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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề ôn thi đại học năm 2011 môn: tiếng anh', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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  1. ĐỀ ÔN THI ĐẠI HỌC NĂM 2011 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 1. A. effective B. eradicate C. enthusiastic D. effort 2. A. effective B. eradicate C. enthusiastic D. effort 3. A. representative B. general C. refreshment D. celebrate 4. A. damage B. luggage C. manage D. teenage 5. A. controlled B. returned C. formed D. convinced 6. A. determine B. combine C. sunshine D. underline 7. A. measure B. endure C. pleasure D. pressure 8. A. sense B. send C. collis ion D. seat 9. A. society B. provide C. remote D. promotion 10. A. campaign B. against C. gradually D. struggle 11. A. village B. message C. page D. luggage 12. A. spread B. disease C. health D. pleasure 13. A. unity B. university C. umbrella D. unit 14. A. feat B. seat C. beat D. great 15. A. foul B. enough C. come D. touch 16. A. taste B. swallow C. player D. major 17. A. dead B. meat C. heat D. tease 18. A. books B. dogs C. cats D. maps 19. A. plough B. town C. cow D. tow 20. A. strike B. chill C. conflict D. single 21. A. game B. start C. rain D. play 22. A. element B. preservation C. emission D. gesture 23. A. smoke B. home C. photo D. fog 24. A. dioxide B. combination C. nitrogen D. pipe 25. A. industrial B. under C. sunlight D. influence 26. A. play B. plane C. plan D. plate 27. A. dead B. heat C. meat D. tease Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. 1. A. annual B. announce C. formal D. sculpture 2. A. maximum B. windowpane C. enjoyment D. organize 3. A. complete B. worksheet C. explain D. observe 4. A. disappointed B. competition C. representative D. participate 5. A. grateful B. delightful C. thoughtful D. wonderful 6. A. secretary B. assistance C. support D. vacation 7. A. relationship B. activity C. occasional D. invitation 8. A. opportunity B. investment C. international D. education 9. A. answer B. begin C. refuse D. complain 10. A. marathon B. maximum C. formally D. effective 11. A. champion B. recite C. female D. general 12. A. contestant B. completion C. remember D.membership 13. A. yesterday B. applicant C. employment D. uniform 14. A. river B. result C. rewrite D. reuse 15. A. apply B. persuade C. reduce D. offer 16. A. wilderness B. opponent C. penalty D. podium 17. A. different B. important C. impressive D. attractive 1
  2. 18. A. deforestation B. endangerment C. priority D. rhinoceros 19. A. hunger B. famine C. believe D. painful 20. A. register B. devotee C. catalogue D. maximum 21. A. irrigate B. cosmetic C. ancestry D. delicate 22. A. eardrum B. exhaust C. discard D. inject 23. A. atmosphere B. volcanic C. disposal D. emission 24. A. exhaust B. occur C. fluoride D. garbage 25. A. teacher B. singer C. Chinese D. modern 26. A. humour B. cancer C. treatment D. disease 27. A. activity B. ordinary C. necessary D. temporary These are incomplete sentences. Choose one best option to complete each sentence. 1. The contest aimed to stimulate the spirit of learning………….students. A. on B. for C. of D. among 2. Such questions provide a useful means of ………….students' interest. A. expressing B. encouraging C. stimulating D. providing 3. We took part in a sponsored walk _________ to support the poor. A. organized B. organizing C. that organized D. had organized 4. We strongly recommend _________your luggage when you travel. A. to insure B. you insuring C. your insurance D. you to insure 5. She was the first in her family ______ a college education. A. get B. getting C. to get D. gotten 6. The weather report says that ________ ten inches of snow tomorrow. A. maybe there are B. there might be C. there may be D. we may be have 7. You got home late last night." - "The Morgans insisted ______for dinner." A. on our staying B. for us to stay C. that we were staying D. about us staying 8. ___ In 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States. A. Founding B. Founded C. Being founded D. It was founded 9. I’m not surprised Margaret's ill. With all the voluntary work she's______ ,she’s really been doing too much. A. taken off B. taken on C. taken in D. taken to 10. Jan appears ________some weight. Has she been ill? A. having lost B. having been lost C. to have lost D. to have been lost 11. ________ received law degrees as today. A. Never so many women have B. Never have so many women C. the women have never D. Women who have ever 12. Minh was the winner and he was _________ a set of CDs for studying English. A. awarded B. announced C. welcomed D. responded 13. The teacher said “Time is up”. It means “Time is ________” A. started B. increased C. shortened D. finished 14. More and more people are taking part in the struggle ________illiteracy. A. for B. against C. with D. about 15. We are made _________hard when we were at school. A. to study B. study C. studying D. studied 16. ___________a painter, but he also took an interest in the flight of birds. 2
