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Similarities in generic structure between vietnamese and english tourist advertisements

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Tourism is considered as a  potential industry in many countries. To draw the attention from foreign tourists, each country has its own campaig and tourist advertisement has become a useful tool for this  purpose. With the development of high-tech, tourist advertisements can be found everywhere, every time through leaflet, brochures, press or even through the Interenet. This article mainly focuses on the similarities in generic structure between Vietnamese and English tourist advertisements.

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Nội dung Text: Similarities in generic structure between vietnamese and english tourist advertisements

Nguyễn Thị Diệu Hà Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 88(12): 59 - 62<br /> SIMILARITIES IN GENERIC STRUCTURE BETWEEN VIETNAMESE AND<br /> ENGLISH TOURIST ADVERTISEMENTS<br /> <br /> Nguyen Thi Dieu Ha*<br /> Faculty of Foreign Languages- TNU<br /> <br /> <br /> ABSTRACT<br /> Tourism is considered as a potential industry in many countries. To draw the attention<br /> from foreign tourists, each country has its own campaig and tourist advertisement has<br /> become a useful tool for this purpose. With the development of high-tech, tourist<br /> advertisements can be found everywhere, every time through leaflet, brochures, press or<br /> even throgh the Interenet. This article mainly focuses on the similarities in generic<br /> structure between Vietnamese and English tourist advertisements.<br /> Keywords: Advertisement, customer, discourse, generic structure, tourism.<br /> <br /> INTRODUCTION* effective combination of language and sound<br /> as well as picture or other visual aids.<br /> Advertisement is an important form of<br /> promotion, the consequence of marketing It is a common golden rule to bear in mind of<br /> strategies used by companies to communicate advertisers to follow strictly the psychological<br /> with their existing and potential customers. process: AIDMA [12]<br /> Advertising is a key element in the marketing A = the advertisement must be eye-catching<br /> and advertising expenditure takes a rather big and easy to read and understand so that it can<br /> account of many companies budget. draw the viewers‟/ readers‟ ATTENTION.<br /> The main target of advertising is to influence I = This naturally creates INTERESTS for<br /> consumer‟s behavior, stimulate them towards viewers/ readers.<br /> actions such as sales promotion, hire purchase D = From this stage, customers are push to a<br /> and special offer. For different purposes, higher level by an invisible hand to get a<br /> advertising can be defined in many ways. DECISION to try products and services.<br /> Brow (1983) [4] defines advertising as “a tool M = The customers read the advertisement,<br /> to promote desire for purchasing goods and feel like it and what they have read will stay<br /> services”. in their minds and be kept in their MEMORY.<br /> According to Colly (1990) [5] “an advertising A = To advertisers, the most wanted respond<br /> goal is a specific communicate task and from customers is their ACTION.<br /> achievement level to be accomplished with a It is not enough if customers only like, enjoy<br /> specific period of time”. and remember the product and service. What<br /> From the linguistic point of view, advertising the advertisers really want is that the<br /> is an activity of verbal communication not customers will purchase their product and<br /> only to present information but also to win service. This is tangible profit and also the<br /> mind and heart of advertisement receivers and final target of any advertising strategy.<br /> the potential customers. As a result, Based on advertising objective,<br /> advertisers benefit. advertisements can have different focuses to<br /> As far as we know, there are many forms of inform, persuade or remind.