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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi mẫu ôn thi tn-thpt năm 2011 – đề 12', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI MẪU ÔN THI TN-THPT NĂM 2011 – ĐỀ 12

  1. ĐỀ THI MẪU ÔN THI TN-THPT NĂM 2011 – ĐỀ 12 Question 1: Choose one suitable word below to fill in each numbered blank. ( show, sounds , be understood , express , well , important , main , say , ways , vocabulary ) Speech is one of the most important..1..of communicating. It consists of far more than just making noises. To talk and also other people, we have to speak a language, that is, we have to use combination of ..3..that everyone agrees to stand for a particular object or idea. Communication would be impossible if everyone made up their own language. Learning a language properly is very..4..The basic..5..of English is not very large, and only about 2,000 words are needed to spe ak it quite..6..But the more words you know, the more idea you can..7.. and more precise you can be about their exact meaning. Words are the..8.. thing we use in communicating what we want to say. The way we..9..the words is also very important. Our tone of voice can express many emotions and..10..whether we are pleased or angry, for instance. Question 2:Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. 1,When we arrived in Paris it was……with rain. a-running b-dropping c-pouring d-falling 2,The name of the book was on the….of my tongue, but I just could not think of it. a-end b-tip c-top d-point 3,He promised to mend the broken wheel next day without……. a-failure b-default c-trouble d-fail 4,I should be very……if you would accept the invitation to the party. a-thinking b-honourable c-pleased d-pleasing 5,If you drive from the airport, go on the motorway and follow the…….to the city. a-point b-signs c-plans d-ways 6,I have always……that my university was the best in the country. a-trusted b-respected c-considered d-regarded 7,Please don’t……to put stamps on the letters I gave you to post. a-forget b-remind c-realize d-remember 8,Her mother asked her to…..the table for the evening meal. a-place b-put out c-serve d-lay 9,His sister was full of…….for the way in which he had so quickly learned to drive a car. a-pride b-admiration c-surprise d-jealousy 10,”You will not find kangaroos anywhere else on…….”,said the Australian. a-soil b-world c-earth d-ground Question 3:Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the reading passage below. For many people, travelling by plane is an exciting experience. Others, however, find the whole idea quite terrifying, ..1..flying is no more dangerous..2.. any other form of travel and some experts say it is considerably safer. It is known, however, that most accidents occur..3..take-off and landing when ..4.. decisions are vitally important. The people..5..job is to look..6..the passengers-the stewards and stewardesses-play an important part in helping passengers and comfortable. Indeed for many passengers being..8..such care of is all part of the total experience. ..9..other form of travel involves waiting on people in quite the same..10..with food, drink, newspapers, magazines, music and even video films. 1,a-although b-too c-and d-because 2,a-than b-as c-then d-with 3,a-while b-during c-for d-through 4,a-leader’s b-chief’s c-driver’s d-pilot’s 5,a-whose b-which c-their d-that 6,a-for b-up c-after d-round 7,a-feel b-rest c-experience d-lie 8,a-given b-kept c-shown d-taken 9,a-Any b-No c-All d-Not 10,a-way b-kind c-sort d-part Question 4:Read the reading passage then choose the best answer a, b, c or d.