  3. A. Not only Rembrandt was B. Although Rembrandt was C. Despite Rembrandt being D. Not only was Rembrandt 17. Stacey seems to be a bright student. She's always the first ____________ her work. A. to finish B. finishing C. being finished D. to be finish 18. We were shocked to hear the news of your _________ _ A. having fired B. having been fired C. to have been fired D. to be fired 19. All the teachers work on an entirely_________ basis. A. volunteer B. volunteered C. voluntary D. voluntarily 20. At present we are __________ an anti-drug campaign. A. setting up for B. carrying out C. taking part D. joining with 21. The work of the charity is funded by voluntary __________ A. movements B. teenagers C. campaigns D. donations 22. A(n) __________ is a person who is killed because of his/ her political beliefs. A. invalid B. soldier C. veteran D. martyr 23. __________ to the party, they could hardly refuse to go. A. Having been invited B. To have given C. To have been invited D. Having invited 24. As we enter the room, we saw a rat ______ towards a hole in the skirting board. A. scamper B. to scamp er C. scampering D. was scampering 25. It was difficult to __________ a date which was convenient for everyone. A. agree B. organize C arrange D. provide . 26. At first I found it difficult __________ on the left-hand side of the road. A. to get used to drive B. to get used to driving C. being used to drive D. in getting used to driving 27. The factory is said _______in a fire two years ago. A. being destroyed B. to have been destroyed C. to have destroyed D. to destroy 28. He had a portrait ________as a birthday present for his daughter. A. painting B. paint C. painted D. to be painted 29. We moved to the countryside for some A. peace and quiet B. comfort and advance C. freedom and pleasure D. happiness and enjoyment 30. By the end of this year my father ________in this company for 10 years. A. will work B. will have been working C. has been working D. has worked 31. There ________lots of furniture ________in the furniture department. A. are / to display B. are / displaying C. is / displaying D. is / on display 32. He said he would contribute money, but later he backed ________of it. A. down B. away C. off D. out 33. Not until the early 1900s ________ to vote in the United States . A. women were allowed B. they allowed women C. were women allowed D. when women allowed 34. I ________ Ann against giving the information. A. banned B. o bjected C. prevented D. warned 35. Suddenly ________ hungry, he stopped to buy a bar of chocolate. A. feeling B. having left C. felt D. feels 36. He apologized ________ able to finish the project on time. A. his colleagues not being B. his colleagues for not being C. his colleagues not to be D. to his colleagues for not being 37. Nowadays, young men with a technical education _____because of the great demand for highly skilled workmen. 3
  4. A. is well-paid B. should pay well C. are well-paid D. could pay well 38. It is no use ________to school if you ________ to work hard. A. going; do not ready B. to go; do not ready C. going; are not ready D. go; are not ready 39. For work to flow _________ , proper preparations must be made. A. smoothly B. freely C. constantly D. naturally 40. She was worried about ________ A. being robbed B. robbing C. being rob D. be robbing 41. ________ all the papers, Sarah put them back in the file. A. Photocopying B. Having photocopied C. She has photocopied D. After had photocopied 42. Some parents didn't approve __ a lot of television. A. in their children watching B. of their children watching C. on their children watching D. at their children watching 43. This test ______of multiple-choice questions. A. consists on a number B. consists in a number C. consists to a number D. consists of a number 44. While they were _____ tables, he was ______the radio. A. arranging / listening to B. arranging / hearing C. laying / listening to D. making / hearing 45. I suddenly remembered that I ________to bring my keys. A. having forgotten B. have forgotten C. had forgotten D. forgot 46. By the year 2010 many people currently employed ________their jobs. A. will have lost B. will be losing C. have lost D. are losing 47. Jack made me ________him next week. A. to promise to call B. to promise calling C. promise calling D. promise to call 48. Are you sure you told me? I don't recall _______about it. A. having told B. having been told C. to have told D. to have been told 49. ________ in Shanghai than in any other city in China . A. More people live B. More people living C. It has more people D. More living people 50. I can't find my umbrella. I __________ it in the restaurant last night A. must have left B. had left C. left D. might leave 51. I wish everything __________ so expensive. A. wouldn't be B. would be C. won't be D. could be 52.The injured man couldn't walk and had to ___________ A. be carried B. carry C. being carried D. be carrying 53. Mr. Miller hates ________ _ A. being kept waiting B. to be waiting C. being waiting D. to wait 54.The prisoner __________ to have escaped by climbing over a wall. A. thought B. is thought C. is think D. has thought 55. In England there is an old story about a man called Robin Hood. It’s said t hat he took money from _____and gave it to the poor. A. rich peoples B. the rich C. rich person D. a rich people 56. We visited Canada and ______United States . A. X B. a C. an D. the 57. I don't mind your _________the phone as long as you pay for your calls. 4
  5. A. use B. to use C. using D. used 58.On the slope of Long's Peak in Colorado_____the ruin of a giant tree. A. that lies B. lies C. where lies D. lie 59. A dolphin six ________length can move as fast as most ships. A. foot in B. feet in C. foot of D. feet of 60. The total weight of all the ants in the world is much greater than ________. A. to all human beings B. all human beings is that C. that of all human beings D. is of all human beings 61. It is earth’s gravity that _______ people their weight. A. gives B. give C. giving D. given 62.Generally speaking, people should have _______ as their desires allow. A. much education B. as much education C. education D. for education 63. Sleeping, resting and ______ are the best way to care for a cold. A. to drink fluids B. drank fluids C. one drink fluids D. drinking fluids 64. Birds make nests in trees ______ hide their young in the leaves and branches. A. can where they