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Specialized biological

Xem 1-19 trên 19 kết quả Specialized biological
  • RNA polymerase II (Pol II) is a 12 subunit protein complex from yeast to human that is required for gene expression. Gdown1 containing Pol II [Pol II (G)] is a special form of Pol II that is catalytically inactive and heavily depends on the 30-subunit Mediator complex for its activator and basal dependent function in vitro. Here we report for the first time, the identification and the generation of a 15-subunit human Mediator complex via the novel multibac baculovirus expression system that is fully responsive to Pol II (G).

    pdf9p thiencuuchu 27-11-2021 20 2   Download

  • This paper showed result of the studying composition and abundance of meiofaunal communities from Cung Hau estuary and Ham Luong estuary, with special focus on the nematode communities. The results of this study will illustrate the overall patterns in the species composition, density and diversity of meiofaunal communities in two estuaries Ham Luong and Cung Hau of Me Kong Delta in the Southern of Vietnam.

    pdf12p jangni1 16-04-2018 26 1   Download

  • Chapter 9 - Muscles and muscle tissue (part a) provides knowledge of muscle tissues and skeletal muscle. The following will be discussed in this chapter: Types of muscle tissue, special characteristics of muscle tissue, muscle functions, gross anatomy of a skeletal muscle, microscopic anatomy of a skeletal muscle fiber, sliding filament model of contraction, physiology of skeletal muscle fibers,...

    ppt65p tangtuy07 02-04-2016 57 2   Download

  • In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Describe the events involved in the stimulation of photoreceptors by light, and compare and contrast the roles of rods and cones in vision; compare and contrast light and dark adaptation; trace the visual pathway to the visual cortex, and briefly describe the steps in visual processing.

    ppt42p tangtuy07 02-04-2016 36 2   Download

  • Chapter 15 - The special senses (part c) provides knowledge of the chemical senses: taste and smell. This chapter focus describe the location, structure, and afferent pathways of taste and smell receptors, and explain how these receptors are activated.

    ppt41p tangtuy07 02-04-2016 38 2   Download

  • Chapter 15 (part a) provides knowledge of the eye and vision. In this chapter, you will learn to: Describe the structure and function of accessory eye structures, eye layers, the lens, and humors of the eye; outline the causes and consequences of cataracts and glaucoma; trace the pathway of light through the eye to the retina, and explain how light is focused for distant and close vision; outline the causes and consequences of astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia, and presbyopia.

    ppt39p tangtuy07 02-04-2016 41 1   Download

  • After completing this unit, you should be able to: Describe the structure and general function of the outer, middle, and internal ears; describe the sound conduction pathway to the fluids of the internal ear, and follow the auditory pathway from the spiral organ (of Corti) to the temporal cortex; explain how one is able to differentiate pitch and loudness, and localize the source of sounds;...

    ppt37p tangtuy07 02-04-2016 24 2   Download

  • Chapter 15 - RNA Processing II: Capping and Polyadenylation. Besides splicing, eukaryotic cells perform several other kinds of processing on their RNAs. Messenger RNAs are subject to two kinds of processing, known as capping and polyadenylation. In capping, a special blocking nucleotide (a cap) is added to the 59-end of a pre-mRNA. In polyadenylation, a string of AMPs (poly[A]) is added to the 39-end of the pre-mRNA. These steps are essential for the proper function of mRNAs and will be topics in this chapter.

    ppt31p tangtuy05 30-03-2016 53 2   Download

  • Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biology, University of Bari, Italy; 2Department of Zoology, Laboratory of Histology and Comparative Anatomy, University of Bari, Italy; 3Center for the Study of Mitochondria and Energy Metabolism (CNR) Bari, Italy Mitochondrial bioenergetic impairment has been found in the organelles isolated from rat liver during the prereplicative phase of liver regeneration.

    pdf9p system191 01-06-2013 33 3   Download

  • The peptide hormone endothelin transmits various signals throughGprotein-coupled receptors, the endothelin type A (ETAR) and B (ETBR) receptors. Caveolae are specialized lipid rafts containing polymerized caveolins. We examined the interaction of ETBR with caveolin-1, expressed in Sf9, COS-1, and HEK293 cells, and its effects on the subcellular distribution and the signal transduction of ETBR.

