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Bài tập câu mệnh lệnh, câu cầu khiến và câu hỏi trong ngữ pháp tiếng Anh: Phần 1

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Cuốn sách "Bài tập câu mệnh lệnh, câu cầu khiến và câu hỏi trong ngữ pháp tiếng Anh" cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức về câu hỏi có từ để hỏi - Wh- questions, câu nghi vấn - Affirmative questions; câu hỏi đuôi; câu mệnh lệnh, cầu khiến, đề nghị. Sách được chia thành 2 phần, mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung phần 1 ngay sau đây.

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: Bài tập câu mệnh lệnh, câu cầu khiến và câu hỏi trong ngữ pháp tiếng Anh: Phần 1

  1. .0800*5 f (■>) BÀITẬP NGỮ PHẤPTIẾNGanh NGỌC HA-MINH ĐỨC 'Q Câu hỏi Càu mệnh lệnh Câu câu khiên Q U E S T IO N S , IM P E R A TIV E SENTENC ES OI m n c c T D e m ICCT
  3. I. CÂU HỎI CỐ TỪ ĐỂ HỎI - WH- QUESTIONS E xercise 1. Put in What, Where, Why, When, How into the gaps and form meaningful questions (Điền các từ đê hỏi vào chỗ trống). Example:___ often do you play volleyball? Ansvver: How often do you play volleyball? 1 . do vou like best? 2. does Bill get up in the morning? 3. don't vou go bv bua, Max? 4. hobbies does Andrew have? 5. do they go to every week? 6. _old ______ is Mike? 7. is Susan's birthday? 8 . are my exerciae booka? 9. are you doing at the moment, Sally? 10. do the Robinsons live? E xercise 2. Put in \Vhat, W here, Why, When, How into the gaps and form meaningful questions (Điền các từ để hỏi vào chỗ trống). Exampỉe: often do vou plav volleyhall? 5
  4. Answer: How often do you play volleyball? 1 . ___ is the weather like today? 2 . ____ don't you like apple juice? 3 . ____ about a walk through the íorest? 4 . _____ do you play volleyball? 5 . ____ is my red sweat shirt, Mum? 6 . ____ do Anne and Betty get to school every day? 7 . ____ does your father go to work? 8 . _____ is the dog's bone? 9 . _____are we going for a holiday by the sea again? 10. ____ do you like your coffee? E x ercise 3. Fill into blanks with available question words (Điền vào chỗ trông với những từ đ ể hỏi cho sẵn): who, w h a t, w hose, how , how old, w h a t co lo u r. __________ are Mai and Lan?- They are pupils. __________ shoes are they?- They are Susan’s. ______ is your teacher?- My teachers is twenty-eight. __________ are you? - I’m fine, thanks. __________ are her gloves?- They are brown. __________ is Dick’s wife?- Susan. E xercise 4. Complete these sentences with given words (Đặt thành câu hoàn chỉnh với những từ cho sẵn). Ex: Where/ my apples? on the table. ==> Where are my apples? - They' re on the table. 1. Where/ my hat? on the desk. 6
  5. 2. Where/ Peter? there. 3. Where/ your shoes? under the chair. 4. Where/ your sister? in the kitchen. 5. Where/ our car? behind the house. 6. Where/ those girls? in the class. 7. Where/ the cinema? next to the supermarket. 8. Where/ the USA? betvveen Canada and Mexico. Exercise 5. Make questions about Ed and Liz (Hãy lập các câu hỏi để hỏi về Ed và Liz). 1. Where/Ed and Liz live? 2. How long/they/be/ married? 3. They/go out very often? 4. What/Ed do for a living? 5. He/enjoy his job? 6. He/arrest anyone yesterday? 7. They/have/a car? 8. When/they/buy it? 9. How much/it cost? 10. They/go/on holiday next summer? 11. Where/they/go? Exercise 6. Make the questions for ansvvers (Đặt câu hỏi cho câu trả lời tương ứng). 1. W h at__________________________ ? I’m going to play tennis this Saturday. 7
  6. 2. W here___________________________ .? My sister and her family live on Tran Phu Street. 5. What tim e ________________________? They often have dinner at 8 every evening . 8. What color_______________________ __ _.? Her eyes are brown . 10. W here__________________________ _ ? He is from Australia 11. W h at____________________________ ? I ‘d like some milk. Exereise 7. Change the statements to questions using the question word in parenthesis. Check verb tense (Đổi các câu trần thuật sau sang câu hỏi sử dụng từ đê hỏi cho trong ngoặc. Chú ý thời động từ). Example: The train arrived at ten o’clock. (what time) Answer: What time did the train arrive? 1. They do their homework at night. (when) 2. Mr. Robertson came to the party alone. (who) 3. The car is across the Street from the house. (where) 4. I like the red blouse, not the blue one. (which) 5. She felt better after she took a nap. (how) 6. That is an English book. (what) 7. My sister called her boyíriend yesterday (when) 8. She talked to him for an hour. (how long) 8
