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Solid waste

Xem 1-18 trên 18 kết quả Solid waste
  • The amount of waste generated is increasing in both quantity and complexity, in line with the level of economic development, but the land area available for solid waste treatment is limited. Residents' attitudes and willingness to pay (WTP) regarding waste segregation at source and recycling were investigated in this study through a survey using questionnaires conducted in the Hiep Hoa district, Bac Giang province.

    pdf10p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 6 2   Download

  • The aim of this study is to enhance biogas production from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) and garden waste (GW) via pretreatment and codigestion. In order to achieve the aims of the study, two objectives have been developed and are outlined below: To investigate an optimum co-digestion mixture of OFMSW with untreated and pretreated GW; to investigate the effectiveness of different pretreatments on the potential for biogas production from GW and to identify the relationship between certain changes in GW characteristics and enhanced yield.

    pdf150p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2   Download

  • An increasing amount of municipal solid waste needs an effective waste management system to provide reliable service, but in reality this has failed to respond to the demand. Partnership is considered as a potential solution that can increase waste management service performance.

    pdf7p guernsey 28-12-2021 9 0   Download

  • Poultry industry is one of the fastest growing markets. The poultry industry produces large amounts of solid waste. There are many different waste management options for poultry waste including land application of litter as an organic fertilizer, feed for livestock, biogas production, products for commercial purposes. Poultry wastes are posing serious environmental pollution problems, through offensive odours and promotion of fly and rodent breeding. The appropriate utilization of its waste or by-products increases the monetary output and protects from its unwanted side-effects.

    pdf12p cothumenhmong5 17-05-2020 31 2   Download

  • This research was carried out to evaluate the effect of organic loading rate to the performance of anaerobic co-digestion digester treating organic fraction of food waste (FW) and sludge waste (SW) from wastewater treatment plant. The experiment was conducted in two runs: Run S50, substrate contained 50 % of FW and 50 % of SW in term of volatile solid (VS) concentration; Run S100 (control run) contained 100 % SW in the influent substrate.

    pdf6p abcxyz123_02 03-03-2020 40 2   Download

  • Bài báo này giới thiệu một số kết quả từ nghiên cứu xây dựng phần mềm ứng dụng GIS (Geographics Information System) và các phương pháp của tin học môi trường nhằm tin học hóa quá trình nhập, xuất dữ liệu liên quan tới chất thải rắn đô thị trên địa bàn thành phố nhằm phục vụ cho công tác quản lý nhà nước về mặt môi trường, cũng như ứng dụng các thành tựu công nghệ thông tin để xây dựng cơ sở dữ liệu nhằm đánh giá hiện trạng và đưa ra những dự báo liên quan tới CTR đô thị tại thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong tương lai.

    pdf12p quaymax4 05-09-2018 101 6   Download

  • Results of elemental composition analysis shown that the contents of C, H, N, Cl, S are ranged from 35,00 to 51,96, from 6,01 to 6,23, from 0,41 to 0,88, from 0,44 to 0,56, from 0,14 to 0,84 %, respectively. On this basis, the author have proposed a waste-toenergy plant with capacity of 250 tons of waste/day to generate the electricity with capacity of 17,0 MW/day.

    pdf8p cumeo3000 01-08-2018 26 1   Download

  • This study is based on the data collected from working with different departments of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and in the 12 selected communes, 9 districts of 3 provinces – Ha Giang, Dak Lak and Kien Giang. The findings show that The implementation of some propoor targets e.g. water licensing, Environmental Impact Assessment, mineral resources mapping etc.

    pdf5p cumeo2005 02-07-2018 36 1   Download

  • nối tiếp nội dung phần 1, phần 2 cuốn sách trình bày các bài học từ bài 6 bao gồm: water pollution, wastewater treatment, solid wastes, solid waste management, sustainable development. mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

    pdf80p bautroibinhyen8 17-12-2016 87 12   Download

  • Một nghiên cứu lĩnh vực sử dụng có lợi của chất thải rắn ao cá trồng lúa WS thành lập Trong mùa mưa năm 2007 tại trang trại thí nghiệm của Cửu Long Viện nghiên cứu lúa gạo. Ba liều lượng chất thải ở mức 1, 2 và 3 tấn / ha kết hợp với ứng dụng 1/3 và 2/3 liều Phân bón vô cơ. Tỷ lệ 100% Phân bón vô cơ (60N- 40P2O5-30K2O) phục vụ như là kiểm soát. Không có sự khác biệt đáng kể trong sản lượng nông nghiệp lúa Tất cả điều trị hơn. Điều này chỉ ra đó sử dụng...

