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Cắt gan và xẻ gan điều trị sỏi trong gan: Đặc điểm, chỉ định và kết quả

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Nghiên cứu của chúng tôi nhằm: 1- Khảo sát những đặc điểm của nhóm bệnh cắt gan hay xẻ gan để lấy sỏi. 2- Đưa ra những chỉ định cắt gan hay xẻ gan phối hợp để lấy sỏi, 3- Biết được kết quả điều trị. Đối tượng và Phương pháp: Hồi cứu các bệnh nhân bị sỏi trong gan phải cắt gan hay xẻ gan hay phối hợp cả hai, để lấy sỏi triệt để từ đầu năm 1995 đến hết năm 2002 tại bệnh viện Bình Dân.

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Nội dung Text: Cắt gan và xẻ gan điều trị sỏi trong gan: Đặc điểm, chỉ định và kết quả

Y Hoïc TP. Hoà Chí Minh * Taäp 8 * Phuï baûn cuûa Soá 1 * 2004<br /> <br /> Nghieân cöùu Y hoïc<br /> <br /> 61 CAÉT GAN VAØ XEÛ GAN ÑIEÀU TRÒ SOÛI TRONG GAN:<br /> ÑAËC ÑIEÅM, CHÆ ÑÒNH VAØ KEÁT QUAÛ<br /> Vaên Taàn*, Nguyeãn Cao Cöông* vaø coäng söï<br /> <br /> TOÙM TAÉT<br /> Ñaët vaán ñeà: Soûi trong gan laø beänh thöôøng gaëp ôû caùc nöôùc Ñoâng Nam AÙ. ÔÛ Vieät Nam, taïi beänh vieän VieätÑöùc, trong 22 naêm (1976-1998), coù 536 tröôøng hôïp soûi trong gan ñôn thuaàn, chieám 10% trong toång soá soûi maät<br /> trong cuøng thôøi gian. Taïi beänh vieän Bình Daân, trong 8 naêm (1995-2002), chuùng toâi ñaõ ñieàu trò noäi truù cho 1052<br /> tröôøng hôïp soûi trong gan, chieám tæ leä 13%.Ñieàu trò trieät ñeå soûi trong gan raát khoù, nhaát laø ngöøa taùi phaùt.<br /> Muïc tieâu: Nghieân cöùu cuûa chuùng toâi nhaèm: 1- Khaûo saùt nhöõng ñaëc ñieåm cuûa nhoùm beänh caét gan hay xeû<br /> gan ñeå laáy soûi. 2- Ñöa ra nhöõng chæ ñònh caét gan hay xeû gan phoái hôïp ñeå laáy soûi, 3- Bieát ñöôïc keát quaû ñieàu trò.<br /> Ñoái töôïng vaø Phöông phaùp: Hoài cöùu caùc beänh nhaân bò soûi trong gan phaûi caét gan hay xeû gan hay phoái<br /> hôïp caû hai, ñeå laáy soûi trieät ñeå töø ñaàu naêm 1995 ñeán heát naêm 2002 taïi beänh vieän Bình Daân. Ñònh beänh soûi gan<br /> tröôùc moå cuûa chuùng toâi haâu heát döïa treân sieâu aâm sau khi beänh nhaân coù trieäu chöùng taéc maät-nhieãm truøng.<br /> Chuùng toâi truy taàm soûi trong luùc moå vaø kieåm tra ñöôøng maät trong vaø sau moå nhôø thaùm saùt ñöôøng maät qua OMC<br /> baèng ngoùn tay, baèng duïng cuï, baèng chuïp hình coù caûn quang, baèng soi ñöôøng maät vaø baèng sieâu aâm tröïc tieáp.<br /> Keát quaû: Chuùng toâi hoài cöùu ñöôïc 236 tröôøng hôïp, goàm 189 tröôøng hôïp caét gan vaø 47 tröôøng hôïp xeû gan<br /> trong ñoù coù 31 tröôøng hôïp vöøa caét gan vöøa xeû gan keát hôïp vôùi taùn soûi qua noäi soi ñeå laáy soûi. 1- Ñaëc ñieåm: 64<br /> nam vaø 125 nöõ, tuoåi trung bình cuûa nhoùm caét gan laø 41, cuûa nhoùm xeû gan laø 48. 40% tröôøng hôïp cö truù taïi<br /> thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh. Ña soá laøm ngheà noâng-ngö hay thôï thuû coâng vôùi ñôøi soáng töông ñoái thaáp. Haàu heát nhaäp<br /> vieän vì ñau haï söôøn phaûi hay thöôïng vò maø ña soá coù keøm soát-ôùn laïnh vaø oùi. Tam chöùng Charcot ñaày ñuû khi<br /> nhaäp vieän chæ coù 1/3 vaø coù 2 tröôøng hôïp bò soác nhieãm truøng khi nhaäp vieän. Hôn 2/3 tröôøng hôïp coù tieàn caên ñau<br /> haï söôøn phaûi, soát-ôùn laïnh töøng ñôït trong nhieàu thaùng hay thaäm chí trong nhieàu naêm maø 52 tröôøng hôïp ñaõ moå<br /> soûi ñöôøng maät töø 1 ñeán 6 laàn. 81% coù soûi phoái hôïp vôùi soûi ñöôøng maät ngoaøi gan vaø 13% coù phoái vôùi soûi tuùi maät.