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Serial communications

Xem 1-20 trên 22 kết quả Serial communications
  • The universal serial communication interface (USCI) modules support multiple serial communication modes. Different USCI modules support different modes.

    pdf15p tungxxx 14-03-2017 60 1   Download

  • This chapter describe the fundamental concepts of point-to-point serial communication including TDM, demarcation point, DTE-DCE functions, HDLC encapsulation, and serial interface troubleshooting; configure PPP on a serial interface including enabling PPP encapsulation.

    pdf95p youcanletgo_01 04-01-2016 51 4   Download

  • Introduction Data link control layer – often abbreviated simply to data link layer – is concerned with the transfer of data over a serial data link The transmission mode may be either asynchronous or synchronous and based on either a character-oriented or a bit-oriented transmission control protocol The data link layer is fundamental to the operation of all data communication applications

    ppt65p doanhung_dtvtk10 19-03-2013 74 6   Download

  • Introduction Data into a computer (via a keyboard) is encoded by the electronics within the keyboard into an equivalent binary-coded pattern using standard coding schemes: Two most common schemes: EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code): 8-bit code ASCII ((American Standards Committee for Information Interchange): 7-bit code

    ppt87p doanhung_dtvtk10 19-03-2013 79 6   Download

  • Establishing a network performance baseline requires collecting key performance data from the ports and devices that are essential to network operation.1 Gather symptoms - Troubleshooting begins with the process of gathering and documenting symptoms from the network, end systems, and users. Stage 2 Isolate the problem - The problem is not truly isolated until a single problem, or a set of related problems, is identified.

    pdf66p mrdvad11 12-03-2013 166 54   Download

  • Static NAT – Mapping an unregistered IP address to a registered IP address on a one-to-one basis. Particularly useful when a device needs to be accessible from outside the network.Dynamic NAT – Maps an unregistered IP address to a registered IP address from a group of registered IP addresses. Dynamic NAT also establishes a one-to-one mapping between unregistered and registered IP address, but the mapping could vary depending on the registered address available in the pool, at the time of communication....

    pdf81p mrdvad11 12-03-2013 146 52   Download

  • The Data-over-Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS)is an international standard developed by CableLabs, a non-profit research and development consortium for cable-related technologies. • DOCSIS specifies the OSI Layer 1 and Layer 2 requirements: Physical layer-For data signals that the cable operator can use, DOCSIS specifies the channel widths (bandwidths of each channel) as 200 kHz, 400 kHz, 800 kHz, 1.6 MHz, 3.2 MHz, and 6.4 MHz. DOCSIS also specifies modulation techniques (the way to use the RF signal to convey digital data).

    pdf47p mrdvad11 12-03-2013 132 52   Download

  • Limit network traffic to increase network performance. For example, if corporate policy does not allow video traffic on the network, ACLs that block video traffic could be configured and applied. This would greatly reduce the network load and increase network performance. 2. Provide traffic flow control. ACLs can restrict the delivery of routing updates. If updates are not required because of network conditions, bandwidth is preserved. 3. Provide a basic level of security for network access.

    pdf67p mrdvad11 12-03-2013 141 54   Download

  • The only system which is truly secure is one which is switched off and unplugged, locked in a titanium lined safe, buried in a concrete bunker, and is surrounded by nerve gas and very highly paid armed guards. Even then, I wouldn’t stake my life on it….An open security model is the easiest to implement . Simple passwords and server security become the foundation of this model. If encryption is used, it is implemented by individual users or on servers.

    pdf143p mrdvad11 12-03-2013 154 59   Download

  • Frame Relay has become the most widely used WAN technology in the world. Large enterprises, governments, ISPs, and small businesses use Frame Relay, primarily because of its price and flexibility. •Moreover, Frame Relay provides greater bandwidth, reliability, and resiliency than private or leased lines. •Frame Relay reduces network costs by using less equipment, less complexity, and an easier implementation.

    pdf57p mrdvad11 12-03-2013 113 51   Download

  • Computers make use of relatively short parallel connections between interior components, but use a serial bus to convert signals for most external communications.In a parallel connection, it is wrong to assume that the 8 bits leaving the sender at the same time arrive at the receiver at the same time. Rather, some of the bits get there later than others. This is known as clock skew.