B. where they can C. where can they D. where can 65. Children learn primarily by ______ the world around them. A. experiencing directly of B. experience direct C. directly p hysical experience D. direct physical experience of 66.Of Charles Dickens’ many novels, Great Expectations, is perhaps _______ to many readers. A. the most satisfying one B. most satisfying one C. more than most satisfying one D. the more satisfying than 67. America ’s first globe maker was James Wilson, who ______ and blacksmith in his earlier life. A. a farmer had been B. had been a farmer C. farming D. being a farmer 68. “Our business is _________” – “Really? Now we have to make a report on it.” A. doing B. done C. made D. making 69. ________ ten minutes earlier, you would have got a better seat. A. Had you arrive B. If you hadn’t arrive C. Were you arrived D. If you arrive 70. The conical leaf hat is one of the typical features of the Vietnamese _______ . A. education B. culture C. society D. language 71. _______ I moved in my new apartment my neighbors have come to my house twice. A. Because B. Since C. When D. After 72. Is Amy married? ________. A. I think B. I think not C. I don’t think so D. I don’t think that 73. The wedding day was ________ chosen by the parents of the groom. A. careless B. careful C. carelessly D. carefully 74. Peter usually helps his mother with the __ -_ A. housework B. homework C. chores D. household 75. _________someone is considered as rude. A. Looking at B. Waving C. Greeting D. Pointing at 76. I lost my key. I'll have to _______ A. have other key made B. have another key made C. be made a key D. make another key 5
  6. 77. ________the fifth largest among the nine planets that make up our solar system A. The Earth is B. The Earth being C. That the Earth is D. Being the Earth 78. If gasoline vapours _______with air, combustion will occur. A. mixed B. had mixed C. mixes D. mixture 79. He went to the cinema ______ he had done his work. A. before B. until C. by the time D. after 80. Books are still a cheap way to get information and ________. A. entertainment B. entertain C. entertaining D. entertainer 81. To Americans, it is impolite to ask someone about age, ______ and salary. A. marry B. married C. marriage D. marrying 82. ________ actress’ life is in many ways unlike that of other women. A. An B. A C. As D. That the 83. Warmth, moisture, and oxygen are three necessary requirements ______ most seedlings. A. for cultivating B. for cultivate C. as cultivating D. can cultivate 84. In the West, the birth of a girl is welcomed with an enthusiasm _______ to that of a boy. A. equally B. equal C. they are equal D. and equal 85. Before ________, they used horse-drawn wooden carts. A. farmers have had tractors B. tractors owned by farmers C. having tractors farmers D. farmers had tractors 86. You can join the club when you ______ a bit older. A. will have got B. will get C. get D. are getting 87. ________ please get in touch with the police. A. Anyone who saw the accident B. Anyone who would see the accident C. Would anyone who saw the accident D. Would who saw the accident 88. The bathroom is ________ the bedroom and the kitchen. A. right B. next C. between D. left 89. The news _______ may not be true. A. that the prisoner will be released B. when the prisoner will be released C. of released the prisoner C. about the prisoner release 90. Go straight on and ________ the third turning on the right. A. take B. get C. make D. catch 91. At the station, we often see the sigh “________ for pickpockets”. A. Watch on B. Watch out C. Watch up D. Watch at 92. The school ________ a system of monthly tests in place of an annual exam. A. gathered B. took C. collected D. adopted 93. Would you be kind ________ to open the door for me? A. much B. enough C. of D. with 94. ________ he has continued to work on his thesis. A. Although all these problems B. Even though there are problems C. Despite all these problems D. In spite of there are problems 6
  7. 95. It took me weeks to ________ my illness. A. soothe B. neglected C. lessen D. recover from 96. The club ________ last year. A. had been opened B. was opened C. has been opened D. was being opened 97. In rainy seasons, roads in the village are always ________. A. mud B. mudded C. mudding D. muddy 98. ________this disaster would not have happened. A. Had you have obeyed orders B. You obeyed orders C. Had you obeyed o rders D. Yu had obeyed orders 99. She said ________ and asked if she could get me anything. A. she would be going shopping B. she was going shopping C. she will go shopping D. she is going shopping 100. Most underdeveloped countries are in ________ of technical assistance. A. need B. lack C. excess D. shortage 101. ________ had booked in advance were allowed in. A. Only who were those B. Only were those who C. Only who D. Only those who 102. If had worked harder at school, ________ A. I will sit in a comfortable office now. B. I would be sitting in a comfortable office now. C. I would have sat in a comfortable office now. D. I will be sitting in a comfortable office now. 103. This is the best play ________ I have ever seen. A. which B. what C. whom D. that 104. I had no sooner closed the door ________ somebody started knocking on it. A. as B. that C. than D. when 105. ________ she burst into tears. A. When to see her father B. When seeing her father C. On seeing her father D. If seeing her farther 106. She left very early ________. A. so she be at home when he arrived B. so as to be at home when he arrived C. so as that to be at home when he arrived D. so that to be at home when he arrived 107. They _________ for Japan at 10.30 tomorrow. A. will be leaving B. have left C. are left D. will have left 108. I _________ the hot weather in the south. A. used to B. use to C. uses to D. am used to 109. My mother said _________ my study results the year before. A. she is satisfied with B. she is satisfied to C. she was satisfied to D. she was satisfied with 110. _________ told me this refused to give his name. A. The man whom B. The man whom was C. The man who was D. The man who 111. The police are searching for a tall dark man _________ a beard. A. on B. in C. and D. with 112. By September next year I ______ here for ten years. A. will be working B. work C. will have been working D. have been working 113. The first customer ______ this morning was quite rude. A. dealing with B. with whom we dealt C. to deal with D. dealt with 114. Never before _____ such a beautiful waterfall. A. that I have seen B. do I see C. have I seen D. I have seen 7
