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Đề luyện thi tốt nghiệp – Số 2

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  1. Đề luyện thi tốt nghiệp – Số 2 I. Choose one word that has different pronunciation from others. 1. a. play b. today c. radio d. ma nage 2. a. afraid b. mistake c. appointment d. organism 3. a. different b. contribute c. tiny d. investigate 4. a. shortage b. manage c. villa ge d. anima l 5. a. export b. method c. provide d. information II. Choose the underlined words that must be corrected. 1. If the question were not so difficult, I will be able to answer it. 2. He didn’t get the job despite of his experience in the field. A B C D 3. If I were you, I didn’t buy that old building A BC D 4. I get a bad mark. I wish I did my homework last night. A B C D 5. Some mistakes were made in the brochure, but they might corrected before you get back. A B C D 6. His brother can’t walk to work now because his broken leg. A B C D 7. I will tell John about it when I will see him this afternoon. A B C D 8. The teacher said the class that hot air rises and cold air sinks. A B C D 9. Sundy called from Miami during the storm and said she was swimming here A BC D 10. The house painted more than 3 years ago, but I’m not going to have it done. A B C D III. Choose the best answer. 16. My brother is interested in doing …….. research. a. scientific b. science c. scientist d. scientifically 17. If there weren’t the pull of the earth, everyone ….. of the same weight. a. would be b. is c. will be d. are 18. Mary: “ I’m going to play tennis today” (a week later) Peter: “ Mary said that she was going to play tennis …..” a. that day b. today c. tomorrow d. this day 19. We must ….. our forests and woodlands for future generations. a. conserving b. conserve c. conservation d. conservational 20. The old building is in a good state of ….. except for the wooden floors. a. preserving b. preserve c. preservation d. preserved 21. ….. is the great mass of salt water that covers most of the Earth’s surface. a. River b. Lake c. Pond d. Ocean 22. There are many …. between living in a city and living in a country. a. difference b. differently c. differences d. different 23. Last month, our class made a two-day …. to Yen Tu pagoda. a. travel b. excursion c. flight d. voyage 24. The nature of language is the documentary programme ….. 15.15 ….. VTV2 a. at/on b. on/at c. at/ in d. in/at 25. The …. of my village has changed a lot due to the introduction of technology. a. method b. lifestyle c. villagers d. crops IV. Read the following passage then choose the best answer. There is much more water than land on the …. of the earth. The seas and oceans cover nearly ….of the whole world, and only one-fifth of ….. land. If you traveled over the earth in different directions, you would have to spend …. more of your time …..on water than on roads or railways. We sometimes forget that for every mile of land …. four miles of water. There is so much water on the surface of our earth that we ….to use two words to describe. We use the word SEAS ….those parts of water surface which …. only a few hundreds of miles wide, the word OCEANS to describe the huge area of water … are thousands of miles wide and very deep. 26. a. cover b. surface c. outer d. outside
  2. 27. a. four- fives b. four-fifth c. four- fifths d. fourth-fifths 28. a. it is b. it’s c. its d. them are 29. a. many b. much c. few d. too 30. a. to move b. move c. moved d. moving 31. a. there are b. there is c. there has d. have 32. a. must b. should c. have d. would 33. a. describing b. describes c. describe d. to describe 34. a. is b. are c. has d. will be 35. a. that’s b. which c. where d. whose V. Read the following passage then choose the best answer. Ordinary houses are full of hazardous waste. The most important hazardous waste in the homes is batteries. When you throw them out with your other garbage, they break open at the landfill. The poison inside them moves through rain water and other liquids to the bottom of the landfill. Then it can pollute the natural water in the ground. We should use rechargeable batteries. Another hazardous waste in homes is motor oil. Don’t throw old motor oil on the ground or throw it on the garbage. It poisons the environment. We should recycle motor oil. Paint is another kind of hazardous waste in homes. Some cities have a “ Paint Exchange Day”. If you bring in open, unused blue paint and wanted red, they give you red. Sometimes they mix the paints together into strange colours. If you paint walls with them, you help save the environment. 36. What is the most important dangerous waste in the homes ? a. motor oil b. paint c. batteries d. garbage 37. How can batteries at the landfill pollute the underground water ? a. They break open at the landfill b. Their poison moves to the bottom of the landfill c. They move to the underground water d. They combine with rain water and other liquids. 38. Why should we use rechargeable batteries ? a. to protect the environment b. they are durable c. They pollute the underground water d. They are convenient. 39. Why shouldn’t we throw motor oil on the ground ? a. It poisons the environment b. It is a waste of money c. It pollutes the ground d. It is danger ous 40. What should we do with motor oil ? a. Sell it b. Throw it on the garbage c. Throw it away d. Recycle it VI. Choose the most suitable answer to the statement in italics. 41. If motorists were to drive carefully, they would have fewer accidents. a. Motorists are not careful and there are many accidents b. Motorists are careful and yet there are many accidents c. Motorists are not careful and yet there are few accidents d. Motorists are careful and there are few accidents 42. We stayed in that hotel despite the noise a. Despite the hotel is noisy, we stayed there b. We stay in the noisy hotel and we liked it. c. Although the hotel was noisy, we stayed there d. Because of the noise, we stayed in the hotel. 43. Jonh said:” You’d better not lend them any money, Daisy” a. John said Daisy not to lend them any money. b. John said to Daisy not lend them any money. c. John advised Daisy should not lend them any money. d. John advised Daisy not to lend them any money. 44. He looked so funny that I couldn’t help laughing a. I couldn’t laugh because he looked so funny b. I couldn’t help him laugh because he looked s o funny c. He looked too funny for me to laugh d. I laughed because he looked so funny 45. It’s ages since I last saw a Hollywood film. a. I saw a last Hollywood film since ages ago b.I haven’t seen a Hollywood film for a long time. c. I haven’t seen any Hollywood films before. d. It’s ages because I last saw a Hollywood film.
