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Upper respiratory tract infections

Xem 1-20 trên 21 kết quả Upper respiratory tract infections
  • The glycosyltransferase enzymes (Lgts) responsible for the biosynthesis of the lipooligosaccharide-derived oligosaccharide structures from Moraxella catarrhalishave been investigated. This upper respiratory tract pathogen is responsible for a spectrum of illnesses, including otitis media (middle ear infection) in children, and contributes to exacerbations of chronic obstruct-ive pulmonary disease in elderly patients.

    pdf14p galaxyss3 19-03-2013 33 4   Download

  • Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học Critical Care giúp cho các bạn có thêm kiến thức về ngành y học đề tài: Effectiveness of a Chinese herbal medicine preparation in the treatment of cough in uncomplicated upper respiratory tract infection: a randomised double-blinded placebo-control trial...

    pdf9p coxanh_4 26-10-2011 63 3   Download

  • Clinical Manifestations Upper Respiratory Tract Infections Although many patients who develop meningococcal meningitis or meningococcemia report having had throat soreness or other upper respiratory symptoms during the preceding week, it is uncertain whether these symptoms are due to infection with meningococci. Meningococcal pharyngitis is rarely diagnosed. Adult patients with N. meningitidis bacteremia more often have clinically apparent disease of the respiratory tract (pneumonia, sinusitis, tracheobronchitis, conjunctivitis) than do younger patients.

    pdf5p colgate_colgate 21-12-2010 63 2   Download

  • Neutrophil Abnormalities A defect in the neutrophil life cycle can lead to dysfunction and compromised host defenses. Inflammation is often depressed, and the clinical result is often recurrent with severe bacterial and fungal infections. Aphthous ulcers of mucous membranes (gray ulcers without pus) and gingivitis and periodontal disease suggest a phagocytic cell disorder. Patients with congenital phagocyte defects can have infections within the first few days of life. Skin, ear, upper and lower respiratory tract, and bone infections are common. Sepsis and meningitis are rare.

    pdf6p konheokonmummim 03-12-2010 76 4   Download

  • Guttate psoriasis (eruptive psoriasis) is most common in children and young adults. It develops acutely in individuals without psoriasis or in those with chronic plaque psoriasis. Patients present with many small erythematous, scaling papules, frequently after upper respiratory tract infection with β-hemolytic streptococci. The differential diagnosis should include pityriasis rosea and secondary syphilis. Pustular psoriasis is another variant. Patients may have disease localized to the palms and soles, or the disease may be generalized.

    pdf6p konheokonmummim 30-11-2010 75 4   Download

  • Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis Epiglottitis typically presents more acutely in young children than in adolescents or adults.

    pdf5p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 65 3   Download

  • Infection of the submandibular and/or sublingual space typically originates from an infected or recently extracted lower tooth. The result is the severe, lifethreatening infection referred to as Ludwig's angina (see "Oral Infections," above). Infection of the lateral pharyngeal (or parapharyngeal) space is most often a complication of common infections of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract, including tonsillitis, peritonsillar abscess, pharyngitis, mastoiditis, or periodontal infection.

    pdf6p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 83 3   Download

  • Infections of the Larynx and Epiglottis Laryngitis Laryngitis is defined as any inflammatory process involving the larynx and can be caused by a variety of infectious and noninfectious processes. The vast majority of laryngitis cases seen in clinical practice in developed countries are acute. Acute laryngitis is a common syndrome caused predominantly by the same viruses responsible for many other URIs. In fact, most cases of acute laryngitis occur in the setting of a viral URI.

    pdf5p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 90 3   Download

  • Acute mastoiditis. Axial CT image shows an acute fluid collection within the mastoid air cells on the left. Purulent fluid should be cultured whenever possible to help guide antimicrobial therapy. Initial empirical therapy is usually directed against the typical organisms associated with acute otitis media, such as S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, and M. catarrhalis. Some patients with more severe or prolonged courses of illness should be treated for infection with S. aureus and gram-negative bacilli (including Pseudomonas).

    pdf5p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 74 2   Download

  • Diagnosis The primary goal of diagnostic testing is to separate acute streptococcal pharyngitis from pharyngitis of other etiologies (particularly viral) so that antibiotics can be prescribed more efficiently for patients to whom they may be beneficial. The most appropriate standard for the diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngitis, however, has not been definitively established. Throat swab culture is generally regarded as such.

