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Tài liệu ôn thi tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông môn Anh Văn

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Nội dung Text: Tài liệu ôn thi tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông môn Anh Văn

  1. Trờng THPT Huỳnh Thúc Kháng Tổ Tiếng Anh – TD Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Tốt Nghiệp THPT Lớp 12: năm 2009-2010 Chào các em! Chúc Các em thành công trong các kỳ thi sắp tới, Tổ Tiếng Anh trường THPT Huỳnh Thúc kháng – Vạn Ninh xin ra mắt các em tập tài liệu ôn tập này nhằm hệ thống các điểm ngữ pháp cơ bản để các em tiện việc ôn tập, đồng các bài tập áp dụng c ả hai hình thúc tự luận và trắc nghiệm để các em thực hành, chúc các em tự tin và luôn luôn làm ch ủ kiến thức và lập trường mạnh mẻ khi quyết định chọn phương án đúng. Nội Dung ôn tập Part I: Tenses Giới thiệu các em về các thì cần ôn tập – Trình bày tổng quát về cách dùng thì trên timeline. 1. The SimplePresent(Thì hieäntaïi ñôn) a. Form: ( Coângthöùc) - Khaúngñònh: I , We , You , They … ( S nhieàu) +V1 He , She, It ( S ít ) +V- s / es - Phuûñònh : I , We , You , They.. +don'tVo He , She, It … +doesn't Vo - Nghi vaán: Do + We , You , They .. +Vo … ? Does +He , She, It … +Vo … ? b. Usage(Caùchduøng) : - Dieåntaûmoätchaânlí , moätsöï thaäthieånnhieân. Ex : The Earthgoesround thesun/ He is a doctor. / - Tom comesfromEngland. - Dieåntaû1 thoùi quenhoaëc1 vieäcxaûyra thöôøngxuyeânôû hieäntaïi ( always, often=usually , sometimes=now andthen, seldom, rarely, never,every ..... ) duøngñeånhaänbieát. Ex : He oftengoes to classlate. / My mothergetsup early everymorning. Note: Theâm– esvaøosaunhöõngñoängtöø taäncuøng: o , s , x ,z ,sh , ch. 2 . The PresentContinuous (Thì hieäntaïi tieápdieãn) a. Form: - Khaúngñònh: S +am/ is / are+V –ing - Phuûñònh : S +am/ is / are( not ) +V -ing - Nghi vaán: Are / I s +S +V-ing …. ? Ex: We arestudyingEnglishnow . b. Usage( Caùchduøng) : - Dieåntaûmoäthaønhñoängñangtieápdieãnôû thôøi ñieåmnoùi ( ôû hieäntaïi ) * Daáu hieäu nhaän bieát : now , right now = at once , at ( the / this / present ) time, at the moment, Ra leänh ( Look ! Listen ! ) Ex : - Sheis listeningto his teachernow - Dieãntaû1 haønhñoängseõxaûyra ôû töônglai ( coùkeáhoaïchtöø tröôùc ) Ex : She is getting married next year. Note :* Be going to +Vo duøngñeådieåntaû1 haønhñoängsaépxaûyra maøhieäntöôïngcuûanoùñaõxuaát hieän hoaëc1 haønhñoängtöônglai coù döï ñònhtröôùc. Ex: The greydarkappears.It is going to rain. 3 . The Present Perfect (Thì hieäntaïi hoaønthaønh) a. Form : - Khaúng ñònh : S + has / + 3V ed have , - Phuûñònh : S +has / have( not ) V 3 , ed - Nghi vaán : Has / Have + S + V 3 , ed ? b. Usage ( Caùchduøng) : Dieåntaûmoäthaønhñoängvöøamôùi xaûyra hoaëcxaûyra khoângroõ thôøi gian(thöôøngñi keømvôùi caùc töø just , recently =lately, not .. yet, ever, never, aleady ) Ex : We haven’t finished our homeworkyet . Dieåntaû1 haønhñoäng: Baétñaàutöø quaùkhöù… keùodaøi ñeánhieäntaïi …. coùkhaûnaêngtieáptuïc ôû töônglai ( thöôøngñi vôùi caùctöø since , for ) Ex : - They havelivedhere for tenyears. Ngoaøi ra coøncoùmoätsoácuïmtöø chæthôøi giannhö: so far = until now = up to now ,how long .. ? It is the first / second / third … time, twice / many / three…. times. Note : For ( many, several, 2, 3 / . + times, years, months or a long time = ages ) # since ( last week .. ) 4. The Simple Past (Thì quaùkhöùñôn) a. Form : - Khaúngñònh: S +V2,ed… ( Tobe: was/ were) - Phuûñònh : S +did not Vo …. - Nghi vaán: Did + S +Vo ….. ? b. Usage : Dieåntaûhaønhñoängñaõxaûyra, chaámdöùttrongquaùkhöù ( ñoâi khi bieátroõ thôøi gian ) thöôøngcoùcaùctöø ñi keøm: yesterday,ago, last( week/night… ) , in 1990( thôøi gianôû quaùkhöù)
  2. Note : Thoùi quenôû quaùkhöù #thoùi quenôû hieäntaïi. - Always,often=usually +V2,ed= usedto +Vo hoaëcwas/ were/ got usedto +V – ing. ( quaùkhöù) Ex: I alwayscame herefor my summerholiday= ……………………………………………………………… - Always,often=usually +V1 / s,es= am,is,are/ getusedto +V – ing. ( hieäntaïi ) Ex: I alwayscome herefor my summerholiday=….. ……………………………………………………………… 5 . The Past Continuous (Thì quaùkhöùtieápdieãn) a. Form : S + was/ were +V - ing Ex: We were studying Maths at this time yesterday . b. Usage : - Dieåntaûmoäthaønhñoäng ñangxaûyra vaøo1 thôøi ñieåmxaùcñònhtrongquaùkhöù. Ex : - Whatwere you doing at 4 p.myesterday? - Dieåntaû1 haønhñoängñangxaûyra vaøo1 thôøi ñieåmxaùcñònhôû quaùkhöù hoaëc1 haønhñoängñang xaûy( haønhñoängnaøykeùodaøi hôn) thì coùhaønhñoängkhaùcxenvaøo. Ex: Whatwere you doing at 4 p.myesterday? We were watching televisionwhenhe came - Dieåntaû2 haønhñoängñangxaûyra cuøngluùc ôû quaùkhöù. Ex: Yesterday, while I was reading a book , my sisterwas watching T.V . Daáuhieäunhaänbieát: at ( the/ this / that) time,at themoment,at 4p.m+thôøi gianôû quaùkhöù ( yesterday, last.. ) Ex : He was watching film at the moment yesterday. 