  3. Đề luyện thi tốt nghiệp – Số 2 I. Choose one word that has different pronunciation from others. 1. a. safe b. value c. cash d. bank 2. a. possession b. lecture c. regard d. necessarily 3. a. hour b. hear c. hit d. hat 4. a. using b. university c. union d. umbrella 5. a. listen b. tea c. sent d. tend II. Choose the underlined words that must be corrected. 1. How did you do in your exam ? I think you wasn’t making many mistakes. 2. When I got home from working last night, my sister was making her new dress. 3. The laser beam must be very intense so as not to kill cancer cells. 4. They are walking to fast for me to keep pace with them 5. If you want to pass your exams, you’d better to study very hard for them III. Choose the best answer. 1. I have never forgotten the day ….. I first met you. a. on which b. which c. that d. on that 2. Mr Brown, together with his wife, …… a visit to Manchester next weekend. a. are paying b. is paying c. has paid d. was paying 3. Dangerous chemicals can be released ….. burning plastics. a. from b. to c. about d. out 4. It has been a long time …. I last saw you. a. when b. since c. as d. for 5. Your bad exam results made us ….. a. disappoint b. disappointed c. disappointing d. disappointment 6. I wish everything in the city …. So expensive. a. won’t be b. weren’t c. wouldn’t be d. hadn’t been 7. I wonder how you could forgive such a rude reply ? a. attract b. tolerate c. tend d. give up 8. It is forbidden to smoke in the school. a. Smoking in the school is forbidden. b. The school is forbidden to smoke in c. It is forbidden from smoking in the school d. It is forbidden for students to smoke in. 9. The patient was so ill that he couldn’t walk. He had to ….. a. carried b. be carried c. carry d. carrying 10. Some of my classmates ….. couldn’t come. a. that I invited to my party b. to that I invited my party c. that I invited to my party to d. to who I invited my party 11. How often do you come here ? - ……………. a. About once a week b. After work c. On the bus d. For a long time 12. The test is so long that I won’t finish it in time. a. It’s such a long test I won’t finish it in time b. The test is too long for me not to finish it in time. c. This is a long test so that I can’t finish it in time. d. The test is a long one that I can’t finish it in time. 13. We’ll be late for the train ………. a. if we are hurry b. unless we hurry c. unless we don’t hurry d. if we hurry
  4. 14. All the students have to attend the …. Training for a month. a. military militarily c. militarize d. militarism 15. Are you ready to go ? - ………………….. a. No b. Yes, I am c. Yes, I am ready to go d. No, thanks 16. The foreigner spoke …… for us to understand. a. so quickly b. too quick c. quickly enough d. quick enough 17. It was …… that we spent the whole day at the beach. a. such nice weather b. so a nice weather c. such nice a weather d. so nice a weather. 18. The flat is large but it is terribly …… to live in. a. comfortable b. comfortably c. uncomfortable d. uncomfortably 19. Tom won’t come if you don’t invite him. a. Tom won’t come if you invite him b. Tom won’t come unless you invite him c. Tom won’t come even if you invite him d. Although you don’t invite Tom, he won’t come. 20. …… is the safeguarding and preservation of natural resources. a. Prevention b. Conservation c. Environment d. Pollution 21.It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it ? - ……… a. No b. Oh, why not ? c. Yes, It’s lovely d. I’m not sure 22. His illness was ….. I thought at first. a. seriouser than b. much serious than c. much more serious than d. the more serious than 23. Linda has three sisters, ……. Are teachers. a. neither of them b. both of them c. either of them d. all of them 24. Although we felt cold, we kept walking. a. Despite feeling cold, we kept walking b. Although we felt cold, but we kept walking c. Cold as we felt, we kept walking d. Both A and C are correct. 25. It’s no use ….. him …….us. a. to ask/ to help b. asking/ helping c. to ask/ helping d. asking/ to help 26. The floor ….. when I arrived yesterday. a. were being cleaned b. was being cleaned c. is being cleaned d. was cleaning 27. Can I help you ? - ……… a. Yes, please b. All right. What is it ? c. You can d. Not at all. 28. He ….. travel a lot, but he doesn’t take many trips this year. a. used to b. was used to c. is used to d. didn’t use to 29. They whispered because they didn’t want me to hear their conversation. a. They whispered so that they wouldn’t want me to hear their conversation b. They whispered so that I would hear their conversation c. They whispered so that I couldn’t hear their conversation d. I whispered for me to hear their conversation 30. What time is the game ? - ……… a. An hour and a half b. Half past seven c. Tomorrow d. Tonight IV. Read the following passage then choose the best answer. Over …. of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. Perhaps, the most important liqid in the world, water is usually ….. to get from rain, rivers and lakes. It …….. the vast ocean beds. As vapor, water is also present in the air, and it often condenses …. clouds. The bodies of most …. creatures contain a large proportion of water. For example, water constitudes about 60 percent of the weight of the human body. 1. three-four b. three-fourth c. three-fourths d. third-fourths. 2. a. difficult b. easy c. complex d. good 3. a. hides b. makes c. covers d. brings 4.a. into b. in c. to d. for 5. a. living b. live c. life d. lived V. Read the following passage then choose the best answer. Around the age of sixteen, you must make one of the biggest decisions of your life. Do I stay on at school and hopefully go on to university later ? Do I leave and start work or begin a training course? The decision is yours, but it may be worth remembering two things: there is more unemployment among who haven’t been to university, and people who have the right skills will have a big advantage in the competitions for jobs. If you decide to go straight into a job, there are many opportunities for training. Getting qualifications will help you to get on more quickly in many careers, and evening class allow you to learn while you earn. Starting work and taking a break to study when you are older is another possibility. This way, you can save up money for your student days, as well as getting practical work experience. 1.You must make one of the biggest decisions of your life … a. when you were a child b. when you grew up c. when you are 16 years old or so d. when you are old enough