<br /> Chæ coù soûi trong gan traùi laø 15%, chæ soûi trong gan phaûi laø 1% vaøø chæ coù soûi trong caû gan phaûi laãn traùi laø 3%. Soûi<br /> trong gan traùi thöôøng naèm trong nhöõng ñöôøng maät giaûn lôùn, coù dòch maät nhieãm truøng, coù khi laø muû thaät söï maø<br /> chuùng toâi xem nhö nhöõng apxe, nhoùm naày chieám 20%. Moâ gan thöôøng bò toån thöông naëng, xô hoùa vaø laøm thuøy<br /> gan co ruùt thaønh nhöõng tuùi soûi. Nhöõng caây soûi ñi töø ñöôøng maät ngoaøi gan vaøo taän caùc nhaùnh gan haï phaân thuøy<br /> hay nhöõng xaùc laûi cuõng ñöôïc tìm thaáy ôû 4 tröôøng hôïp. ÔÛ 4 tröôøng hôïp khaùc, coù nang ñöôøng maät trong gan vôùi<br /> soûi vaø muû, 2 tröôøng hôïp coù nhöõng khoái u aùc tính cuûa ñöôøng maät trong gan, 1 tröôøng hôïp coù u teá baøo gan vaø 2<br /> tröôøng hôïp coù u ñöôøng maät ngoaøi gan maø 1 laø cuûa tuùi maät vaø 1 laø cuûa oáng gan chung. 2- Phaãu thuaät vaø keát<br /> quaû: Trong soá caét gan traùi phoái hôïp vôùi xeû gan giöõa ñeå laáy soûi coù 1 tröôøng hôïp bò suy gan, gaây töû vong ôû ngaøy<br /> thöù 30. Töû vong phaãu thuaät laø 0.53% vaø bieán chöùng phaãu thuaät laø 17%. Caùc bieán chöùng thöôøng gaëp laø nhieãm<br /> truøng veát moå, doø maät, xuaát huyeát maët caét gan, apxe toàn löu döôùi gan. Thôøi gian naèm vieän trung bình sau moå laø<br /> 12 ngaøy. Vôùi nhöõng kyõ thuaät truy taàm treân, tæ leä soûi toàn löu vì khoâng laáy ñöôïc laø 6% vaø soûi soùt laø 3%. Ña soá soûi<br /> coøn laïi ñeàu döôùi 5 ly vaø naèm saâu trong gan phaûi hoaëc gan giöõa. chuùng toâi ñaõ noái maät ruoät vaø taïo hình cô voøng<br /> Oddi cho 14 tröôøng hôïp soûi khoâng laáy heát hay ñöôøng maät heïp. Trong theo doõi trung haïn (12 thaùng), coù 3 tröôøng<br /> hôïp vieâm ñöôøng maät do soûi töø gan di chuyeån xuoáng maø moät nhôø ERCP laáy ñöôïc, coøn 2, phaûi moå ñeå laáy soûi<br /> trong oáng gan.<br /> * Beänh vieän Bình Daân TP. Hoà Chí Minh<br /> <br /> Chuyeân ñeà Hoäi nghò Khoa hoïc Kyõ thuaät BV. Bình Daân 2004<br /> <br /> 403<br /> <br /> Nghieân cöùu Y hoïc<br /> <br /> Y Hoïc TP. Hoà Chí Minh * Taäp 8 * Phuï baûn cuûa Soá 1 * 2004<br /> <br /> Baøn luaän: Tæ leä soûi trong gan ôû nöôùc ta khaù cao maø ña soá coù keát hôïp vôùi soûi ñöôøng maät ngoaøi gan. Soûi trong<br /> gan traùi chieám tæ leä cao hôn gan phaûi raát nhieàu. Ñieàu trò trieät ñeå soûi trong gan thöôøng raát khoù vôùi nhöõng phöông<br /> phaùp coå ñieån. Ngay caû vôùi nhöõng phöông tieän hieän ñaïi nhö phaãu thuaät hay thuû thuaät keát hôïp vôùi taùn soûi, laáy soûi<br /> baèng roï cuõng coøn ñeå soùt soûi vôùi moät tæ leä khaù cao. Xeû gan ñeå laáy soûi vaø taïo hình ñöôøng maät trong gan keát hôïp<br /> vôùi caùc thuû thuaät khaùc laø nhöõng bieän phaùp tích cöïc ñeå laáy soûi trieät ñeã, chæ ñònh cho caùc tröôøng hôïp soûi lôùn, soûi<br /> nhieàu naèm trong caùc oáng maät ôû moät haï phaân thuøy hay 1 thuøy gan khoâng theå naøo laáy saïch ñöôïc qua OMC, ñaëc<br /> bieät laø trong caùc oáng gan giaûn töøng ñoaïn maø moâ gan coøn toát. Caét boû moät phaàn gan ñöôïc chæ ñònh tuyeät ñoái cho<br /> caùc tröôøng hôïp soûi naèm laâu trong ñöôøng maät trong gan ñaõ gaây nhieãm truøng kinh nieân, phaù huõy moâ gan vôùi<br /> ñöôøng maät giaûn roäng ñaõ bieán thaønh nhöõng tuùi soûi naèm trong muû vaø caùc tröôøng hôïp