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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi thử đh – số 1', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐH – SỐ 1

  1. ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐH – SỐ 1 PART I: Phonetics Exercise I: Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. 1. A. dry B. sunny C. rainy D. daily 2. A. sunny B. summer C. much D. autumn 3. A. hot B. cold C. slow D. hotel 4. A. small B. day C. fall D. tall 5. A. big B. mild C. winter D. spring Exercise II: Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced similarly as the underlined part of the given series of words. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. 6. ran - cha nnel - progra m A. dra ma B. audio C. wave D. sat 7. tall - fall - always A. bald B. Japanese C. make D. dark 8. May - day – stay A. car B. case C. hat D. than 9. above - ahead - affect A. adverb B. after C. advice D. age 10. meal - mean - heal A. weather B. head C. health D. cheap PART II: VOCABULARY Exercise III: Circle the word that does not belong to each group below in terms of meaning. 11. A. hot B. cold C. beautiful D. warm 12. A. sunny B. pretty C. rainy D. snowy 13. A. films B. news C. programs D. cinemas 14. A. better B. longer C. taller D. shorter 15. A. cheap B. rich C. expensive D. dear 16. A. hard B. quickly C. slowly D. fast 17. A. terrible B. awful C. bad D. good 18. A. always B. usually C. hardly D. often 19. A. many B. plenty C. little D. much 20. A. spring B. autumn C. summer D. time Exercise IV: Circle the letter (A, B, C or D) beside the answer that best fits each of the blanks. 21. Today is a _________ day. The sun shines all the time. A. windy B. sunny C. cloudy D. rainy 22. Ba is a hard-working student and he works _________ on all the subjects. A. hard B. slowly C. carelessly D. carefully 23. In the South of Viet Nam, there are only two_________ a year. A. times B. days C. seasons D. periods 24. It is very __________ because the wind blows quite hard. A. sunny B. rainy C. snowy D. windy
  2. 25. In class you must listen ________ to the teacher. A. hardly B. boringly C. carelessly D. carefully 26. The children are playing __________. They should be quiet. A. quietly B. eagerly C. happily D. noisily 27. In the sunny season, the _________ shine(s) almost all the days. A. snow B. clouds C. floods D. sun 28. The _________ today is higher than yesterday. It must be over 37oC. A. degree B. level C. humidity D. temperature 29. Viet Nam has a tropical __________. A. climate B. weather C. temperature D. season 30. My mother can dance very________. She is a professional dancer. A. sweetly B. softly C. loudly D. beautifully PART III: GRAMMAR Exercise V: Choose the best answer to fill in the gaps. Circle either A, B, C or D. 31. In Vietnam, it is normally ____________ in the South than in the North. A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. hoter 32. The food is ____________ than the last time I ate it. A. badder B. bad C. worse D. worst 33. Ho Chi Minh city is ____________ than Hanoi. A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. biger 34. Children often learn very ____________ things around them. A. quickly B. quicker C. quickest D. quick 35. She cannot sing ____________ but she can play the piano beautifully. A. good B. best C. goodly D. well 36. Helen always ____________ with John in every school dancing competition. A. dances B. dance C. dancing D. danced 37. It ____________ dangerous to swim in deep rivers. A. are B. is C. being D. be 38. The boy ____________ at home yesterday evening. A. stay B. staying C. stayed D. stays 39. Last time, he ____________ very slowly. A. driving B. drove C. driven D. drived 40. I now ____________ speak English perfectly. A. can B. was C. could D. did Exercise VI: Choose A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 41. It is usually____________. A. warmer in the summer than the winter C. warmer in the summer than in the winter B. warm in the summer than in the winter D. warm in the summer than the winter 42. Second-hand cars are always____________. A. cheaper than brand-new ones C. cheaply than brand-new ones 2
