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4 Đề thi HK1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 năm 2012-2013

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Cùng tham khảo 4 đề thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 năm 2012-2013 gồm các câu hỏi trắc nghiệm có đáp án giúp cho các bạn học sinh lớp 11 có thêm tư liệu tham khảo sẽ giúp bạn định hướng kiến thức ôn tập và rèn luyện kỹ năng, tư duy làm bài thi đạt được kết quả cao nhất.

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Nội dung Text: 4 Đề thi HK1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 năm 2012-2013

  1. 16. The boy had better _________a short rest. ĐỀ HỌC KÌ 1 TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 (2012-2013) MÃ ĐỀ: 001 A. take B. to take C. taking D. took 17. My father ________ tea in the morning. THE FIRST TERM EXAMINATION – ENGLISH 11 – 2012-2013 KEY S A. don’t usually drink B. usually drink C. didn’t drink usually D. doesn’t usually drink Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that 18. I remember _______ you before , but I have forgotten your name of the other words A. met B. to met C. meet D. meeting 1. A. joke B. village C. mutual D. dangerous 19. When we _______, the film had started already. 2. A. twenty B. twist C. two D. twinkle A. arrived B. was arriving C. had arrived D. arrives 3. A. whose B. what C. when D. which 20. While I came to his house, he __________ to music. 4. A. machine B. church C. choice D. chicken A. listened B. was listening C. had listened D. listens 5. A. honor B. hour C. hungry D. honest 21. If I go shopping, I ________some food. Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs A. buy B. will buy correction C. would buy D. would have bought 6. Why don’t you congratulate our son about passing his final exam? 22. __________ the museum last Sunday, we decided to have lunch in the A B C D park. 7. If I had been him, I would never buy that old car. A. Visited B. Having visited A B C D C. Have visited D. Visit 8. The children enjoyed taking on camping trips last week. 23. My best friend dislikes _____________about anywhere. A B C D A. to talk B. to be talked 9. Mary should have apologized to the teacher of being late this morning, but C. talking D. being talked she did not. 24. There’s_____________at the door. Can you go and see who it is? A B C D A. someone B. anyone C. noone D. everyone 10. I sold my old car yesterday and bought a new ones. 25. All students denied ________ her. A B C D A. to see B. of seeing Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence C. having seen D. having seeing 11. We should take care of war invalids and family of martyrs. Read the passage , fill in each numbered blank with suitable word or phrase A. look after B. look into C. look for D. look at To many people, their friends are the most important in their life. Really good 12. Your friendship should be based on ______ trust. friends always … (26) … joys and sorrows with you and never turn their backs A. basic B. suspicious C. mutual D. blind on you. Your best friend may be someone you have known all your life or 13. A_________ is a person chosen to speak on behalf of a group. someone you have grown up with. A. judge B. representative C. friend D. member There are all sorts of things that can bring about this special … (27) …It may 14. I really like Emma Watson. She has such a good sense of be the result of enjoying the same activities and sharing experiences. Most of us ______________ have met someone … (28)… we have immediately felt relaxed with as if we had A. intelligence B. humour C. honesty D. selfishness known …..(29)….. for ages. However, it really takes you years to get to know 15. How many __________are there in the competition? someone well enough to consider your best friend. A. participants B. participates C. participations D. participative 1