<br /> advertising from the simplest one like leaflet Similarities in generic structure between<br /> to the most complex one like soap opera (film Vietnamese and English tourist<br /> for advertising). An advertisement is an advertisements<br /> Tourism can be defined as “the sum of the<br /> * phenomena and relationships arising from<br /> Tel: 0918 322 992; Email:<br /> <br /> <br /> Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – Đại học Thái Nguyên 59<br /> Nguyễn Thị Diệu Hà Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 88(12): 59 - 62<br /> interaction of tourists, business suppliers, host process of attracting and hosting these<br /> government and host communities in the tourists”. [11]<br /> To inform<br /> Telling the market about a new service Describing available services<br /> Suggesting a new change for a programme Correcting false impression<br /> Informing the market of price and discount Reducing buyer‟s fears<br /> Explaining the function Building a company image<br /> To persuade<br /> Building brand preference Persuading clients to take the chance now<br /> Encouraging switching to your brand Persuading clients to receive a sales call<br /> Changing buyer‟s perception of product<br /> To remind<br /> Reminding clients that the service may Keeping in the buyer‟s mind during off seasons<br /> be necessary in the near future<br /> Reminding clients where to register it Maintaining it to mind awareness<br /> “Tourism encompasses everything from the Vịnh Hạ Long, di sản văn hóa thế giới. [17]<br /> planning of the trip, the travel to the place, the Sentosa, Singapore’s Favourite Island<br /> return and the reminiscences about it Resort.[22]<br /> afterwards”.[12]<br /> Beginning part<br /> It is clear that context is an important factor to<br /> As far as we concerned, location and<br /> be considered in the process of discourse<br /> geographical features are always found at the<br /> analysis. To make a perfect advertisement, the<br /> logical and systematic structure is essential. beginning of any advertisement discourse.<br /> The tourist advertisement, as other kinds of This is the way to make clear and give a view<br /> discourse, is often divided into three parts: to visitors.<br /> beginning part, developing part and ending For example:<br /> part. It is convenient for us to have a look at Đà Lạt nằm trên cao nguyên miền trung, ở độ<br /> each part to work out the similarities between cao 1500m. (Đà Lạt) [19]<br /> them.<br /> The Philippines lies in the heart of Southeast<br /> In this article, several tourist advertisements Asia, stretching more than 1,840 kilometers.<br /> of the six countries which are famous for (The Philippines) [28]<br /> beauty landscapes and peace in Asia as<br /> Another common structure which is often<br /> VietNam, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines,<br /> Japan and Singapore are chosen to compare. found in both English and Vietnamese tourist<br /> advertisements is the distance + central,<br /> Headline cities, town + distance + name of the<br /> The headline is the first singal to draw landscape.<br /> readers‟ attention so they can decide whether<br /> For example:<br /> it is worth reading or not. The main function<br /> of the headline is to introduce the discourse Cách Hà Nội 400km theo đường chim bay về<br /> content to readers. In addition, a headline is hướng Tây, … (Điện Biên Phủ) [20]<br /> also an elment to judge which discourse is Located at the crossroads of the developed<br /> more important and more interesting to western world and the Orient, The<br /> readers themselves. Philippines … [28]<br /> A similarity between headlines of Vietnamese The other common way to start Vietnamese<br /> and English tourism advertisements ia names and English tourist advertisements is the<br /> of places functioning as headlines. form: Name of the place, the position, and the<br /> For example: most general idea about the place.<br /> <br /> <br /> Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – Đại học Thái Nguyên 60<br /> Nguyễn Thị Diệu Hà Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 88(12): 59 - 62<br /> For example: Space ribs, crab, prawn and chicken dishes<br /> Nha Trang, đầy nắng đầy gió, miền đất huyền all served with delicious spicy sauces.<br /> ảo và đầy truyền thuyết.(Nha Trang) [26] (Penang) [24]<br /> Chiangmai, known as “The rose of Singapore Apart from that, the quality of service and<br /> is instant Asia Northern Thailand”. people are also described in advertisements.<br /> (Thailand) [23] For example:<br /> Also for the purpose of introducing the place Người dân Đà Lạt hiền hậu, thân thiện và mến<br /> in a natural way, many advertisements start khách. (Đà Lạt) [19]<br /> by giving a brief explanation of the place‟s And its hospitable people, the native are among<br /> name, foundation process or historical events the friendliest in the world. (Penang) [23]<br /> related to it. Ending part<br /> For example:<br /> To end up the advertisements, general<br /> Chính quá trình núi đá vôi bị bóc trần và appraisal and comment are mentioned to<br /> hòa tan đã tạo nên quần thể đẹp đẽ này với emphasize again the attraction of the place to<br /> một hồ nước xanh bao bọc bởi những núi đá all readers and confirm its appeal.