6 . The Past perfect (Thì quaùkhöùhoaønthaønh) a. Form : S +had V 3 , ed b. Usage : Dieåntaûmoäthaønhñoängxaûyra tröôùc1 haønhñoängkhaùctrongquaùkhöù hoaëc tröôùc1 thôøi ñieåmôû quaùkhöù. Ex : Whenhe gotup this morning, my motherhad alreadyleft . Daáuhieäunhaänbieát: before, after 7 . The simple future : (Thì töônglai ñôn ) a. Form : S +shall / will Vo b. Usage : Dieåntaûhaønhñoängseõxaûyra ôû töônglai : tomorrow, next( week/ month) … , in 2010 8. The Perfect Future : ( Töônglai hoaønthaønh) Form S +will haveV 3,ed Daáu hieäu nhaän bieát : By theendof …. Ex : By theendof this year,I will have had a newbike. Note : Sauwhen, while , before, after, until, by thetime,as, assoonas,if ……….) khoângduøng thì töônglai maøchæduøngthì hieäntaïi ñôn. Ex : Shewill phoneherparentswhenshecomes herenextweek. BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG I. Put the verb in brackets into the past simple or the past perfect. 1. WhenI …………………….. (reach)thestation, thetrain............(already,leave) 2. It wasnot until I ..........(read)your letterthatI ........(understand)thetruth. 3. He............( sleep)all nightbuthe ........(be)still tiredin themorning. 4. Tom andJohn ...........(know)eachotherbecausethey............(meet)thesummerbefore. 5. I........(rush)to theair port, buttheplane............ (leave) 6. I ............ (start)collegeassoonasI............ (finish) theschool 7. Everyone............ (eat)dinnerby thetimewe............ (get) to thedinningroom 8. somebody........(tell) methatI ............ (late)for thetrain 9. My wife ............ (buy) a newhatafterI ............ (ask) hernot to do so. 10. A woman............ (come)in with a baby, who she....... (say)just ..... (swallow) a safetypin. II. Put the verb in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. 1.she............ (work) veryhardyesterday. 2. Theysuddenly............ (realize)thatthey............ (travel) in thewrongdirection 3. whenI ........(pick) up theteapot. thehandle............ (come)off While I ............ (swim), someone........(steal)my clothesandI ........(have)to walk homein my swimsuit 4. While I ............ (wonder)whetherto buy thedressor not . someoneelse............ (come)and........(buy)it 5.Everyone............ (read)quietly whensuddenlythedoor ............ (burst)openanda completestranger............ (rush)in 6. whenhe ............ (come).I ............ (watch)TV 7. I ............ (water)theflower. it ............ (start)to rain. 8.She............ (talk) to John whenI ............ (arrive) III. Put the verb in brackets into the present perfect or the simple past 1. sheis studying.She............ (start)to studytemminutesago.She............ (study)for fifteenminutes 2. The taxi ............ (come); so we mustgo
  3. 3. I live in this flat , I ............ (move)herein 1995............. (live) since1995 4. Peter:You ............ (see)anygoodfilms lately? Tom: yes,I ............ (go) to Hoa Binh theatrelastweekand............ (see)a Japanesefilm. 5. We ............ (telephone)your office everydaythis week 6. I.......... (never,visit) Australia,butI ............ ( see)a programon T.V aboutit two weeksago. 7. World war II .............. (end)in 1945 8. They..............(work) at thebookstore,they..............(take)thesameclasses,andthey..............(live)in the samedormitory. 9. where.............. (you, be) all this morning?It’s nearlymiddaynow. 10. Where..............(you,be) this morning?I rangyou up severaltimesbeforemidday. A. BarbaraLively, thewriter, is marriedwithtwo children. She…1……( write)over40books . She ……2…( start) writing after the deathof her first husband.She …3……(live) in many partsof theworld . she……4…(spend)herchildhoodin Egypt,but……5…(come)to England in 1966.She…6……( write) bothproseandpoetry,butis bestknownfor herromanticnovels. She………7 (win) manywards, includingthebookerprize, whichshe……8… (win ) in 1988 for thenovel“ DarkTimesto come”. 1. a. writes b. wrote c. haswrittend. written 2. a. starts b. started c. wasstarting d. hadstarted 3. a. lives b. haslived c. lived d. living 4. a. hasspend b. spent c. hadspent d. hasspent 5. a. hascome b. hadcome c. came d. comes 6. a. writes b. is writing c. wrote d. haswritten 7. a. wins b. won c. haswon d. win 8. a. wins b. won c. haswon d. win I. Give the correct form of the verb : 1. I (walk) downthestreetwhenI (see)this manI thoughtI knew.I probablywouldn’t haverecognizedhim if he (not smile) at me,but I’d knownthatsmile any where.Christ! I (not see)him sinceI left college.We wentand hada drink and(talk) aboutold timesandthepeoplewe’d knownandthethingswe (do) together.He (tell) me he spentthe first few yearsafter collegeworking in a hospital in Brazil and thenhe (find) a job teaching. He said he (be) married but it hadn’t worked out, and they (get) divorced. It seemedthat he (have) a pretty bad time; but he said thatnow things(start) to get better.I said I (oftenthink) abouthim, and had wonderedwhat (happen)to him. 2. I metGeorgeandLindasomedaylastweekasI (walk) throughthepark.They(be) to theSportsCenterwhere theyhadbeenplayingtennis.They(go) to a caféfor a drink andinvitedmeto join thembutI (arrange)to meet a friendand(not, have)time.