soûi trong caùc oáng maät raát<br /> nhoû hay trong nhu moâ gan cuõng nhö trong caùc tröôøng hôïp coù nang ñöôøng maät hay nghi ngôø ung thö ñöôøng<br /> maät trong gan. Caét gan cuõng coù theå phoái hôïp vôùi xeû gan, maø ñöôøng xeû hoaëc theo oáng gan hôû ra sau khi caét,<br /> hoaëc qua moät hay nhieàu ñöôøng tröïc tieáp khaùc ñeå laáy soûi trieät ñeã. Tuy ñaõ coá gaéng moå ñeå laáy soûi trong gan nhö<br /> vaäy, tæ leä soûi khoâng laáy ñöôïc vaø soûi soùt cuûa chuùng toâi vaãn coøn 9%, ñaëc bieät laø soûi nhoû döôùi 5 ly, naêm saâu trong<br /> gan phaûi. Tæ leä naày töông ñoái thaáp so vôùi toaøn nhoùm moå chöông trình vôùi nhieàu phöông phaùp khaùc nhau laø<br /> 20%, Chuùng toâi chöa theo doõi ñuû thôøi gian ñeå bieát tæ leä soûi taùi phaùt trong gan thaät söï laø bao nhieâu. Ngoaøi vaán ñeà<br /> soùi soûi, soûi taùi phaùt laø vaán ñeà maø nhieàu taùc giaû raát quan taâm vaø ñaõ ñeà nghò nhieàu phöông phaùp phaãu thuaät<br /> phoøng ngöøa cuõng nhö ñieàu trò, nhaát laø ôû caùc tröôøng hôïp coù giaõn vaø heïp ñöôøng maät trong gan.<br /> Keát luaän: Soûi trong gan laø moät beänh lyù ñaëc thuø cuûa nöôùc Vieät Nam, ñieàu trò trieät ñeå khoù. Caét boû moät phaàn<br /> gan hay xeû gan ñeå laáy soûi vaø taïo hình ñöôøng maät ñöôïc chæ ñònh cho gaàn 1/4 tröôøng hôïp trong nhoùm beänh soûi<br /> trong gan cuûa chuùng toâi. Nhôø phoái hôïp caét gan hay xeû gan ñeå laáy soûi, tæ leä coøn soûi trong gan trong nhoùm beänh<br /> naày ñaõ haï thaáp, ñaëc bieät chæ coøn soûi nhoû.<br /> <br /> ABSTRACT<br /> PARTIAL HEPATECTOMIES OR HEPATOTOMIES TO TREAT THE INTRAHEPATIC<br /> STONES (IHS): PATIENTS CHARACTERISTICS, INDICATIONS AND RESULTS<br /> Van Tan, Nguyen Cao Cuong et al * Y Hoc TP. Ho Chi Minh * Vol. 8 * Supplement of No 1 * 2004:<br /> 403 - 411<br /> <br /> Background: IHS are a special pathology of the Asian countries. It ‘s a disease difficult to cure. The rate of<br /> residual or retained stones after operation are over 20% in many studies. Many researches have focused on<br /> the etiology, the treatment and the recurrence of IHS. In Viet Nam, in 1970’s decade, Ton That Tung had a<br /> report dealing about the treatment of this disease with partial hepatectomies, illustrated in the French surgical<br /> paper before 1979. Dang Kim Son, his succedor have also a new report, appeared in French surgical paper on<br /> 1998. Many other studies are aiming to treat radically and to prevent the IHS appeared in the medical papers<br /> since 1995. On 2000, we have had a report of 628 IHS in the Vietnamese Surgical Association Annual<br /> Congress.<br /> Purpose and Method: We study the IHS patients treated at Binh Dan hospital with partial hepatectomies<br /> or with hepatotomies or combined both procedures from 1995 to 2002 to show and to discuss about the patients<br /> characteristics, the surgical indications, and the results. From 1995 to 2002, there are 1052 cases of IHS<br /> admitted in our hospital. Among them, we have performed 189 partial hepatectomies, 46 hepatotomies and in<br /> 41 both procedures are applied, in some cases an endoscopic lithotripsy is required. The preoperative<br /> diagnosis based on the clinical picture, ie bile stasis and infections, and on the ultrasound. Per-operatively, at<br /> <br /> 404<br /> <br /> Chuyeân ñeà Hoäi nghò Khoa hoïc Kyõ thuaät BV. Bình