  5. 2. Things that are worth remembering: ……….. a. There is more unemployment among who haven’t been to university. b. people who have the right skill will have a big advantage in applying for jobs. c. A and B are correct d. A and B are not correct 3. Which of the sentences is not correct ? a. Evening classes stop you from learning b. There are many opportunities for training if you decide to go straight into a job c. to get on more quickly in many careers, you should get qualifications. d. You can learn while you earn by going to evening classes. 4. Starting work and taking a break to study when you are older …… a. are possible b. help you save up money for student days c. help you get practical work experience d. All are correct. 5. The passage is about ……… a. some useful advice for the first job. b. work experience c. unemployment d. part-time work Đề luyện thi tốt nghiệp – Số 4 Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại 1. a. hear b. fear c. pear d. ear 2. a. smiled b. worked c. picked d. jumped Chọn từ có trọng âm khác so với các từ còn lại 3. a. daughter b. decide c. provide d. enjoy 4. a. physicist b. president c. inventor d. gardener 5. a. factory b. farmer c. fairy d. farewell Chọn đáp án đúng A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu sau 6. The little girl wouldn’t go to the beach …. her father went to. a. but b. also c. unless d. except 7. When I rang, no one answered the phone. They .... out. a. must have been b. would have been c. should be d. must be 8. This assignment must be 3000 words in ….. a. weight b. length c. width d. depth 9. Your composition is much better ….. his. a. than b. as c. to d. like 10. His master is never angry ….. him when he is late. a. to b. about c. with d. on 11.He learned ……. to drive when he was 17. a. what b. when c. how d. who 12. When you came, I was …. on the phone. a. talking b. catching c. telling d. having 13. Every Sunday, Bob is with his father … him with his carpentry work. a. has helped b. helps c. helped d. helping 14. I don’t need to tell them everything, …. I ? a. do b. need c. have d. must 15. On looking at learning English, I find prepositions very ….. a. interested b. interest c. interesting d. interestingly 16. I haven’t seen him …….. a. many years ago b. many year ago c. for many years d. since many years 17. The house …. Six decades ago. a. was built b. was building c. will be built d. was to be built 18. Few classical musicians, ….. British or foreign, become well-known to the general public. a. if b. what c. whether d. where 19. The government is doing a lot to help …… a. poor b. the poor ones c. the poors d. the poor 20. Increasing industrialization is challenging the province to …… every effort to control pollution. a. do b. create c. make d. give Đọc và chọn đáp án cho mỗi ô trống từ 21-30 Do you remember I told you I was trying to get a part-time job as a waiter at a Japanese restaurant ? Well, I finally got ….. Of course, I haven’t been working there long, ….. I can already tell it’s a wonderful place …. . all the staff are very friendly and helpful. Besides, ….. pay is good and they let us eat …. We want after work. I work only as a dinner waiter because I have to go to class ….. the day. You know, my main job is to take orders from the …..,
  6. give the orders to the cooks, and take the …. to the customers. I often have to describe ….. different Japanese dishes. Sometimes Japanese customers speak to me in Japanese, …. me to know the language. I love that work experience very much. 21. a. them b. that part c. one d. then 22. a. however b. in contrast c. but d. on the contrary 23. a. to work b. working c. at work d. to working 24. a. one b. an c. a d. the 25. a. what b. when c. how d. whose 26. a. of b. during c. on d. around 27. a. manager b. waiters c. customers d. cooks 28. a. food b. menu c. bill d. drinks 29. a. no b. lots c. many d. both 30. a. expected b. has expected c. to expecting d. expecting Chọn đáp án cho mỗi câu từ 31-35 One of the most urgent environmental problems in the world today is the shortage of clean water. Having clean drinking water is a basic human right. But acid rain, industrial pollution and garbage have made many sources of water undrinkable. Lakes, reservoirs and even entire seas have become vast pools of poison. Lake Baikal in Russia is one of the largest lakes in the world. It contains a rich variety of animals and plants, including 1,300 rare species that do not exist anywhere else in the world. But they are being destroyed by the massive volumes of industrial effluent which pour into the lake every day. Even where law existed, the government did not have the power to enforce them. Most industries simply ignores the regulations. The Mediterranean Sea occupies 1% of the world’s water surface. But it is the dumping ground for 50% of all marine pollution. Almost 16 countries regularly throw industrial wastes a few miles off shore. Water is free to everyone. A few years ago people thought that the supply of clean water in the world was limitless. Today, many water supplies have been ruined by pollution and sewage. Clean water is now scarce, and we are at last beginning to respect this precious source. We should do something now. 31. One environmental problem in the world today is …….. a. acid rain b. safe water shortage c. industrial pollution d. population explosion 32. Many sources of water are not drinkable because of …… a. acid rain b. garbage c. industrial pollution d. all are correct 33. What is a serious problem of Lake Baikal in Russia ? a. It contains a rich variety of animals and plants b. It is polluted by massive volumes of industrial wastes discharged into it. c. It has 1,300 rare species that do not exist anywhere else in the world. d. The government did not have the power to enforce laws and regulations. 34. How many countries throw industrial wastes in to the Mediterranean Sea regularly ? a. nearly 16 b. exactly 16 c. exactly 15 d. less than 15 35. What is the message to the readers ? a. We should take action to protect our water resources. b. We should take all water resources into account c. We should limit the use of water resources. d. We should encourage people to use safe water Chọn đáp án phù hợp với câu đã cho 36. I/start/school/village/ as soon/ six a. I start school in a small village as soon as I was six. b. I started school in a small village as soon as I was six. a. I would start school in a small village as soon as I was six. a. I did started school in a small village as soon as I was six. 37. it/ necessary/ us/ think/ about/ this matter. a. It’s for us to think about this matter carefully necessary b. To think about this matter carefully it necessary for us. c. For us to think about this matter carefully it’s necessary d. It’s necessary for us to think about this matter carefully 38. He/ his/ not return/ homeland/ until 1992. a. He not return to his homeland until 1992. b. He not returned to his homela nd until 1992. c. He didn’t return his homeland until 1992. d. He not return to his homeland until 1992. 39. Ho Chi Minh city/ exciting/ much more/ I thought.
