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Sensors technologies

Xem 1-15 trên 15 kết quả Sensors technologies
  • Nghiên cứu "Đánh giá diễn biến và ảnh hưởng của một số yếu tố khí tượng đến nồng độ bụi PM2.5 tại một điểm ven đô Hà Nội" sử dụng cảm biến quang học thế hệ mới (new palm-sized optical PM2.5 sensor) để xác định mức độ bụi PM2.5, diễn biến nồng độ bụi theo thời gian thực và mối quan hệ giữa nồng độ bụi với một số yếu tố khí tượng tại một điểm hỗn hợp nằm tại khu vực giảng đường của Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam tại Trâu Quỳ, Gia Lâm, Hà Nội trong khoảng thời gian 4 tháng, từ tháng 12 năm 2017 đến tháng 3 năm 2018.

    pdf9p giangnhanly 02-10-2023 7 3   Download

  • The work presented in this thesis illustrates strategies to improve the detection of glucose by NanoZymes. This was done by first determining the NanoZyme activity of Cu and bimetallic nanoparticles of Cu, followed by the application of this activity towards biosensing of glucose.

    pdf127p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 2   Download

  • The aim of this Masters of Engineering (MEng) - Aerospace thesis was to investigate the durability of Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors (PWAS) for the health monitoring of composite structures. One significant challenge faced by the aviation industry is the cost and time associated with maintaining aircrafts, in particular, aging airliners. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is a possible approach to reduce the high cost of inspection and maintenance.

    pdf164p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 2   Download

  • The thesis "Device Engineering of III-Nitride Semiconductors Based Sensors" covers the scope to explore next-generation optical sensors by growing high-quality IIInitride thin films using plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE) system and their deployment towards the fabrication of the device engineered high-performance broadband photodetectors. This thesis mainly focuses on three engineering approaches to fabricate advanced optical sensing devices.

    pdf124p runordie3 06-07-2022 12 2   Download

  • The intelligent vehicle system is the primary trend in the development of modern transportation. This paper introduces several kinds of ranging technology used in smart transportation, such as the existing ultrasonic ranging, millimeter-wave radar going, laser ranging, machine vision running, etc. Firstly, the development status is explained. Secondly, the principle is elaborated. Next, their performance is analyzed and compared. Finally, we introduce the development trend of vehicle ranging technology.

    pdf7p linyanjun_2408 21-04-2022 10 3   Download

  • The performance of the simulation scheme has been compared with the commercial and laboratory samples in the world. Due to the deviation of all dosimeters with a flat energy response, in this paper, has been used an idea of one semi-conductor sensor to have the flat energy-response in the entire neutron energy range. Finally, by analyzing of the sensors data as arrays for the first time, we have reached a nearly flat and acceptable energy-response.

    pdf10p minhxaminhyeu3 12-06-2019 14 0   Download

  • Journal of Science and Technology, Study the response of gas, Gas sensor usin Zno nanorods synthesized, Synthesize large quantities ZnO nanorods, Optoelectronicand gassensing applications, Low-dimensional nano structures ZnO

    pdf1p cumeo3000 01-08-2018 29 0   Download

  • The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Capacitive sensors, resistive sensors, magnetic sensors, hall – effect sensors, piezoelectric transducers, strain gauges, piezoresistive sensors, optical sensors, ultrasonic transducers, nuclear sensors, microsensors.

    pdf46p youcanletgo_04 17-01-2016 39 1   Download

  • Microfabricated accelerometer sensors have been developed to measure acceleration in a variety of applications, including automobile airbag crash sensors and seismic activity monitors. For this thesis a three-dimensional accelerometer sensor has been created for measuring involuntary human hand motion. The sensor uses three single-axis accelerometers fabricated at the MIT Microsystems Technology Laboratory.

    pdf110p nguyenthai_thinh 13-01-2016 38 4   Download

  • t Bài viết trình bày rõ thêm về nguyên lý hoạt động và ứng dụng của cảm biến đo trực tiếp lưu tốc khối lượng khí gas dựa trên công nghệ nhiệt. Abstract This article presents about the principles of operation and applications of sensors directly measure mass flow rate of gas-based thermal technology. Mở đầu Việc đo lường khí ga trong công nghiệp là điều hết sức quan trọng. Vì vậy đã có rất nhiều các nghiên cứu về dòng cảm biến này nhằm đưa ra các thiế bị đo với dải đo rộng và độ chính xác cao....

    pdf17p lilinz 01-07-2013 102 7   Download

  • Wireless technology has enormous potential to change the way people and things communicate. Future wireless networks will allow people on the move to communicate with anyone, anywhere, and at any time using a range of high-performance multimedia services. Wireless video will support applications such as enhanced social networking, distance learning and remote medicine. Wireless sensor networks can also enable a new class of intelligent home electronics, smart and energy-efficient buildings and highways, and in-body networks for analysis and treatment of medical conditions....

    ppt33p muathu_102 28-01-2013 74 5   Download

  • Lighting Controller 1. Dimming control of fluorescent lamps, mercury lamps and metal halide lamps. • More than 40% electric power saving compared with NO MERS systems. 2. Replace mercury lamp with metal halide lamp with MERS metal halide controller. • Approx. 40% electric power saving compared with NO MERS mercury lamp systems. (from Titech experiment) 3. Intelligent dimming control of lamps with MERS, sensors and Constraint Technology. • Significant saving can be expected compared with existing systems according to QOS....

    pdf12p tvq_pro 03-11-2012 71 9   Download

  • Hindawi Publishing Corporation EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Volume 2008, Article ID 286168, 10 pages doi:10.1155/2008/286168 Research Article Extension of Pairwise Broadcast Clock Synchronization for Multicluster Sensor Networks Kyoung-Lae Noh,1 Yik-Chung Wu,2 Khalid Qaraqe,3 and Bruce W. Suter4 1 Digital Solution Center, Corporate Technology Operations, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., South Korea of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 3 Texas A&M University at Qatar, P.O.

    pdf10p dauphong18 24-02-2012 78 6   Download

  • LAÄP TRÌNH WINCC CHO HEÄ THOÁNG SCADA Provina technology ltd. 148Bis Nam Kyø Khôûi Nghóa, Q. 1 Hoà Chí Minh City Heä thoáng giaùm saùt vaø thu thaäp döõ lieäu SCADA ñieån hình Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition System Provina technology ltd. 148Bis Nam Kyø Khôûi Nghóa, Q. 1 Hoà Chí Minh City Caáu truùc phaân caáp cuûa moät heä thoáng töï ñoäng Data flow Planning - Management - Production Production management Process control Local control Sensors, actuators, drives C R SO 15 OO P K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 8 3 HL EP D E L SIF HT Provina technology ltd.

    pdf134p tengteng14 21-12-2011 71 11   Download

  • Không như chuột cơ (mechanical mouse); dùng hệ thống cơ_quang to, nặng nề(trái banh, con quay, đĩa quay,…) chuyển đổi sự xoay của trái banh thành sự di chuyển của con trỏ màn hình. Chuột quang (optical mouse) dùng Optical Navigtion Technology (tạm dịch : công nghệ dẫn đường quang) để theo dõi sự di chuyển của chuột.Optical Navigaton Technology sử dụng một cảm biến quang (optical sensor), hệ thấu kính và nguồn phát ánh sáng đơn sắc (chủ yếu là LED đơn sắc). ...

    pdf8p trannguyen1111 16-07-2010 417 68   Download



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