  8. 115. We each ______ success in life. A. desire B. desire for C. desires D. desires for 116. Pupils should have their eyes ______ regularly. A. tested B. to test C. test D. testing 117. My brother likes music very much. He ______ to music while working. A. used to listen B. is used to listening C. is used to listen D. used to be listening 118. If you are agreeable ______ our proposal, we’ll go ahead. A. with B. for C. about D. to 119. Paul’s drunkenness lost him the job. Unless he ______ so often, he ______ sacked. A. drank; wouldn't be B. had drunk; wouldn't have been C. hadn't drunk; would have been D. would drink; hadn't been 120. My new neighbor has two children, ______are very lovely. A. both of whom B. all of whom C. who both of D. both of that 121. Schooling is compulsory for all Vietnamese children _________from six to fourteen. A. age B. aged C. at age D. on age 122. This room is ________ A. too small for us to work in B. so small that we can't work in C. not big enough for us to live in it D. such small room that we can't live in it 123. This student is determined to be the best student ________ A. so as his parents to be proud of him B. in order to be proud of his parents C. in order for his parents will be proud of him D. so that his parents will be proud of him 124. American men rarely shake hands when ________ A. they are introduced B. they say hello C. they say goodbye D. they are the hosts 125. Paul: Mary, this is Mr. Baker. Mary (to Mr. Baker): ________ A. How are you? B. How do you do C. Hello. D. Hi 126. Tom promised us that he ________us as soon as he _________a hotel. A. would call; had found B. would call; would find C. had called; had found D. called; would have found 127. Tom is thought ______ the runaway murderer last week. A. to meet B. to be met C. to have met D. that he met 128. _______ all the evidence, the man denied having stolen the motorbike. A. As a result of B. Even if C. Due to D. Despite 129. They don’t allow ______ here. A. to take photographs B. taking photographs C. photographs to take D. photographs taking 130. My sister wishes she ______ to play the piano when she was young. A. learnt B. would have learnt C. had learnt D. would learn 131. ______ nearly all our money, we couldn’t afford to stay in a hotel. A. To spend B. Having spent C. Spending D. Spend 132. This new kind of medicine is quickly ______ into the body. A. absorbed B. accessed C. gone D. poured 133. Why don’t you cut down all the ______ to make a path? A. underground B. undercover C. undercurrent D. undergrowth 134. Her own mistakes made her very ______ of the faults of others. A. tolerable B. tolerant C. tolerate D. tolerated 135. The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm ______ A. went off B. went out C. went on D. went by 136. We must ______ traffic coming from the right. A. make use of B. take notice of C. give way to D. catch sight of 137. I’d like to have a _____ car. Mine keeps breaking down. 8
  9. A. reliably B. more reliably C. unreliable D. more reliable. 138. I ran _____ Dan did. A. faster than B. more fastly than C. fastly than D. most faster than 139. Her illness was _____ we thought at first. A. much serious than B. much more serious than C. seriouser than C. much seriously than 140. Do you feel _____ today? A. a lot of better B. any better C. some better D. the better 141. Peter o ften drives a _____ . A. little red old car B. old little red car C. red little old car D. little old red car 142. Linda likes wearing _____ clothes. A. colour B. colourfully C. colourful D. colourless 143. They asked me a lot of questions, _____________ I couldn't answer. A. much of which B. both of them C. most of which D. neither of which 144. The boy ___________ in the accident was taken to the hospital. A. injures B. injuring C. injured D. injure 145. The machine ____________ has now been repaired. A. that broke down B. which are broken down C. that broke down D. which broke 146. The man __________ on the plane talked all the time. A. who I was sitting next B. that I was sitting next to C. that I was sitting next to him D. who I was sitting next him 147. He wasn't ___________ the job. A. experienced enough to do B. experienced enough doing C. enough experienced to do D. experienced to do enough 148. I have ___________ , but I don't have time. A. a vacation enough money for B. enough money for a vacation C. money enough for a vacation D. enough money for vacation 149. You should start doing it right now, ________it will be too late. A. if B. in case C. but D. or 150. You will become ill _______ you stop working so hard like that. A. until B. when C. if D. unless 151. I don’t think that dress matches _______ . A. her B. hers C. she D. herself 152. If people drove more carefully, _____ fewer accidents. A. there will be B. there are C. there would be D. there have been 153. It _____ a long time since I last saw you. A. is B. was C. will be D. has been 154. You won’t achieve anything _____ you take risks. A. if B. unless C. when D. that 155. The man _______ is very friendly. A. that lives next door B. which lives next door C. who live next door D. who lives the next door 156. The woman _______ was away on vacation. A. whom I wanted to see B. whom I want to see C. which I wanted to see D. whom I have wanted to see 157. This school is only for children _______ first language is not English. A. of whom B. whose C. who is D. who 158. I like Tom and Ann. They are _______. A. such nice people B. such nice peoples C. such a nice people D. such as nice people 9
