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Software problem

Xem 1-20 trên 58 kết quả Software problem
  • Bài viết "Ứng dụng phần mềm crocodile giải các bài toán mạch điện (Applying Crocodile software to solve electrical circuit problems)" giới thiệu về Crocodile Physics là một phần mềm được sử dụng rất hiệu quả trong học tập môn Vật lý. Bài báo trình bày một phương pháp ứng dụng phần mềm này để giải các bài toán mạch điện. Kết quả phân tích cho thấy so với các phương pháp giải mạch khác, phương pháp đề xuất hết sức đơn giản, thời gian giải nhanh và có độ chính xác cao.

    pdf4p cotieubac1004 14-03-2024 11 2   Download

  • This research investigates the relationship between post fault transient overvoltages and the functionality of the digital distance protection. The study is conducted in a 66kV network with a neutral earth resistor as method to earth the power system. This paper begins by performing an extensive power system analysis on ground fault transient overvoltages. The study is conducted by using the PSCAD-EMTC software package.

    pdf180p runthenight07 01-03-2023 6 2   Download

  • is structured as follows: This study investigates the adoption and use of Generalized Audit Software (GAS) by Indonesian audit firms. GAS is specialized software that enables the auditor to automate tasks including client risk assessment. The researcher believed GAS use in Indonesia is not widespread and one explanation for this is the absence of professionally qualified accountants (ADB, 2003) and the World Bank (2011) reported that audit practices in Indonesia face a quality related problem especially in mid-tier and small-sized firms.

    pdf269p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 3   Download

  • To define the quality of tests is a difficult problem in current education. Many evaluating methods have been introduced, but they are too complicated for many teachers. This paper proposes to use SPSS software to define the quality of tests.

    pdf8p tamynhan5 10-12-2020 24 6   Download

  • This paper evaluated the effect of auto framing materials to passenger in collisions by Ansys LS-DYNA simulation software and analysis data by Hyperview software. Process simulation helps authors problem research, survey the feasibility of replacing traditional steel materials in the automotive manufacturing industry in Vietnam by carbon fiber composite materials.

    pdf7p sansan2 26-05-2018 42 3   Download

  • Bài giảng "Hệ điều hành - Chương 5: Đồng bộ hóa tiến trình" cung cấp cho người đọc các kiến thức: Giới thiệu (Background), vấn đề miền tương trục (Critical-section problem), các giải pháp cho vấn đề miền tương trục, đồng bộ hóa bằng phần mềm (Software Sync.), đồng bộ hóa bằng phần cứng (Hardware Sync.), hiệu báo (Semaphores), các bài toán đồng bộ hóa. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.

    pdf56p doinhugiobay_14 16-02-2016 82 8   Download

  • Geo-electrical tomographical software plays a crucial role in geophysical research. However, imported software is expensive and does not provide much customizability, which is essential for more advanced geophysical study. Besides, these programs are unable to exploit the full potential of modern hardware, so the running time is inadequate for large-scale geophysical surveys. It is therefore an essential task to develop domestic software for overcoming all these problems.

    doc60p 01202750693 09-06-2015 61 12   Download

  • Contents "Integration of Speech Recognition-based Caption Editing System with Presentation Software": introduction, preliminary survey and investigation, problems and apparatus, results, summary.

    ppt22p chugnpro 07-11-2014 42 5   Download

  • Lecture Java: Chapter 1 (Introduction) Focus of the Course Object-Oriented Software Development (problem solving; program design, implementation, and testing; object-oriented concepts; graphical user interfaces; the Java programming language).

    ppt82p hoahue91 24-07-2014 75 5   Download

  • Contents of "Project ACCPi10: Online Bus Ticket Resevevation System": problem definition; customer requimentSpecification(CRS); achitecture and design of the project; data flow diagram; flow chart; entity relationship diagram(ERD); task sheet; checklist of validations; submission checklist.

    doc35p ngphutien 17-06-2014 76 10   Download

  • Software has become critical to advancement in almost areas of human endeavour. However, there are serious problems in cost, timelines, maintenance and quality of many software products. Software engineering has the objective of solving the problems of software by producing good quality, maintainable software, on time, within budget.

    ppt16p batman_1 10-01-2013 48 3   Download

  • Tham khảo bài thuyết trình 'supervisory control & data acquisition - software + algrorithmization of control problems', công nghệ thông tin, quản trị mạng phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

    ppt30p buisontdtq 04-10-2012 63 7   Download

  • Cocomo estimation COCOMO (COnstructive COst MOdel) Boehm: group of models In the late 1970s, 63 projects (7) effort = c(size)k Effort was measured in pm (person month) Size was measured in kdsi, thousands of delivered source code instructions C, k

    ppt47p thanh_k8cntt 13-09-2012 76 6   Download

  • Nobody likes to think that they make mistakes Making changes means talking about past mistakes – and admitting that they are mistakes! You may make a great case for change, and still fail to convince people to do it. Because change is uncomfortable, people in organizations will resist it. Project managers who try to change their organizations run into several common excuses when trying to implement tools, techniques and practices.

    ppt15p thanh_k8cntt 13-09-2012 80 4   Download

  • A change in project priorities throws the team into disarray This usually comes from a lack of understanding of the scope of the project When the engineers don’t understand the users’ and stakeholders’ needs, they build the wrong software And they might not find out that there’s a problem until after the work is done!

    ppt34p thanh_k8cntt 13-09-2012 63 6   Download

  • Quality means “conformance to requirements” The best testers can only catch defects that are contrary to specification. Testing does not make the software perfect. If an organization does not have good requirements engineering practices then it will be very hard to deliver software that fills the users’ needs, because the product team does not really know what those needs are.

    ppt13p thanh_k8cntt 13-09-2012 75 8   Download

  • Once the SRS has been approved, implementation begins. Programming teams have many options: The programmers can simply start building the code and create the objects and user interface elements. Designers can build a user interface prototype to demonstrate to the users, stakeholders and the rest of the team. Any code used to develop the prototype is typically thrown away once the design has been finalized. Pictures, flow charts, data flow diagrams, database design diagrams and other visual tools can be used to determine aspects of the design and architecture.

    ppt20p thanh_k8cntt 13-09-2012 62 5   Download

  • Software requirements are documentation that completely describes the behavior that is required of the software-before the software is designed built and tested. Requirements analysts (or business analysts) build software requirements specifications through requirements elicitation. Interviews with the users, stakeholders and anyone else whose perspective needs to be taken into account during the design, development and testing of the software Observation of the users at work Distribution of discussion summaries to verify the data gathered in interviews...

    ppt12p thanh_k8cntt 13-09-2012 102 8   Download

  • A review is any activity in which a work product is distributed to reviewers who examine it and give feedback. Reviews are useful not only for finding and eliminating defects, but also for gaining consensus among the project team, securing approval from stakeholders, and aiding in professional development for team members. Reviews help teams find defects soon after they are injected making them cost less to fix than they would cost if they were found in test. All work products in a software project should be either reviewed or tested.

    ppt21p thanh_k8cntt 13-09-2012 77 6   Download

  • Effort represents the work required to perform a task. Effort is measured in person-hours (or person-days, person-weeks, etc.) It represents the total number of hours that each person spent working on the task. Duration is amount of time that elapses between the time the task is started and the time it is completed. Duration is measured in hours (or days, weeks, etc.) It does not take into account the number of people performing the task

    ppt32p thanh_k8cntt 13-09-2012 83 4   Download


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