    pdf5p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 53 2   Download

  • Pharyngitis: Treatment Antibiotic treatment of pharyngitis due to S. pyogenes confers numerous benefits, including a decrease in the risk of rheumatic fever. The magnitude of this benefit is fairly small, however, since rheumatic fever is now a rare disease, even among untreated patients. When therapy is started within 48 h of illness onset, however, symptom duration is also decreased. An additional benefit of therapy is the potential to reduce the spread of streptococcal pharyngitis, particularly in areas of overcrowding or close contact.

    pdf6p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 80 2   Download

  • Serous Otitis Media In serous otitis media (otitis media with effusion), fluid is present in the middle ear for an extended period and in the absence of signs and symptoms of infection. In general, acute effusions are self-limited; most resolve in 2–4 weeks. In some cases, however (in particular after an episode of acute otitis media), effusions can persist for months. These chronic effusions are often associated with a significant hearing loss in the affected ear.

    pdf5p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 69 2   Download

  • Infections of the Ear and Mastoid Infections of the ear and associated structures can involve both the middle and external ear, including the skin, cartilage, periosteum, ear canal, and tympanic and mastoid cavities. Both viruses and bacteria are known causes of these infections, some of which result in significant morbidity if not treated appropriately. Infections of the External Ear Structures Infections involving the structures of the external ear are often difficult to differentiate from noninfectious inflammatory conditions with similar clinical manifestations.

    pdf5p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 62 3   Download

  • Chronic otitis externa is caused primarily by repeated local irritation, most commonly arising from persistent drainage from a chronic middle-ear infection. Other causes of repeated irritation, such as insertion of cotton swabs or other foreign objects into the ear canal, can lead to this condition, as can rare chronic infections such as syphilis, tuberculosis, or leprosy.

    pdf7p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 66 3   Download

  • Etiology Acute otitis media typically follows a viral URI. The causative viruses (most commonly RSV, influenza virus, rhinovirus, and enterovirus) can themselves cause subsequent acute otitis media; more often, they predispose the patient to bacterial otitis media. Studies using tympanocentesis have consistently found S. pneumoniae to be the most important bacterial cause, isolated in up to 35% of cases. H. influenzae (nontypable strains) and M.

    pdf5p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 63 2   Download

  • Acute Sinusitis: Treatment Most patients with a diagnosis of acute rhinosinusitis based on clinical grounds improve without antibiotic therapy. The preferred initial approach in patients with mild to moderate symptoms of short duration is therapy aimed at facilitating sinus drainage, such as oral and topical decongestants, nasal saline lavage, and—in patients with a history of chronic sinusitis or allergies—nasal glucocorticoids.

    pdf5p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 80 2   Download

  • Clinical Manifestations Most cases of acute sinusitis present after or in conjunction with a viral URI, and it can be difficult to discriminate the clinical features of one from the other. A large proportion of patients with colds have sinus inflammation, although bacterial sinusitis complicates only 0.2–2% of these viral infections. Common presenting symptoms of sinusitis include nasal drainage and congestion, facial pain or pressure, and headache.

    pdf8p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 66 2   Download

  • Upper Respiratory Infections: Treatment Antibiotics have no role in the treatment of uncomplicated nonspecific URI. In the absence of clinical evidence of bacterial infection, treatment remains entirely symptom-based, with use of decongestants and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Other therapies directed at specific symptoms are often useful, including dextromethorphan for cough and lozenges with topical anesthetic for sore throat. Clinical trials of zinc, vitamin C, echinacea, and other alternative remedies have revealed no consistent benefit for the treatment of nonspecific URI.

    pdf5p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 83 2   Download

  • Harrison's Internal Medicine Chapter 31. Pharyngitis, Sinusitis, Otitis, and Other Upper Respiratory Tract Infections Pharyngitis, Sinusitis, Otitis, and Other Upper Respiratory Tract Infections: Introduction Infections of the upper respiratory tract (URIs) have a tremendous impact on public health. They are among the most common reasons for visits to primary care providers, and, although the illnesses are typically mild, their high incidence and transmission rates place them among the leading causes of time lost from work or school.

    pdf5p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 87 3   Download

  • Orbital Cellulitis This causes pain, lid erythema, proptosis, conjunctival chemosis, restricted motility, decreased acuity, afferent pupillary defect, fever, and leukocytosis. It often arises from the paranasal sinuses, especially by contiguous spread of infection from the ethmoid sinus through the lamina papyracea of the medial orbit. A history of recent upper respiratory tract infection, chronic sinusitis, thick mucous secretions, or dental disease is significant in any patient with suspected orbital cellulitis. Blood cultures should be obtained, but they are usually negative.

    pdf5p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 67 4   Download



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