  2. To the majority of us, this is someone we … (30)… completely and who C. We couldn’t have a picnic if the weather weren’t fine now. understands us better than anyone else. It’s the person you can tell him or her D. We could have a picnic if the weather were fine now. your most intimate secrets. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer 26. A. have B. spend C. share D. give In Viet Nam, there is great excitement built up well before Tet Nguyen Dan. 27. A. friends B. relatives C. relation D. relationship First, every family organizes a trip to the cemetery to visit the graves of their 28. A. whose B. what C. which D. that ancestor. After that, to create an air of prosperity, wealth and fun for the first 29. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs three days of the Lunar New Year, people are kept busy cooking traditional 30. A. truth B. true C. untrue D. trust foods, buying gifts, and making other preparations. Certain items deemed to be Choose one sentence that has the same meaning to the root one bought or made are banh chung, dried watermelon seeds, tea, dried sausages, fruit 31. “It was very nice of you to visit me. Thank you,” Tom said to Nga. (fresh and candied), ornamental plants and flowers. Red and yellow flowers are A. Tom thanked Nga for visiting her. ideal as they make the house more welcoming. On the New Year's days, only B. Tom told Nga that she was very nice to visit him. good comments and wishes can be expressed. Children receive their “Ii xi” (or C. Tom thanked Nga for being nice to visit her red envelopes with lucky money inside). People make a visit to family members, D. Tom asked Nga to visit me neighbors, and close friends. And people who live apart from their family try to 32. “The policeman said that the thief robbed the bank.” get together on these days. Clearly enough, games and various forms of A. The policeman congratulated the thief on robbing the bank. entertainment are staged and these often last a week. Varying traditional B. The policeman thanked the thief for robbing the bank. specialties including wrestling, buffalo fighting, dragon or unicorn dancing take C. The policeman warned the thief against robbing the bank. place in different regions. D. The policeman accused the thief of robbing the bank. 36. Before Tet, people usually _________. 33. “ If I don’t practice my English, I won’t get any better,” she said. A. are very busy with the preparations A. She said if I don’t practice my English, I won’t get any better. B. have great excitement and fun B. She said if I didn’t practice my English, I would’t get any better. C. rebuild their ancestral graves A. She said if she didn’t practice her English, she wouldn’t get any better. D. spend time on traveling A. She said if she hadn’t practiced her English, she wouldn’t have got any 37. Which of the following, according to the passage, is not usually eaten better. during Tet? 34. “If I had had money, I would have bought you a car” Hong’s father said. A. candied ginger B. sausages C. watermelon D. beef stew A. Hong’s father said that if I had had money I would have bought Hong 38. Why are red and yellow flowers popular in decorating the house at Tet? a car. A. Because they are friendly and pleasant. B. Hong’s father told me that if Hong had had money he would have B. Because they make the house look comfortable to be in. bought me a car. C. Because they represent good luck. C. Hong’s father said that if she had had money she would have bought D. Because they are attractive and cheap. her him a car. 39. On the New Year's days, _________. D. Hong’s father told her that if he had had money he would have A. people are busy cooking traditional foods bought her a car. B. everybody receives their 'lucky money' 35. The weather is fine now, so we have a picnic. C. only good comments can be made A. If the weather isn’t fine now, we can have a picnic D. houses are cleaned and decorated with trees and flowers B. If the weather had been fine now, we couldn’t have a picnic 40. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage? 2
  3. A. Tet is period of concord and hope. B. Tet is a sort of bond that ties the living and the dead. C. Tet is a great season of joy and of entertainment. D. Tet is an occasion for a family reunion. 3