    pdf65p mrdvad11 12-03-2013 99 50   Download

  • Networks must be able to transfer data from one device to another with complete accuracy. Data can be corrupted during transmission. For reliable communication, errors must be detected and corrected.Single bit errors are the least likely type of errors in serial data transmission because the noise must have a very short duration which is very rare. However this kind of errors can happen in parallel transmission.

    ppt36p hoangchung_dtvt 10-12-2012 81 5   Download

  • In block coding, the encoder accepts kbit message block and generates n-bit codeword⇒Block-by-block basis  Encoder must buffer an entire message 2 block before generating the codeword  When the message bits come in serially rather than in large blocks, using buffer is undesirable  Convolutional coding

    pdf37p feteler 26-11-2012 54 4   Download

  • An open data communication protocol developed in 1979 Published by Modicon Open structure Flexible Widely known Supplied by many SCADA and HMI software Have OPC Servers 2 serial transmission modes: ASCII 10 bits RTU (Binary) 11 bits Communication interface RS-232/485 Ethernet (TCP/IP) Station Device: 0 ~ 255 Digital input 1xxxx: 4 digits for hexadecimal address (0000 ~ FFFF) 1xxxxx: 5 digital for decimal address (0 ~ 65535) Digital output 0xxxx: 4 digits for hexadecimal address (0000 ~ FFFF) 0xxxxx: 5 digital for decimal address (0 ~ 65535) Analog input 4xxxx: 4 dig...

    ppt14p buisontdtq 04-10-2012 79 14   Download

  • Purpose of the project án be cung cấp Income change thế và 1 ninh lương authorized by way development and expand public Nghệ nuoi ngao (Serial like and chan nuoi) to duy trị sinh kế nông of the Subject ngheo ven bien in the provincesBắc Trung Bộ. Project this close of a vai games important in job settings a ngành Công Nghiệp nghêu ben Firmware ở field ven bien Bắc domain Trung Việt Nam. Extension of the toán nuoi nghêu already have the tác peer kế cho cộng đồng ngheo ven bien, cung cấp sinh kế change thế via Văn...

    pdf51p xinh_la 10-02-2012 88 11   Download

  • Mô tả tính năng của DS1820: DS1820 là nhiệt kế số có độ phân giải 9-12bit giao tiếp với vi điều khiển trung tâm thông qua 1 dây duy nhất ( 1 wire communication). DS1820 hoạt động với điện áp từ 3V-5.5V có thể được cấp nguồn qua chân DQ- chân trao đổi dữ liệu. Nó có thể đo nhiệt độ trong tầm -55-125oC với độ chính xác +-0.5 oC. Mỗi DS1820 có một Serial code 64bits duy nhất, điều này cho phép kết nối nhiều IC trên cùng đường bus....

    doc10p nvhtb1 07-10-2011 561 194   Download

  • The Basic Synchronous Serial Port (BSSP) module is a serial interface useful for communicating with other peripheral or microcontroller devices. These peripheral devices may be Serial EEPROMs, shift registers, display drivers, A/D converters, etc. The BSSP module can operate in one of two modes:

    pdf0p vanthang122141 05-06-2011 72 6   Download

  • In this lesson we will review a couple of communication peripherals available in all the general-purpose devices in the new PIC24 family. • Asynchronous serial communication interfaces UART1 and UART2, • Synchronous serial communication interfaces SPI1 and SPI2, comparing their relative strengths and limitations for use in embedded-control applications.

    ppt24p manhmeo1761994 26-04-2011 56 11   Download

  • Describe the fundamental concepts of point-to-point serial communication. – Describe key PPP concepts. – Configure PPP encapsulation. – Explain and configure PAP and CHAP authentication.

    pdf61p 0984272663 25-04-2011 77 6   Download

  • Frame Relay. Objectives: In this chapter, you will learn to: Describe the fundamental concepts of Frame Relay technology in terms of enterprise WAN services, including operation, implementation requirements, maps, and Local Management Interface (LMI) operation. Configure a basic Frame Relay permanent virtual circuit (PVC), including configuring and troubleshooting Frame Relay on a router serial interface and configuring a static Frame Relay map.

    pdf46p thanhtung_hk 05-11-2010 147 32   Download



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