Daân 2004<br /> <br /> Y Hoïc TP. Hoà Chí Minh * Taäp 8 * Phuï baûn cuûa Soá 1 * 2004<br /> <br /> Nghieân cöùu Y hoïc<br /> <br /> first by the choledochotomy we use the finger and the bile duct instruments to extract and to control the<br /> residual stones. For difficult cases, a cholangiography, a choledoscopy or an US are required. In postoperative<br /> period for affirming the BD is free of stones, a cholangiogram (in cases that T tube presented) or an US are<br /> used and an ERCP are required now and then.<br /> Results:.The male/female ratio is 0.56; the middle age is 40 for male and 48 for female. 60% of patients<br /> came to hospital from the provinces and almost of them are poor farmers. 72% of cases, admitted because of<br /> RUQ or epigastric pain, chill-fever and nausea. 25% have had Charcot triad with 1% in shock state. 50% have<br /> had a past history of a biliary infection now and then and 26% have been operated for biliary stones at least<br /> one time. 81% of IHS were associated with EHS and 13% of them, there are also gallbladder stones. 66% of<br /> stones are found in the left liver, 2.5%, in the right liver and 32%, in the left and right liver. Almost of the IHS<br /> are brown pigment stones. Intrahepatic BD dilatations were observed in almost of cases with infected bile even<br /> with pus that we consider as abscesses in 20% of cases. Another lesions are intrahepatic biliary cysts with<br /> stones in 4 cases, neoplasic biliary duct with stones in 3 cases. Operative complications are 20% that wound<br /> infections, bile leakage, bleeding and subhepatic abscesses are often seen. Operative death is 0.42%, in only 1<br /> case due to liver failure. The median operative time is 90 minutes, the median blood loss, 200 ml and there are<br /> only 3 cases that must be transfused. The median time of hospital stay in post-op is 12 days. 6% retained<br /> stones and 3% residual stones were observed before discharging. Almost of these stones were small (< 5 mm<br /> in diameter). In cases of the stones known but couldn’t be removed because difficult to avoid severe liver<br /> injuries, we use endoscopic lithotrisy or perform a biliary-digestive anastomosis or a sphincteroplasty. In<br /> median term follow-up (12 months), there are 3 cases: in 1 case the stones stuck in the Oddi, then removed<br /> successfully by ERCP and 2 cases, in the hepatic duct, must be reoperated.<br /> Discussion: The rate of IHS in our country is high, more than 50% in the North and 15% in the South.<br /> Almost of them are in the left liver. It is very difficult to remove all IHS, even with the advanced techniques as<br /> direct intraductal lithotripsy. It is also more difficult to prevent recurrent stones, especially in cases there are<br /> segmental dilatation and stenosis of intrahepatic BD. Hepatotomies for removing the stones and for repairing<br /> the abnormal bile ducts can keep the patency of the BD and can prevent the stones to recur. Partial<br /> hepatectomies for removing a segment or a lobe of sclerotic liver, shrinked around the diltated bile ducts with<br /> multiple stones, with hepatic abscess or in cases of neoplasic duct beeing suggested. Partial hepatectomies are<br /> also indicated in cases of multiple cysts of the intrahepatic duct as in Caroli disease.