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Transfer function

Xem 1-20 trên 57 kết quả Transfer function
  • The geometries and relative stabilities of 15 tautomeric forms and the corresponding isomers of the studied molecules have been identified and their relative stabilities are investigated. The potential energy profiles and intrinsic reaction coordinates (IRC) calculations along the proton transfer coordinates both in the ground and in the excited state are monitored as well. The impact of the donating (OMe) and withdrawing (NO2) groups on the single and double proton transfers are investigated both in the gas phase and solution.

    pdf9p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 6 1   Download

  • Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT), a key cytoplasmic protein in the human body, is accountable to catalyze the nicotinamide (NCA) N1 -methylation through S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) as a methyl donor, which has been linked to many diseases. Although extensive studies have concerned about the biological aspect, the detailed mechanism study of the enzyme function, especially in the part of protein dynamics is lacking.

    pdf9p thiencuuchu 27-11-2021 14 1   Download

  • In this study, the Mgra16281 gene (ID: MK322955.1) enco ding an effector with the unknown function was cloned from the rice ro ot-knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola isolated in Long An province. To knock-down the expression of this gene, an artificial microRNA was synthesized based on the Osa-MIR528 precursor and inserted into an expression vector.

    pdf9p larachdumlanat129 19-01-2021 14 1   Download

  • In this paper, we underline the significant role of intermediaries in boosting absorptive capacity in small and medium-sized enterprises by introducing a framework that expresses intermediaries' functions and their services in absorptive capacity as an essential element of successful knowledge and technology transfer.

    pdf10p larachdumlanat129 14-01-2021 12 2   Download

  • This study investigates the adsorption mechanism of 2-butanone (ethyl methyl ketone) on the surface of graphene by using Density Functionals Theory (DFT). A 2-butanone molecule was chosen as a selected example of main volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath.

    pdf9p tamynhan6 14-09-2020 12 1   Download

  • Generation of residual stress and structure deformation are the most important problems in the process of structure welding. Residual stresses inside and around the welded joints are harmful for integrity and proper functioning of the welded part.

    pdf8p tohitohi 19-05-2020 10 1   Download

  • A basic function of extension is to assist the transfer of agricultural technology by ensuring that an adequate amount of high quality knowledge about it is present in the farming community for sustained agricultural development. Studies of the personal characteristics of power holders indicate that they possess high social status and are well known and respected in their communities. While leaders may share some relevant characteristics in similar situations, they also very likely differ in others so that their total personalities are not alike.

    pdf11p caygaocaolon4 04-04-2020 22 1   Download

  • The article presents the problem associated with the influence of seawaves on the working depth of a towed underwater vehicle (TUV) including: defining transfer function (TF) of the towing cable - underwater vehicle system; analyzing the sea-wave’s features, modeling and defining the TF of filter which forms the sea-waves; estimating the TFs of the system (TC - UV) and researching the influence of sea-waves to the TUV’s working depth in the time domain.

    pdf10p thithizone 16-07-2019 16 1   Download

  • The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a protocol used mainly to access data on the World Wide Web. HTTP functions like a combination of FTP and SMTP. This chapter provides knowledge of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): HTTP transaction, request message, response message, header, examples, some other features.

    ppt25p tangtuy09 26-04-2016 46 2   Download

  • Lecture "Fundamentals of control systems - Chapter 7: Mathematical model of discrete time control systems" presentation of content: Introduction to discrete - time system, the Z-transform, transfer function of discrete-time system,... Invite you to reference.

    pdf48p doinhugiobay_17 04-03-2016 58 5   Download

  • Lecture "Fundamentals of control systems - Chapter 2: Mathematical models of continuous control systems" presentation of content: Presentation of content, transfer function, block diagram algebra, signal flow diagram, state space equation, linearized models of nonlinear systems.

    pdf120p doinhugiobay_17 04-03-2016 97 7   Download

  • Lecture Control system design: Mathematical models of systems presents the following content: Differential equations of physical systems, linear approximations of physical systems, the laplace transform, the transfer function of linear systems, block diagram models, signal – flow graph models, the simulation of systems using control design software.

    pdf62p youcanletgo_04 17-01-2016 55 3   Download

  • This chapter presents the following content: The state variables of a dynamic system, the state differential equation, signal – flow graph & block diagram models, alternative signal – flow graph & block diagram models, the transfer function from the state equation,...

    pdf50p youcanletgo_04 17-01-2016 52 2   Download

  • Lecture Digital signal processing - Chapter 6 introduce transfer function and digital filter realization. In this chapter, you will learn to: Transfer functions (Impulse response, difference equation, impulse response,...), digital filter realization (Direct form, canonical form, cascade form).

    pdf46p youcanletgo_04 15-01-2016 77 3   Download

  • The purpose of Tài liệu Control engineering problems with solutions is to provide both worked examples and additional problems, with answers only. A major objective is to enable the reader to develop confidence in analytical work by showing how calculations can be checked using Matlab/Simulink.

    pdf200p hoangtuanthien 22-06-2015 44 6   Download

  • Transfers control back to "calling" function For return type other than void, MUST have return statement Typically the LAST statement in function definition return statement optional for void functions.

    ppt41p sakuraphuong 29-05-2013 63 5   Download

  • In this review, we summarize recent progress in studying three main classes of prenyltransferases: (a) isoprenyl pyrophosphate synthases (IPPSs), which catalyze chain elongation of allylic pyrophosphate substrates via consecutive condensation reactions with isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP) to generate linear polymers with defined chain lengths; (b) protein prenyltransferases, which catalyze the transfer of an isoprenyl pyrophosphate (e.g. farnesyl pyrophosphate) to a protein or a peptide; (c) prenyltransferases, which catalyze the cyclization of isoprenyl pyrophosphates.

    pdf16p research12 01-06-2013 44 3   Download

  • 4-Coumarate:CoA ligase (4CL) is involved in the formation of coenzyme A thioesters of hydroxycinnamic acids that are central substrates for subsequent condensation, reduction, and transfer reactions in the biosynthesis of plant phenylpropanoids. Previous studies of 4CL appear to suggest that many isoenzymes are functionally equivalent in supplying substrates to various subsequent branches of phenylpropanoid biosyntheses. In contrast, divergent members of a 4CL gene family were identified in soybean (Glycine max L.).

    pdf12p research12 01-06-2013 53 4   Download

  • The functional replacement of the primary ubiquinone (QA) in the photosynthetic reaction center (RC) from Rhodo-bacter sphaeroideswith synthetic vitamin K derivatives has provided a powerful tool to investigate the electron transfer mechanism. To investigate the binding mode of these qui-nones to theQAbinding sitewe have determined the binding free energy and charge recombination rate from QA ± to D + (kAD) of 29 different 1,4-naphthoquinone derivatives with systematically altered structures.

    pdf13p research12 01-06-2013 50 3   Download

  • Multimolecular complexes involving the eukaryotic elongation factor 1A (eEF1A) have been suggested to play an important role in the channeling (vectorial transfer) of tRNAduring protein synthesis [Negrutskii, B.S.&El’skaya, A.V. (1998)Prog. Nucleic Acids Res. Mol. Biol.60,47–78]. Recently we have demonstrated that besides performing its canonical function of forming a ternary complex with GTP and aminoacyl-tRNA, the mammalian eEF1A can produce a noncanonical ternary complex with GDP and uncharged tRNA [Petrushenko, Z.M., Negrutskii, B.S.,...

    pdf8p research12 29-04-2013 39 2   Download



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