<br /> vôi với hệ sinh thái còn khá nguyên vẹn.<br /> (Hồ Ba Bể) [25] For example:<br /> One of the capital of Japan for over 1000 Với những huyền thoại diệu kỳ của Đồ Sơn<br /> years, Kyoto is a city well known for its rất lôi cuốn du khách, làn phong phú tâm hồn<br /> history and tradition. (Kyoto) [27] bạn, bạn sẽ thấy cuộc đời đầy giá trị và ý<br /> Developing part nghĩa biết bao. (Đồ Sơn) [18]<br /> After giving general description and An exciting place and a most enjoyable and<br /> introduction about the landscape, both rewarding place to move to. (Malaysia) [23]<br /> English and Vietnamese tourist Moreover, some warnings are also included<br /> advertisements provide readers with details of but not frequently as in these two parts of the<br /> beautiful sights and other outstanding two advertisements:<br /> attractions. Quí khách đừng mang đi những gì của vườn<br /> For example: ngoài những bức ảnh và không để lại gì<br /> Biển Đồ Sơn mênh mông hào phóng, còn núi ngoài những dấu chân. (Vườn quốc gia<br /> thì uốn lượn trầm tư. (Đồ Sơn) [18] Bạch Mã) [16]<br /> Geogetown, the island’s capital is a delight, a Trafficking in illegal drugs carries the death<br /> sprawling, lively city. (Penang) [24] penalty. (Malaysia)[23]<br /> One important factor contributing a CONCLUSION<br /> successful tour is food. To attract tourists,<br /> In brief, Vietnamese and English tourist<br /> special food is a „must‟ in the content of<br /> tourist advertisements both in Vietnamese and advertisements share the same purpose of<br /> English. supplying the most interesting and attractive<br /> information about a landscape in a sufficient<br /> For example:<br /> way to encourage readers or visitors to go and<br /> Khách đến nhà, chủ nhà sẽ mời khách những to enjoy. This purpose also implies some<br /> món ăn nhiều hương vị: cơm lam, thịt thú competition among different advertisers to<br /> rừng, măng chua, mộc nhĩ, nấm hương. ( draw the attention and inspire for the reader-<br /> Điện Biên Phủ) [20]<br /> traveler, so the information must be seen,<br /> identical selective, unique and suitable with<br /> <br /> <br /> Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – Đại học Thái Nguyên 61<br /> Nguyễn Thị Diệu Hà Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 88(12): 59 - 62<br /> readers‟ psychology. Some listed information [12]. Mcintosh (1995). Tousism, Principle, Practices,<br /> Philosophies. Washington: Washington Academic Press<br /> above show the similarities in generic structure<br /> [13]. Mill, R. (1991). Tourism. Washington: Washington<br /> between Vietnamese and English tourist Academic Press<br /> advertisements. [14]. Nunan. (1993). Introducing Discourse Analysis. London:<br /> Penguin Group.<br /> REFERENCES [15]. Teleman, Guido. (1999). From Discourse to Pragmatics.<br /> [1]. Hồ Sĩ Hiệp. (1999). Phương pháp viết quảng cáo hiện Hanoi: College of Foreign Language, VNU.<br /> đại. Đồng Nai: Nhà xuất bản Đồng Nai. [16].<br /> [2]. Mai Xuân Huy. (1997). Về khái niệm và phân loại quảng n+quoc+gia+bach+ma/<br /> cáo. Hà Nội: Hội Ngôn Ngữ học Việt Nam. [17].<br /> [3]. Hoàng Văn Vân. (1999). Introducing Discourse Analysis. ongdisanthiennhienthegioi/<br /> Hanoi: Open University. [18].<br /> [4]. Brow, G.&G. Yule. (1983). Discourse Analysis. g/do+son/<br /> Cambridge: CUP. [19].<br /> [5]. 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Cambridge: U.P. philippines-department-of-tourism/<br /> <br /> TÓM TẮT<br /> VÀI NÉT TƯƠNG ĐỒNG TRONG CẤU TRÚC DIỄN NGÔN QUẢNG CÁO DU LỊCH BẰNG<br /> TIẾNG VIỆT VÀ TIẾNG ANH<br /> <br /> Nguyễn Thị Diệu Hà*<br /> Khoa Ngoại ngữ - ĐH Thái Nguyên<br /> <br /> Du lịch được coi là nền công nghiệp trọng điểm ở nhiều quốc gia. Để thu hút du khách nước ngoài, mỗi quốc gia<br /> đều xây dựng cho riêng mình một chiến dịch quảng cáo và ngành quảng cáo du lịch trở thành công cụ hữu ích<br /> giúp cho mỗi quốc gia đạt được mục tiêu đó. Với sự phát triển của khoa học công nghệ, những quảng cáo du lịch<br /> có thể được thấy ở mọi nơi, mọi lúc từ những tờ rơi cho đến những ấn phẩm và thậm chí cả trên mạng Internet.<br /> Trong khuôn khổ bài báo này, chúng tôi muốn giới thiệu một vài nét tương đồng trong cấu trúc của diễn ngôn<br /> quảng cáo du lịch trong Tiếng Việt và Tiếng Anh.<br /> Từ khóa: Quảng cáo, du lịch, cấu trúc, khách hàng, phân tích diễn ngôn.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> *<br /> Tel: 0918 322 992; Email:<br /> <br /> <br /> Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu – Đại học Thái Nguyên 62<br />



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