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Hidden Secrets of Body Language

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Body language makes up 65% or 75% of all communication during a typical day. You may realize your conscious brain is listening in what people are saying, but you are most likely unaware of the body language messages you are receiving from your subconscious mind. The goal of this book is to make sure you are aware of both the body language around you and your own body language. Being able to read and understand body language is a skill that will benefit you in all aspects of your life. Understanding how body language works will allow you to communicate more effectively with other individuals and strengthen your relationships....

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  1. Mission Statement: Our goal is to provide you the reader, with the ability to learn new skills and abilities through an inexpensive and affordable publishing service. Throughout your life you should always be expanding your knowledge and growing as an individual. Continuing to expand your skill set, finding new ways to improve your health, wealth, and relationships. We hope to aid you in your quest for knowledge through the Kindle publishing platform. We will continue to publish high quality, low cost guides, that will enable you to grow and be as successful as possible in life. Be sure to check out our other books and we always love to hear your feedback and reviews. Good Luck!
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  3. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1:Introduction To Body Language CHAPTER 2: Basic Body Language CHAPTER 3:An In Depth Look At The Language Of Your Eyes CHAPTER 4:The Head CHAPTER 5:Nervous Ticks And The Mouth CHAPTER 6:Arm Positioning In Regards To Body Language CHAPTER 7: The Hands And What They Can Tell You About Everyone CHAPTER 8:Fingers and The Signals They Can Create CHAPTER 9: Legs And Different Body Language Signals You Can Pick Up On Chapter 10: Final Thoughts
  4. Chapter 1: Introduction To Body Language Body language makes up 65% or 75% of all communication during a typical day. You may realize your conscious brain is listening in what people are saying, but you are most likely unaware of the body language messages you are receiving from your subconscious mind. The goal of this book is to make sure you are aware of both the body language around you and your own body language. Being able to read and understand body language is a skill that will benefit you in all aspects of your life. Understanding how body language works will allow you to communicate more effectively with other individuals and strengthen your relationships. You can also take the skills you learn from this book and apply them to your own body language. Learn simple techniques that will allow you to appear more confident and allow you to build more relationships. Reading body language is a skill that very few people possess, and this book will allow you to become a body language reading expert. The Benefits Of Reading Body Language The benefits of reading body language are endless, and yet many people never take the time to learn how to properly read body language. Once you understand body language, you will be able to become a human lie detector. Almost everybody in life lies, whether it's a small lie or a big lie, their body language will give them away. Find out immediately who is lying in your life, whether its personal relationships or business relationship. Body language can also telegraph attraction and whether or not somebody is interested in you. Having the ability to ask out or date only people you know are attracted to you, will save you time and energy in your dating life. Never be embarrassed by asking out someone who isn’t interested
  5. again. Improve your business life by using body language as a powerful weapon. Understand how your coworkers and boss view you in the workplace. Learn how to read clients and customers, and understand exactly how they are feeling during your sales pitch. An understanding of body language will also allow you to become a skilled presenter. Read the body language of your audience and adjust your presentation accordingly. Use body language in job interviews, and understand exactly what your interviewer thinks of you. Never have another boring presentation, instead capture and captivate your audience by understanding what they want to hear. The benefits of reading body language go on and on. Reading body language is a life skill and this book will allow you to benefit from reading body language throughout your entire life.
  6. Understanding Your Body Language While its important to be able to understand and read other people's body language, it can be just as important to understand your own body language. Most people are unaware with the way they carry themselves, which can make them seem cold or unapproachable. Body language plays a huge part in your overall perception from other people. People may perceive you as weak or lacking confidence just by your overall body language. Have you ever met somebody and immediately didn’t like them, even before they said a word? Or how about the reverse. You meet somebody and immediately liked them and wanted to get to know them better? Chances are that body language played a huge part in your initial assessment of that person. Your body language could be hurting your dating life as well. Both men and women will judge one another in the first 5 seconds of meeting. If you have weak or poor body language, you could be disqualifying yourself from potential suitors. Your body language in the work place is also extremely important. If you are manager or in a leadership position, and your body language doesn't match what you are saying, your employees will subconsciously be confused. You will have a hard time motivating your employees and improving production. A leader who has a strong body language presence, will exude strength and your employees will be more motivated to follow. These techniques can also be used when raising children. Children are looking for protection and support from their parents when they are young. Strong body language will make the children feel protected and understand that you are the authority figure. Children can pick up on body language very easily, and a lack of strong body language may cause them to test your boundaries. The best thing about body
  7. language, is once you understand the correct body language to have, you can fix your problems immediately. It will take some time for you to change, because you might have had bad body language your whole life. But we can offer you some quick and easy fixes which will allow you to see immediate results in all aspects of your life.