  4. ĐỀ HỌC KÌ 1 TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 (2012-2013) MÃ ĐỀ: 002 I/ PHONETICS: 1. A. exchange B. children C. peach D. machine 2. A. hour C. holiday D. helicopter 3. A.twelve B. two C. twice D. twinkle 4. A. water B. whale C. whole D. window 5. A. lonely B. young C. yes D. lawyer II/ VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: 6. The “ ------------- ” is often celebrated on people’s 25th wedding anniversaries. A . Golden Anniversary B. Diamond Anniversary C . Cotton Anniversary D. Silver Anniversary 7. Your friendship should be based on ……………. trust. A. basic B. fragile C. mutual D. blind 8. Big Brother is a…………organization which helps boys who no longer have fathers. A. voluntary B. volunteer C. volunteers D. voluntarily 9. A(n) ……………is a person who is killed because of their political beliefs. A. invalid B. soldier C. veteran D. martyr 10. The English competition was …………by the Students' Parents Society. A. scored B. sponsored C. created D. recited 11. . My boss made me ………my report again because he wasn’t satisfied with it. A. do B. to do C. doing D. did 12. I was delighted………………………my old friends again. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. to seeing 13. The earth…………………..around the sun. A. go B. goes C. has gone D. is going 14. There was complete silence in the room…………..said……………… A. no one/nothing B. no one/anything C. anyone/anything D. anyone/nothing 15. When it…………………… rain, they………………………through the forest. A. started/ walked B. was starting/ were walking C. was starting/ walked D.started/were walking 16. If the weather is nice, we………………….for a picnic. A. will go B. would go C. go D. would have gone 17. I apologized ........................ the book at home. A. for leaving B. to leaving C. leave D. to leave 18. The new students hope………………..…… many of the school’s social activities. A. including B. being included C. to include D. to be included 19. ………….for twelve hours, I felt marvelous. A. Have slept B. Having slept C. Having been slept D. have been slept 20. The material …………..softer than anything she had ever touched before. A. leaves B. has left C. left D. had left
  5. III/ READING: A. Cloze test: Lisa is seven years old today, and her parents hold a (21)---------------- for her. On the table there is a birthday (22) -------- which there are seven colourful (23) ------------sitting in the middle of the cake. People sing “Happy birthday” to Linda. When they finish singing, she(24)----------- the candles on the cake then she cuts the cake to serve the guests. After that, she happily opens her birthday cards and (25)----------that her relatives and friends give her. 21. A. birthday party B. house-warming party C. farewell party D. wedding pary 22 . A. bread B. caddy C. sandwich D. cake 23. A. gifts B. candles C. rings D. flowers 24 A. blows out B. pulls out C. picks out D. takes out 25. A. parents B. complaints C. presents D. helicopters B. Reading comprehension: Đọc đoạn văn và chọn đáp án đúng nhất: One warm spring day, Mrs. Baker went to the park near her house. She sat down on a park bench and started to read a letter from her daughter, Karen. Karen and her husband, John and their two children, Ken and Kathy, were on Florida on vacation for two weeks. Karen said that they were having a wonderful time, and she sent some postcards in the letters. The postcards showed pictures of Florida. Mrs.Baker smiled at she read the letter again. She was happy that they were having a good time. While she was reading, a man came and sat down at the other end of the bench. He opened his newspaper and began to read. Suddenly the postcards blew out of Mrs.Baker’s hand and fell on the ground. They started to blow away. Mr Mark Baker quickly reached down and helped Mrs.Baker pick them up. Mrs. Baker thanked him and showed him the postcards. They introduced themselves. It was the beginning of a very pleasant friendship. 26. Mrs Baker was……………………………………. A. at home reading her letter B. in the park reading her letter C. in the park reading her newspaper D. in the park reading her book 27. What happened ? A. The letter blew onto the ground. B. The newspaper blew onte the ground. C. The postcards blew onto the ground. D. Her hat blew onto the ground. 28. What did Mr.Marks do ? A. He continued reading his newspaper B. He pick them up and looked at them C. He reached down and helped Mrs.Baker pick up the postcards D. He got up and went home 29. After Mr. Mark helped Mrs. Baker pick up the postcards………………….. A. they went to the movie. B. they introduced themselves, and they began to talk. C. she thanked him and then she went home.
