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Đề thi giữa học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 12 năm 2023-2024 - Trường THPT Chu Văn An, Kon Tum

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  1. so GD&DT KON TUM Dt Krf,M TRA GrtIA Ki r NAM Id:QC2023-2024 TRTIOI{G THPT CHU VAN AN M6N: Ti5ng anh Lirp;12(HQ 10 nnm) Thdi gian ldm bdi: 60 phft (Kh6ng kA thdi gian giao il€); DE CHiNH THUC Ngiy ki6m tra:..../...../2023 Ho t6n HS: Lop Mndi;222 SBD:....................... ....Phdng ki6m tra:............ yL(Oi tciim tra gdm c6 04 trang) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part dilfers from the other lhree in pronunciation in each of thefollowing questions. Question 1. A. below B. allow C. tomorrry D. slowly Question 2. A. pronouncg! B. bookg! C, missg! D. described Mark the letler A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that dilfers from the other three in the position of the primary slress in each of thefollowing questions, Question 3. A. physical B. different C. decisive D. summary Question 4. A. advice B. standard C. urban D. labour Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicale lhe word(s) CLOSEST in meaning lo lhe underlined word(s) in each of thefollowing questions. Question 5. We have to suffer from traffic g4gg[!q and pollution every day. A. accident B. mass C. fullness D. jam Question 6. She's a down-to-earth woman with no pretensions. A. practical B. creative C. idealistic D. ambitious Mark the leaer A, B, C, or D on your answer sheel to indicole lhe word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of thefollowing questions, Question 7. This boy is pSgIlgglglg!, and doesn't know how to behave properly. A. rude B. ignorant C. uneducated D. knowledgeable Question 8. The river is badly polluted with toxic chemicals from that factory. A. harmless B. deadly C. poisonous D. harmful Mark lhe letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct ans$,er to each of thelollowing questions. Question 9. In spite of having a peasant _,Nguyen Hue had proved that he was really an excellent general, only gained victories. A. background B. situation C.condition D. experience Question 10. Unemployment and poverty force people to _in anti-social activities. A. oppose B. engage C.include D. take Question 11. Urbanization can bring social health and benefit. ,it also has its drawback. A. However B. Moreover way C, By the D. Furthermore Question 12. he was waitin g for Sam outside the cinema, Jim realized that the street was fururily crowded. A. While B. Unless C. Even though D. So Question 13. We need to act quickly to to climate change, or it will be a disaster for the whole planet. A, go back B. transit C. adapt D. reverse Question 14. Because the game is brand new, numerous students arc attracted to it. A. command sentence B. simple sentence C, compound sentence D. complex sentence Question 15. As the principal founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates is one of the most _ and richest people on the planet. A. initiative B. memorial C. anonymous D. influential Question 16. Mary demanded that the heater _ immediately. Her apartment was frsszing. A. be repaired B. been repaired C. being repaired D. repaired Mldd,222 Page 114
  2. Question 17. The boss needs an assistant with _ good knowledge of foreign trade. A. no article any B. the C. D, a Question 18. Bill Gates has made large donations to numerous _ orgzrnizations. A. charities charity B. charitably C. D. charitable Question 19. I need _ _ time to read book you lent me yesterday. A. no article /the article B. a / no a C. the / D. the / no article Question 20. summer I spent in_ USA was one of_ best in my life. A. A"/ the/the a B. The/ the/ a C, N al D. The/ the/ the Question 21. At school, green cleaning products should be used, helps to raise student's awareness ofthe environment. A. and which B. that C. so D. that Question 22. He can sing and dance very well, but he has never performed in public. A. compound sentence B. command sentence C. complex sentence D. simple sentence Question 23, They asked me a lot ofquestions,_ I couldn't answer . A. of which most most B. of that that C. most of D. most of which Question 24. In Africa, _leads people's interference in the rhino's to habitat loss. A. domain sector B. territory C. D. country We Question 25. he to the hospital to visit Mike when to say that he was fine. called A. drove - B. drove - was calling C. were driving - was calling D. were driving-called Question you 26. It is necessary that able to come with us. A. be being B. be C. to D. are Question 27. Overpopulation in urban areas tends to create unfavourable conditions, which may result in of food in developing countries. A. shortages failures B, damages C. D. supplies Question 28. health officials have strongly recommended covid vaccines for pregnant people, only 35Yo ue firlly vaccinated. A. Because However B. Although C. D. Despite Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicale the sentence thol best completes each of fo llow ing exc hange s. t he Question 29. Hong and Mike are in the school canteen. - Hong: " _?" - Mike: "Here you are." A. Can you sit here B, Can you pass the salt, please C. Can you play basketball D. Can you speak Japanese, please Question 30, Peter and Khanh are talking about learning foreign languages' - Peter: "I think students should leam two foreign languages when they are at school'" - Khanh: It helps them communicate with more people and broaden their minds." idea A. I don't think it's a good B. That's not a good idea C. I quite disagree with you D. I quite agree with you Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheel to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each ol the following questions. q[ urbanizalion. Question 31. It is recommended that lack of resources [9i4g the fu1 causes A. recommended B. first C. being D' of Question 32. The man boueht the old painting and then sold !@ to a collector 3,! a higher price. A. bought B. and C. them D' at Questionl3. g9 moment I ry!ry him, I g!!4{ I had met him somewhere before. - B. somewhere C' realized A. was seeing D' The Question 34. They will not go anywhere ryjg! because dthey don't have 4g! money' A. of B' enough C. sPecial D' don't Question 35. I spent my holidav in the country g[g! is oeace and picturesque' D. which A. spent B. Peace C' holidaY Page2l4 Made222