  7. a. Ho Chi Minh city is as much more exciting as I thought b. Ho Chi Minh city is much more exciting as I thought a. I thought Ho Chi Minh city is much more exciting than a. Ho Chi Minh city is much more exciting than I thought 40. What/ three plants/ that/ change/ world ? a. What are three plants that has changed the world ? b. What are three plants that is making the world change ? c. What are three plants that changed the world ? d. What are three plants that is changing the world ? Xác định từ/ cụm từ có gạch chân dưới cần phải sửa 41. In generally, the rule is very simple: a singular subject requires a singular verb. 42. How many languages can a person learn in their life ? 43. When I was a small, I used to go fishing with my father and my brother. 44. Language is not necessarily the private property of those who uses it. 45. I wonder why the English are driving on the left-hand side of the road. 46. The research works of this school has affected our lives considerably. 47. The more I live with him, the most I love him. 48. The Caspian Sea, a salt lake, is the largest than any other lake in the world. 49. Never before I have visited this fascinating place. 50. According with Gardner, it is motivation that plays an important role in his success. Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại 1. a. deafness b. heal c. release d. beam 2. a. deal b. heal c. conceal d. healthy Chọn từ có trọng âm khác so với các từ còn lại 3. a. toward b. outwit c. surgery d. absorb 4. a. patient b. cosmetic c. contaminate d. immediate 5. a. company b. tropical c. mother d. human
  8. Chọn đáp án đúng A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu sau 6. The founders of America reversed the custom out of sheer ……… a. perversity b. reign c. management d. control 7. ….., my grandparents can’t walk alone. a. Because he is old b. Because of his age c. Because of his old age d. All are correct 8. How ….. was he driving when the policeman stopped him ? – Seven kilometres an hour a. far b. long c. fast d. often 9. Your front door needs ……, you’d better have it ….. this week. a. to be cleaned – done b. cleaning- do c. cleaning- to do d. being cleaned- done 10. ….. for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the films so often. a. If it is not b. Had it not been c. Were it not d. If they were not 11. He forced the horse to run faster with a …….. a. whistle b. whisper c. spring d. whip-lash 12. She told me ….. a. not to send my parents her regards b. not to forget to send my parents her regards c. not to remember to send her parents my regards d. not to send her parent my regards 13. It is said that prevention is better than cure. Means …….. a. prevention is said to have been better than cure. b. people say that prevention is bette than cure. c. people say that prevention was better than cure d. A and B are correct 14. …….. French believe ….. French is ….. most beautiful language in the world. a. The/ 0/ the b. 0/ the/ the c. 0/ the/ a d. 0/0 / a 15. No sooner ……… than the fire broke out. a. we had left b. had we left c. we left d. were we leaving 16. Can you ima gine ….. famous and …. Enough money to do whatever you like ? a. to be/ to have b. being/ to have c. being/ having d. to be/ having 17. Have you ever considered ……. After graduation from university ? a. what to do b. which to do c. what doing d. how to do 18. My brother is used to …… a. work hard b. hard work c. working hardly d. hard-working 19. The woman is too old to have any more children a. The woman is old enough not to have any more children b. The woman can’t have any more children because of her age c. The woman is so old that she can have any more children d. The woman is very old so that she can have some more children 20. Some people seemed to be ……. Of the harmful effects of burning plastics. a. unreliable b. unaware c. confident d. unhappy 21. Would you please repeat it ? Sorry that I … quite catch it a. don’t b. couldn’t c. can’t d. didn’t 22. Would you like ….. to start with before you oder the main course ? a. anything b. something c. someone d. anyone 23. This room is too dark. We need …… a lighter shape. a. painting it b. to have it painted c. to be painted d. to have it paint 24. …. Do you intend to take short rest ? a. How much b. How many c. How often d. How long 25
  9. Đề luyện thi tốt nghiệp – Số 5 Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại 1. a. shout b. about c. thought d. plough 2. a. so b. close c. both d. dozen 3. a. cook b. look c. book d. room Chọn từ có trọng âm khác so với các từ còn lại 4. a. departure b. dangerous c. colourful d. different 5. a. scientist b. suggestion c. business d. Saturday Chọn đáp án đúng A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu sau 6. The bus came after I …. There for about twenty minutes. a. standing b. stand c. was standing d. had been standing 7. You really can’t make out …. That means ? a. how b. what c. who d. which 8. I ….. to visit Australia some time in the future. a. like b. would like c. will like d. am liking 9. I was very sorry to hear of her ….. to come to the party. a. denial b. refuse c. refusal d. deny 10. I will phone you …. I get there. a. as well as b. as late as c. as soon as d. as far as 11. They work at this school , but this week, they …. At the Ministry of Education and Training. a. working b. are working c. worked d. have worked 12. During the earthquake, I felt the building ….. violently. a. to shake b. shake c. shook d. shakes 13. As a result of the accident, Charles will have to have an ….. leg. a. art b. artist c. artificial d. artificially 14. “ How wide is this street ?” – It’s …… a. thirteen yards wide b. thirteen yards in wide c. wide thirteen yards d. in wide thirteen yards 15. In many British households, husbands share the housework, if the wife also has a full-time job. a. certainly b. without doubt c. especially d. fortunately 16. I knew him …… I was a child. a. until b. when c. after d. during 17. Those men are paid by ……. a. the hour b. an hour c. hour d. every hour 18. When he left school, John decided to join the army … a university.
  10. a. of instead going to b. of going to instead c. going to instead of d. instead of going to 19. ….. people in many other countries earn enough for a comfortable life. a. Most of b. The most c. Mostly d. Almost all the 20. Take this road and …. Arrive at the hotel in five minutes. a. after you will b. then you will c. will then you d. will so you 21. In some families in Britain, the housework is shared equally, in ….. men do “ outside” jobs such as looking after the garden and doing house repairs. a. another b. other family c. one another d. other families. 