  10. 159. You don't have to get ________just because I'm a few minutes late. A. annoying B. annoyment C. annoy D. annoyed 160. Did you remember anything ________at the party? A. interested B. interesting C. interests D. to interest 161. Why did you buy ________food? A. such lot of B. such many C. such a lot of D. such much 162. The program ________wasn't very good, but I liked the MC. A. it's B. itself C. its D. it 163. “Let’s go to the movie now.” – “Oh, ________” A. Good idea B. I don’t C. Why's that? D. I need it 164. They had some tea and coffee ________the participants. A. would leave B. will have left C. has left D. at break the for 165. Can you see all the customers queuing _________there? A. for B. over C. to D. had left 166. "Hello! BBC 1. _______can I help you?" A. Which B. When C. Where D. How 167. I need your suggestions ________now. A. once B. immediate C. well D. right 168. "It may rain. You ________bring the raincoat with you," said his father. A. will B. have C. do D. should 169. At the end of the letter Mary wrote, "Give my best ________to your parents." A. hopes B. wishes C. words D. belief In italic below are cues to make sentences. Choose correct option by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. 1. What/ you I often/ do/ birthday? A. What do you often on your birthday? B. What do you often do o n your birthday? C. What do you often do on your birthday? D. What do you often do on birthday? 2. they/ invited/ I'd /go/ If. A. If they invited me. B. I'd go if they invited. C. If they invited I'd go. D. If they invited me, I'd go. 3. Scientists/ know/ a lot/ about / earth. A. Scientists have known a lot about the earth. B. Scientists knows a lot about the earth. C. Scientists have known a lot about earth. D. Scientists knew a lot about the earth. 4. There / new/ customs / different/ be/ countries/ for/ celebrating/ year. A. There are customs different countries for celebrating the New Year. B. There are customs in different countries for celebrating the New Year. C. There are customs in different countries for celebrating New Year. D. There is customs in different countries for celebrating the New Year. 5. Sunday /Father's Day / be/ celebrated / third / June / countries. A. Father's Day celebrated the third Sunday in June in countries. B. Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June in some countries. C. Father's Day is celebrated on third Sunday June in some countries. D. Father's Day celebrated the third Sunday in June in some countries. 6. there/ many/ are/ skills/ you/ need/ have/ to/ a/ successful/ career. A. There are many skills you need to have a successful career. B. There are many skills you need to have a career successful. 10
  11. C. There many skills are you need to have a successful career. D. There many are skills you need to have a successful career. 7. the/ ability/ communicate/ to/ in/ English/ is/ most important/ for/ you/ get/ to/ good/ a/ job/ the. A. The ability to communicate in English is the most important for you to get to a good job. B. The communicate ability in English is the most important for you to get to a good job. C. The most important for you to get a good job is to communicate the ability in English. D. The ability to communicate in English is the important most for you to get a good job. 8. many/ school-leavers/ little/ had/ of/ the/ job/ knowledge/ of/ their/ choice. A. Many school-leavers had little of knowledge the job of their choice. B. Many school-leavers had knowledge little of the job of their choice. C. Many school-leavers had little knowledge of their choice of the job. D. Many school-leavers had little knowledge of the job of their choice. 9. the/ teacher/ a/ large/ number/ found/ of/ mistakes/ in/ his/ students’/ writing. A. The teacher found a larger number of mistakes in his students’ writing. B. The teacher found of a large number mistakes in his students’ writing. C. The teacher found in his students’ writing a large number of mistakes in writing. D. The teacher found his students’ a large number of mistakes writing. 10. I/ happier/ if we/ can/ travel/ together. A. I was more than happier if we can go traveling together. B. I would be happier if we could go traveling together. C. I would be more happier if we could go traveling together. D. I could happier if we could go traveling together. 11. to/ begin/ wash/ David/ his/ study/ have/ after/ clothes. A. After David had washed his clothes, he began to study. B. After David washed his clothes, he begins to study. C. After David has washed his clothes, he began to study. D. After David washed his clothes, he had begun to study. 12. whose/ best/ be/ woman/ the/ team/ footballer / be/ in/ our/ that/ son/ school/? A. Is that the woman who son is the best footballer in our school team? B. Is that the woman whose son is the best footballer in our school team? C. Is that the woman which son is the best footballer in our school team? D. Is that the woman that whose son is the best footballer in our school team? 13. It/ stupid/ him/ give up/ job/ need/ money. A. It was stupid with him to give up his job when he needed the money. B. It was stupid to him to give up his job when he needed the money. C. It was stupid of him to give up his job when he needed the money. D. It was stupid for him to give up his job when he needed the money. 