<br /> Conclusion: Intrahepatic stones are a special disease of our country that the treatment and the prevention<br /> are big problems. Partial hepatectomies, hepatotomies or both are applied in almost 22% of cases, in our study<br /> we have the good results in 91% in middle term followed-up.<br /> IHS is a special disease of the South-East Asian<br /> countries. Its incidence varied from 15% to 50% of<br /> the BD stones according to the countries and to the<br /> regions of one country. In Viet Nam, Do Kim Son(2)<br /> have had a report of 536 patients of IHS at VietDuc<br /> hospital (North of VN) during 22 years (1976-1998),<br /> Van Tan(1), a same report of 628 cases at Bình Dân<br /> hospital (South of VN) during 5 years (1995-1999). It<br /> is a disease difficult to treat, although many<br /> therapeutic modalities were applied.<br /> <br /> Hepatectomy, hepatotomy or both are good<br /> radical ways to cure the IHS in selective cases. In Viet<br /> Nam, Do Kim Son(5), Van Tan(2,24,31,32), Tran Quyet<br /> Tien(3), Doan Thanh Tung(4) have had many studies<br /> aiming to treat and to prevent the IHS in the recent<br /> years. Many other new studies in the world aiming to<br /> treat radically the IHS and to prevent their recurrence<br /> appeared<br /> in<br /> the<br /> different<br /> medical<br /> (6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,23)<br /> .<br /> papers<br /> Purpose: The study is aim to analyse the patient<br /> <br /> Chuyeân ñeà Hoäi nghò Khoa hoïc Kyõ thuaät BV. Bình Daân 2004<br /> <br /> 405<br /> <br /> Nghieân cöùu Y hoïc<br /> <br /> Y Hoïc TP. Hoà Chí Minh * Taäp 8 * Phuï baûn cuûa Soá 1 * 2004<br /> <br /> charts of IHS in our hospital for finding the patients<br /> characteristics, the indications and the results of<br /> hepatectomies and of hepatotomies, then deducing a<br /> recommandation.<br /> <br /> MATERIALS AND METHOD<br /> A retrospective study of all patients having had a<br /> hepatectomy, a hepatotomy or combined procedures<br /> for radical treatment of the IHS from 1995 to 2002 in<br /> a hospital of the South of Viet Nam. 236 charts are<br /> found and studies. As surgical procedures, there are<br /> 189 hepatectomies, 46 hepatotomies, among them<br /> 41, both procedures are applied on the same time in a<br /> patient.<br /> In 95% of patients. a choledochotomy is needed.<br /> Peroperatively, the finger and the BD exploration<br /> equipment are used to break, to extract and to control<br /> the residual stones. For difficult cases, a<br /> cholangiography, an US or a choledoscope with an<br /> lithotryptor are required. In postoperative period for<br /> affirming the BD is free of stones, a cholangiogram<br /> (in cases that T tube presented) or an US are used<br /> and an ERCP are required to extract the suspected<br /> stones in the accessible BD. An endoscopic-lithotripsy<br /> is required to remove the retained stones either<br /> through the T tube tract or a new percutaneous<br /> transhepatic tract.