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Chapter 052. Approach to the Patient with a Skin Disorder (Part 3)

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Table 52-4 Selected Common Dermatologic Conditions Dia gnosis mmon Co ual Us is Diagnos mmon Co al Usu Distributi on Morpholo gy Distributio Morpholog n y Ac ne vulgaris e, back Fac upper en closed Op Seborrh Tru nk, face Bro wn plaques with adherent, greasy and eic keratosis comedone s, erythemat ous papules, pustules, cysts scale; "stuck on" appearance Ros acea Blu sh area of thema, cheeks, nose, forehead, chin Ery Folliculi tisImpetigo hair- Any cular Folli telangiecta ses, papules, pustules bearing pustulesPap areaAnywh ules, ere vesicles, pustules, often honeycolored crusts with Seb orrheic dermatitis p, Scal thema with greasy Ery Herpes simplex Lips , genitalia ped Grou eyebrows, perinasal vesicles progressing areas yellowbrown scale to crusted erosions Ato pic dermatitis Ant ecubital and popliteal fossae; may ches Pat and zoster Herpes ...

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Nội dung Text: Chapter 052. Approach to the Patient with a Skin Disorder (Part 3)

  1. Chapter 052. Approach to the Patient with a Skin Disorder (Part 3) Table 52-4 Selected Common Dermatologic Conditions Dia Co Us Diagnos Co Usu gnosis mmon ual is mmon al Distributi Morpholo Distributio Morpholog on gy n y Ac Fac Op Seborrh Tru Bro ne e, upper en and eic keratosis nk, face wn plaques vulgaris back closed with comedone adherent, s, greasy
  2. erythemat scale; ous "stuck on" papules, appearance pustules, cysts Ros Blu Ery Folliculi Any Folli acea sh area of thema, tisImpetigo hair- cular cheeks, telangiecta bearing pustulesPap nose, ses, areaAnywh ules, forehead, papules, ere vesicles, chin pustules pustules, often with honey- colored crusts Seb Scal Ery Herpes Lips Grou orrheic p, thema simplex , genitalia ped dermatitis eyebrows, with vesicles perinasal greasy progressing
  3. areas yellow- to crusted brown erosions scale Ato Ant Pat Herpes Der Vesi pic ecubital ches and zoster matomal, cles limited dermatitis and plaques of usually to a popliteal erythema, trunk but dermatome fossae; scaling, may be (often may be and anywhere painful) widesprea lichenifica d tion; pruritus Sta Ank Pat Varicell Face Lesi sis les, lower ches of a , trunk, ons arise in dermatitis legs erythema relative crops and and sparing of quickly scaling on extremities progress backgroun from d of erythemato
  4. hyperpigm us macules entation to papules associated to vesicles with signs to pustules of venous to crusted insufficien sites cy Dy Pal Dee Pityriasi Tru Sym shidrotic ms, soles, p vesicles s rosea nk metric eczema sides of (Christmas erythemato fingers and tree us patches toes pattern); with a herald collarette of patch scale followed by multiple smaller lesions All Any Loc Tinea Che Scal
  5. ergic where alized versicolor st, back, y hyper- or contact erythema, abdomen, hypopigme dermatitis vesicles, proximal nted scale, and extremities macules pruritus (e.g., fingers, earlobes— nickel; dorsal aspect of foot— shoe; exposed surfaces— poison ivy) Pso Elb Pap Candidi Groi Eryt riasis ows, ules and asis n, beneath hematous knees, plaques breasts, macerated
  6. scalp, covered vagina, areas with lower with oral cavity satellite back, silvery pustules; fingernails scale; white,friabl (may be nails have e patches generalize pits on mucous d) membranes Lic Wri Vio Dermat Feet Vari hen planus sts, ankles, laceous ophytosis , groin, es with site, mouth flat-topped beard, or (e.g., tinea (may be papules scalp corporis— widesprea and scaly d) plaques annular patch) Ker Ext Ker Scabies Groi Exco atosis ensor atotic n, axillae, riated pilaris surfaces of follicular between papules, arms and papules fingers and burrows, thighs, with toes, pruritus
  7. buttocks surroundin beneath g breasts erythema Me For Tan Insect Any Eryt lasma ehead, to brown bites where hematous cheeks, patches papules temples, with central upper lip puncta Viti Peri Cha Cherry Tru Red, ligo orificial, lk-white angioma nk blood-filled trunk, macules papules extensor surfaces of extremities , flexor wrists, axillae Keloid Any Firm
  8. where (site tumor, of previous pink, injury) purple, or brown Dermat Any Firm ofibroma where red to brown nodule that shows dimpling of overlying skin with lateral compressio n Act Sun Ski Acrocho Groi Fles inic -exposed n-colored rdons (skin n, axilla, hy papules keratosis areas or red- tags) neck brown
  9. macule or papule with dry, rough, adherent scale Bas Fac Pap Urticari Any Whe al cell e ule with a where als, carcinoma pearly, sometimes telangiecta with tic border surrounding on sun- flare; damaged pruritus skin Squ Fac Ind Transie Tru Eryt amous cell e, urated and nt acantholytic nk, hematous carcinoma especially possibly dermatosis especially papules lower lip, hyperkerat anterior ears otic chest
  10. lesions often showing ulceration and/or crusting Xerosis Exte Dry, nsor erythemato extremities us, scaling , especially patches; legs pruritus



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