14. We! not survive! start/ work! cleaner/ safer/ energy/ sources. A. We won't survive so we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy. B. We won't survive although we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy. C. We won't survive unless we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy. D. We won't survive otherwise we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy. 15. Opinion/ violent movies/ not/ show/ television. A. With my opinion, violent movies should not be shown on television. B. For my opinion, violent movies should not be shown on television. C. In my opinion, violent movies should not be shown on television. D. To my opinion, violent movies should not be shown on television. 16. We/ go / zoo/ if / it /be/ nice/ Sunday. A. We go to the zoo if it is nice on Sunday. B. We will go to zoo if it is nice on Sunday.' C. We will go to the zoo if it is nice on Sunday. D. We will go to the zoo if it is nice Sunday. 17. "Ring a bell" I be I Christmas Eve I song I which sung A. "Ring a bell" was a song which sung on Christmas Eve. B. "Ring a bell" is a song which is sung on Christmas Eve. 11
  12. C. "Ring a bell" was a song which is sung on Christmas Eve. D. "Ring a bell" is a song which was sung on Christmas Eve. 18. be / important/ part / Mother's Day / Flowers/ always. A. Flowers is always an important part of Mother's Day. B. Flowers always are an important part of Mother's Day. C. Flowers always was an important part of Mother's Day. D. Flowers are always an important part of Mother's Day. 19./eight hours/ John/ be/ old/ work/ a day/ enough. A. John is enough old to work eight hours a day. B. John is old enough to work eight hours a day. C. John is old enough working eight hours a day. D. John is old enough work eight hours a day. 20. heavy / London /fog / cleared / banning / cars /from / city centre. A. Heavy fog in London was cleared banning cars from the city centre. B. The heavy fog London was cleared by banning cars from city centre. C. The heavy fog in London was cleared by banning cars from the city cent D. The fog in London was cleared by ban cars from the city centre. 21. Exhaust fumes / motor vehicles / pollute / air. A. Exhaust fumes from motor vehicles pollutes air. B. Exhaust fumes motor vehicles pollute air. C. Exhaust fumes from motor vehicles pollute air. D. Exhaust fumes from motor vehicles pollute the air. 22. What / you/ use / Internet / for? A. What do you use the Internet for? B. What do you use Internet for? C. What do you do the Internet for? D. What do you use the Internet? 23. he / hate / people / him / unfriendly / be / to. A. He hated people to be unfriendly to him. B. He hated people be unfriendly to him. C. He hated people being unfriendly to him. D. He hated people been unfriendly to him. 24. boss / insist / everyone / on / be / office / nice 0 'clock. A. The boss insisted on everyone being on the office at nine 0' clock. B. The boss insisted on everyone being in office at nine o'clock. C. The boss insisted on everyone being of the office at nine o'clock. D. The boss insisted on everyone being in the office at nine o'clock. 25. have / nothing else / do / we / decide / go / walk. A. Having nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk. B.To have nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk. C. Having nothing else doing, we decided to go for a walk. D.Not having nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk. 26. he / be / accuse / cheated / his final exam / last week. A. He was accused for having cheated in his final exam last week. B. He was accused of having cheat in his final exam last week. C. He was accused of having cheated in his final exam last week. D. He was accused of being cheated in his final exam last week. 27. last / she / admitted / told / him / the secret. A. Last, she admitted having told him the secret. B. At last, she admitted having told the secret by him. C. At last, she admitted him having told the secret. D. At last, she admitted having told him the secret. 28. when / all / the / preparations / be / completed, / she / feel/happy. A. When all the preparations have been completed, she feels happy. B. When the preparations have all been completed, she feels happy. C. When all preparations have been completed, she feels the happy. D. When all the preparations have been completed, she feel happy. 29. what / should / we / do / help / poor children / go on / learn? A. What should we do help the poor children to go on learning? B. What should we do to help the poor children to go on learning? C. What should we do to help the poor children going on learning? 12
  13. D. What should we do to help the poor children to go on learn? 30. you / never / will / regret / doing / a kind / action. A. You never will regret doing a kind action. B. You will never regret a kind action doing. C. You will never doing regret a kind action. D. You will never regret doing a kind action. 31. Ms. Lan / start / preparation / her / New Year / 10 days / the / occasion / before. A. Lan starts her preparations for New Year 10 days before the occasion. B. Lan starts preparations for her New Year 10 days before the occasion. C. Lan starts her preparations New Year for 10 days before the occasion. D. Lan starts her preparations 10 days before the occasion for New Year. Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the original one by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. 