<br /> <br /> Patient characteristics<br /> About age and sex, the male/female is 0.56 with<br /> middle age 40 for male and 46 for female<br /> Table 1<br /> Male<br /> 4<br /> 53<br /> 28<br /> 85<br /> <br /> Female<br /> 5<br /> 77<br /> 69<br /> 151<br /> <br /> Total<br /> 9<br /> 130<br /> 97<br /> 236<br /> <br /> For geographic distribution, majority of patients<br /> came to us from the provinces of the South and of the<br /> Center of Viet Nam<br /> <br /> 406<br /> <br /> Geographic distribution<br /> Ho Chi Minh city<br /> East and Center of VN<br /> West of VN<br /> North of VN<br /> Total<br /> <br /> %<br /> 40<br /> 34<br /> 23<br /> 3<br /> 100<br /> <br /> For occupations, 90% of them are farmers or<br /> workers that 71% lived in low socio-economic level<br /> and poor hygien conditions. The main clinical<br /> manifestations are cholangitis<br /> Table 3<br /> Clinical picture<br /> Subcostal or epigastric pain and fever<br /> Charcot triad<br /> Septic shock<br /> Prehistory of (R) subcostal or epigastric<br /> pain, shaking chill<br /> Past history of biliary surgery 1 to 6 times<br /> <br /> Cases<br /> 170<br /> 59<br /> 4<br /> 117<br /> <br /> %<br /> 72<br /> 25<br /> 1<br /> 50<br /> <br /> 61<br /> <br /> 26<br /> <br /> The blood type B seems higher than the others in<br /> normal range<br /> Table 4<br /> Blood type<br /> Cases<br /> %<br /> <br /> A<br /> .36<br /> 15<br /> <br /> B<br /> 72<br /> 30<br /> <br /> AB<br /> 17 111<br /> 7.2<br /> <br /> O<br /> 236<br /> 47<br /> <br /> Total<br /> 100<br /> <br /> 65 % of patients have had acute or subacute<br /> infection with WBC more than 8000/m3<br /> Table 5<br /> WBC<br /> Cases<br /> %<br /> <br /> RESULTS<br /> <br /> Age<br /> < 20<br /> 20 - 50<br /> > 50<br /> Total<br /> <br /> Table 2<br /> <br /> < 8000<br /> 84<br /> 35<br /> <br /> 8-10000<br /> 63<br /> 27<br /> <br /> >10000<br /> 89<br /> 38<br /> <br /> Total<br /> 236<br /> 100<br /> <br /> The liver function is more or less influenced by<br /> IHS and EHS: bile retention, hepatic cells necrosis so<br /> serum albumin dropped but coagulation function still<br /> normal.<br /> Table 6<br /> Bilirubine<br /> Cases<br /> %<br /> SGPT<br /> Cases<br /> %<br /> Albumin<br /> Cases<br /> %<br /> <br /> < 1.2<br /> 31<br /> 21<br /> < 50<br /> 58<br /> 40<br /> < 25<br /> 3<br /> 4<br /> <br /> 1.2-2.4<br /> 28<br /> 19<br /> 50-100<br /> 48<br /> 33<br /> 25-30<br /> 13<br /> 17<br /> <br /> > 2.4<br /> 87<br /> 60<br /> > 100<br /> 40<br /> 27<br /> > 30<br /> 61<br /> 79<br /> <br /> Total<br /> 146<br /> 100<br /> Total<br /> 146<br /> 100<br /> Total<br /> 77<br /> 100<br /> <br /> Chuyeân ñeà Hoäi nghò Khoa hoïc Kyõ thuaät BV. Bình Daân 2004<br /> <br /> Y Hoïc TP. Hoà Chí Minh * Taäp 8 * Phuï baûn cuûa Soá 1 * 2004<br /> TQ, TCK: No abnormal In majority of cases.<br /> HBsAg + in 10% of patients.<br /> The renal and the endocrinologic pancreatic<br /> functions seem not altered.<br /> Table 7<br /> Blood urea<br /> Cases<br /> %<br /> Glycemia g/l<br /> Cases<br /> %<br /> <br /> < 0.25<br /> 47<br /> 29<br /> < 1.4<br /> 140<br /> 98<br /> <br /> 0.25 - 0.50<br /> 109<br /> 68<br /> 1.4-2<br /> 3<br /> 2<br /> <br /> > 0.50<br /> 4<br /> 3<br /> >2<br /> 0<br /> 0<br /> <br /> TS<br /> 160<br /> 100<br /> Total<br /> 143<br /> 100<br /> <br /> The majority of patients having had a hematocrit<br /> over 30%<br /> Table 8<br /> Hematocrit %<br /> Cases<br /> %<br /> <br /> < 25<br /> 1<br /> 0,5<br /> <br /> 25-30<br /> 8<br /> 4.3<br /> <br /> > 30<br /> 177<br /> 95<br /> <br /> Total<br /> 186<br /> 100<br /> <br /> 66% of the IHS are found in the left liver and in<br /> 81% of cases (190), there are an association with an<br /> EHS, usually in the CBD and hepatic duct.