  4. Part II: THE SEQUENCE OF TENSES IN ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF TIME ( Hoøa hôïp thì trong menh de trang ngu ) 1. When : - When/ by thetime +S +V1 / Vs , es , S +V1 / Vs , es ( often,usually, always) S +will Vo ( seõxaûyra : next,tomorrow… ) S + willV 3,ed ( just, already, for + time ) have Ra leänh : Vo Ex : When / by the time he comes, he will have taken a break for 15 minutes. Remind me when I forget. - When + S + V2/ ed , S+ V2/ ed ( 2 chuû töø gioáng nhau ) S + was / were + Ving ( 2 chuû töø khaùc nhau / haønh ñoäng dieån ra laâu hôn ) S + had + V3,ed ( just, already, for + time / haønh ñoäng xaûy ra tröôùc ) Ex : When we came, they were dancing / When we came, we saw many people there. When I got home, everybody had gone to bed. 2. Whil e : - While S + am / is / are + V-ing , S + V1 / Vs, es ( often, usually, always ) - While S + was / were + V-ing , S + was / were + V- ing ( 2 hñoäng ñoàng thôøi xaûy ra ôû quaù khöù ) S + V2 , ed 3. Before + S + V2/ ed , S + had + V3 , ed # After + S + had + V3,ed , S + V2/ ed 4. Since S + V2/ ed , S + have / has + V3,ed Note : - Before he went to bed, he had brushed his teeth. - After I finish my homework, I will watch TV. ( Hieän taïi ) Bài tập áp dụng 1. By the time you (get ) there, the train (already leave) 2. Before my family (move ) here , we ( live) in Hue for ten years 3. After she ( finish) work , she (go) out for coffee 4. As soon as the police (come) , the theft (run ) away 5. My sister ( work) for that company for 6 years before she (move) to Paris 6. ….. 1. Her eyes were red because she____________ A- had been crying B- has been crying C- has been cried D- has cried 2. He saw a bear while he_____________ in the forest A- am walking B- walked C- were walking D- was walking 3. “Would you like to go to the pop concert?” -Thanks, but I___________ it already A- had seen B- have been seeing C- have seen D- did see 4. My brother ________for a job since he graduated from college A- has been looking B- was looking C- looked D- is looking 5. “How are you feeling?” -“I’ve been feeling better since_________” A- the doctor has came B- the doctor will come C- the doctor had come D- the doctor came 6. His mother_________ English in a junior high school A- teach B- teaches C- teaching D- have taught 7. Jane is 18 years old, but she sometimes acts as a child. She seems to be___________ for her age A- inattentive B- informal C- dishonest D- immature 8. My father asked me____ of the film. A. what do you think B. what I think C. what did you think D. what I thought 9. Mr. Gibbon usually drinks mineral water, but in this party he ____ champagne. A. drinks B. will drink C. has drunk D. is drinking 10. Mary………….. to work everyday, but today she …………………….for the bus a. is driving / waits b. drives/ is waiting c. has driven / is going to wait d. is going to drive / has waited 11. She seemed………………..some trouble with her computer a. to have b. having c. has d. had 12. The problem………we could not find the way to get out of the forests before it got darker and darker. a. was to b. was which c. was that d. that was 13. Please close the windows. The rain………………….
  5. a. came b. is coming c. would come d.had come 14. Are you free this afternoon? - No, I am not I…………a lecture given by Professor Jones. a. am attending b. attend c.. attended d. have attended 15.. What will you do with this room ? I …………it repainted a. have had b. had c. is going to have d. would have 15.There is an international football match on T.V tonight . Liverpool ……………. against Manchester. a. are playing b. has played c. was playing d. has been playing 16. These boys …………in the garden for three hours a. are working b. have been working c. will be working d. were working A. TRANSFORMATION OF VERBS ( Bieán ñoåi ñoäng töø ) 1. S + have / has not V3,ed + ( O ) for / since + time. Ex : I have not met him for 3 years. The lasttime+S + V2/ ed was time ago ………………………………………………………………………………. S last+V2/ ed + time ago ………………………………………………………………………………. since S +V2/ ed It is time ………………………………………………………………………………. 2. S + started / began / came + V –ing / to – Vo / N + time ago. S + has / have V3,ed + since / for + time S + has / have +been + Ving + since / for + time Ex : I started working here 2 months ago …………………………………………………………………………………… 1.The last time I saw him was in 1998 n 2.It’s ten years since we met each other 3.I have never seen such a good film before 4.Mai began playing the piano in 1998 5. I bought that book yesterday Re wri t e the s e n t e n c e without changing their meaning 1. She started working as a secretary five years ago. --> She has 2. I had a swim in the sea for the first time. This 3. This is the first science fiction film I have seen. I have never 4. She has not been to the hairdresser for three months. It is 5. Laurence last saw his sister when she left for Japan. Laurence has not 1. The last time it rained was a fortnight ago. It hasn't B : Subject and Verb Agreement ( Söï hoøa hôïp chuû ngöõ – ñoäng töø ) * Tröôøng hôïp 1 : Ñoängtöø chia ôû soáít 1. Chuûtöø laø töø chæthôøi gian( year/ month/ week/ day), tieànbaïc ( dollar, pound), khoaûng caùch(…metres,mile) , troïnglöôïng ( ton .. ) Ex : Ten tonsof rice wasdistributedto thepoor. 2. Chuûtöø laø V-ing hoaëcTo – Vo Ex : Swimmingis goodfor your health. 3. Chuûtöø laø caùcñaïi töø khoângxaùcñònh: no -, each- , every- , …… body, ……. one, ….thing Ex : No studentsis absent. Everythingcomesto you. 4. Chuûtöø laø moätmeänhñeà Ex : Thatbooksarebestfriendshasbeenproved. 5. Chuûtöø laø caùctöø chæmoânhoïc ( taäncuøngbaèngICS nhöphysics…. ), beänhtaät ( mumps, meascles,rickets.. ), teânrieâng( Miss White.. ), danhtöø khoângñeámñöôïc ( news,goods,water,sugar…… ), danhtöø soáít ( thöôøngkhoângcoù s, es )