  3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet lo indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each oJ the following questions. Question 36. The industrial production plummeted spectacularly from 1990 to 2000. A. The industrial production fell quickly in ten years from 1990 to 2000. B. The industrial production rose slightly in ten years from 1990 to 2000. C. The industrial production rose sharply in ten years from 1990 to 2000. D. The industrial production fell steadily in ten years from 1990 to 2000. Question 37. There was no poor performance. Moreover, that of the Russian dancers was certainly the best. A. The Russian dancers were well-worth watching but the others weren't. B. They all danced well, but the Russian did the best. C. The best performance was the one of the Russians while some of the others were poor. D. All the dancers but the Russian performed poorly. Question 38. In the middle of my party, the lights went out. A. Before the lights went out, I had had my party. B. While I was having a party, the lights went out. C. After the lights had gone out, I had my party. D. I had my party, which made the lights go out. Question 39. I had so much work to do, so I couldn't go to the movies. A. I never go to the movies if I have work to do. B. A lot of work couldn't prevent me from going to the movies. C. Because I had to do so much work, I couldn't go to the movies. D. I would go to the movies when I had done so much work. Question 40. He drinks quite a lot. This makes him so ill. A. He drinks quite a lot, that makes him so ill. B, He drinks quite a lot, or makes him so ill. C, He drinks quite a lot, who makes him so ill. D, He drinks quite a lot, which makes him so ill. Read thelollowing passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase lhat best fits each of the numbered blanks . Water is our life source. It makes up 70% ofour bodies, and the average person actually spends about six months of his life on the bath or a shower. But we are only now leaming how to take care (41)_ water. Acid rain has polluted as many as 18,000 lakes. Our seas and rivers are (42)_, too. It is now very expensive to overcome the damage that has been done. (43)_, we have some hope for the future because some new sources of water have been discovered. People(44) _live in Sahara have found fish swimming in deep underground streams. Many scientists also believe that there is a huge lake undemeath London. If we have leant something from our (45)_, we should keep these new sources of water clean. Question 41. A. of B. in c.up D. on Question 42. A. dried B. polluted C. cleaned D. widened Question 43. A. Therefore B. So C. However D. Moreover Question 44. A. who B. whose C. whom D. which Question 45. A. efforts B. lessons C. mistakes D. attempts Read lhelollowing passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheel to indicate the correct answer to each ol lhe queslions. Since the world became industrialized, the number of animal species that have either become extinct or have neared extinction has increased. Bengal tigers, for example, which'once roamed thejungles in vast numbers, now number only about 2,300. By the year 2025, it is estimated that they will become extinct. What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that this extinction will have been caused almost entiely by poacherc who, according to some sources, are not always interested in material gain but in personal satisfaction. This is an example ofthe callousness that is contributing to the problem ofextinction. Animals such as the Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species, are valuable parts of the world's MAdC222 Page 3/4
  4. ecosystem. Intemational laws protecting these animals must be enacted to ensure their survival - and the survival ofour planet. Countries around the world have begun to deal with the problem in various ways. Some countries, in an effort to circumvent the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to animal reserves. They then charge admission prices to help defray the costs of maintaining the parks, and they often must also depend on world organizations for support. This money enables them to invest in equipment and patols to protect the animals. Another response to the increase in animal extinction is an intemational boycoft ofproducts made from endangered species. This has had some effect, but by itselfit vdll not prevent animals from being hunted and killed. Question 46. What is the main topic of the passage? A. The Bengal tiger B. Problems with industrialization C. lntemational boycotts D. Endangered species Question 47. According to the passage, Bengal tigers_. A. will become popular B. have increased in popularity C. are endangeredspecies D. became extinct Question 48. The word'poachers' used in the paragraph could be best replaced by which of the following? A. Trained foresters B. Illegal hunters researchers. C. Enterprising D. Concemed scientists Question to_ 49. The word "they" in the paragraph refers . A. some countries B. animalreserves problems C, D. ways Question 50. Which of the following is NOT MENTIOMD in the passage as a way to protect animals from extinction? A. Boycott animal products. B. lntroduce laws to prohibit the killing of endangered animals. C. Establish wildlife reserves. D. Raise money to invest in equipment and pahol. THE END - - Madi)222 Page 414



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