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mathematical programming

Xem 1-20 trên 32 kết quả mathematical programming
  • The dissertation has four chapters: Chapter 1 - Background Materials; Chapter 2 - Analysis of an Algorithm in Indefinite Quadratic Programming; Chapter 3 - Qualitative Properties of the Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering Problem; Chapter 4 - Some Incremental Algorithms for the Clustering Problem.

    pdf142p armyofthedead 23-06-2021 31 2   Download

  • The dissertation has four chapters: Chapter 1 - Existence of solutions; Chapter 2 - Stability for global, local and stationary solution sets; Chapter 3 - Continuity and directional differentiability of the optimal value function; Chapter 4 - Stability for extended trust region subproblems.

    pdf143p monsterhunterer 20-06-2021 7 3   Download

  • Purpose of the study: Based on the theories and actual application, unraveling the concept of Problem-solving and creative abilities in Mathematics, typical manifestations of Problem-solving and creative abilities in Math students, the manifestations of Problem-solving and creative abilities in students who live in mountainous areas in solving Grade 8 geometry problem.

    pdf27p tunelove 10-06-2021 40 4   Download

  • The research objective: To study the methods used to modeling constraints and improve constraint solving capability. To apply symbolic execution technique in automatic test case generating. To implement proposed methods in automatic test case generating on string constraints and mixed constraints. To analyze and evaluate the obtained results.

    pdf27p extraenglish 24-05-2021 13 4   Download

  • This thesis aims to research on overview of automatic test case generating, symbolic execution applied into automatic test case generating. The modeling techniques based on Automata and Bitvector are also studied in this thesis. Apart from that, the analysis and evaluation of available test case generating methods on different constraint are mentioned. The quality and effectiveness of test cases generated by using symbolic execution are assessed.

    pdf27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 33 4   Download

  • This Paper presents a framework for time crashing a mega project by using the linear programming technique such to earned least total crashing cost.

    pdf11p guineverehuynh 17-06-2020 24 5   Download

  • The present research aimed to give a relatively comprehensive answer to these questions using a mathematical model of the pickup and delivery system with transfers.

    pdf18p tohitohi 22-05-2020 14 1   Download

  • The paper focuses on computational aspects of portfolio optimization (PO) problems. The objectives of such problems may include: expectedreturn, standard deviation and variationcoefficient of the portfolioreturn rate.

    pdf9p thiendiadaodien_5 08-01-2019 12 2   Download

  • Bài giảng "Kỹ thuật lập trình - Chapter 1: Mathematical induction and recursive programming" trình bày các nội dung: Quy nạp toán học, chương trình đệ quy, các loại đệ quy. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

    ppt116p thangnamvoiva20 20-09-2016 69 7   Download

  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the operation of the Hoabinh reservoir in the Red River Basin of Vietnam, and assess the room for its improvement by application of system analysis and optimal control techniques. The study aimed at establishing a foundation for further research on inter-reservoir regulation of the Basin. Finally, this study provided a testing ground for developing and comparing dierent reservoir optimization methods.

    pdf138p xuanquachthi 08-06-2013 103 5   Download

  • Một phát biểu bài toán như vật đôi khi được gọi là một quy hoạch toán học (mathematical program). Nhiều bài toán thực tế và lý thuyết có thể được mô hình theo cách tổng quát trên. Miền xác định A của hàm f được gọi là không gian tìm kiếm.

    pdf20p sakuraphuong 03-06-2013 53 4   Download

  • 1.1 WORD PROCESSORS A word processor is an application program that is acquired for running on a particular computer. It enables one to type and display text on a page: retrieving, amending, adding to, and arranging in different ways before printing text is generally entered as a keyboard or scanned file.

    ppt53p minhngannt 08-04-2013 65 8   Download

  • We exhibit a counterexample to Elliott’s classification conjecture for simple, separable, and nuclear C∗ -algebras whose construction is elementary, and demonstrate the necessity of extremely fine invariants in distinguishing both approximate unitary equivalence classes of automorphisms of such algebras and isomorphism classes of the algebras themselves.

    pdf17p dontetvui 17-01-2013 68 5   Download

  • In this paper we give a geometric version of the Satake isomorphism [Sat]. As such, it can be viewed as a first step in the geometric Langlands program. The connected complex reductive groups have a combinatorial classification by their root data. In the root datum the roots and the co-roots appear in a symmetric manner and so the connected reductive algebraic groups come ˇ in pairs.

    pdf50p noel_noel 17-01-2013 46 6   Download

  • The purpose of this paper is to carry out the abelianization program proposed by Atiyah [1] and Hitchin [9] for the geometric quantization of SU(2) Wess-Zumino-Witten model. Let C be a Riemann surface of genus g. Let Mg be the moduli space of semi-stable rank 2 holomorphic vector bundles on C with trivial determinant. For a positive integer k, let Γ(Mg , Lk ) be the space of holomorphic sections of the k-th tensor product of the determinant line bundle L on Mg . An element of Γ(Mg , Lk ) is called a rank 2 theta function...

    pdf50p noel_noel 17-01-2013 60 8   Download

  • This paper is a continuation of Fefferman’s program [7] for studying the geometry and analysis of strictly pseudoconvex domains. The key idea of the program is to consider the Bergman and Szeg¨ kernels of the domains as o analogs of the heat kernel of Riemannian manifolds. In Riemannian (or conformal) geometry, the coefficients of the asymptotic expansion of the heat kernel can be expressed in terms of the curvature of the metric; by integrating the coefficients one obtains index theorems in various settings. ...

    pdf18p noel_noel 17-01-2013 48 5   Download

  • We develop an analogue for sphere packing of the linear programming bounds for error-correcting codes, and use it to prove upper bounds for the density of sphere packings, which are the best bounds known at least for dimensions 4 through 36. We conjecture that our approach can be used to solve the sphere packing problem in dimensions 8 and 24. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Lattices, Fourier transforms, and Poisson summation 3. Principal theorems 4. Homogeneous spaces 5. Conditions for a sharp bound 6. Stationary points 7. Numerical results 8. Uniqueness Appendix A. ...

    pdf27p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 47 5   Download

  • The Texas Instrument TMS320VC5510 DSK’s calculation abilitiy with different program languages is investigated for minimum the DSP’s measurement time. The steps of Monte Carlo simulations embedded into the DSK’s flash through the DSK’s JTAG interface for optical parameters measurement including absorption coefficient µ a , scattering coefficient µ s and anisotropy g are presented. The obtained results for diluted milk standard samples are also reported.

    pdf10p tuanlocmuido 19-12-2012 61 4   Download

  • The paper resented the results of assessing internal dose for 131I by the direct method for Vietnamese objects that was issued in the Intercomparison Program of IAEA. The results on experimental measurements, calculating intake (I) of 131 I to thyroid by the specilizing system for measuring thyroid activity, and committed effective dose E(50) using the specializing code of LUDEP 2.0 were shown that the results carrying out at the Nuclear Research Institute (I = 1.48.105 Bq, E (50) = 2.32 mSv) were good and were in accordance with the those of the authors in other laboratories in the...

    pdf6p tuanlocmuido 19-12-2012 31 3   Download

  • A Student’s Guide to the Study, Practice, and Tools of Modern Mathematics provides an accessible introduction to the world of mathematics. It offers tips on how to study and write mathematics as well as how to use various mathematical tools, from LaTeX and Beamer to Mathematica® and Maple™ to MATLAB® and R. Along with a color insert, the text includes exercises and challenges to stimulate creativity and improve problem solving abilities.

    pdf83p rose_12 06-12-2012 65 6   Download



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