  6. Ex : Physicsis difficult to study. * Tröôøng hôïp 2 : Ñoängtöø chia ôû soánhieàu 1. Chuûtöø laø danhtöø soánhieàu( thöôøngtaäncuøng–s, es hoaëcpeople,children,men,women) Ex : My jeansaretorn. 2. Chuûtöø laø The +adj ( thepoor, therich, theblind … ) 3. Both …………… and……. ( Both PeterandMary areat theparty) * Caùc tröôøng hôïp khaùc : - One of N Soá nhieàu ) ………… + V-soá ít …………………….. ( Ex : One of the most important things to succeed is hard – working. - A number of ……………………….. + V- soá nhieàu The number of ……………………. + V – soá ít - S1 + 0R + S2 ….. Either + S1 + or + S2 …….. Ñoäng töø hoøa hôïp vôùi S2 Neither + S1 + nor + S2 …… Not ( only ) + S1 + but ( also ) + S2 Ex : Either Tom or his parents are absent. - S1 + as well as + S2 along / together with Ñoäng töø hoøa hôïp vôùi S1 giôùi töø ( in, with …. ) Ex : She as well as her friends has just come. - There be ……… Ñoäng töø be ( is, are, was, were ) hoøa hôïp vôùi danh töø ñöùng sau. Note : + A lot of = lots of = plenty of ( = much / many : nhieàu ) + Dtöø ñeám ñöôïc soá nhieàu / dtöø khoâng ñeám ñöôïc. + A few ( = some : moät vaøi ) , few ( raát ít ) + Danh töø ñeám ñöôïc soá nhieàu + A little ( = some : moät vaøi ), little ( raát ít ) + Danh töø khoâng ñeám ñöôïc Bài Tập áp dụng Exercise 1 Choose the best option 1. Despite she was in her middle age, she looked very graceful and charming. A B C D 2. It was so a difficult mathematic puzzle that we could not do it. A B C D 3. _ Let's go out for a drink. _ I suggest staying at home and watch television. A B C D 4.The last time my father played tennis were in 1999. A B C D 5..Peter, along with his brothers, go swimming every morning. A B C D 6. There have been little snow in this area for a long time. A B C D 7. A). It is boring when we had nothing to do yesterday. A B C D 8. The picture of the soldiers bring us back many memories A B C D 9. John's father as well as his brothers……………here yesterday. A). have been B). was C). had been D). were 10). The number of the students in this class……………..30. A). has B). is C). have D). are 1. No news -------------- good news.
  7. A. is B. are C. were D. have been 2. Here -------------- some accounts that you must check. A. is B. are C. were D. was 3. A lot of homework -------------- me tired. A. make B. makes C. have made D. are 4. Not only Mr. Pike but also his sons -------------- tea. A. likes B. like C. has 5. Mathematics -------------- us with many aspects. A. helps B. help C. have 6. The United States -------------- of about 160 nations. A. consists B. consist C. Consisting D. have consisted 7. Coffee contains caffeine, and -------------- A. tea does so B. so tea does C. so does tea D. does tea 8. Both Tom -------------- Mary are students. A. and B. nor C. or D. with 9. Plenty of milk -------------- consumed everyday. A. are B. is C. was D. were 10. Neither you nor I -------------- responsible for the A. are B. is C. am D. be 11. Ten thousand dollars -------------- a large sum of A. are B. is C. were 12. I can not speak Spanish. – -------------- A. So can I B. Neither can I C. Either can I D. 13. Both Jane and Mary, as well as John, -------------- ready for the exam. 14. Working for 12 hours a day -------------- her very tired. 15. The number of the days in a week -------------- seven. A. is B. was C. are D. were 16. What he told you -------------- to be of no importance. A. seems B. seem C. is seeming D. has 17. The army -------------- eliminated this section of the training test. 18. The quality of these recordings -------------- not very good. 19. -------------- Julia -------------- her sister are going to the party. A. Both /and B. Neither / nor C. Either /or D. Not 20. My wife had never been to Hue, and -------------- I. A. never hav B. neither have C. neither had D. neither Exercise 2 1. The longest fish in the contest was eighteen inches long". "It_____ by Thelma Rivers". a. was catching b. is caught c. was caught d. catch 2. "I heard you decided to take up tennis". "Yes, I have_____ every day". a. been played b. been playing c. playing d. been play 3. "Are we about to have dinner?".
  8. "Yes, it _____ in the dinning room". a. is serving b. serves c. is being served d. was served 4. "Why is Stanley in jail?" "He_____ of robbery". a. has been convicted b. has been being convicting c. has convicted d. was convicted 5. "Where are Jack and Jan?" "They____ the boxes you asked for into the a. have been bringing b. bringing c. have been brought d. is 6. "Where's the old chicken coop?" "It_____ by a windstorm last year". a. is being destroy b. is destroyed c. was destroyed d. will be 7. "We're still looking for Thomas". "Hasn't he_____ yet?". a. been found b. to find c. was found d. being found 8. "Whatever happened t that fortune - teller?" "I don't know. She _____ around her in a long time". a. hasn't seen b. was not seen c. hasn't been seeing d. hasn't been 9. "Diana is a wonderful ballet dancer". "She_____ since she was four". a. has been dancing b. has been danced c. is danced d. was danced 10. "What a beautiful dress you're wearing!" "Thank you. It_____ especially for me by a French tailor". a. is made b. has made c. had been made d. was made Passive in reported form 1- People say that he has lived here for 10 years 2- They believed that an apple a day kept doctors away 3- People said that jobs are important to the youth 4- They thought that Nam was killed in the jungle by one of his colleagues 5- It is reported that a little girl was found in the park by the police Part 5 : The