  8. Body Language Reading Is A Skill We are going to equip you with everything you need to read other people's body language and to fix your own body language. What you need to understand, is that reading body language is a skill that needs to be practiced and honed. Please don't assume that once you read this book, you are going to be able to read and understand everybody immediately. You need to put in hours of practice both on your own body language and other people's body language. You will find that understanding and picking up on the clues we are going to teach you, will open up a whole new world in your life. You will find yourself having a subconscious dialogue in your head when watching body language. That person just crossed their arms, they might not be interested, better change the subject. This person won't look me in the eye, I wonder if they are lying? This person's facial reactions are not matching what they are telling me. Something might be suspicious. These are all dialogues that you will find you will be telling yourself when you are watching body language. Human interaction is usually similar between different people and you will see patterns begin to emerge. Once you can spot these patterns quickly, you will take your body language reading skill to the next level. But once again, becoming a body language reading expert is something that needs time and cannot be achieved over night.
  9. Chapter 2: Basic Body Language Before we move into the more in-depth body language analysis, we are first going to go over the basics of body language. At first you may be overwhelmed when trying analyze body language, as a simple tick or tell can last only a brief second. This will lead to false signals and information, which could allow you to jump to the wrong conclusions. When first starting out, you should be focusing on the big picture. Focus on the person's overall body language and demeanor. As you become more seasoned, and can pick up the smaller tells, that is when you know you are getting good at reading body language. But for now, just try to look at the big picture, and remind yourself that you are just beginning and not to jump to any conclusions about that specific person. Disclaimer Before We Begin When first developing your ability to read body language, it is important that you keep in mind that your skills are still undeveloped. It may take months or years to come to a firm grasp of body language and really be able to read people. The skills we are going to teach you are designed to allow you to read people immediately and learn the basics of body language. There are numerous false positives with these techniques, so you need to look for confirmation signals. If you spot one or two these signals, the proper technique is to look for other signals to confirm your suspicion. Never call out or accuse somebody, because you read one or two of these signals. Also have multiple interactions and use body language to find out true motives. But if you are going to accuse someone, always have hard facts or evidence, as even the most reliable body language readers can come up with false positives.
  10. What To Watch When Reading Someone's Body Language There are a few different body parts and areas you should be watching when reading somebody's body language. The first thing you should notice, is how the person positions their body. How is their posture? Are they standing straight with their chest out? Are they covering their chest? How much space are they taking up with their body? These are all bigger picture questions that will allow you to read the confidence of that individual. Standing up straight with their chest out, is a common trait of a confident individual who usually is a leader figure. Slouched posture with hands covering their heart, usually cross armed, will generally mean this individual is shy or less confident. We will go into greater detail later in the book on how you can utilize each of these body language tells. Watch The Eyes You are also going to be watching the eyes, when reading body language. The eyes can alert you to liars and people who are hiding things from you. By understanding where the eyes look when people are recalling information, you can understand whether they are making something up or they are actually recalling information that actually happened. If your subjects eyes move up and to the left, they are recalling something that they made up in their head. Up and to the right, they are recalling information that is stored in their brain. Liars and people who are experiencing stress, are also know to have poor eye contact and generally will look around the room. They will also blink more and have certain facial ticks. So always remember to watch the eyes when you are evaluating body language.
  11. Facial Expressions The face has many different muscles and reacts and contracts in many different ways when we are communicating. It is extremely difficult to control your facial reactions during conversation, which is one of the reasons that facial expressions are an easy way to spot somebody’s true intentions. Listening to what a person is saying, and watching their facial expressions at the same time, is the way you find out if what the person is telling is true. Usually people who are lying, will say something but their facial expressions will not match up. You can see this phenomenon usually in a court room setting. A murderer will be talking about how they are sorry for killing someone, but their facial expression will be one of self pleasure instead of guilt. So always watch for different facial expressions, and see if they are congruent with what the person is actually saying. How We Touch Ourselves And Different Objects Nervous ticks are another part of body language that you need to become aware of. Nervous people will usually have some sort of tick which you can use to figure just how they are feeling. For example, moving your leg up and down is a sign of nervousness or anticipation. Cracking knuckles is a subliminal comfort technique designed to try to relax the body. You also need to take into account how people touch themselves when talking to you. When someone continues to rub their nose, they are usually holding back something they want to say. A simple tug on the ear could mean that they are uncomfortable with their situation. Supporting their head in their hand, usually signals boredom or they are tired. So if you see someone doing this in a meeting or presentation, it might be time to make things more interesting. A few strokes of the chin could mean
  12. they are interested and respect your thoughtfulness. They might begin pondering the idea themselves. This is a great tell if you are a salesmen, as you now know that the client is beginning to buy your pitch.