22. In many British households, women do the “ inside” jobs such as the cooking, laundry and ….. a. they clean the house b. cleaning is done c. cleaning d. the house is cleaned 23. The size of national parks in the USA varies …… a. a great deal b. great deal c. deal great d. a deal great 24. Yellowstone National Park is not …. In the USA. a. largest park b. the largest park c. a larger park d. one largest park 25. Yellowstone National Park is actually …. The Grand Canyon National Park in Colorado. a. as bigger than b. more bigger than c. much bigger as d. much bigger than 26. At 450, 000 hectares, the Grand Canyon National Park is approximately …. Yellowstone. a. half the size of b. half a size c. a half size d. the size half of 27. The …. Of the ocean and the sky merge into one on the horizon. a. colors b. color c. paints d. coloring 28. A map of Hanoi and its surrounding is needed for ….. to the city. a. new visits b. new visiting c. new visit d. new visitors 29. ….. scientific breakthroughs are discovered by chance. a. Little b. A little c. Few d. No few 30. Man’s ….. time is basically his consciousness of past, present, and future. a. system of b. decision by c. capability d. awareness of Đọc và chọn đáp án cho mỗi ô trống từ 31-35 Many people think that we can learn a lot about the culture of a foreign country simply by living in that culture. ….. , this is not necessarily true. Often the longer we stay in a foreign country, the more we r ealize how little …… actually know about the culture of that country. Books and talks about other people’s culture can even …… dangerous because they concentrate on cultural differences and exaggerate national characteristics; sometimes a lot of the information …. Contain is untrue. In a survey recently carried out in Britain, people were asked to make a list of anything which they thought was typical of Britain and would interest foreign visitors there. Most of …. Mentioned Shakespeare, the Queen, village inns, English folk dancing, football hooligans, umbrellas, English castles, cricket, and fish and chips. 31. a. So b. Although c. Unless d. However 32. a. you b. one c. they d. we 33. a. be b. to be c. being d. will be 34. a. which b. they c. in that d. that 35. a. their b. theirs c. themselves d. them Chọn đáp án cho mỗi câu từ 36-40 On May 13, 1787, a fleet of English ships set sail for Australia with about 750 people. These men an d women were no ordinary passengers. They were convicts being sent to Australia as punishment for their crimes. Laws in England during this period were very harsh, and people were punished severely for even the smallest crimes. Someone could be sentenced to death for hunting on another person’s property or be put to death for chopping down someone else’s tree. For many other crimes, the punishment was “ transportation” . Guilty men and women were shipped to a distant land where they were forced to work without pay. Often children were shipped to other land too. In 1770, Captain Cook had discovered the continet of Australia and claimed it for England. At first, England found no use for this vast land on the other side of the world, but then the American Revolution took place. England could no longer ship its convicts to the American colonies. So it turned to Australia as a good place for its prisoners. In January 1788, the English fleet and its strange cargo landed in Australia. After days of searching, the captain found a fine harbor. The land nearby had trees and streams. The convict colony made a new beginning here. Australia’s history had begun 36. Laws in England during the late 18th century were very ….. a. kind b. easy c. strict d. light 37. For many crimes, the punishment was …. a. transportation b. communication c. education d. revolution 38. Someone who ….. could bee sentenced to death. a. cut down trees b. searched for food c. cut down other’s trees d. hunted animals near his home
  11. 39. Why did England send its convicts to Australia ? a. It wanted to make Captain Cook happy about Australia. b. It could no longer send its convicts to American c. It wanted convicts to find a fine harbor and good land. d. Australia is a peaceful country for the convicts. 40. On the whole, the article tells about …… a. a fleet of English ships b. hunting on other people’s property c. the start of Australia’s history d. the development of Australia Chọn đáp án phù hợp với câu đã cho 41. One of the greatest scientists of England is Michael Faraday. a. Michael Faraday is one of the greatest scientists of England. b. England has many great scientists, including Michael Faraday. c. No scientist of England is as great as Michael Faraday. d. Michael Faraday is the greatest scientist of England 42. “ Where are you going” Mai asked me a. Mai asked if I’d go to somewhere. b. Mai told me to go to somewhere c. Mai is interested in my activities. d. Mai wanted to know where I was going 43. They decided to hold world festivals of youth. a. The youth decided to hold world festivals. b. Their decision was to organize world festivals of youth. c. The youth decided to hold world festivals for themselves. d. Their decision was to attract the youth to world festivals. 44. There is not enough food for everyone. a. Not all people do not have enough food. b. Not all people have enough food. c. No people have enough food. d. Few people have enough food. 45. The noise kept me awake all the night. a. I slept well although it was noisy. b. I slept well in spite of the noise. c. I couldn’t sleep because of the noise. d. The noise didn’t make me awake all the night. Xác định từ/ cụm từ có gạch chân dưới cần phải sửa 46. A great country can grows from a small colony. A B C D 47. It is difficult to tell you all of these discovery. A B C D 48. Chemistry has become one of most important factors in the textile industry. A B C D 49. The teacher suggested having an discussion on the topic. A BC D 50. John, my brother-in-law, was also asked to joined the party. A BC D
  12. Đề luyện thi tốt nghiệp – Số 2 Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại 1. a. mount b. doubt c. found d. double 2. a. columns b. grades c. parents d. volunteers 3. a. garage b. gesture c. guest d. guarantee 4. a. boasted b. concluded c. perceived d. repeated 5. a. booked b. groanted c. hailed d. kneeled Chọn đáp án đúng A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu sau 6. A chill …. me as I entered the interviewing room. a. hit b. crash c. beat d. struck 7. Yesterday I had my mother …. my bicycle. a. to repair b. repair c. repaired d. was repaired 8. Motor vehicles …. for air pollution in the cities. a. lead b. account c. affect d. bring 9. It’s dangerous to drive when you ….. a. are drinking b. are drunk c. have drunk d. will drunk 10. The reason for his lateness is …. he got up too late in the morning. a. because b. for c. that d. what 11. They followed the robbers for thirty minutes but in the end they ….. them. a. lost track of b. lost the track of c. lost a track of d. lost tracks of 12. I’m not going now … you want me to stay. a. in spite of b. if c. although d. because 13. Where did you meet him ? – I met him ….. 145 ….. Third Avenue. a. at/the b. on / the c. in/ 0 d. at/ 0 14. Non- smokers have become more …. about smoking in public places. a. millitantly b. millitant c. millitance d. military 15. This part of the town is always very lively at night. It’s usually crowded …. People. a. with b. of c. for d. about 16. Which book do you think is best ? – The one …….. a. you found b. worth reading it c. is your favourite d. it is also your favourite 17. He shook hands with me ……… a. friendly b. in a friendly way c. as an old friend d. like an old friend 18. ……….., Jack can never keep up with Tom in English study. a. No matter how he tries hard b. However he tries hard c. No matter how hard he tries d. As hard he tries 19. Hurry up or you’ll be …… a. late for work b. late for school c. miss the train d. All are correct 20. My brother tried …….. because of his bad cough. a. stop/ smoke b. stopping/ smokes c. stopped/ smoked d. to stop/ smoking 21. There are ……. in the universe that we cannot count them. a. so many stars b. so much stars c. so much stars d. so few stars 22. …….., he washed the cup and put it away. a. Drinking the coffee b. Having drunk the coffee c. After having been drunk d. Having drank 23. It’s a pity she didn’t take her doctor’s advice. She wishes ………