comparisons of Adj / Adv Caùc hình thöùc so saùnh cuûa tính töø vaø 1. So saùnh baèng : - Khaúng ñònh : as + adj / adv + as - Phuû ñònh : not as / so + adj / adv + as 2. So saùnh hôn : a. Tính töø ngaén : adj + ER tha n .................. b. Tính töø daøi : mor e + adj + tha n 3. So saùnh nhaát : a. Tính töø ngaén : th e adj + EST + ( NOUN ) b. Tính töø daøi : the mo s t adj + ( NOUN ) 4. So saùnh keùp : - So saùnh hôn and so saùnh hôn ( more and more crowded,safer and more - the so saùnh hôn ......., th e so saùnh hôn ........... ( the younger ....... , the @ Hình thöùc so saùnh phoå bieán : Note : * Caùc hình thö ù c so sa ù n h pho å bi e á n : So saùnh hôn so saùnh baèng ( phuû ñònh ) hoaëc so saùnh hôn Ex : He drives mor e carefully tha n his brother. His brother do e s not drive as carefully as him. His brother drives mor e carele s s ly tha n him. Chuû ngöõ phuû ñònh + so saùnh hôn Ex : No students in his class is clever than Tam Tam is the cleverest in his class * Tính or traïn g tö ø ña ë c bie ä t : good / well- better than – the best bad - worse than - the 1. Sarah is better at chemistry than Susan--> Susan isn’t 2. Apples is usually cheaper than oranges -->Apples are not 3. She is a better cook than her sister--> Her sister doesn’t
  9. 4. She drove more carefully than John --> She is 5. She knew much more about it than I did --> I didn’t 6. You didn’t speak English as fluently as I did --> I 7. I ran faster than Tom --> Tom didn’t 8. My salary is high but yours is higher--> I can’t 9. They are ……… they used to be a. more careful than b. as careful than c. careful more than d. more than careful 10. Gas is ……….coal a. more cheap then b. more cheaper as c. much cheaper than d. so cheaper than 1. My house is (big) than yours. 2. This flower is (beautiful) than that one. 3. This is the (interesting) book I have ever read. 4. Non-smokers usually live (long) than smokers. 5. Which is the (dangerous) animal in the world? 6. A holiday by the sea is (good) than a holiday in the mountains. 7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) than a beer. 8. Who is the (rich) woman on earth? 9. The weather this summer is even (bad) than last summer. 10. He was the (clever) thief of all Choose the best option 1. Toommy has ( good / better ) qua;ifications than the other applicants II. CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER. ONLY ONE IS CORRECT. 1. to our surprise, the so-called cheap shop was ......... we expected. a. as twice as expensive b. expensive as twice as c. twice as expensive as d. as expensive as twice 2. mr. johnson's company has expanded rapidly. it's grown ........: a. the biggest b. bigger c. as big as d. bigger and bigger 3. our old flat was near the. shops. our new place is ....... , for shopping. a. less convenient b. better and better c. the least expensive ' d. the most dangerous 4. the more expensive the car is, the ……………. a. less buyers b. less economical c. more comfortable d. more quickly 5. the larger the surface area is, the …………….. a. faster b. more slowly c. worst d. quicker 6. the smaller the room is, the………… retains heat. a. slowly b. better c. worse d. more 7. the more you work, the…………………….. you can earn. a. more promotion b. more tired c. more money d. more experience 8. the warmer and damper the weather is, the better it is for insects and bacteria…….. a. growing b. to breed c. to be bred d. breeding 9. the…the hotel is, the more comfortable its rooms are and the better service it supplies to its guests. a. cheaper b. larger c. more expensive d. more storey 10. the more i live with her, the……………… i understand her. a. more b. most c. best d. deeper 11. the more i look into this problem, the more complicated it seems ………….. a. being b. to be c. be d. getting 12. the more………….you eat, the fatter you become a. vegetables b. fish c. meat d. fruit 13. he cannot express what he means clearly. therefore, the more he speaks,… i understand.
  10. a. the more b. the most c. the least d. the less 14. the book is interesting. the more i read it, the more i am………….. in it. a. keen b. fond c. engrossed d. concerned 15. we could enjoy the fresh air when we came…………….. to the sea. a. shorter b. closer c. next d. further 16. nowadays everything is getting………….. a. more expensive b. more expensive and more expensive c. more and more expensive d. the most expensive 17. it is…………………….embarrassing experience i have ever met. a. the more b. the less c. the most d. more 18. it is getting……….. find a good job in hanoi if you don't have qualifications. a. more and more b. less and less c. the most d. the least - 19. two hundred years ago people thought it to travel to the moon. a. impossible b. more impossible c. less impossible d. the most impossible 20. the more money you have, the more easily you can profits. a. do b. bring c. make d. collect 21. the fatter i become, the……………i run a. quicker b. more slowly c. slower d. more fast 22. the more i learn, the more i realize that my……………….is still poor. a. knowing b. knowledgeable c. knowledge d. knew 23. he is unreliable. the more he promises,………….i believe him. a. the more b. the least c. the better d. the less 24. the longer you stay at the hotel, the more money you have………….. a. to pay b. to be paid c. paid d. paying 25. the more cigarettes you smoke, the………… will die. a. quicker b. faster c. sooner d. easier Part 6 :S e n t e n c e Pat t e r n s ( caâu ) Maãu 1. S +V + so adj / advthat +S +V ( can/ will Vo )........... 