<br /> Table 9:<br /> Sites of stones<br /> (R) liver<br /> (L) liver<br /> (R) and (L) liver<br /> Total<br /> <br /> Cases<br /> 6<br /> 155<br /> 75<br /> 236<br /> <br /> %<br /> 2.5<br /> 66<br /> 32<br /> 100<br /> <br /> Almost of the bacteries in the infected biles<br /> culture during operation are sensible to 3rd generation<br /> cephalosporidine and 3rd generation aminoglycoside.<br /> Table 10<br /> Bacteries<br /> E coli<br /> <br /> Cases<br /> 10<br /> <br /> Enterobacter<br /> Proteus<br /> Klebsiella<br /> Pseudomonas<br /> Strept A hemolysis<br /> 1<br /> <br /> 6<br /> 5<br /> 1<br /> 1<br /> Cephalospor<br /> idine 3rd ge.<br /> <br /> Sensibilities<br /> Cephalosporidine 3rd<br /> ge., Aminosides<br /> same<br /> same<br /> same<br /> Aminosides, Quinolone<br /> <br /> Multiple intrahepatic BD and liver disorders are<br /> found.<br /> Table 11<br /> <br /> Nghieân cöùu Y hoïc<br /> <br /> Macroscopic lesions<br /> Alternative BD dilatation-stenosis, good liver<br /> Alternative BD dilatation-stenosis regional<br /> liver sclerosis<br /> Abscesses and purulent cholangitis<br /> Stones and ascaris (living or death)<br /> Intrahepatic BD cysts + Stones + Pus<br /> Bile duct carcinoma + stones<br /> HCC, GB carcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma<br /> Total<br /> <br /> Cases<br /> 73<br /> 102<br /> <br /> %<br /> 31<br /> 43<br /> <br /> 42<br /> 10<br /> 4<br /> 2<br /> 3<br /> 236<br /> <br /> 17.8<br /> 4.2<br /> 1.7<br /> 0.8<br /> 1.3<br /> 100<br /> <br /> As prehistory, 26% of patients having had at least<br /> 1 or more previous operations for biliary stones.<br /> Table 12<br /> Diseases<br /> Biliary stones treated ≥ 1 times<br /> Acute pancreatitis<br /> Liver abcesses<br /> Necrotic pancreatitis<br /> Whipple operation/ pancreatic carcinoma<br /> GB carcinoma<br /> HCC<br /> CBD carcinoma<br /> Concommitent medical disorders<br /> <br /> Cases<br /> 61<br /> 4<br /> 2<br /> 1<br /> 1<br /> 1<br /> 1<br /> 1<br /> 58<br /> <br /> Surgical indications and techniques:<br /> 189 cases<br /> hepatectomy<br /> <br /> having<br /> <br /> had<br /> <br /> indications<br /> <br /> for<br /> <br /> Table 13<br /> Indications<br /> Cases<br /> Segmental BD dilatation with abscesses and<br /> 51<br /> stones<br /> Segmental BD dilatation-stenosis, stones,<br /> 70<br /> sclerotic liver<br /> Segmental BD stenosis, recurrent stones.<br /> 61<br /> infected bile<br /> Intrahepatic BD cysts, stones and infected bile<br /> 4<br /> Intrahepatic BD carcinoma and stones<br /> 3<br /> Total<br /> 189<br /> <br /> %<br /> 27<br /> 37<br /> 32<br /> 2.3<br /> 1.7<br /> 100<br /> <br /> 46 cases having indications for hepatotomies and<br /> cases for intrahepatic BD repair (Table 14):<br /> Table 14<br /> Indications<br /> BD dilatation-stenosis with stones, good liver<br /> parenchyme<br /> Huge and multiple stones, good liver<br /> parenchyme<br /> Total<br /> Intrahepatic BD repair<br /> <br /> Chuyeân ñeà Hoäi nghò Khoa hoïc Kyõ thuaät BV. Bình Daân 2004<br /> <br /> Cases<br /> 34<br /> <br /> %<br /> 74<br /> <br /> 12<br /> <br /> 26<br /> <br /> 46<br /> 15<br /> <br /> 100<br /> 33<br /> <br /> 407<br /> <br />



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