  13. Look At How They Position Their Body Distance Wise The distance that people put between you and themselves is also something that you should keep in mind when looking at body language. Distance represents the personal space that a person requires and can actually tell you a lot about that person's personality. If you want to know the relationship between two people, for example if they are dating or have slept together, just look at the personal space they share. If they are within one foot of each other, most likely they have a deeper personal relationship. The average personal space for different individuals is around 4 feet for people who have never met before. If you find that somebody is closer then four feet, this person may feel comfortable with you, or they may even be attracted to you. Further than four feet, this person may feel uncomfortable around new people or uncomfortable around you. Also be aware of how you are interacting with that person's comfort zone. Some people may not appreciate it if you are encroaching on their personal space. Body Language Basics That You Can Apply There are also some body language basics that you need to be aware of in your own life. Your posture is the biggest correction that you need to start making yourself aware of. How you stand and move around life, can say a lot about your confidence. Make sure you stand up straight with your shoulders back. Stick your chest and try to take up as much space as possible when walking around. Move in a slow manner and try to avoid fast movements. Always be aware of what you are doing with your hands. Try not to cross your arms or hold your hand over your chest. You will see the difference between confident people and those who lack confidence in a club setting.
  14. Those with lower confidence, will hold their drinks over their chest. Having your chest exposed, is also an indication that you are willing to interact with other people. People will be more receptive to this type of body language, and will be more willing to come up to you and start a conversation. So always make sure you are watching your own body language as well as watching others.
  15. Chapter 3: An In Depth Look At The Language Of Your Eyes The eyes have been commonly referred to as the gateway to a persons soul. Eye contact is extremely important to build a sense of trust and intimacy. Unfortunately, many people have trouble looking someone directly in the eye. Direct eye contact could mean that somebody is challenging you, or it could mean that they have your full attention. Eye contact is especially important when you are presenting, as eye contact will allow the audience to feel engaged and part of the presentation. Your eyes are also very important in communication and you find that you have little control over your eye muscles when you are speaking. This allows body language experts to read your eyes and figure what exactly is your motive. The Direction Of The Eyes And What They Mean The easiest body language tell to pick up on with regards to eyes, is what direction they move and look to when the subject is talking. This relates to the right and left side of the brain, each responsible for a different task. The left side of the brain is mostly analytical and used for recalling memories and math skills. The right side of our brain is creative and used in story telling and fictional writing. So how can use this information when it comes to body language? If your subject is looking right when you are asking them to recall a fact, they might be making up a story. You have to be attentive, because it can be quick depending on how rehearsed the lie is for the subject. Children for example, can spend minutes looking up and to the right when fabricating a story. If the person you are reading looks to the left, they are likely using the left side of the brain, which will allow them to recall facts that actually happened.
  16. You also need to keep an eye on the horizontal location of the person's eyes to pick up on more tells. If you are looking for a liar, then up and to the right is going to be the position you should watch. Eyes that move upwards, are recreating a visual event, which is most likely the situation you are asking about. If their eyes move to the right and sideways, this means that they are imagining a sound. This might be a false positive when it comes to somebody lying, so make sure you ask again. Down and to the right indicates, is a signal that the person is being creative. But down and to the right usually doesn’t mean the person is lying. Down and to the right, usually, will mean the person is questioning their feelings, and is trying to creatively figure out where they stand. This could mean the person is hiding something, but you are going to need other body language signals to confirm.
  17. Direct Eye Contact and How It Relates To Body Language Eye contact is a great way to make sure you have the attention of the audience you are speaking to, and also a great way to find out if somebody is attracted to you. If you are giving a presentation, you can usually find out who is interested by looking at their eyes. If their eyes are wandering around the room or they are looking down at the floor or desk, you need to energize your speech and find a new way to get their attention. Eye contact is also extremely important if you are in the sales field. If you are receiving direct eye contact when you are giving your pitch, this means the customer is very interested and you should go for the close. If your client or customer is looking away, you need to change your pitch and find another pitch that relates to him more. Be aware of eye contact when people are talking directly to you. It's common knowledge that liars will avoid direct eye contact, so we have seen numerous cases where liars will look you directly in the eye. So always be aware that just because somebody looks you directly in the eye when speaking, they still may be hiding something. How The Eyes Will Give Away Attraction The eyes are one of the easiest signals of body language to interpret if you are looking for the signs of attraction. These signals are common in both males and females, but are usually more pronounced in the female population. The first signal that we are going to talk about is pupil dilation. If you are close enough to watch your subject's pupils, you can find out a lot about how they feel about you. Pupil dilation is known to occur during attraction when the brain begins to release different hormones. If you notice your date's pupils begin to dilate during a date, that could be a sign of growing
  18. attraction. You also want to take into account the lightening in the setting that you are in. If the lights dim and your date's pupils expand, they are just adjusting to the new lighting. The second attraction tell, is widening of the eyes. Eyes usually will widen, and your eyebrows will raise, when you are confronted with a positive situation. Widening eyes can be seen from people who are greeting family member or friends, or looking at cute animals. Widening eyes means that person desires what every object they are looking at. So look out for widening eyes when you first meet somebody, as it could be a tell on if they find you attractive or not.



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