  7. 9. He studies piano at the university. (what) 10. The party lasted all night. (how long) 11. The check was for $5.50. (how much) 12. She was eating a sandvvich. (what) Exercise 8. Change the statements to questions using the question word in parenthesis. Check verb tense (Đổi các câu trần thuật sau sang câu hỏi sử dụng từ để hỏi cho trong ngoặc. Chú ý thời động từ). Example: The train arrived at ten o’clock. (what time) Answer: What time did the train arrive? 1. My parents have two cars. (how many) 2. They are Corning to visit tomorrovv. (when) 3. He is going to work right now. (where) 4. The man with the white hat is my brother. (who) 5 .1 don’t get up early because I like to sleep late. (why) 6. We have an English class every day. (how often) 7. They like to dance on weekends. (what) 8. The clưb is not far from their house. (where) 9. Their favorite kind of music is Latin Jazz. (vvhat) 10.1 didn’t bring my dictionary today. (why) 11. They are singing popular songs. (what kind) Exercise 9. Make the questions with available words in the brackets (Đặt câu hỏi với những từ cho sẩn trong ngoặc kép). 1. It’s Mr. David Allen. (Who) 9
  8. 2. My sister is a stu d e n t. (What) 3. These school-boys are going to the cinema. (Where) 4. My English teacher is from England. (Where) 5. John’s grandíather is seventy years old. (How old) 6. They are her brother’s shirts. (Whose) 7. My friend’s h at’s black. (What color) 8. There are twenty girls in my class. (How many) 9. Mrs. White wants a large size. (What size) 10. I have a brother and a sister. (How many) 11. I can see a lot of dogs from my windows. (What) 12. My íamily lives in the countryside. (Where) 13. They oíten go on a trip in summer. (When) E x ercise 10. Make the question with how (Đặt câu hỏi với how). 1 ______ are you?-1 am not very well,at the moment. 2 . _____ is your mother? -she is seventy 3. ___ is this film? - rather interminable, about 3 hours! 4 . ____ íriends have you got ? - a lot,I am so glad ! 5. ______ is your son's bag? - too much for a slim young boy. 6. ______ money has Paris Hilton got ? - It is incredible !She is one ot the richest women in the world. 7 . ____is Paris from Marseille ?- About 800km,I think. 8. ______ is the Everest? - more than 8000 m,it is suc-h a gigantic mountain 10
  9. 9. ______ is Lyon ? - it is the third town in France,it is a very interesting place 10. ___ is this exercise ?-It is a way to learn a list of questions beginning with how E xercise 11. Comeplete the questions with “how” from given answers. (Từ những câu trả lời, hãy suy ra câu hỏi với How) 1 .1' m fine, thanks. And you? ===> 2. How do you do. ===> 3. That wall is two metres high. ===> 4. She' s tvventy years old. ===> 5. The lake is three metres deep. ===> 6. This box is five kg heavy. ===> 7. There are ten eggs in the fridge. ===> 8. They' re very well, thanks. ===> E xercise 12. Make the questions and answer with “How”. (Đặt thành câu hỏi và câu trả lời với How) Ex: wide/ this Street? - tvvelve metres = > How wide is this Street? It' s twelve metres wide. 1. old/ you? - eighteen years. 2. long/ that road? - two kilometres. 11
  10. 3. tall/ Peter? - lm 70. 4. heavy/ th at boy? - 45kg. 5. fat/ your son? - very fat. 6. cold/ today?- ten degrees c. 7. many chairs/ there? - seven. 8. wide/ this m aterial? - two meters. E xercise 13. Make questions for following answers. (Đặt câu hỏi cho câu trả lời tương ứng). 1. How m uch____________________________ ? There is some cheese in the fridge. 2. Hovv m an y ____________________________ ? I want three eggs for my breakfast. 3. How o ften ____________________________ ? She goes to the movies tvvice a month. 4. H ow ____________________________ ? He goes to work by car. 5. How long_____________________________? I am going to stay in Hue for 5 days. 12
