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Đề thi tuyển sinh trường cao đẳng bán công, công nghệ và quản trị kinh doanh năm 2005 môn Anh văn

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Tài liệu tham khảo Đề thi tuyển sinh trường cao đẳng bán công, công nghệ và quản trị kinh doanh năm 2005 môn Anh văn

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi tuyển sinh trường cao đẳng bán công, công nghệ và quản trị kinh doanh năm 2005 môn Anh văn

  1. DEÀ SOÁ 12 TRÖÔØNG CAO ÑAÚNG BAÙN COÂNG, COÂNG NGHEÄ VAØ QUAÛN TRÒ DOANH NGHIEÄP NAÊM 2005 CAÂU 1 : Choïn caâu traû lôøi ñuùng A, B ,C hoaëc D cho moãi caâu sau ñaây 1. Tony is my uncle’s son. He is my………. a. nephew b. half-brother c. cousin d. relativity 2. The new perfume smells ………… , doesn’t it? a. dry b. nicely c. sweetly d. nice 3. Margaret is good …………. He can type 60 words per minute. a. typer b. type c. typist d. typewriter 4. ………….. hot today. a. A sun b. the sun c. A sun’d d. The sun’s 5. Go to the shop and buy ………….. bread. a. some b. any c. a d. much 6. What is your teacher…………….? a. like b. liked c. liking d. does like 7. He is a tall man……………… a. of long hairs b. with long hairs c. of long hair d. with long hair 8. My classroom is ………………… this one. a. as big as b. as big that c. so big as d. so big that 9. He is a fairly wealthy man. a. big b. important c. rich d. strong 10. The scientists are doing their experiments in the ………… a. laboratory b. laundry c. museum d. corridor 11. A …………….. is a person who sells flowers a. florist b. chemist c. vendor d. chauffeur 12. If you want to have a table made you must call a …………… a. mechanic b. plumber c. carpenter d. fortune-teller 13. My dress is very different ………….. yours. a. with b. from c. as d. towards 14. I don’t feel sorry ………….. him. He doesn’t work hard enough. a. for b. about c. with d. to 15. Mr. Bradley has gone to New York ………… business. a. in b. by c. on d. with 16. “I’m going to the theatre tonight.” – “So …………..” a. will I b. I will c. am I d. do I
  2. 17. how …………… is it from here to your place? a. long b. long way c. far d. much far 18. I wish I …….. what to do. a. know b. knew c. have known d. would know 19. I want to get a better ………….. to earn more money. a. employment b. work c. employ d. job 20. I ………….. to work when I saw the accident. a. shall drive b. am driving c. drove d. was driving. 21. Now I……………………… at night. a. am used to work b. am used to working c. used to working d. used to work 22. Would you please…………………………him speak about the new plan? a. let b. allow c. ask d. tell 23. He told me that he……………………. a. had already the film seen b. had seen already the film c. the film had already seen d. had seen the film already 24. My sister was born………………….. a. at 1974, in April b. on April, 1974 c. 1974, at April d. in April, 1974 25. This is the village……………………..I first met him. a. Where b. in that c. which d. from which 26…………………….beautiful flowers! a. What a b. What c. How d. So 27. It’s time for them to open the presents. a. boxes b. packets c. envelopes d. gifts 28. The Daily Sun is a very good newspaper, It has all the latest……………….. a. news c. papers d. happenings 29. How many……………………………… can you speak? a. conversations b.languages c. communications d. speeches 30. We use oil and gas for……………… a. action c. operation d. control 31. This is a poor movie. It is very slow and boring. a. good b. not fast c. uninteresting d. lovely 32. A: Would you like chicken or lamb? B: I………………………. lamb to chicken a. like b. want c.wish d.prefer 33. Ask him………………….. he’s married. a. if b. does c.that d. what 34. He was educated in England. a. grew up b. lived c.studied d. was born