  13. a. she had taken her doctor’s advice b. she took her doctor’s advice c. she would take her doctor’s advice d. she takes her doctor’s advice 24. Did you remember …. the car as I had told you ? a. lock b. locking c. to lock d. locked 25. all of you here are capable …. doing that job. a. at b. with c. on d. of 26. It’s the manager …. we want to see. a. which b. whose c. whom d. that 27. I could not sleep last night …. I was very tired. a. although b. but c. if d. despite 28. Don’t make fun of the disabled. a. laugh at b. look at c. glance at d. care about 29. Will you be going to university ? - …….. a. Well, I hope to b. No, I don’t think so c. No, I am afraid not d. Of course, not 30. This building is ….. the other one. a. as higher as b. as the same height as c. the same height as Đọc và chọn đáp án cho mỗi ô trống từ 31-35 Today when English is one of the ……. languages in the world. It …… an effort of the imagination to realize that this is a relatively recent thing – that in Shakespeare’s time, for example, only a few million people ….. English, and Ôn thi tốt nghiệp – Trần Hiền - LCS the language was not thought to be very important by the other nations of ….., and was unknown to the rest of the world. English has become a world language ….its establishment as a mother tongue outside England, in all the continents of the world. 31. a. simple b. major c. difficult d. interesting 32. a. requires b. calls c. gives d. makes 33. a. speak b. spoke c. speaks d. was speaking 34. a. American b. Asia c. Europe d. Australia 35. a. because b. since c. despite d. because of Chọn đáp án cho mỗi câu từ 36-40 A greeting is a way of being friendly to someone. It’s a way of being polite. It is also a way of starting a conversation. In many languages a question is used as a greeting “ Where are you going?” “ How’s everything with you?”. But questions like these are not real questions. They do not require a full answer or even a true one. In English, the commonest greeting is a question about a person’s health: “ How are you ?” But we do not expect the person to talk about their healt h when they reply. We do not expect them to talk about their headache or their backache if they have one. People reply to these questions with a fixed expression such as “ I’m fine, thanks” or “ I’m very well, thanks”. In the same way, in countries where people greet each other with “ Where are you going?”, a simple reply such as “ Just walking around” is sufficient. It is not necessary to describe where you are actually going. In most languages, a greeting is usually followed by “ small talk”. Greetings and small talks are an important part of conversation in any language. The way people greet each other and the things they talk about, however, may be different from one language to another correct. This shows that there is much more to learn when we learn a language than just the vocabulary and the grammar of the language. We also have to learn the social behaviour of the people who speak it. 36. A greeting is ……… a. a way of being friendly to someone. b. a way of being polite c. a way of starting a conversation d. all are correct 37. In many languages, …………… a. a question is used as a greeting b. questions are used as greetings are real questions. c. questions used as greetings require a full answer d. “ Where are you?” or “ How’s everything with you?” isn’t considered as a greeting. 38. In English, ………….. a. the commonest greeting is the question “ How are you?” b. “ How are you ?” is a question that does not require the real answer c. “ I’m fine, thanks” or “ I’m very well, thanks” is the common reply to the questions d. All are correct 39. Which of the sentence is not correct? a. In most languages, a greeting is usually followed by small talk. b. Greetings and small talk are an important part of conversation in any language.
  14. c. Greeting and small talk in most languages are alike. d. There is much more to learn when we learn a language than just its vocabulary and the grammar. 40. The main idea of the passage is ……. a. daily conversations b. small talk c. greetings- an important cultural feature d. good greetings Chọn đáp án phù hợp với câu đã cho 41. The thick fog prevented the plane from landing a. The plane couldn’t land because of fog. b. Because the fog was thick couldn’t control the plane. c. Because of the thick fog couldn’t control the plane. d. The thick fog made it impossible for the plane to land. 42. If you don’t remind me, I’ll forget. a. Unless you don’t remind me, I’ll forget.b. Remind me, or I’ll forget. c. Unless you remind me, I won’t forgetd. If you don’t remind me, I won’t forget 43. English is spoken all over the world. a. People all over the world is spoken English. b. English is spoken people all over the world. c. English all over the world is spoken d. People speak English all over the world. 44. They have stopped writing letters to each other. a. They no longer have stopped writing to each other. b. They used to write to each other. c. They have never written to each other before. d. Writing letters to each other is forbidden. 45. Susan works as hard as everyone does. a. Susan works as hard as everyone does. b. Sansan doesn’t work less harder than anyone does. c. No one works harder than Susan does d. Susan works as hardly as everyone does. Xác định từ/ cụm từ có gạch chân dưới cần phải sửa 46. It (A)is (B)necessary for (C)us (D)master a foreign language nowadays. 47. (A)Farmers can help (B)enrich (C)the soil by adding (D)fertilizer. 48. He is (A)interested in the (B)preservation(C)off the (D)old building 49. We(A)feel like (B)to have an opportunity (C) of (D)meeting you again 50. People (A)constantly look to the news (B)keeping up-to-date (C)on what (D)is happening in the world. Ôn thi tốt nghiệp – Trần Hiền - LCS Đề luyện thi tốt nghiệp – Số 7 Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại 1. a. book b. smooth c. good d. look 2. a. belong b scholarship c. property d. foreign 3. a. cut b. bus c. full d. shut 4. a. tear b. adventure c. volunteer d. tomorrow 5. a. supply b. simply c. deny d. reply Chọn đáp án đúng A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu sau 6. a. If I had a raincoat, I …… a cold. a. wouldn’t catch b. wouldn’t have caught c. didn’t catch d. hadn’t caught 7. It’s unreasonable to regard any language …… the possession of a particular nation. a. as b. to be c. as being d. All are correct 8. Have you ever …. to any English – speaking countries ? a. gone b. been c. come d. got 9. Most children know …. about what to expect when they start work. a. little b. a little c. few d. a few 10. My pronunciation of English is better than …….in my class. a. any other student b. any student c. any students d. any other student’s 11. How about a game of cards? ……… a. Good idea b. I’m afraid I do c. No, It’s interesting, is it ? d. Sorry, I don’t like. 12. The little boy had a feeling of horror after he had watched the horror film.