  11. E xercise 14. Make questions in blanks with available words (Đặt câu hỏi trong các chỗ trông bằng những từ cho sẵn). Bill: Last night I went to your house but you weren’t at home. W here___________________________ ? Bob: Oh, I went to the cinema. Bill: Who___________________________ ? Bob: I went with my cousin, Kate. Bill: W h at___________________________ ? Bob: “The Blue Planet”, American Science hction film. Bill: W hat___________________________ ? Bob: It was about the people on “Blue Planet” our spaceship discovered it by chance. Bill: W ho___________________________? Bob: John Peak and Mancy Pipkin. They are very íamous fĩlm stars. Bill: How long___________________________ ? Bob: About two hours and a half. Bill: So w hen_______________________ home? Bob: At half past ten. Bill: Oh, what a pity! I had waited for you till 10.20 pm. E xercise 15. Change the following sentences to questions beginning with the given question word (Đổi các câu sau đây sang câu hỏi sử dụng các từ để hỏi). 1. They live in Brooklyn 13
  12. W here____________________________ ? 2. The lesson begins at 8 o'clock. W hat tim e ____________________________ ? 3. They get home at 6 o'clock every night. W hat tim e ________________________ ____.? 4. She speaks French very well W h a t_______________________________ ? 5. Those books cost One dollar How m u ch __________________ .? 6. They travel by car. How _________________________________ ? 7. She wants to learn English because she wants a better job. W hy_________________________________ ? 8. They meet on the corner every morning. W h ere_______________________________ ? 9. She teaches us gram m ar W h a t________________________________ ? 10. He gets up at seven every morning W h en __________________________________ ? 11. Those girls sell newspapaer there W h a t___________________________________ ? 14
  13. E x erc ise 16. Read the paragraph and make questions for ansvvers about Monica Cox (Đọc đoạn văn và đặt câu hỏi cho các câu trả lời sau đây). Monica Cox is a tennis player. She has won many tournaments in her life. She started playing tennis with her father when she was three years old. Two years ago she went to America to a famous tennis school in Caliíornia. Monica Cox and her father have travelled to many countries. Last month they went to a tournament in Australia. Monica played well but she didn’t win. She hasn’t played at Wimbledon yet, but she hopes to do so next year. 1 .____________________________ ? A tennis player. 2. __________________________________________________ ? When she was three. 3 . ___________________________ ? America. 4 . ___________________________ ? To many countries. 5 . ___________________________ ? Many tournaments. 6. ________________________________________________ ? Her father. 15
  14. 7 . ________ 9 Last month. 8. _______________________________________________ ? Well. E x e rc is e 17. Read the paragraph and answer the questions (Đọc đoạn văn rồi trả lời các câu hỏi bên dưới). My name is Peter and my day usually begins at six thirty. I get up and do some exercises for about fifteen minutes. Then I take my shower. Aíter th at I get dressed and have breakfast with my family. I usually have a light breakfast with bread and eggs. At seven thirty I leave for school. I generally take the bus to school. I catch the bus near my house and then vvalk from the bus-stop to my school. It takes about twenty minutes to get to school. My first class is at half past eight and I usually íĩnish school at three. Sometimes I stay late to have a game of volleyball or work in the library. I usually reach home at around four o’clock. When I get home I like to watch TV for a moment. Then I start my home work. I have dinner at seven o’clock. After th at I often have more homework to do. Sometimes I watch TV or go out with my friends after dinner. I often go to bed at about a quarter to eleven. 1. W hat time does Peter’s day usually begin? 16