    pdf12p fptmusic 16-04-2013 26 1   Download

  • One of the hallmarks of cAMP is its ability to inhibit proliferation in many cell types, but stimulate proliferation in others. Clearly cAMP has cell type specific effects and the outcome on proliferation is largely attributed to crosstalk from cAMP to the RAS⁄RAF⁄mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) kinase (MEK)/ ERK pathway. We review the crosstalk between these two ancient and con-served pathways, describing the molecular mechanisms underlying the interactions between these pathways and discussing their possible biological importance....

    pdf14p fptmusic 11-04-2013 40 2   Download

  • d-Crystallin is the major structural protein in avian and reptilian eye lenses, and confers special refractive properties. The protein is a homotetramer arranged as a dimer of dimers. In the present study, the roles of the side chains of Glu267, Lys315, and Glu327, which provide hydrogen bonds at the double dimer interface, were investigated. Hydrophobic side chain sub-stitution led to all mutant proteins having an unstable dimer interface.

    pdf11p vinaphone15 25-02-2013 32 1   Download

  • ZF-RNase-3 is one of the RNases from zebrafish (Danio rerio) with special (i.e. noncatalytic) properties. These include angiogenic and bactericidal activities. Given the interest of fish RNases as host-defense effectors, we studied the mechanism of the bactericidal action of ZF-RNase-3 onEscheri-chia coli as a model Gram-negative bacterium.

    pdf8p mobifone23 21-01-2013 33 4   Download

  • Xylanase A from the phytopathogenic bacteriumErwinia chrysanthemiis classified as a glycoside hydrolase family 30 enzyme (previously in family 5) and is specialized for degradation of glucuronoxylan. The recombinant enzyme was crystallized with the aldotetraouronic acidb-D-xylopyranosyl-(1fi4)-[4-O-methyl-a-D-glucuronosyl-(1 fi2)]-b-D-xylopyranosyl-(1 fi4)-D-xylose as a ligand.

    pdf12p cosis54 05-01-2013 53 4   Download

  • Specifically, the science of physics to the laws of natural movement, from a macroscopic (particles that make up matter) to larger scales (planets, galaxies and the universe). In English, from physics (physics) is derived from Greek φύσις (phusis) means natural and φυσικός (phusikos) is of the nature. The main object of study now include physical matter, energy, space and time.

    pdf7p phalinh14 07-08-2011 57 3   Download

  • Collection of research reports best universities honored author. Two. Le Van Dung, a number average convergence theorem for two index array of random elements in Banach spaces with integrable conditions are ... Science (in Latin Scientia, meaning "knowledge "or" understanding ") is the efforts to implement the invention, and increased knowledge of the human understanding of how the operation of the physical world around them.

    pdf10p phalinh14 07-08-2011 63 3   Download

  • Physics has an important role in our life. Without physics and the work of physicists, our modern life would not exist. Using physics, people created machines, instruments and some different divices from the crudest to the most modern aspect. Techology is developed more rapidly, more modern day by day. Moreover, all other natural sciences- example chemistry, biology, medicinedepend upon physics for the foundations of their knowledge.

    pdf17p tieulaubau 21-06-2011 84 4   Download

  • Telomerase DNA polymerase is unable to replicate the tips of chromosomes, resulting in the loss of DNA at the specialized ends of chromosomes (called telomeres) with each replication cycle. At birth, human telomeres are 15- to 20-kb pairs long and are composed of tandem repeats of a six-nucleotide sequence (TTAGGG) that associate with specialized telomere-binding proteins to form a T-loop structure that protects the ends of chromosomes from being mistakenly recognized as damaged.

    pdf5p konheokonmummim 03-12-2010 77 7   Download

  • Self-Renewal and Proliferation of Stem Cells Symmetric and Asymmetric Cell Division The most widely accepted stem cell definition is a cell with a unique capacity to produce unaltered daughter cells (self-renewal) and to generate specialized cell types (potency). Self-renewal can be achieved in two ways. Asymmetric cell division produces one daughter cell that is identical to the parental cell and one daughter cell that is different from the parental cell and is a progenitor or differentiated cell. Asymmetric cell division does not increase the number of stem cells.

    pdf5p konheokonmummim 03-12-2010 114 11   Download



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