  3. B. cheap than brand-new ones D. than brand-new ones cheaper 43. She listens____________. A. carefully to the radio program C. care to the radio program B. careful to the radio program D. careless to the radio program 44. The football team ____________. A. is doing with bad this season C. is doing badly this season B. is doing bad this season D. is doing worse than this season 45. Drunken people often ____________. A. drive danger C. drives dangerously B. drive dangerous D. drive dangerously 46. Yesterday, Alan ____________. A. cooked a very delicious meal for me C. cook a very delicious meal for me B. cooks a very delicious meal for me D. is cooking a very delicious meal for me 47. In last year’s festival, my friend Alice ____________. A. sung the song “Viva forever” C. sing the song “Viva forever” B. sang the song “Viva forever” D. sings the song “Viva forever” 48. As the only daughter of her parents, Linda ____________. A. visit her parents almost every day C. visited her parents almost every day B. visiting her parents almost every day D. visits her parents almost every day 49. British people often____________. A. drink tea in their meals C. drinks tea in their meals B. drank tea in their meals D. drinked tea in their meals 50. Tourists nowadays____________. A. did not find many five-star hotels in France B. could find many five-star hotels in France D. could not find many five-star hotels in France Exercise VII: Each of the below sentences has four underlined words or phrases. One of those underlined words or phrases must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Identify it by circling one of the four choices (A, B, C or D). 51. Of the two coats, the grey one is long than the other one. A B C D 52. The paint on the door is now dryer than yesterday. A B C D 53. The room bad needs decoration for the celebration of the New Year. A B C D 54. I slept very less last night and am now having a headache. A B C D 55. He usually catch the bus at 7 every morning to go to school. A B C D 56. According to our plan, we are leaving at 11.15 and arrived at 17.30 tomorrow. 3
  4. A B CD 57. Charles lookes just like his father with curly fair hair. A B C D 58. In those days, I don’t like reading very much. A B C D 59. He stoped his car and got in the shop to buy some fresh flowers. A B C D 60. It could quite be cold in Cairo in January. AB C D Exercise VIII: Choose the best answer to fill in each of the gaps. Circle either A, B, C or D. 61. Jack is now _____ than he used to be. A. happy B. happier C. happiest D. happyer 62. The tourist company was ________ down the street than I had thought. A. farther B. far C. farer D. farest 63. There is nothing _______ than going swimming in hot weather. A. gooder B. good C. better D. best 64. He tried very ______ but still failed the exam. A. hardly B. hard C. harder D. hardest 65. She came to school _______ and had to stand outside for 15 minutes. A. late B. lately C. latest D. latter 66. He was ______ successful with the business. A. complete B. completion C. completeness D. completely 67. I ______ everything will be all right soon. A. hope B. hopes C. hoping D. hoped 68. I often _______ up early in the morning. A. gets B. getting C. got D. get 69. Lan _____ you some minutes ago. A. phones B. phoning C. phoned D. phone 70. Don’t_____ the door open when you go out. A. leave B. leaves C. leaving D. left PART IV: Reading Exercise IX: Read the following passage and decide which word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) best fits each of the blanks. There are four (71)______ in a year in Vietnam. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. The weather in (72) ______ is usually warm and fine. There are many flowers in spring. In summer, the weather is (73) ______. It’s always sunny. When autumn (74) ______, the weather becomes cool. We have much rain in autumn. It’s the season of umbrellas. After autumn comes winter. It’s a (75)______ season. The weather is (76) ______ and it doesn’t rain very often. But it rarely snows in winter in Vietnam. 71. A. holidays B. seasons C. patterns of climate D. patterns of weather 4