1."Please, could you wake me at 6 o 'clock tomorrow morning?" I asked the doorman. A. I asked the doorman if he wakes me at 6 o'clock in the following morning. B. I asked the doorman if he wake me at 6 o'clock in the following morning. C. I asked the doorman whether he wakes me at 6 o'clock in the following morning or not. D. I asked the doorman to wake me up at 6 o'clock in the following morning. 2."You stole my best cassette, Bob!" said Willy. A. Willy accused Bob for having stolen his best cassette. B. Willy accused Bob of having stolen his best cassette. C. Willy accused Bob on having stolen his best cassette. D. Willy accused Bob to have stolen his best cassette. 3."Don't forget to feed the chicken twice a day, " he said. A. He said don't forget to feed the chicken twice a day. B. He told not to forget to feed the chicken twice a day. C. He reminded me to feed the chicken twice a day. D. He suggested me to feed the chicken twice a day. 4. She hoped to find the lost book. She searched everywhere. A.Hoping to find the lost book, she searched everywhere. B. Hoped to find the lost book, she searched everywhere. C.Being hope to find the lost book, she searched everywhere. D. Hopes to find the lost book, she searched everywhere. 5. He was exhausted by his work. He threw himself on his bed. A.Was exhausted by his work, he threw himself on his bed. B. Exhaust by his work, he threw himself on his bed. C. Threw himself on his bed, exhausted by his work. D. Exhausted by his work, he threw himself on his bed. 6. He is not old enough to do the volunteer work. A. He is very young that he can't do the volunteer work. B. He is too young to do the volunteer work. C. He can't do the volunteer work because of his old age. D. His youngster prevents him from doing the volunteer work. 7. “Well done, Jerry, you’ve passed the driving test!” A. I congratulated Jerry on passing her driving test. B. I told that Jerry had passed her driving test. C. I told Jerry that she had done well in her driving test . D. I congratulated Jerry for passing her driving test. 8. “Don’t forget to go to the supermarket after work”, he said. A. He requested me not forget to go to the supermarket after work. B. He asked me not to forget to go to the supermarket after work. C. He told me that I shouldn’t forget go to the supermarket after work. D. He reminded me to go to the supermarket after work. 9. I can hear voices upstairs. A. I can hear someone talking upstairs B. Someone is heared to talk upstairs C. There’s strange voices upstairs D. It’s too noisy upstairs 13
  14. 10. Shall we go for a walk? A. What about go for a walk? B. What about going for a walk? C. What about going for a walk? D. What about going a walk? 11. He thinks learning English is easy. A. He thinks it is not easy to learn English B. He thinks it is easy to learn English B. He thinks it is not easy learning English D. He thinks it is easy learn English 12. Who does this bicycle belong to? A. Whose bicycle it belongs to? B. Whose bicycle does it belong? C. Whose bicycle is this? D. Whose bicycle it is? 13. His parents advised him to study hard for his exams. A. He was advised to study hard for his exams B. He was advised study hard for his exams C. He was advised to study hard his exams D. He is advised to study hard for this exams 14. They have just stolen his car A. His car have just been stolen. B. His car has just stolen. C. His car has just been stole. D. His car has just been stolen. 15. The car is too expensive for him to buy. A. He is not rich enough to buy a car. B. He is not rich enough to buy the car C. He is not rich enough to buy car. D. He is poor enough to buy the car. 16. I'll let you borrow the book but you must promise to return it next week. A. If you promise to return the book, I let you borrow it. B. If you promised to return the book, I'll let you borrow it. C. If you promise to return the book next week, I'll let you borrow it. D. If you promise to return the book next week, I won't let you borrow it. 17. Could you please open the window? A. Would you mind open the window? B. Would you mind to open the window? C. Would you mind opens the window? D. Would you mind opening the window? 18. He drives more carelessly than he used to. A. He doesn't drive as carefully as he used to. B. He doesn't drive carefully than he used to. C. He doesn't drive as carefully than he used to. D. He doesn't drive as carefully he do es. 19. The last time I saw Rose was three years ago. A. I hasn't seen Rose for three years. B. I haven't seen Rose three years ago. C. I haven't seen Rose since three years. D. I haven't seen Rose for three years. 20. No one in the class is taller than Dave. A. Dave is the tallest student in the class. B. Dave is taller student in the class. C. Dave is the taller student in the class. D. Dave is tallest student in the class. 21. That factory is producing more and more pollution. A. More and more pollution are being produced by that factory. B. More and more pollution is produced by that factory. C. More and more pollution is being produced by that factory. D.More and more pollution are produced by that factory. 22. " What's your job?", said the doctor to Mr. Thomas. A. The doctor asked Mr. Thomas what his job was. B. The doctor asked Mr. Thomas what his job is. C. The doctor asked Mr. Thomas what was his job. D. The doctor asked Mr. Thomas what is his job. 23. No one in our club can speak English as fluently as Mai. A. Mai speaks English more fluently than no one in our club B. Mai is the worst English speaker in our club. C. Mai speaks English as fluently as other people in our club D. Mai speaks English the most fluently in our club 24. An old woman saw him break into the building. A. He was seen to break into the building by an old woman B. He was seen break into the building by an old woman C. He was seen to have broken into the building by an old woman D. He was seen to be broken into the building by an old woman 25. I haven’t gone to the cinema for ten years. A. It’s ten years I haven’t gone to the cinema B. It was ten years ago I went to the cinema 14