2. S +V +such ( a / an) adj Noun that+ S +V .................... Ex1 : The lessonis verydifficult. Nobodycanunderstandit. The lessonis so ………………………………………………………. It is such…………………………………………………………………………. Ex2 : The film is so interestingthatI haveseenit twice, It is such……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. S +V( khaúngñònh) +too adj / adv ( for O ) +to - Vo ( quaù…….. neânkhoângtheå.. ) 4. S +V +adj / adv enough ( for O ) +to - Vo Ex3 : The box is so heavythatshecan’t carryit. The box is too …………………………………………………………… Ex4 : This shirt is too expensivefor meto buy. This shirt isn’t ……………………………………………………………… 5. It + is / wasadj +( for O ) +to -V0 …….. + V -ing ........... + is / was + adj + to – Vo …. Ex 5 : It is dangerous to go alone at midnight. Going ......................................................... 6. S + be + of + ( adj ) + N. Ex : Fresh air is of great use to our health. Note : So adj / advthat( cho ñeánnoãi maø) #so that( ñeå/ ñeåmaø) Too / so much+Dtöøkhoângñeámñöôïc #too / so many+Dtöøsoánhieàuñeám; 1. The lessonwasvery difficult. Studentscan’t do it at all  It was such ................... 2. The book wasso interestingthatI readit twice -- It wassuch………………………… 3.The car is so old that he cannot drive it. The car is not 4.The car was so rusty that it couldn't be repaired. The car was too 5.The weather was so fine. Consequently the children spent the whole day in the garden.  It was such
  11. Part 7 : Condi ti o n a l s e n t e n c e s Types S + Vo / V-s,es ( Tobe : am, is, are ) S + will / can ( not ) Vo 1 S + do / does not + Vo Hoac S + has / have V3,ed S + V2, ed S + would/ could ( not ) Vo 2 ( Tobe : were ) If S + did not + Vo S + had ( not ) V3, ed S + would / could/might ( not ) have V3,ed 3 4 S+ V2 ( present time) S would/could have + V3 ( past (mixed) time ) S+ had + V3 ( past time) S + would/ could + V ( present time) EX: (mixed) 1. I didn’t have dinner last night so I am hungry now  If I had had dinner, I wouldn’t be hungry now 2. I didn’t study hard so I can do this exercise easily now -  If I had studied hard , I could do this exercise easily now Notes: when we want to OMIT IF , we must use inversion - Should you meet him , please give him my book - were I rich , I would help you - were it not his help, I would die - Had I not studied hard , I would have failed the exam I/ Give the correct verb forms. 1. Theywoulddo it if they(can). 2. If I (be)you,I (tell) herthetruth. 3. If shewereolder,she(have)moresense. 4. We all (not,go)to schoolif tomorrow(be)Sunday. 5. Peterwouldanswerthephoneif he(be)in. IV/ Make conditional sentences, using the words provided. 1. If/today/be/Sunday/We/notgo/toschool. 2. If/she/be/5yearsyounger/I/marry/her. 3. What/you/buy/if/you/have/onemillion dollarsnow? 4. If/pig/have/wings/they/fly. I. Give the correct tense of the verbs in parentheses. (5ms) 1. If you(continue). . . . . . . . . . .to talk so loudly,I’m sureyou(ask). . . . . . . . . . . to leave. 2. A hugetreecrashedthroughtheroof andbrokehis bed.If he(be) . . . . . . . . . . in bedat thetime, he(kill) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Withoutoxygen,humanbeings(not/ exist). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. If the woman(have) . .. . . more money, she (buy) . . . . .somewarm clothesfor the coming winter,butpoorher,shedoesn’thaveenoughmoney. 5. If I (not/ stayup). . . . . . . . . . latelast night, I (not/ be. . . .) so tirednow. 6. I (phone). . . . . . . . . yousomedaysago,butI didn’tknowyourphonenumber. II. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given. (5ms) 1. Hurry upor we’ll belate.  If . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Unless . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. We can’tgo outin suchterribleweather.  If theweather. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Tomwasn’tinvited;that’swhyhewasn’tpresentattheparty.
  12.  If . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Themothersays:”Lucy,doingthatagainmeansthatyou’ll haveto go to bedrightaway.”  Themothersays:”Lucy,if you. . . . . . . . . . . . . NOTES : 1. Baøi taäptraécnghieäm: Döïa vaøocoângthöùc Ex : If he ( come), pleasetell me. 2. Baøi taäpsöûaloãi : Kieåmtracoângthöùccuûa02 meänhñeàvaøIf / Unless. 3. If #Unless=If ........ not : Unless+S +V ( khaúngñònh) Ex : Theseplantswill die unlesshewatersthem . 4. Vieátlaïi caâuñaõcho, söûduïngcaâuñieàukieän: Böôùc1 : Xaùc ñònhloaïi ñieàukieän( thöôønglaø ÑK 2,3 ) Töônglai ( thì , traïngtöø : …………………………………………………… ) ÑK 1 Hieäntaïi ( thì, traïngtöø : ………………………………………………………… ) ÑK 2 Quaùkhöù( thì, traïngtöø : ……………………………………………………….. ) ÑK 3 Böôùc2 : Xaùc ñònhmeänhñeàIf ( saubecause), meänhñeàchính. Böôùc3 : Duøngcoângthöùcñeåvieátlaïi ( ngöôïc theåvôùi caâuñaõcho : khaúngñònh Phuû ñònh) Ex 1 : Mary didn’t come,so we cancelledthemeeting ..................……………....................................... Part 8 : Wishes ( Caâu ao öôùc ) Töông lai S + could / would + Vo ) Hieän taïi : S + were / V2, ed …….. Quaù khöù : S + had V3,ed Note : caùch xaùc ñònh gioáng caâu ÑK. Note : S + regret ( not ) V –ing thi su dung DK3 va ao uoc o qua khu. Ex : She regretted not working hard ………. She wishes she had worked hard. I didn’t invite her to my party -- > I wish She didn’t concentrate on her study much so she failed the exm  She wish Nam isn’t here with us – We wish Part 9 : Meänh ñeà, cuïm töø chæ lyù do, töông phaûn, keát quaû va muïc ñích. 1. Meänh ñeà, cuïm töø chæ lyù do ( vì, bôûi vì, do ) : Because +S +V # becauseof ( vì, bôøi vì ) +V – ing / Noun Note: Dueto / owingto ñöôïc duøngnhöbecauseof 2. Meänh ñeà, cuïm töø chæ söï töông phaûn ( duø, maëcduø) Although/ eventhough/ evenif +S +V #in spiteof / despite+V – ing / Noun Ex : Although hedidn’t study,he succeeded.