    pdf24p xau_la 09-02-2012 69 13   Download

  • Chất thải từ cá da trơn thâm canh nuôi trồng thủy sản sản xuất ĐÃ Trở thành một chất gây ô nhiễm nước mặt ở Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long, Việt Nam. Trong nghiên cứu này, mục đích là để điều trị các chất thải rắn từ ao cá tra ở đồng bằng sông Cửu Long bằng cách ứng dụng đất cho các lĩnh vực lúa để thể được phục hồi các chất dinh dưỡng của cây lúa như là một thay thế phân bón. Một thí nghiệm lĩnh vực WS mùa mưa bắt đầu trong 2007and Tiếp tục 6...

    pdf24p xau_la 09-02-2012 70 9   Download

  • Landfill gas from a source of green energy, clean, renewable and can be used to create electricity, or used in the energy industry. This paper reviews the potential energy recovery landfill gas from municipal solid waste, to reducing methane emissions in particular, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions in general. In addition, this paper provides an assessment using the model of methane generated from landfill municipal solid waste and generate energy potential of gas recovered. In particular, this paper uses a life cycle assessment methods ......

    pdf10p thulanh2 07-09-2011 85 17   Download

  • Tóm tắt: Bài báo trình bày tổng quan về tình hình chất thải rắn ở Việt Nam và các giải pháp có thể tái sử dụng chúng trong các ứng dụng xây dựng. Summary: This paper presents an overview on solid wastes in Viet Nam and solutions to recycle them in construction applications. I. ĐẶT VẤN ĐỀ Hiện nay ở Việt Nam song song với quá trình công nghiệp hoá, đô thị hoá là vấn đề xử lý các chất thải rắn từ công nghiệp và sinh hoạt. Hàng năm khối lượng các chất thải rắn tạo ra từ các ngành...

    pdf7p thulanh2 07-09-2011 138 34   Download

  • MBR (Membrane Brio-Reactor) can be broadly defined as systems integrating biological degradation of waste products with membrane filtration. Set up of MBR plant is mainly utilizing a bioreactor and membrane filtration as one unit process for wastewater treatment thereby replacing, and in some cases supplementing, the solids separation function of secondary clarification and effluent filtration, resulting the possibility to eliminate the secondary clarification and operate at higher MLSS concentration....

    pdf7p phuongltht 06-04-2011 138 33   Download

  • The addition of clay in the form of bauxite refining residue (red mud) prior to composting has been suggested as a way to control heavy metal mobility in compost. Leachability and plant availability of metals in a mixture of grass clippings and sawdust spiked with metal solution was markedly reduced during the composting process.

    pdf7p tudoia 06-04-2011 89 8   Download

  • Toxic heavy metals, i.e. copper (II), lead (II) and cadmium (II), can be removed from water by metallurgical solid wastes, i.e. bauxite waste red muds and coal fly ashes acting as sorbents. These heavy-metal-loaded solid wastes may then be solidified by adding cement to a durable concrete mass assuring their safe disposal. Thus, toxic metals in water have been removed by sorption on to inexpensive solid waste materials as a preliminary operation of ultimate fixation. Metal uptake (sorption) and release (desorption) have been investigated by thermostatic batch experiments.

    pdf11p tudoia 06-04-2011 116 8   Download

  • Australia, Australia (First received October 1995; accepted in revisedform September 1996) Abstract--Sewage sludge usually contains significant heavy metals that may limit its land application. Heavy metals in municipal solid waste have been shown to be less mobile by amendment with bauxite refining residue (red mud) prior to the composting process.

    pdf14p tudoia 06-04-2011 75 6   Download

  • A pilot study was conducted to assess the feasibility of composting of source separated organic matter of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated in low, middle and high income areas of Karachi city with a population over 14 million. Results of MSW analysis indicate the presence of high percentage of biodegradable organic matter (71-74%), acceptable moisture content (40-50%) and C/N ratio (38-40:1). On windrow composting, not only the volume of waste was reduced but also produced a crumbly earthy smelling soil-like, compost material.

    doc7p vuminhduong_88 15-07-2010 154 61   Download



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