  15. a. thrill b. excitement c. chill d. joy 13. Military scientists are …… lasers against satellites. a. fighting b. testing c. checking d. making 14. It’s very crowed here. I wish there …. so many people. a. weren’t b. aren’t c. isn’t d. haven’t been 15. Have a nice weekend, won’t you? ……… a. Well, I hope to b. Thanks. Same to you c. Yes, I have d. I hope not 16. My father (repair) my bicycle at the moment. He (work) at it for an hour. a. has been repairing/ has been working b. has repaired/ worked c. is repairing/ is working d. is repairing/ is working 17. I don’t mind your ….. the phone as long as you pay for your calls. a. use b. to use c. using d. used 18. Are we going to win the game? ….. All our best players are injured a. I think so b. I don’t think so c. I’m sure that d. I have no idea 19. Children are not allowed to use the swimming pool …. They are with an adult. a. though b. unless c. if d. because 20. My father always does the job to the best of his ….. a. ability b. knowledge c. talent d. capacity 21. Peter …. anybody what had happened. a. asked me not to tell b. asked me don’t tell c. said me not to tell d. told me not tell 22. Language is considered a significant ….. in international relations . a. property b. access c. possession d. means of communication 23. Will you be going away on holiday? - ….. I can’t afford it, really. a. I hope so b. I don’t expect so c. I don’t know d. I’m willing to 24. Things are not going so well for me. I have …….. a. a little problem b. a few problems c. a little problems d. a great deal of problems 25. The population of the earth …… its resources. a. outgrows b. outruns c. outlives d. outweighs 26. This serious disease can’t be …… easily. a. injected b. attached c. treated d. solved 27. He was sacked two weeks ago. He is now out of ….. work. a. a b. the c. 0 d. an 28. Will you have time to help us ? - …….. I’m very busy at the moment. a. I’m afraid not b. I think so c. I don’t expect so d. I hope not 29. Thank you for a lovely evening. - ……. a. Have a good day b. You are welcome c. Thanks d. Cheer 30. After he … the house, he wrote a letter. a. cleans b. was cleaning c. had cleaned d. has cleaned Đọc và chọn đáp án cho mỗi ô trống từ 31-35 Because laser is so powerful, laser beam can be used to weld metals. (31)… can use laser instead of knives in operation. Laser (32)….. can also send information rather as radio waves do, but in huge amounts. (33)….. the light waves in a laser beam are all in step and the beam is very straight, laser can be used (34)…… distances very accurately indeed. Lasers are therefore employed in guiding missils and aiming guns as well as in surveying. Laser are also used in compact dis players and videodisc systems to play back sound and pictures from the disc (35)…. touching them. 31. a. Surgeons b. Doctors c. Scientists d. Technicians 32. a. treatments b. uses c. beams d. applications. 33. a. So b. Because c. Therefore d. Although 34. a. measure b. measuring c. measures d. to measure 35. a. without b. with c. by d. for Chọn đáp án cho mỗi câu từ 36-40 Without transport, our modern society could not exist. We would have no metals, no coal, and no oil. Nor would we have any products made from these materials. Besides, we would have to spend most of our time raising food- and the food would be limited to the kinds that could grow in the climate and soil of our own neighborhoods. Transportation also affects our lives in other ways. Transportation can speed a doctor to the side of a sick person, even if the patient lives on an isolated form. It can take police to the scene of a crime within moments of being noticed. Transportation enables teams of athletes to compete in national and international sports contests. In times of disaster, transportation can rush aid to persons in areas stricken by floods, families, and earthquakes.
  16. 36. Without transport, ………….. a. our modern society could not exist. b. we would have no metals, no coal and no oil c. we would have no products made from these materials. d. All are correct 37. Which of the sentences is not correct ? a. Without transport, we would have to spend most of our time raising food. b. Without transport, the food would be limited c. Without transport, a doctor can easily visit the patient living far away. d. Without transport, the police can be taken to the scene of a crime quickly 38. Transportation enables …………. a. teams of athletes to compete in their own nations. b. teams of athletes to compete not only nationally but also internationally. c. teams of athletes to compete only in foreign countries. d. teams of athletes to compete strongly 39. In times of disaster , ………. a. transportation does nothing b. transportation is very expensive c. transportation is not paid attention to. d. transportation can rush aid to persons who are the victims of floods, families, earthquakes etc … 40. The main idea of the passage is …….. a. how transportation affects our lives. b. good transportation. c. transportation in times of disaster d. public transportation. Chọn đáp án phù hợp với câu đã cho 41. The guest house was too dirty for us to stay there. a. The guest house was so dirty that we could not stay there. b. The guest house was too dirty to stay there. c. The guest house was too dirty so that we couldn’t stay there. d. The guest house was very dirty that we couldn’t stay there. 42. After I had put the child to bed, I watched TV a. After having put the child to bed, I watched TV b. After I put the child to bed, I watched TV c. After I have put the child to bed, I watched TV d. Before putting the child to bed, I had watched TV 43. My sister only phoned because she was worried a. My sister wouldn’t have phoned if she weren’t worried. b. If my sister hadn’t been worried, she wouldn’t have phoned c. My sister wouldn’t phone if she weren’t worried d. My sister wouldn’t have phoned if she had worried 44. “ How long are you going to stay, Henry?” Mary said a. Mary asked Henry how long was he going to stay b. Mary asked Henry how long he was going to stay c. Mary asked Henry that how long he has going to stay d. I asked to Henry how long he was going to stay. 45. There won’t be any rain tomorrow. a. There won’t be raining tomorrow b. There won’t be rains tomorrow c. It won’t rain tomorrow d. There won’t be no rain tomorrow. Xác định từ/ cụm từ có gạch chân dưới cần phải sửa 46. Oxygen plays an important role in maintaining live AB C D 47. The sun is so bright for us to look at dir ectly. A B C D 48. She decided to short the skirt. A B C D 49. We hoped that we will be able to attend the ceremony. A B C D 50. Do you know how getting to the post office from here ? A B C D Đề luyện thi tốt nghiệp – Số 8 Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại 1. a. climate b. time c. timber d. climb 2. a. pollute b. cup c. but d. umbrella 3. a. retain b. certain c. again d. pain