( coù althoughthì khoângcoù but) He didn’t study,but / yet he succeeded. He didn’t study. owever / nevertheless / on the other hand, he succeeded. H 3. Meänh ñeà, cuïm töø chæ keát quaû ( vì theá,cho neân,keátquaûlaø ) : so, therefore,consequently,as a result. Ex : He felt hungry,so / consequently he atetwo cakes. He felt hungry. herefore / As a result, he atetwo cakes. T 4. Meänh ñeà chæ muïc ñích ( ñeå,ñeåmaø): Caâuñaõcho coù töø want,need,intend S +V +in order ( not ) to S +V +so that +S +can/ will ( not ) Vo ( hieäntaïi ) so as ( not ) to +Vo # S +V +so that +S +could/ would ( not ) Vo ( quaùkhöù) (not ) to not) To In order(not) to + bare– inf)  … so that V( S+V So as(not)to … in orderthat Completethefollowingsentences a. He is in a hurry…. b. Alice preparedthelessoncarefully so that… c. despitehis seriousillness… d. Becauseof his badcold … e. Althoughhehasn’teatenfor 24hours… f. He hurriedto thestationso asnotto …
  13. g. Her spokein a low voiceso that… h. I studiedhardso that I. pleaseturndowntheradioso that… J . We triedto studyEnglishwell in orderto Clause /phrases of purposes II Combine 2 sentences into one by using phrase or clause of purpose 1. He studiesveryhard.He doesn’twantto fail thefinal examination 2. ShepracticesEnglisheveryday.shewantedto speakto foreigners 3. Sheboughta newcar.Shewanted to makea trip to Canada 4. I gotupearly.I didn’twantto belatefor school 5. We lowerthevolumeof theradio.We don’twantto botherour neighbors 6. We worewarmclothesso thatwe wouldn’tgetcold 7. I gavethemmyaddressso thattheycouldcontactme. 8. We arehavinga partyso thatwe cancelebrateAnn’s birthday 9. I try to beon timeso thattheteacherwouldn’tpunishme. 10.Themanspokeloudly.hewantedthateveryonecouldhearhimclearly I. Fill in although, in spite of/despite 1. ___________ theweatherwasbad,we enjoyedour trip. 2. Thechildrensleptwell ____________ thenoise. 3. ________________ earninga low salary,Lindagavemoneyto herparents. 4. John rarelyseesPaul ___________ theylive in thesametown. 5. Julie failedtheexam____________ of workingveryhard. 6. ____________ it wascold, shedidn'tputon hercoat. 7. Tomwentto work ___________ notfeelingverywell. 8. Annaneverlearnedthelanguage___________ shelivedtherefor twoyears. 9. ____________ of thedifficulty,theymanagedto climbto thetopof themountain. 10.I couldn'teat_____________ I wasveryhungry. II.Rewrite the following sentences with the same meaning, using the word provided 1) AlthoughTomwasa poorstudent,hestudiedverywell. =>In spiteof ………………………………………………………………………………………. 2) Mary couldnotgo to schoolbecauseshewassick. =>Becauseof ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3) Althoughtheweatherwasbad,shewentto schoolon time. =>Despite …………………………………………………………………………………………… 4) My mothertold meto go to schoolalthoughI wassick. =>In spiteof ………………………………………………………………………………………… 5) Becausetherewasa big storm,I stayedathome. =>Becauseof ………………………………………………………………………………………. 6) Tomwasadmittedto theuniversityalthoughhis gradeswerebad. =>Despite…………………………………………………………………………………………. 7) Althoughshehasa physicalhandicap,shehasbecomea successfulwoman. =>Despite…………………………………………………………………………………………. 8) In spiteof his godsalary,Tomgaveup his job. => Although………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9) Thoughhehadnotfinishedthepaper,hewentto sleep. =>In spiteof ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 10)In spiteof thehighprices,mydaughterinsistson goingto themovies. =>Eventhough ………………………………………………………………………………………
  14. Part 10 : Rela ti v e pron o u n s 1. Who : N ( ngöôøi ) + who + V 2. Whom : N ( ngöôøi ) + whom + S + V 3. Which : N ( vaät ) + which 4. Where = in which : N ( nôi choán ) + where + S + V 1. Whose : N 1 whose + N 2 ( N2 cuûa N1 , whose thay theá tính töø sôû höõu : 2. When : N ( thôøi gian ) + when …… 3. Why = for which : ñöùng sau the reason 4. That : + That thaytheácho who, whom, whichtrongmñeàkhoângcoù daáuphaåy. +Khoângñöôïc duøngthat saudaáuphaåyvaøsaugiôùi töø ( saugiôùi töø duøngwhomhoaëc which) +Baétbuoäcduøngthat: • Sauso saùnhnhaát • Sauñaïi töø khoângxaùcñònh: no - , some- , every- , any- +one/ thing/ body • Sauchuûngöõhoånhôïp ( ngöôøi vaøvaät) Ex : The manandhis dogthat …… • Trongcaáutruùc: It is / was noun/ pronounwho / that . .. ( It is Mary that I admire.. ) • Sauonly / thefirst / thelast+N Ex : The first thingthat I do is …. A. Combine into one, using relative pronounce Alice is my friend.Her motherdiedlastyear The boy will bepunished.He threwthatstone My sisterwantsto speakto you. You metmy sisteryesterday The flowerswereroses.I boughttheflowersfor my sister Do you know theboy? He satnextto meat thedinnerparty. Swimmingmakespeoplestrong.It is a goodsport The womanis a nurse.We sawher daughterlastweek I will takeyou to Dalat.You canenjoy pureair there The car is very modern.Mr. Greenwasdrivingthecar The painton thechair is still wet. You aresittingon thatchair The manis a secretary.You sawthemanat thedesk The housewasbuilt twentyyearsago. We areliving in thehouse The girl is very beautiful. Her dressis red The roadis narrow. It leadsto my village Janeis a woman.Janeis goingto china nextyear C. Choosethebestoption 1. No bodyknowstheschool ……………my uncletaught10 yearsago a. who b. whom c. which d. that 2. This morning I metthegirl ……………you weretalkingabout. a. who b. whom c. which d. that 3. The boy …………motheris an Englishteacheris very helpful a. who b. whom c. whose d. that 4. The man………….answeredthephonesaidyou wereout a. who b. whom c. whose d. that 5. Pleasetell methereason…………you didn’t cometo thepartylastnight a. where b. when c. why d. whose 6 The cat………….leg wasbrokenwasfoundin an expensiverestaurant a. where b. when c. why d. whose 7. I neverforgettheplace…………..wefirst meteachother a. where b. when c. why d. whose 8. The news………..shemovedto live in Laos, wasn’tsurprisedme a. where b. when c. why d. that II. Rewritetrhesentencewithoutchangingtheir meaning 1. The peoplewho wereat themeetingwill saynothingto thepress.  Nobodywho ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. The housepriceshaverisendramatically this year  Therehas…………………………………………………………………………….. 3. It’s thoughtthattheaccidentwascausedby humanerror