  15. 2. What does he have breakíast with? 3. How does he go to school? 4. How long does it take him to get to school? 5. When is his first class? 6. What time does he usually ílnish school? 7. Why does he sometimes stay late? 8. Does he come home at six o’clock? 9. What does he do when he gets home? 10. What does he sometimes do after dinner? E x erc ise 18. Read the paragraph and ansvver the questions (Đọc đoạn văn rồi trả lời các câu hỏi bên dưới). Bobbi Brown is a very busy man. He is 60 years old and he has thirteen jobs. He is a postman, a policeman, a Brernan, a taxi-driver, a school-bus driver, a boatman, an ambulance man, an accountant, a petrol attendant,
  16. a barman, and an undertaker. Also, he and his wife, Margaret, have a shop and a small hotel. Bobbi lives and works on the island of Gigha in the west of Scotland. Only 120 people live on Gigha but in summer 150 tourists come by boat everyday. Every weekday Bobbi gets up at 6.00 and makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8.00 he drives the island’s children to school. At 9.00 he collects the post from the boat and delivers it to all the house on the island. He also delivers the beer to the island’s only pub. Then he helps M argaret in the shop. He says: “Margaret likes being busy, too. We never have holidays and we don’t like watching television. In the evening Margaret makes supper and I do the accounts. At 10.00 we have a glass of wine and then we go to bed. Perhaps our life isn’t very exciting, but we like it. 1. Where does Bobbi live? 2. How old is he? 3. How many jobs does he have? 4. What is his wife’s name? 5. How many people live on Gigha? 18
  17. 6. How do visitors come to Gigha? 7. What does Bobbi do at 8 o’clock? 8. How many pubs are there on the island? 9. Do Bobbi’s family usually have holidays? 10. What does Bobbi’s wife do in the evening? E x e rc ise 19. Read the paragraph and answer the questions (Đọc đoạn văn rồi trả lời các câu hỏi hên dưới). Thank you for calling the North London Arts Cinema. It opens 7 days a week, shovving a variety of British and íoreign films. Next week we still show an Italian film called “Midnight Meeting”. It is set in Milan in the 1950s. You can see that film from Monday to Thursday. It will be on twice a day in the evenings. That’s at 6.45 and 9.15. The íìlm lasts two hours and fifteen minutes. Tickets are $4, but there is a specila student ticket at $2.80 for all our midweek íĩlms. Please bring your student card if you want the cheaper ticket. The nearest car park to the cinema is in Victory Street. It’s just íìve-minute walk from the cinema.
  18. Thank you for calling the North London Arts Cinema. If you require íurther information, phone during offĩce hoưrs 9 am to 4.30 pm. Monday to Friday. 1. How many days a week does the North London Arts Cinema open? 2. W hat is the title of íllm next week? 3. How long does the íĩlm last? 4. W hat does a student have to do if he w ants the cheaper ticket? 5. How far is it from the nearest car park to the cinema? E xercise 20. Choose the right question words (Chọn đúng từ đ ể hỏi). 1. A: ________ do you do? B: I’m a student. a. Who b. Where c. W hat d. How 2. A :_______ papers are there? B: Not mine. a. Where 20
  19. b. Which c. Whose d. Why 3. A :_______ is he? B: Oh, th at’s John a. Where b. How c. What d. Who 4. A ;________ is he? B: He is in the garden. a. Where b. Who c. How đ. What 5. A :_________does it leave? B: I don’t know. a. How b. When c. Who 6. A :_________do you want to come? B: I'm free at four-thirty a. What b. When
  20. c. Where d. How 7. A :__________is that? B: Mary’s I think a. Why b. When c. Whose d. What 8. A :_________ does it leave from? B: Over there, by the newspaper shop. a. Why b. Where c. Whose d. Which 9. A :___________ is she here? B: Because she want to she me. a. Why b. Whose c. Which 10. A :___________ do you work? B: At MacDonald's a. When b. How c. Where d. W hat 22



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