  3. 35. He asked me ……………………… stay in New York. a. how long I was going to b. how long was I going to c. how long time. I was going to d. how long time was I going to 36. It began to rain while he………………………….. a. has fished b. is fishing c. fishes d. was fishing 37. It’s very kind……………………….. invite me. a. from you to b. of you to c. by you to d. that you 38. You don’t believe in what he said,…………………………? a. do you b. did you c. by you to d. that you 39. If I had a million dollars, I ……………………… around the world. a. can b. will c. would d. should 40.”What is your name?” she asked In reported speech, this should read: a. She asked what is my name. b. She asked what was my name. c. She asked what my name is. d. She asked what my name was. Caâu 2: Cho daïng ñuùng cuûa ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc. 1. Look ! They (play)………………………………… in the rain. 2. When I heard the noise. I (get)……………………………..up to see what had happened 3. Nam (not to write)…………………………………………his friend a letter last night. 4. They rarely(go)……………………………..out in the evening. 5. He (listen)…………………………………to the radio now. 6. The weather (be)……………………………… very hot yesterday. 7. I wish I (not to go)…………………………………….to the party last night. 8. He asked me (put)………………………….the books on the desk. 9. I think they should let him (go)……………………… 10. She didn’t have enough time(finish)……………………………..her exercises. 11. Tom(just/repair)……………………………… his bike. 12. Mary often (wash)……………………………her clothes in the afternoon. 13. I look forward to (see)………………………… you again. 14. The coffee is too hot for me (drink)…………………………… 15. If he had realized the traffic lights were red, he (stop)………………………..
  4. Caâu 3. Ñoïc kyõ doïan vaên sau ñaây vaø choïn caâu traû lôøi ñuùng A, B, C hoaëc D ñeå ñieàn vaøo choã troáng. Air pollution occurs when wastes dirty the air. People produce most of the(1)…………………………..that cause air pollution. Such wastes can be in the form of gases or particles of solid or(2)………………………matter. These substances result chiefly form burning(3)……………………….to power motor vehicles and to heat buildings. Industrial processes and the(4)……………………..of garbage also contribute to air pollution, Natural pollutants (impurities) include dust, pollen, soil particles and(5) ……………………..occurring gases. The rapid growth of population and (6) ………………………….. and the increasing use of automobiles and airplanes have made air pollution a (7)……………………… problem. The air we breathe has become so filled with pollutants that it can cause (8)………………………….problems. Polluted air also(9)…………………….. plants, animals, building materials and fabrics, In addition, it causes (10)………………….by altering the altering the earth’s atmosphere. 1. a. wastes b. products c. garbage d, subtances 2. a. tiny b. liguid c. organic d. volcanic 3. a. timber b. lead c.fuel d.carbon 4. a. disposing b. emitting c.contaminating d.burning 5. a. naturally b.unpleasantly c. odourlessly d. originally 6. a. industry b. electricity c. smog d. exhaust 7. a. harmless b. difficult c. poisonous d. serious 8. a. environment b. city c. atmosphere d. health 9. a. harms b.accounts for c. pollutes d .kills 10 a.pollution b. harmful gases c. damage d. volcanic eruption Caâu 4. Ñoïc kyõ ñoïan vaên sau ñaây vaø choïn moät töø thích hôïp nhaát ñeå ñieàn vaøo choã troáng. Zamenhof invented a new language called Esperanto to improve understanding between people of different countries. He showed Esperanto his friends to find out what they thought about it. Later in the same year, he went to study at a university in Moscow, he wanted to improve Esperanto. Zamenhof’s friends then worked hard to spread the new language, They tried to persuade schools throughout the world to teach it. However, only a few people today a speak Esperanto because more and more people use English as a foreign language. a.Why did Zamenhof fo to (Moscow)? – To study at a university there. b. Why did he (1)……………………………Esperanto?- To help people to (2)……………………………one another. c.Why did he show his new language to his(3)………………………………? So that they could(4)…………………………..him what they thought about it. d. Who helped him (5)…………………………Esperanto? – His (6)................................................. e. (7)………………………….did they want to school to do? – (8)………………………….Esperanto.