  2. The population of the world has increased more in modern times than in all other ages of hist ory combined. World population totaled about 500 million in 1650. It doubled the period from 1650 -1850.Today the population is more than five billion .Estimates based on research by the United Nations indicate tha t it will more than double in the twenty five years between 1975 and the year 2000,reaching seven billion by the turn of the century. No one knows the limits of population that the earth can support. Thomas Malthus, an English econo mist, developed a theory that became widely accepted in the nineteenth century. He suggested that because world population tended to increase more rapidly than the food supply,a continual strain was exerted upon available resource. Malthus cited wars, famines, epidemics, and other disasters as the usual limitations of population growth. With recent advances in science and technology, including improved agricultural methods and great strides in medicine, some of the limiting factors in population growth have been lessened, with obvi ous results. International organizations have recommended programs to encourage general economic development in target areas along with a decrease in birth rates to effect a lasting solution. 1,The title below that best expresses the ideas in this passage is a-Thomas Malthus Theory b-Limiting Factors in Population Growth c-The United Nations’ Estimate d-A Brief History of Population and Overpopulation 2,According to the passage, by the year 2000 the earth’s population should exceed the present figure b y how much ? a-500 million b-five billion c-two billion d-seven billion 3,Who was Thomas Malthus ? a-A scientist b-A doctor of medicine c-An economist d-A United Nations representative 4,According to the passage, why has overpopulation been caused ? a-Improved technology b-Disasters c-Scarcity d-Precaution 5,What do most experts recommend in order to solve problems of overpopulation? a-Famine and epidemics b-Medical advance and improved agricultural methods c-Economic development and a decline in the birth rate d -Conversation of available resources Question 5: Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1, The traffic was very heavy. By the time we (get ) to the airport, Bob’s plane (already arrive). 2, If you pass your examination we( have ) a celebration. 3, This morning I came to class at 9.00.Right now it is 10.00,and I am still in class. I (sit ) at t his desk for an hour. By 9.30,I (sit ) here for a half an hour. By 11.00,I (sit ) here for two hours. 4,Three days ago, John (start ) to read A Farewell to Arms, a novel by Ernest Hemingway. It is a long novel. He (not finish ) reading it yet. He (read ) it because his English teacher assigned it. 5,Right now we ( have) a heat wave. The temperature ( be ) in the upper 90s for the last days. Question 6: Fill correct prepositions in these sentences. 1,I’m not familiar…..his name, but his face seems familiar… 2,We are very grateful……our friends……of all their assistance. 3,Mr.Howell,our boss, recommended George……a promotion. 4,There’s no way we can prevent people…..talking…..this matter. 5,Don’t you think you should try to be friendly……your classmates ? 6,Did the officials of the company express interest……your plan ? 7,At present my daily expenses are just about equal……my income. 8,You’d better demand an answer……that fellow as soon as possible. 9,Those two companies import chemicals……Sweden and Germany. 10,Pieme said he had become quite fond……American hamburgers. Question 7:Rewrite these sentences, beginning as shown. 1,The last time it snowed here was six years ago. / It was…………………………………………………………. 2,Someone rang the alarm as soon as the burglars left the building. / No sooner………………………………. 3,It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car. / The man………………………………………………….. 4,I only realised what I had missed when they told me about it later. / Only when………………………………. 5,Since we had nothing else to do, we decided to go out for a walk. / Having…………………………………. Question 8:Supply the correct form of the word given in brackets.
  3. 1,Her boss accused her of being over…….(ambition) 2,She upset him with a…….remark about his big nose.(tact) 3,She is a….of theatre programmes.(collect) 4,……….is an extremely popular hobby.(photograph). 5,There were 50… the talent contest. (compete) 6,Young children are often very…..They have so much energy they can’t sit still for a moment.( live) 7,……have been investigating selenium’s role in the body since 1957.( research) 8,Nicotine is responsible for the……effects of smoking.(behave) 9,If you still feel ill after taking this treatment, you should see a………(special ) 10,I hope there won’t be too much… getting a work permit. (difficult ) Key test 12 Question 1: 1-ways 2-be understood 3-sounds 4-important 5-vocabulary 6-well 7-express 8- main 9-say 10-show. (sach Dong Nghia-Phan Nghia Tr 19) Question 2: 1- c 2-b 3- d 4- c 5- b 6- c 7- a 8- d 9- b 10-c without fail: (n) ch¾c ch¾n, nhÊt ®Þnh vitally ['vaitəli] Question 3: cùc kú 1- a 2-a 3-b 4-d 5- a 6-c 7- a 8-d 9- b 10-a Question 4: Olympic 23 1- d 2- c 3- c 4- a 5-c exert: [ig'zə:t] ¸p dông stride b­íc dµi (sn) sù tiÕn bé exceed: [ik'si:d] v­ît qu¸ scarcity ['skeəsəti] sù khan hiÕm, sù khã t×m Question 5:CD-Room 1-got / had already arrived 2-shall have 3-have been sitting / had been sitting / shall have been sitting 4- started / hasn’t finished / is reading 5-are having / has been farewell t¹m biÖt heat wave ®ît nãng assign chØ ®Þnh Question 6 : CD-Room 1-with / to 2-to / for 3-for 4-from / about 5-with 6-to 7-to 8-from 9-from 10-of assistance : sù gióp ®ì Question 7: 1,It hasn’t snowed here for six years. 2,No sooner had the burglars left the building than someone rang the alarm. 3,The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car. 4,Only when they told me about it later did I realise what I had missed. 5,Having nothing else to do,we decided to go out for a walk. Question 8: 1-ambitious 2-tactless 3-collector 4-Phtography 5-competitors 6-lively 7-researchers 8- tact (n) tÕ nhÞ behavioural 9-specialist 10-difficulty



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