  5. 72. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter 73. A. cool B. wet C. hot D. snowy 74. A. leaves B. arrives C. ends D. comes 75. A. wet B. dry C. snowy D. rainy 76. A. sunny B. windy C. rainy D. cold Exercise X: Read the following passage and use the information provided in the passage to decide which word or phrase (A, B, C or D) best describes the weather of Britain. The amount of rain that falls on a town in Britain depends on where the town is. Generally speaking, the further west you go, the more rain you get. The mild winters mean that snow is a regular feature of the higher areas only. Occasionally, a whole winter goes by in lower-lying parts without any snow at all. The winters are in general a bit colder in the east of the country than they are in the west, while in summer; the south is slightly warmer and sunnier than the north. 77. Compare the amount of rainfall between the West and the South of Britain. A. In Britain, it is usually much rainier in the south than in the west. B. In Britain, it is usually much rainier in the west than in the south. C. In Britain, it is as rainy in the south as in the west. D. In Britain, it is rarely rainy both in the south and in the west. 78. What’s the weather like in higher areas in winter? A. In winter, it often snows in higher areas. B. In winter, it always snows in every part of Britain. C. In winter, it never snows in higher areas. D. In winter, it sometimes snows in higher areas as well as lower ones. 79. What’s the difference in the weather between the West and the East in winter? A. Generally speaking, it is much colder in the east than in the west in winter. B. Generally speaking, it is not as cold in the east as in the west in winter. C. Generally speaking, it is little bit colder in the east than in the west in winter. D. Generally speaking, it is not so cold in the whole country in winter. 80. Compare the weather between the North and the South in summer. A. In summer, it is a bit warmer and sunnier in the south than in the north. B. In summer, it is not as warm and sunny in the south as in the west. C. In summer, it is not warm and sunny in the north. D. In summer, it is equally warm and sunny in the whole country. PART V: WRITING Exercise XI: A, B, C, and D are 4 sentences which are written using the given words. For each sentence/question, circle the most appropriate answer. 81. I/now/can/run/quick. A. I now can run quick. C. I can run quickly now. B. I can run now quicker. D. Now I can run quickest. 82. careless/David/drive/always. 5
  6. A. David always drive careless. C. David drives always carelessly. B. David always drives carelessly. D. David drive carelessly always. 83. Hellene/tall/her sister. A. Hellene is tall than her sister. C. Hellene is taller her sister. B. Hellene is tallest than her sister. D. Hellene is taller than her sister. 84. you/sing/yesterday/beautiful. A. You sing beautifully yesterday. C. You sang beautifully yesterday. B. You sang beautiful yesterday. D. You sings beautifully yesterday. 85. Who/smart/Malfoy/Harry? A. Who is smarter, Malfoy or Harry? C. Who is smart, Malfoy or Harry? B. Who is smatest, Malfoy or Harry? D.Who smarter is, Malfoy or Harry? Exercise XII: Below is an incomplete conversation between two friends. Complete the dialogue by choosing from 4 given alternatives A, B, C, or D to fill in each blank. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. Hai: Ah, summer is coming. Have you got any plan for this summer holiday? Thanh: (86)______________________. Hai: Really? I don't know exactly where Bac Ninh is. Is it near Ha Noi? Thanh: Yes, (87)___________________your hometown, Yen Bai. Hai: I see. What is life there like? Thanh: (88)________________________. Hai: It's nice. Life in Ha Noi is so fast. Moreover, the environment is very polluted. Thanh: I agree. That's why I like to live in my countryside. The air there (89)_____________________. Hai: And it is not very expensive, right? Thanh: Sure. In fact, everything (90)_____________________________. You should visit my hometown and find out yourself. Hai: That's a good idea. Maybe I will visit yours next year. 86. A. I will go back to my hometown, Bac Ninh C. I went to my hometown, Bac Ninh B. I will go from my hometown, Bac Ninh D. I will go back my hometown, Bac Ninh 87. A. it is close to Ha Noi than C. it is closer Ha Noi than B. it is closer to Ha Noi than D. it is closer to Ha Noi 88. A. The life there goes very slow C. The life there goes slower B. The life there go very slowly D. The life there goes very slowly 89. A. are much fresher than that in Ha Noi C. is much fresher than that in Ha Noi 6
  7. B. is much fresh than that in Ha Noi D. is much fresher that in Ha Noi 90. A. there is cheaper than in Ha Noi C. there is cheap than in Ha Noi B. there is cheapest than in Ha Noi D. there is cheaper Ha Noi 7



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