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Đề thi tuyển sinh trường cao đẳng Sư phạm Hà Nội năm 2005 môn Anh văn

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Tài liệu tham khảo Đề thi tuyển sinh trường cao đẳng Sư phạm Hà Nội năm 2005 môn Anh văn

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi tuyển sinh trường cao đẳng Sư phạm Hà Nội năm 2005 môn Anh văn

  1. ÑEÀ 13 TRÖÔØNG CAO ÑAÚNG SÖ PHAÏM HAØ NOÄI – NAÊM 2005 CAÂU 1: (5 ñieåm) Choïn töø coù phaàn gaïch döôùi ñöôïc phaùt aâm khaùc vôùi ba töø coøn laïi. 1. A. food B. blood C. soon D. moon 2. A. of B. cafeù C. knife D. leaf 3. A. dictation B. repetition C. station D. question 4. A. surgeon B. agent C. engine D. regard 5. A. chorus B. ache C. charity D. orchestra CAÂU 2: (10 ñieåm) Choïn moät töø/cuïm töø thích hôïp cho moãi choã troáng tropng nhöõng caâu sau. 1. Everybody in the world ………………… to lead a happy life. A. want B. is wanting C. wants D. are wanting 2. The young girl ………………… has been busy cutting the grass in the garden all day. A. the next door B. lives next door C. next door D. at next door 3. the children ………………… either their parents or their aunts before they left Paris. A. didn’t meet B. hadn’t met C. hasn’t met D. haven’t met 4. Nobody, not ………………… his father, could persuade Tam to go and see the dentist. A. only B. even C. just D. also 5. Digital clocks, however precise, ………………… because the earth’s rotation changes slightly over the year. A. they can not be perfectly accurate B. not perfectly accurate C. can not perfectly accurate D. not be perfectly accurate 6. ………………… the wet weather, the football match went ahead. A. Although B. Owing C. However D. In spite of 7. Would you be ………………… to hold the door open? A. too kind B. kind enough C. as kind D. so kind 8. Cut the cake into six ………………… pieces. A. same B. like C. alike D. equal 9. The country’s annual ………………… of tea has increased every year since 1992. A. produce B. growth C. outcome D. production 10. She has changed so much that ………………… anyone recognized her. A. almost B. hardly C. not D. nearly
  2. CAÂU 3: (20 ñieåm) Söû duïng daïng ñuùng cuûa (ñoäng) töø Be. Have, Do ñeå hoaøn thaønh caùc caâu hoûi sau ôû coät A vaø choïn caâu traû lôøi thích hôïp ôû coät B (a, b, hoaëc c …) A. 16. …………………you ever won a competition? 17. …………………anyone in your family speak English fluently? 18. …………………you going out tonight? 19. …………………you given a lot of toys when you were a child? 20. …………………you think you will ever go to South Africa? 21. …………………you studied English at another school before this one? 22. …………………you sleep long enough last night? 23. …………………anyone ever told you what beautiful eyes you’ve got? 24. …………………you remember Mr. Tom? 25. ……………….. you English? B. a. No, no one has. But thanks for the compliment. b. No, I’ve got to revise for my exam. c. No, but I once did a course at university. d. Yes, my father does. e. Yes, I am going there next year. f. No, I didn’t. In fact, I could do with a nap now! g. Yes, I was very spoiled! h. No, I haven’t. I’ve come second though. i. No, I am Italian. I’m from Milan. j. The math teacher? Sure! CAÂU 4: (15 ñieåm) Söû duïng daïng ñuùng cuûa ñoäng töø trong ngoaëc ñôn ñeå hoaøn thaønh moãi caâu sau ñaây: 26.You will need ………………… and strength to complete this physical exercise. (determine) 27. I feel quite ………………… with my present job. (satisfaction) 28. It’s not a pretty town, but the ………………… are beautiful. (surround) 29. During my ………………… I lived in Leeds. (child) 30. The news is always so ………………… these days. (depress) 31. Building a new factory there would be ………………… disastrous. (environment) 32. Military service is ………………… in every country. (compulsion) 33. The dictionaries are with the other ………………… books. (refer) 34. ………………… about the company’s future meant that few people wanted to invest money in it. (certain)
  3. 35. People with very ………………… skin shouldn’t go sunbathing for long periods. (sense) CAÂU 5: (20 ñieåm) Society has changed in many ways (36) ………………… the introduction of computer and people’s lives at home and at the office have (37) ………………… affected. Most people are working for fewer hours per week than they (38) ………………… to, and manufactures and advertising agencies are becoming much more interested in (39) ………………… people spend this extra leisure time. One recent report stated that (40) …………………the number of hobbies had not increased, each hobby had become much more specialized. A second finding is that nowadays, many managers would (41) ………………… spend time with there families (42) ………………… stay late in the office everyday. Home life is seen to be just (43) ………………… important as working. Some companies make managers take their annual holidays even if they don’t (44) ………………… to, because