  6. D. he continued reading his newspaper. 30. The story ends with ………………………………….. A. a letter B. a postcard C. a love D. a friendship IV/ WRITING: A. Error identification: 31.I couldn’t fit all the boxes in the car, so I have to leave ones behind and pick it up later. A B C D 32.Joyce thanked us inviting them to dinner and said that they wanted to have us over for dinner next week. A B C D 33.I expected to invite to the party, but I wasn’t. A B C D 34.The police warned everybody for walking alone at night. A B C D 35. If the doctor was called earlier, Mary would still be alive today. A B C D B. Transformation: 36 'It was nice of you to invite me to your birthday party. Thanks very much.” Mike said to me A. Mike thanked me to invite him to my birthday party. B. Mike thanked me for inviting him to my birthday party. C. Mike thanked me to inviting him to my birthday party. D. Mike thanked me inviting him to my birthday party. 37. 'I hear you won the championship. Congratulations!' Dane said to me A. Dane cogratulated me winning the championship. B. Dane cogratulated me to winning the championship. C. Dane cogratulated me to win the championship. D. Dane cogratulated me on winning the championship. 38. “I will come to see you if I have time,” the man said to her. A. The man told her that he would come to see her if he had time. B. The man told her that he will come to see her if he has time. C. The man told her that he would not come to see her if he had time. D. The man told her that he would have come to see her if he had had time. 39. “I’d have been in bad trouble if Jane hadn’t helped me,” he said. A. He said that he would be in bad trouble if Jane hadn’t helped me. B. He said that he will be in bad trouble if Jane doesn’t help me. C. He said that he would have been in bad trouble if Jane hadn’t helped him. D. He said that he would be in bad trouble if Jane didn’t help me. 40. Jack was late for the meeting because his watch was slow. A. If Jack’s watch wasn’t slow, he wouldn’t be late for the meeting. B. If Jack’s watch hadn’t been slow, he wouldn’t have been late for the meeting. C. If Jack’s watch hadn’t been slow, he would have been late for the meeting.
  7. D. If Jack’s watch had been slow, he would have been late for the meeting.
  8. ĐỀ HỌC KÌ 1 TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 (2012-2013) MÃ ĐỀ: 003 Chọn từ ứng với A,B,C hoặc D có phần gạch dưới được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại: 1. A. hour B. hospital C. home D. house 2. A. chilren B. kitchen C. beach D. chemistry 3. A. water B. world C. whole D. window 4. A. unhappy B. use C. york D. yes 5. A. traffic B. trousers C. twenty D. tropical Chọn phương án đúng A,B,C hoặc D để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau: 6. The final competition included the ……………….. of three classes. A. worksheets B. representatives C. judges D. rules 7. There are more and more services to facilitate life of ………………. people. A. disastered B. handicapped C. remote D. inconvenient 8. Children today are no longer as much interested in receiving ………………….. as they were in the old days. A. visistors B. welcome C. greetings D. lucky money 9. On Valentine’s Day, young people often ……………. their love to each other. A. hide B. express C. celebrate D. cut 10. I really hate the kind of person who is always ……….. about little things. A. making a fuss B. satisfied C. doing a lot D. add 11. They talked about………..together. A. study B. to study C. studies D. studying 12. I want …………………. Football with my friends. A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play 13. My mother ……………….. exercise everyday. A. do B. did C. does D. done 14. If I spoke English, I …………… in America. A. had studied B. will study C. would study D. would have studied 15. He ………………. this book three months ago. A. buy B. bought C. buys D. had bought 16. By the time I got into town, the shops ………………….. A. had closed B. closed C. close D. have closed 17. …………………….. for two hours, I felt tired. A. Having waited B. Have waited C. Having wait D. Have wait 18. Ann hoped ……….. to join the club, she could make important business contacts there. A. inviting B. being invited C. to invite D. to be invited 19. John insisted …………. Linda to the airport. A. on to drive B. driving C. in driving D. on driving 20. Does ………….. know where he’s know? A. anyone B. someone C. ones D. one Chọn phương án ứng với từ/ cụm từ có phần gạch chân cần phải sửa để trở thành câu đúng:
  9. 21. We could do more if we had had more time yesterday. A B C D 22. I dreamed on being a rich man. A B C D 23. Of the two shirts, I prefer the white ones. A B C D 24. Jonh apologised for not to phoning me earlier. A B C D 25. I expect to meet at the airport by my uncle. A B C D Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng A,B,C hoặc D cho mỗi chỗ trống: Each nation has many people who (26)……….. take care (27)……… others. For example, many high (28)………and college students in the United States often spend many hours as(29)…………….. in hospitals, orphanages or homes for the aged. They read books to the people in these places. Sometimes the students just visit them, play games with them or listen (30)……. their prblem. 26. A. volunteer B. voluntarily C. voluntary D. Volunteers 27. A. of B. to C. in D. on 28. A. hospital B. market C. school D. college 29. A. volunteer B. voluntarily C. voluntary D. volunteers 30. A. in B. of C. on D. to Đọc kỹ đọan văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi câu từ 31 đến 35: Going to party can be fun and enjoyable. If you are invited to a party, call your host up early to inform him/ her of whether you are going. If you want to bring someone who has not been invited along with you, you should ask for permission fist. During the party you may like to help your host by offering to serve drink or wash the dishes. Your host would certainly appreciate these efforts. Your host has many people to attend and can not spend all his/ her time with you. You could try to make people feel more relaxed by introducing yourself to someone who friendly-looking. Before you leave the party, remember to thank your host first. If you have time, you could even offer to help your host clean up place. 31. If you are invited to a party you should................................ A. take someone with you B. aks for your parents’ permission first C. bring a small gift D. call to inform your arrival 32. If you want to bring someone, you should........................... A. ask for your parents’ permission first B. ask for your host’s permission first C. bring a small gift D. give money 33. Does your host spend all time with you? A. Yes, he does B. No, he does not C. Yes, he did D. No, he didn’t 34. What should you do in the party?
  10. A. Talk to your host as much as possiple B. Move around and talk to other guests C. Just make friends with friendly-looking people D. Sing karaoke 35. Before you leave the party, what do you do first? A. Thank your host B. Eat all food C. A & B are correct D. A & B are not correct Chọn phương án đúng (ứng với A hoặc B,C,D) để diễn đạt đúng ý nghĩa mỗi câu sau đây: 36. The thief said that he didn’t take the bicycle. A. The thief denied taking the bicycle. B. The thief denied not taking the bicycle. C. The thief admitted taking the bicycle. D. The thief denied to take the bicycle. 37. He didn’t work hard, so he failed the exam. A.If he worked hard, he wouldn’t fail the exam B. If he had worked hard, he would n’t have failed the exam. C. If he had worked hard, he would have failed the exam. D. If he didn’t work hard, he would fail the exam. 38. “If you don’t apologize, I’ll never speak to you again.” He said to me. A. He told me if I don’t apologize, he will never speak to me again. B. He told me if I don’t apologize, he would never speak to me again. C. He told me if I didn’t apologize, he would never speak to me again. D. He told me if I hadn’t apologized, he would never spoken to me again. 39. “If I had money, I would buy you a shirt.” The mother said to her son. A. The mother told her son if she had had money, she would have bought him a shirt. B. The mother told her son if she had money, she would have bought him a shirt. C. The mother told her son if she had money, she wouldn’t buy him a shirt. D. The mother told her son if she had money, she would buy him a shirt. 40. “Don’t stay at the hotel near the airport,” I said Ann. A. I warned Ann against to stay at the hotel near the airport. B. I warned Ann for staying at the hotel near the airport. C. I warned Ann against stay at the hotel near the airport. D. I warned Ann against staying at the hotel near the airport.
