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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi mẫu ôn thi tn-thpt năm 2011 – đề 16', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI MẪU ÔN THI TN-THPT NĂM 2011 – ĐỀ 16

  1. ĐỀ THI MẪU ÔN THI TN-THPT NĂM 2011 – ĐỀ 16 Question 1:Read the reading passage then choose the best answer a, b, c or d. The Nobel prizes, awarded annually for distinguished work in chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, literature, and international peace, were made available by a fund bequeathed for that purpose by Swedish philanthropist, Alfred Bernard Nobel. The prizes, awarded since 1901,are administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. In 1969,a prize for economics endowed by the Central Bank of Sweden was added. Candidates for the prizes must be nominated in writing by a qualified authority in the field of comp etition. Candidates are judged by Swedish and Norwegian academies and institutes on the basis of their contribution to mankind. The awards are usually presented in Stockholm on December 10 th,with the King of Sweden officiating, an appropriate tribute to Alfred Nobel on the anniversary of his death. Each prize includes a gold medal, a diploma, and a cash award of about one million dollars. 1,What does this passage mainly discuss ? a-Alfred Bernard Nobel b-The Nobel prizes c-Great contributions to mankind d-Swedish philanthropy 2,How often are the Nobel prizes awarded ? a-Five times a year b-Once a year c-Twice a year d-Once every two years 3,A Nobel prize would NOT be given to a-an author who wrote a novel. b-a doctor who discovered a vaccine. c-a composer who wrote a symphony. d-a diplomat who negotiated a peace settlement. 4,Why were the prizes named for Alfred Bernard Nobel ? a-He left money in his will to establish a fund for the prizes. b-He won the first Nobel prize for his work in philanthropy. c-He is now living in Sweden. d-He serves as chairman of the committee to choose the recipients of the prizes. 5,Why are the awards presented on December 10th ? a-Because it is a tribute to the King of Sweden. b-Because Alfred Bernard Nobel died on that day. c-Because that date was established in Alfred Nobel’s will. d-Because the Central Bank of Sweden administers the trust. Question 2: Fill the most suitable word in each numbered blank of the passage below. Earnest Hemingway was born..1..Oak Park, a small town in the state..2..Illinois.As a boy he was often taken on frequent hunting and fishing trips..3..his father to Michigan, the locale of many of his stories, and..4.. he soon got acquainted with the life of the Indians and such virtues as courage and endurance,..5..were later revealed in his fiction. After school a newspaper reporter and then joined a volunteer ambulance unit..7. .part in World War I. After the war he came home as a hero. He lived for several years in Paris after that. He joined a group of expatriated American writers who considered..8..a lost generation. In Paris he published “Three stories and Ten Poems “(1923) and “In Our Time “(1924 )..9..which his own experiences of life are revealed, and which brought him..10..immediately. Question 3:Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense. Mr Joseph Ford, the politician who..1..(kidnap) last week as he was driving to his office,..2..(r elease) unharmed.He..3..(examine) by a doctor last night,and..4..(say) to be in good health. Mr Ford..5..(fi nd) walking along a small country lane early yesterday evening. A farmer..6..(see) him, recognized who it was, and..7..(contact ) the police. When his wife..8..(tell ) the news, she said, ”I am delighted and rel ieved that my husband..9..( find ).” Acting on information received, the police made several arrests, and a man..10.. (question ) in connection with the kidnapping. Question 4:Put the correct preposition into each gap. 1,I applied……the job that I saw advertised……..the paper. 2,We hope to have a barbecue, but it depends…….the weather. 3,I think you are quite right. I absolutely agree…… 4,She got married…….Peter last week. 5,They are arguing……who’s going to win the World Cup. 6,The footballer was sent off because he shouted……..the referee. 7,You can watch if you promise not to laugh…… 8,Water consists………hydrogen and oxygen.