this leads to (45) ………………… improvement in their performance if they have some rest. CAÂU 6: (10 ñieåm) Ñoïc ñoaïn vaên sau ñaây roài vieát caâu traû lôøi ngaén goïn vaøo phaàn traû lôøi. Tourism was not always as important as it is today. In the past, only wealthy people could travel on vacations to other countries. But more people travel today than in the past because there is a growing middle class in many part of the world. People now have more money for travel. Special airplane fares for tourists make travel less expensive and more attractive than ever before. One person does not travel for the same reason as another. But most people enjoy seeing countries that are different from their own. They also like to meet new people and try new foods. Tourism cause many changes in a country and in people’s lives. People build new hotels, restaurants and train men, women as tour guides to show tourists interesting places. There are new night clubs and other attraction for visitors to entertain. International tourism is really a big business. Caâu hoûi: 46.Who could travel abroad in the past? 47. Why do more people travel nowadays than in the past? 48. What makes travel less expensive and more attractive? 49. What do most people enjoy doing ? 50. What do they like to do when they travel? CAÂU 7: (10 ñieåm) Hoaøn thaønh caùc caâu cau cao cho nghóa cuûa chuùng khoâng thay ñoåi so vôùi nhöõng caâu 51. Someone pained this house last month. - He …………………………………………………………………………….. 52. They paid no attention to her lecture.
  4. - Her ……………………………………………………………………………. 53. Mrs. Hoa is proud of her cooking. - Mrs. Hoa prides ………………………………………………………………. 54. If you don’t hurry, you will miss your bus. - I think you …………………………………………………………………….. 55. It looks as if nobody’s at home. - There doesn’t seem to ………………………………………………………... CAÂU 8: (10 ñieåm) Duøng nhöõng töø/ cuïm töø ñaõ cho ñeå vieát thaønh nhöõng caâu hoaøn chænh. Anh/Chò coù theå theâm töø/cuïm töø vaø thöïc hieän nhöõng bieán ñoåi can thieát nhöng khoâng ñöôïc boû baát kyø nhöõng töø/cuïm töø ñaõ cho. 56. He/ retire/ son/ carry on/ business. …………………………………………………………………………….. 57. He used/ go swimming/ rivers/ younger. …………………………………………………………………………….. 58. What/ you think/ he/ ought to do/ now? …………………………………………………………………………….. 69. He/ be/ very upset/ not know/ what/ do. …………………………………………………………………………….. 60. If/ there/ one thing/ not like/ people/ tell lies. ................................................................................................................... ÑAÙP AÙN TRÖÔØNG CAO ÑAÚNG SÖ PHAÏM HAØ NOÄI – NAÊM 2005 Caâu 1: (5 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng 1 ñieåm) 1. blood 2. of 3. question 4. regard 5. charity Caâu 2: (10 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng 1 ñieåm) 6. C. wants 7. B. lives next door 8. B. hadn’t me 9. B. even 10. C. cannot be perfectly accurate 11. D. in spite of 12. B. kind enough 13. D. equal 14. D. production 15. B. hardly Caâu 3: (20 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng 2 ñieåm) 16. Have – h 17. Does – d 18. Are – b 19. Were – g 20. Do – e 21. Have – c 22. Did – f 23. Has – a 24. Do – j 25. Are – i Caâu 4: (15 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng 1,5 ñieåm) 26. determination 27. satisfied 28. surroundings 29. childhood 30. depressing 31. environmentally 32. compulsory 33. reference 34. Uncertainly
  5. 35. sensitive Caâu 5: (20 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng 2 ñieåm) 36. since/ with/ following 37. been 38. used 39. how 40. although/ though 41. rather 42. than 43. as 44. want 45. such/ quite Caâu 6: (10 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng 2 ñieåm) 46. Only wealthy/ rich people could 47. Beacause there is a growing middle class (in many parts of the world) 48. Special air plane fares do 49. They enjoy seeing countries that are different from their own 50. (They like) to meet new people and try new foods Caâu 7: (10 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng 2 ñieåm) 51. He had his house planted last month 52. Her lecture was paid no attention to 53. Mrs.Hoa prides herself on her cooking/ on beeing a good cook 54. I think that you had better hurry or you will miss your bus. I think that you had better hurry. Otherwise, you will miss your bus. 55. There doesn’t seem to be anybody at home Caâu 8: (10 ñieåm – moãi caâu ñuùng 2 ñieåm) 56. When he retired/ retires, his son carried on/ will carry on his business 57. He used to go swimming in rivers when he was younger 58. What do you think he ought to do now? 59. He was very upset because he didn’t know what to do 60. If there is one thing I don’t like, it’s people who tell lies



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