  11. ĐỀ HỌC KÌ 1 TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 (2012-2013) MÃ ĐỀ: 004 I . Choose the word which had the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest 1. A. bank B. Number C. Animal D. Money 2. A. hand B. Habitat C. Eight D. harm 3. A. machine B. Champion C. Charm D. chapter 4. A. honest B. Honorable C. Hour D. homeless 5. A. world B. Wheel C. Overweight D. answer II. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence. 6. They _____________ when the fire alarm rang A. Cook B. Were cooking C. Cooked D. Are cooking 7. If they ____________ more carefully with their money they ___________ into debt A. Aren’t/ will get B. Aren’t / would get C. Weren’t / will get D. Hadn’t been/ would get 8. I meant _______ to you, but I’ve been very busy recently. A. Writing B. To write C. To be writing D. write 9. You can’t prevent him ___________ spending his own money A. Against B. About C. From D. for 10. Susan can’t help ___________ at the fat man A. To laugh B. Laughing C. For laughing D. laughed 11. The room was ___________ of strangers A. Full B. Complete C. Crowded D. filled 12. The restaurants on the island are expensive, so it’s worth __________ a packed lunch A. Take B. Taking C. To take D. taken 13. They all though he was a guilty, but _______ could prove __________ against him A. No one / nothing B. Someone/ anything C. No one/ anything D. Someone/ something 14. After reading the letter, ___________ it on the table A. Leaving B. And leaving C. She left D. And she left 15. You will be ill ___________ you stop working so hard A. Until B. When C. Unless D. if 16. Shy people often find it difficult to __________ group discussion A. Take place in B. Take part in C. Get on with D. Get in touch with 17. Nam ___________ night classed for the past three months A. Is attending B. Has attended C. Will attend D. Had attended 18. thank you very much. It’s very ___________ you to help me. A. Kind with B. Kind for C. Kind of D. Kind to 19. When we arrived, the children _____________ ‘Hide and seek’ A. Were playing B. Had played C. Played D. Are playing
  12. 20. _________ all their money on gambling, he decided to come back home. A. Having spent B. Spent C. Had spent D. Have spent 21. They are busy ___________ the room A. Decorating B. To decorate C. Decorate D. Be decorated 22. Clinton congratulated me ___________ getting married A. About B. With C. In D. on 23. If we had arrived in time we ____________ the ceremony A. Will see B. Would see C. Would have seen D. saw 24. I am going to have my car ____________ tomorrow A. To repair B. Repair C. Repairing D. Repaired 25. I’ve got lots of ________ but only a few really good friends A. Best friends B. Neighbors C. Acquaintances D. Partners 26. I prefer staying at work late _________ work home with me A. To take B. Taking C. Than take D. To taking 27. ________ in some developing countries may be the cause of poverty and hunger A. Modernization B. Literacy C. Pollution D. Overpopulation 28. I couldn’t find Joe at the party last night. If I ________ him, we’d have been happy A. Meet B. Met C. Have met D. Had met 29. We wish you both health and longevity A. Long life B. Happy life C. Easy life D. Exciting life 30. People are not aware ________ the problem of overpopulation A. For B. Of C. At D. In II. Read the passage and choose the best answer. . Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers If you plan to visit in October, don’t miss the Harvest Festival. The festival offers a variety of activities for all age groups and interests. Children will enjoy listening to traditional stories and learning folk dances. Adults will enjoy the antique show and the crafts fair. Other attractions include a celebration of musical heritage and demonstrations of traditional skills such as candle making, butter churning, and bee keeping. The festival is held at County Fairgrounds, ten miles outside of town on Highway 64 West. Space is available for you to park your car at the festival at no extra charge. The admission fee of $ 2 for adults and $ 1 for children is donated to the Preserve Our History Fund. 31. What does this notice describe? A. A lecture B. A festival C. A school D. A parade 32. What activity is available for children? A. Dancing B. Painting C. Ball playing D. Singing 33. Which of the following activities isn’t mentioned in the notice? A. Butter churning and bee keeping B. Candle making C. Cooking D. Dancing 34. How does the advertisement assume that people get to the fairgrounds?
  13. A. Walk B. Drive a car C. Take the subway D. Fly 35. What happens to the admission fee? A. It is used to rent the fairgrounds. B. It pays the performers. C. It pays for supplies. D. It is donated to charity. III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in the sentence that needs correcting 36. thank you very much about the Pokémon card A B C D 37. there is a big tree lie across the street A B C D 38. she didn’t come to class for two days, and anyone knows where she is A B C D 39. she said that she will be here the next week A B C D 40. we were not inviting to their wedding anniversary last week. A B C D



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