  15. C. The last time I went to the cinema was ten years D. I last went to the cinema ten years ago 26. Mary said, “I am sure that you broke my vase, Jim”. A. Mary said she knew that Jim broke her vase B. Mary accused Jim of having broken her vase C. Mary asked Jim of having broken her vase D. Mary told Jim to break the vase 27. The girl jumped joyfully as soon as she heard the result. A. Hardly the girl heard the result when she jumped joyfully. B. Hardly the girl had heard the result when she did she jump joyfully C. Hardly had the girl heard the result when she jumped joyfully. D. Hardly had the girl heard the result when did she jump joyfully. 28. People’s carelessness can cause forest fires. They are dangerous. A. People’s carelessness can cause forest fires are dangerous. B. People’s carelessness can cause forest fires which is dangerous. C. People’s carelessness can cause forest fires that is dangerous. D. People’s carelessness can cause forest fires which are dangerous. 29. Etna is an active volcano. The volcano is on the island of Sicily . A. Etna, which is on the island of Sicily , is an active volcano. B. A. Etna which is on the island of Sicily , is an active volcano. C. A. Etna, which is on the island of Sicily is an active volcano. D. A. Etna, which is on the island of Sicily , is active volcano. 30. You saw that smoke. It came from the hills. A. You saw the smoke which comes from the hills B. You saw the smoke which came from the hills. C. You saw the smoke that came from the hills D. You saw the smoke came from the hills. Choose the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct by circling letter A, B, C, or D. 1. Only when the famine gets worse world governments will begin to act. A B C D 2. Members of High School clubs learn to participation in teams through their involvement in community projects. A B C D 3. On some streets, it has against the law to ride a motorcycle without a helmet. A B C D 4. They agreed with waiting for me if I was late. A B C D 5. The equipment in the office was badly in need of to be repaired. A B C D 6. The purpose o f volunteer work is to help poor people how improving their life. A B C D 7. The o rganization is in need for volunteers who will go to work in remote areas. A B C D 8. Never before has so many people in the United States been interested in soccer. A B C D 9. A dog should be checked regularly by a veterinarian ensures that it remains in good health. A B C D 10. John got his sister read his assignment, and then asked her to write the report for him because he did not have enough time. A B C D 11. We were advised not drinking the water in the bottle. A B C D 12. After she had sold her bicycle, she bought himself a new automobile. A B C D 13. He even lacks of general k nowledge. We can’t employ him. A B C D 14. Having suffered from depression him as a teenager, Keven could understand how his son was feeling. A B C D 15. When I walked into my office, I found Tom was using my telephone. 15
  16. A B C D 16. It was not until the 1920s that publicity about valuable stamps encouraging a large increase in the number of stamp collectors. A B C D 17. I wanted to go to university but I couldn’t decide what for to study. A B C D 18. The visitor can both choo se the normal train or the express which stops at major stations. A B C D 19. To begin with I did advertisements for TV and film, that was fine but not serious acting. A B C D 20. Only when I am hungry I like eating rice and fish. A B C D 21. About two -third o f my students wish t o get a scholarship to study abroad. A B C D 22. When I arrived at o ur school, all the students took part in the musical show had been there. A B C D 23. The fire spread t hrough the building very quick and the firemen failed to put it o ut. A B C D 24. Please help me tidy the room by throwing these invaluable things away. A B C D 25. If we have a chance to travel abroad, Paris is the first city where we’d like to visit A B C D 26. About two -third o f my students wish t o get a scholarship to study abroad. A B C D 27. When I arrived at o ur school, all the students took part in the musical show had been there. A B C D 28. The fire spread t hrough the building very quick and the firemen failed to put it o ut. A B C D 29. Please help me tidy the room by throwing these invaluable things away. A B C D 30. If we have a chance to travel abroad, Paris is the first city where we’d like to visit A B C D 31. Daniel said that if he had to do another homework tonight, he would not be able to attend t he concert. A B C D 32. John decided to buy in the morning a new car, but in the afternoon he changed his mind. A B C D 33. Mr. Hung has the reputation of being an honesty person. A B C D 34. Could you delivery the goods to my home? A BC D 35. If you enjoy cycling for pleasant, doing it in London can be a shock. A B C D 36. Daniel said that if he had to do another homework tonight, he would not be able to attend t he concert. A B C D 37. John decided to buy in the morning a new car, but in the afternoon he changed his mind. A B C D 38. Mr. Hung has the reputation of being an honesty person. A B C D 39. Could you delivery the goods to my home? A BC D 40. If you enjoy cycling for pleasant, doing it in London can be a shock. A B C D 41. I’ve made an arrange o n a trip around Europe next year. A B C D 42. We had a long d iscuss about the problem but we couldn’t solve it. 16
  17. A B C D 17



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