  2. 9,He died…..a heart attack. 10,Don’t worry…… I’ll be fine. Question 5:Turn these sentences into the passive voice. 1,Science and technology have completely changed human life. 2,I have not seen him since last week. 3,We shouldn’t make the children work hard. 4,The director wanted me to finish the report sooner than usual. 5,They elected Mr Cole president of the club. 6,How many lessons are you going to learn next mont h ? 7,Weeds cover the river bank. 8,They suggested banning advertisements on TV. 9,What language do people speak in this country ? 10,Who told you the news ? Question 6:Put one of the following prepositions into each gap: (above , around ,beside , towards , across , behind , onto , against , below , over , among , beneath ,out of ) 1,The cowboy leant………the bar in the saloon, drinking a beer. 2,She took her purse…….her bag and paid the taxi driver. 3,Our cat just loves to curl up……..the fire and go to sleep. 4,The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking. We could see the town and the river……us,and people who look like ants. 5,Last night the temperature fell to three degree………zero. 6,The burglar heard a noise coming from upstairs, so he hid……..the curtains. 7,The dog jumped…… lap, and settled down for a good sleep. 8,The hunter froze as the tiger started running…….him. He had nowhere to hide. 9,She has beautiful works of art all…….her house, even in the kitchen a nd the bathroom. 10,These days, politicians like to walk……..the crowds, shaking hands and saying one or two words. 11,He climbed……the wall and ran………the field. 12,The plane took off and was soon flying………the clouds. Question 7:Supply the correct form of the word given in brackets. 1,I have just been told some…….news.( astonish ) 2,In…….with most other countries, Britain has a very high rate of heart attacks. ( compare ) 3,We have to keep our costs as small as possible. We have so many…….trying to take our customers away. (compete ) 4,There is extreme…… many Third World countries, ( poor ) 5,I recommend the……..of the house. It’s delicious. (special ) 6,He was dismissed for………He lost the order of a very important customer. (care ) 7,Oscar has eaten so much that he had to…….his belt. ( loose) 8,The dictionaries are with the other……..books. ( refer ) 9,You can find out what a book is by looking at the table of……….(contain ) 10,Use the bigger screwdriver to……..this crew. ( tight ) Question 8:Rewrite these sentences, beginning as shown. 1,Six years ago we started writing to each other. / We have……………………………………………………….. 2,Although the team played well, they lost. / Despite……………………………………………………………. 3,He speaks more persuasively than his brother. / He is a…………………………………………………………. 4,His resemblance to his father is remarkable. / He looks……………………………………………………… 5,Robert says he will never visit Manchester again. / Robert says this…………………………………………. 6,The children should be working by now. / It’s time………………………………………………………………… 7,I wasn’t there at that time / He denied………………………………………………………………………………. 8,I applied for the job but was turned down. / M y……………………………………………………………………. 9,There is always trouble when he comes to visit us. / Whenever………………………………………………… 10,He never has enough money. / He is always……………………………………………………………………..
  3. Question 9:Express with or without articles. Mark # where there is no article. 1,In my job, I do…….business with people from all over the world. 2,I’m going to do…… Do you want anything ? 3,Can you keep…….secret ? I’m getting married. 4,He got……sack because he was caught stealing money. 5,It isn’t easy, but I think we are making…..progress. 6,I lost……control of the car and crashed into a wall. 7,Make……love, not……war. 8,If you make….promise, you must keep it. 9,You must make……effort to get to know your neighbours. 10,If you are in Paris, take……opportunity to visit the Louvre. The end ! Key 16 Question 1 1- b 2-b 3-c 4- a 5- b philanthropist [fi’lænθrəpi] lßng b¸c ¸i, tõ thiÖn administer bequeath [bi’kwi:ð] ®Ó l¹i (b»ng chóc th­ ) cung cÊp, thùc hiÖn endow [in’dau ] cóng vèn cho (mét tæ chøc) ,cho tiÒn nominate chØ ®Þnh, chÝnh thøc ®ề nghÞ officiate [ə’fi∫ieit] lµm nhiÖm vô, lµm bæn phËn, hµnh lÔ symphony [‘simfəni] b¶n nh¹c giao h­ëng Question 2 1-in 2-of 3-by 4-where 5-which 6-worked 7-took 8-themselves 9-in 10-fame locale [lou’k:ɑl; lou’kæl] n¬I x¶y ra(sù viÖc g× ) virtue [‘və:t∫u:] ­u ®iÓm, c«ng dông expatriat [eks’pætriət] ng­êi xa xø endurance [in’djuərəns] kh¶ n¨ng chÞu ®ùng, tÝnh nhÉn n¹I Question 3 1-was kidnapped 2-has been reliesed 3-was examined 4-is said (?) 5-was found 6-saw 7- contacted 8-was told 9-has been found 10-is being questioned Question 4: 1-for / in 2-on 3-with 4-to 5-about 6-at 7-at 8-of 9-of 10-about Question 5: 1,Human life has completely been changed by science and technology. 2,He has not been seen since last week. 3,The children shouldn’t be made to work hard. 4,The director wanted the report to be finished sooner than usual. 5,Mr Cole was elected president of our club. 6,How many lessons are going to be learnt next month ? 7,The river bank is covered with weeds. 8,They suggested that advertisements on TV should be banned. 9,What language is spoken in this country ? 10,By whom were you told the news ? Question 6: 1-against 2-out of 3-beside 4-beneath 5-below 6-behind 7-onto 8-towards 9-over 10-among 11-over / across 12-above Question 7: 1-astonishing 2-comparison 3-competitors 4-poverty 5-speciality 6-carelessness 7- loosen 8-reference 9-contents 10-tighten Question 8:
  4. 1,We have written to each other for six years. 2,Despite the team’s good performance, they didn’t know. 3,He is a more persuasive speaker than his brother. 4,He looks remarkably like his father. 5,Robert says this is the last time he has visited Manchester. 6,It is time the children were working. 7,He denied being there at that time. / that he had been there at that time. 8,My application for the job was turned down. 9,Whenever he comes to visit us, there is trouble. 10,He is always broke. / is always short of money. Question: 1- # 2-the 3-a 4-the 5- # 6- # 7- # / # 8 - a 9-an 10-the do business with somebody: lµm ¨n / bu«n b¸n víi ai to lose control over one’s car. Kh«ng ®iÒu khiÓn ®­îc Under the control of somebody: d­íi sù ®iÒu khiÓn cña ai



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