  5. f. Why don’t (9)…………………………..people speak Esperanto now? – Because (10)……………………….. has become so popular. Caâu 5. Hoøan thaønh caùc caâu sau ñaây vôùi daïng ñuùng cuûa töø cho saün trong ngoaëc. 1. She is …………………………..with her new job (occupy). 2. The case is under………………………… 3. The government wants to…………………………..this training centre.(military) 4. I can’t think of any possible…………………………for his absence. (explain) 5. Graduates are find it more and more difficuld to find………………….(employ) 6. The team has had a ………………………..start to the lesson.(disappoint) 7. The government is responsible for the………………………of health care (provide) 8. The plants are………………………..of frost.(tolerate) 9. Pay is reviewed on a ………………………..basic. (year). 10. Lance Armstrong is considered the………………………cyclist in the world.(good) Caâu 6.Vieát laïi caùc caâu sau ñaây sao cho nghóa cuûa chuùnt khoâng thay ñoài. Baét ñaàu moãi caâu baèng nhöõng cuïm töø/töø cho saün. 1. The last time I met her was in 1999. I haven’t…………………………………………………………………………… 2. Speaking English fluently is not easy It…………………………………………………………………………………… 3.She didn’t know you were in hospital, so she didn’t visit you. If she had ............................................................................................................. 4. “Why didn’t you pay your bills?” Mr.Jackson asked his son. Mr. Jackson wanted to know ............................................................................... 5. He wore glasses and a false beard, He didn’t anyone to recognize him. He wore glasses and a false beard so that ........................................................... 6.We wore warm clothes. We didn’t want to get cold. We wore warm clothes in order............................................................................ 7. Unless you water these plants everyday, they will die If you..................................................................................................................... 8. The furniture was so expensive that I didn’t buy it. The furniture was too............................................................................................ 9. It was such hot tea that I couldn’t drink it. The tea.................................................................................................................. 10.The fire has destroyed many houses. Many houses.........................................................................................................
  6. ÑAÙP AÙN TRÖÔØNG CÑ BAÙN COÂNG, COÂNG NGHEÄ VAØ QUAÛN TRÒ DOANH NGHIEÄP NAÊM 2005 Caâu 1: (40 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng ñöôïc 1 ñieåm) 1A 2D 3C 4D 5A 6B 7D 8A 9C 10A 11A 12C 13B 14A 15C 16C 17C 18B 19D 20D 21B 22A 23D 24D 25A 26B 27D 28A 29B 30B 31C 32D 33A 34C 35A 36D 37B 38A 39C 40D Caâu 2: (15 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng ñöôïc 1 ñieåm) 1. are playing 2. got 3. didn’t write 4. go 5. is listening 6. was 7. hadn’t gone 8. to put 9. go 10. to finish 11. has just repaired 12. washes 13. seeing 14. to drink 15. would have stopped Caâu 3: (10 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng ñöôïc 1 ñieåm) 1A 2B 3C 4D 5A 6A 7D 8D 9A 10C Caâu 4: (10 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng ñöôïc 1 ñieåm) 1. invent 2. understand 3. friends 4. tell 5. spread 6. friends 7. What 8. To teach 9. many 10. English Caâu 5: (15 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng ñöôïc 1,5 ñieåm) 1. occupied 2. investigation 3. militarize 4. explanation 5. employment 6. disapointing 7. provision 8. tolerant 9. yearly 10. best Caâu 6: (10 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng ñöôïc 1 ñieåm) 1. I haven’t met her since 1999 2. It is not easy to speak English fluently 3. If she had known you were in hospital, she would have visited you 4. Mr.Jackson wanted to know why his son had not paid his bills 5. He wore glasses and a false beard so that nobody could recognize him 6. We wore warm clothes in order not to get cold 7. If you don’t water these plants everyday, they will die 8. The furniture was too expensive for me to buy 9. The tea was so hot that I couldn’t drink 10.Many houses have been destroyed by the fire



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