  17. 4. a. future b. nature c. picture d. mature 5. a. plough b. laugh c. cough d. rough Xác định từ/ cụm từ có gạch chân dưới cần phải sửa 1. You have to finished writing the report yourself. 2. Peter is a bit tired. He doesn’t like eaten anything 3. The boys were absorbed at collecting shells on the beach 4. I never approve of work for a foreign boss. 5. It is very difficult for us to preventing forest fires. 1. He was so nervous that he doesn’t know what to do AB C D 2. I like classical music because it is so relaxed A B C D 3. He wanted to know what my birthday was. A B C D 4. What do you practise playing the guitar all day ? – To win a prize A B C D 5. Despite of the increase in air fares, most people still prefer to travel by plane. A B C D Chọn đáp án đúng A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu sau 1. Nowadays, city dwellers live under the constant threat of …. a. pollute b. polluted c. pollution d. polluters 2. The scientists have become key figures in our modern …. Society. a. industry b. industrial c. industrialize d. industrialization 3. Up to now we have not been successful …. a. at eliminating pollution b. at pollution eliminating c. in eliminating pollution d. eliminating in pollution 4. We must be responsible …. a. for what we have done b. what we have done for c. what for we have done d. for we what have done 5. The doctor has told her that she is ….. because she can’t have a child. a. childless b. childhood c. childish d. child 6. John, …. Fixes my car, has just won the lottery. a. that b. who c. he d. whose 7. 1. I wish I were a movie star -> He …. A movie star a. dreamed of being b. dreamed being c. dreamed of be d. dreamed be 8. If you … as I told you, you would have succeeded. a. had done b. did c. do d. has done 9. If she …. A promise, she will keep it. a. make b. makes c. made d. had made 10. You … life much easier if you smile more often a. would find b. find c. will find d. have found 11. If he … more carefully, he would not cause an accident. a. drives b. is driving c. was driving d. drove 12. “ I didn’t break the window” -> He denied ….. the window. a. to breaking b. have broken c. breaking d. break 13. “ It was nice of you to invite us for dinner. Thank you very much” -> They thanked me ….to dinner a. for invite them b. for inviting them c. invite them d. inviting them 14. If the bus ….on time, I won’t miss the soccer match. a. be b. are c. is d. has been 15. Look out ! The teacher …. a. coming b. is coming c. comes d. has come 16. They …. Here before the first child was born
  18. a. lived b. had lived c. have lived d. will have lived 17. 1.The Beatles is and will be my favorite …. a. band b. flock c. team d. squad 18. Trinh Cong Son was a famous …. in Vietnamese music. a. designer b. writer c. singer d. composer 19. Like language, music is used to ….. a. entertain b. communicate c. entertainment d. communication 20. Music can express one’s anger, love, hate and …. a. friends b. friendness c. friendships d. friendship 21. I don’t feel like visiting my relatives this year so …… a. I won’t go b. I don’t go c. I am not going d. I am not going to 22. I would not have gone away if you …. a. came b. come c. will come d. had come 23. We will have a ……. next week. a. fourty five minutes test b. forty five minute test c. fourty five test minute d. forty five test minutes 24. The car was stolen because the owner …. To lock it. a. had forgotten b. forgot c. forgets d. has forgotten 25. The police questioned the woman …. handbag …. a. who/ stolen b. whom/ was stolen c. of which/ stolen d. whose/ was stolen 26. …. a good student, you need to be hard working. a. To get b. To become c. To come d. To try 27. …. pen is so colourful ? It’s mine a. Who b. Whose c. Whom d. What 28. ….. do you always go to school ? – By bus. a. What b. Who c. Which d. How 29. Valentine box is the place in …. you put Valentine cards. a. which b. whose c. where d. that 30. If we had caught the early train, we … in London now. a. will be b. would be c. would have been d. shall be being 31. I am not hungry. If I …. hungry, I …. something. a. am/ will eat b. were/ would eat c. had been/ would have eaten d. was/ shall eat 32. ….. is your plan for this weekend ? – I don’t know yet. a. When b. What c. Who d. Which 33. ….. are you always late for school ? – I always miss the bus. a. When b. Why c. Where d. What 34. The sick man ….. to the hospital a. took b. is taked c. being taken d. was taken 35. He couldn’t get into the house because he ……. his key. a. loses b. has lost c. had lost d. was lost Đọc và chọn đáp án Music is a very important part of our lives. Music is for dancing, drinking, eating, loving and thinking. Some songs reminds us of our childhood or youth. Others remind us of the people we love. Many important occasions, like weddings and funerals have special music. Every nation has a national song like the American “ The Star- Spangled Banner”. In the U.S, high schools and colleges have school songs, too. Music is a part of the history of America. It expresses the problems and feelings of its people. When the years pass, the music grows and changes. Modern science has also changed music. Inventions like records, radio, movies, electric instruments, tape recorders and video have changed the way we play and listen to music. They have helped to make music an important form of international communication. American music, from the earliest folk songs to modern “pop”, is known around the world. Music is one of America’s most important exports. It brings the people of the world together. Even when people can not understand the same language, they can share the same music. Many people learn and practise English by singing songs. Understanding American music can help you understand American people, their history and culture. 1. What is true about “ The Star- Spangled Banner”? a. It is played in weddings. B. It is liked by every nation c. It is the U.S national song. D. It is one of the American school songs. 2. According to the passage, music is changed thanks to the invention of the following except ……….. a. videos b. electric instrumentss c. tape recorders d. international communication
  19. 3. The words exports in the last paragraph is nearest in meaning to ….. a. Things that can be bought. B. things that can be sold c. things that can be enjoyed d. things that can be changed 4.What is the earliest form of music in America ? a. School music b. national music c. folk music d. pop music 5. What can be the title for this article ? a. An introduction to American music b. The development of American music c. The history of American music d. The future of American music
  20. Đề luyện thi tốt nghiệp – Số 1 Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại 1. a. hear b. fear c. pear d. ear 2. a. smiled b. worked c. picked d. jumped Chọn từ có trọng âm khác so với các từ còn lại 3. a. daughter b. decide c. provide d. enjoy 4. a. physicist b. president c. inventor d. gardener 5. a. factory b. farmer c. fairy d. farewell Chọn đáp án đúng A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu sau 6. He asked ….. him some money A. her to lend B. she to lend C. she has lent D. she lends 7. Willia Cather, … a prominent American writer, grew up in Nebraska during the early farming years. A. became B. who became C. she became D. it is she who became 8. When the play finished the audience stood up and …. their hands loudly. A. clapped B. nodded C. shook D. hold 9. John said that his brother …. at home then A. is B. was C. were D. has been 10. Children can be a little …. and they like to see quick results. A. shy B. slow C. impatient D. polite 11. All of us were ……. that he was successful in the final exam. A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. surprisingly 12 Radium was …… by Marie Curie. A. discover B. discovered C. discoverer D. discovery 13. I don't think that film is ……



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