besides linear or hysteresis control methods in other research. Simulations validate the effectiveness of the proposed control.

    pdf10p dieutringuyen 07-06-2017 58 2   Download

  • In the present paper, the stability of inverter-based microgrids is considered. A decentralized state-feedback control approach for inverter-based microgrids with a linear matrix inequality (LMI) stability condition is proposed. Controller gains for inverters are designed by solving the LMI optimization problem. The resulting controller stabilizes the system, guaranteeing zero steady-state frequency deviations.

    pdf15p dieutringuyen 07-06-2017 67 2   Download

  • Wind power plants can be realized with different generator types using different control principles. The choice of the generator regardless of control method, potentially destabilizes the grid, and can even lead to grid collapse. For independent grid (e.g. on islands) this risk is especially great. The report aimed at giving the reader a general overview of the control methods, and the developers a better understanding of each generator type to get the right choice for their wind power project.

    pdf22p dieutringuyen 07-06-2017 56 1   Download

  • Lecture "Fundamentals of control systems - Chapter 2: Mathematical models of continuous control systems" presentation of content: Presentation of content, transfer function, block diagram algebra, signal flow diagram, state space equation, linearized models of nonlinear systems.

    pdf120p doinhugiobay_17 04-03-2016 97 7   Download

  • Lecture Control system design: Mathematical models of systems presents the following content: Differential equations of physical systems, linear approximations of physical systems, the laplace transform, the transfer function of linear systems, block diagram models, signal – flow graph models, the simulation of systems using control design software.

    pdf62p youcanletgo_04 17-01-2016 55 3   Download

  • Lecture Control system design include all of the following content: Mathematical models of systems, state variable models, feedback control system characteristics, the performance of feedback control systems, the stability of linear feedback systems, the root locus method,...

    pdf14p youcanletgo_04 17-01-2016 63 1   Download

  • This chapter presents the following content: Test input signals, performance of second – order systems, effects of a third pole & a zero on the second – order system response, the s – plane root location & the transient response, the steady – state error of feedback control systems, performance indices, the simplification of linear systems, system performance using control design software.

    pdf56p youcanletgo_04 17-01-2016 69 3   Download

  • Lecture Control system design: The stability of linear feedback systems include all of the following content: The concept of stability, the Routh – Hurwitz stability criterion, the stability of state variable systems, system stability using control design software.

    pdf24p youcanletgo_04 17-01-2016 46 1   Download

  • The transcription patterns of 64 linear double stranded DNA templates obtained with T7 RNA polymerase were investigated. These templates consisted of 17 nucleotide-long sequences under the control of the minimal bac-teriophage T7 promoter and represented all possible combinations of nucleotides at positions +8, +10 and +11.

    pdf8p tumor12 20-04-2013 31 4   Download

  • The classical metabolic control theory [Kacser, H. & Burns, J.A. (1973)Symp.Soc.Exp.Biol. 27, 65–104; Heinrich, R. & Rapoport, T. (1974)Eur. J. Biochem.42, 89–95.] does not take into account experimental evidence for correlations between enzyme concentrations in the cell. We investigated the implications of two causes of linear correlations: competition between enzymes, which is a mere physical adaptation of the cell to the limitation of resources and space, and regulatory correlations, which result from the existence of regulatory networks....

    pdf17p awards 05-04-2013 48 2   Download



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