  15.  The accident ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Part 11 : Reduced forms ( Hình thöùc ruùt goïn ) 1. Caâu coù caùc ñaïi töø quan heä : - Caâuchuûñoäng: Boû ñaïi töøquanheä,ñoängtöøchínhtrongcaâuñöaveànguyeân maãu(to-V) vaøtheâmV– Ing Ex : Themanwhois standingoverthereis myfather. Themanstanding overthereis myfather. - Caâubò ñoäng: Boû ñaïi töøquanheä,ñoängtöøchínhtrongcaâuñöaveà V3,ed Ex : Thechairwhichis madein Japanis expensive. Thechairmade in Japanis expensive. Nhö vaäytrongcaâuchæcoù01ñoängtöøchínhñöôïcchia,doängtöøcoønlaïi ôû daïngV – ing ( chuûñoänghoaëcV3,ed( Bò ñoäng) 2.Hai caâu coù cuøng chuû töø : Töôngtöï nhötreân Ex : He methis old friends.He felt veryhappy. Meetinghis old friends,hefelt veryhappy. 3. Töø chæ thôøi gian : While / when/ after/ before….. Ex : WhenI methim,I told himthatstory.………. Meetinghim,I told himthatstory. Choosetheword or phrase- a, b, c or d thatbestcompletesthesentence. 1. Nellie Ross of Wyomingwasthefirst woman…….governorin theUnitedStates. a. who elected b. to beelected c. waselected d. her electionas 2.Pioneers, in isolatedareasof theUnitedStates,werealmosttotally self-sufficient. a. who living b. living c. lived d. thatlived 3.Completedin 1756,NassauHall is theoldestbuildingnow………..onthecampusof Princeton University. a. standing b. it stands c. hasstood d. stood 4.JeromeKern'smostfamouswork is Showboat,………… , mostenduringmusical comedies. a. it is oneof thefinest b. of thefinestone c. thefinestone d. oneof thefinest 5.………………. in largequantitiesin theMiddle East, oil becameknownas black gold becauseof thelargeprofit it brought. a. Discoveringb. which wasdiscovered c. Discovered d. Thatwhendiscovered 6.Neil Armstrong,……personto setfoot on themoon,reportedthatthesurfacewasfine andpowdery. a. thefirst b. to bethefirst c. wasthefirst d. as thefirst 7.TheMassachusettsStateHouse,…….. in 1798,wasthemostdistinguishedbuildingin theUnitedStates at thattime.a. completing which wascompleted b. c. wascompleted d. to becompleted 8.LadyAstor wasthefirst woman her seatin Parliament. a. take b. to take c. taking d. who takes 9.NormanWeiner, mathematicianandlogician,hadan importantrole in thedevelopmentof the completer. a. who as a b. wasa c. whoma d. a 10.WarandPeace,………… , waspublishedin 1869. a. Leo Tolstoy'smostcelebratednovel c.whichmostcelebratednovel of Leo Tolstoy b. is a Leo Tolstoy'smostcelebratednovel d.thatis Leo Tolstoy'smostcelebratednovel Part 12 : Reported Speech / Indirect Speech ( Lôøi noùi töôøng thuaät / giaùn tieáp ) 1. Statement : ( Caâu noùi bình thöôøng ) S + said to + O / told + O ( that ) + S would / could ….. + V0 ( Töông lai ) S V2,ed ( Hieän taïi ) S had V3,ed ( Quaù khöù ) • Töông lai : after, next, following. • Hieän taïi : then, that day, this ( week, year …. ) • Quaù khöù : before, previous 2. Command : ( Meänh leänh ) a. Khaúng ñònh : S + asked / told / ordered / ….. + O + To –
  16. Vo … b. Phuûñònh: S + asked/ told / ordered / ….. + O + Not To – Vo … 3. Caâuhoûi : a. Yes / No : S + asked O + if / whether + S luøiV 1 thì so vôùi caâu ñaõ cho ) ( + veà wondered b. Wh – questions : S + asked O + what / where / why …. + S + V ( luøi veà 1 thì so vôùi caâu ñaõ cho ) wondered Löu yù : - said to + O # told O # talked about - whether …… or not - what / where / why ….. + To – Vo …. MOÄT SOÁ CAÙCH BIEÁN ÑOÅI TÖÔNG ÑÖÔNG : 1. Would you like ………………. thì söû duïngS inviteO +to - Vo Ex : Mary said to Peter: “ Would you like to go for walk ? “ Mary invitedPeterto go for walk. 2. If I wereyou …. hoaëchadbetter/ should/ oughtto +Vo thì söûduïngS +advise+O +not to – Vo Ex : I said “ You shouldnot smoke,Tam“ I advisedTamnot to smoke. 3. Shall we …. ? / why don’t you …. ? / Let’s … / How about/ whatabout… ? thì söû duïng S +suggest( that) S +should( not ) Vo Ex : Miss Whitesaidto her husband: “ Why don’t you giveup drinkingalcohol ? “ Miss Whitesuggestedthather husbandshouldgiveup drinkingalcohol. 4.Will ( not ) Vo ñöôïc bieánthaønhpromise / offer ( not ) to – Vo Ex : Shesaid,“ I will takeyou to town“ Sheofferedto takemeto town. 5.Remember/ don’t forget+V –ing or to Vo Vo ñöôïc bieánthaønhremind+O +to Vo Ex : He saidto me: “ Don’t forgetto learnyour lessons“ He remindedmeto learnmy lessons. 6. Sorry for ………………… S +apologize( to somebody) for V – ing. Ex : “ Sorry for keepingyou waiting“ He apologized( to me) for keepingmewaiting. 7. S +insist ……. S +insiston +Ving 11. S +want/ hope+to – Vo …… …… S +havea dreamof +V – ing …. PHRASES/ EXPRESSIONS TO REMEMBER Advise someone to do something Mark said to us, “You really ought to get some help.” Mark advised us to get some help. Wish to do something “I hope that I can leave this house to my children,” the old man said. The old man wished to leave the house to his children. Threaten to do something “If you do that again, I’ll leave,” the worker said angrily. The worker threatened to leave if I did it again. Tell somebody to do something “Carry this bag into the kitchen,” my mother said. My mother told me to carry the bag into the kitchen. Refuse to do something She said, “I can’t go to the cinema with you tonight.” She refused to go to the cinema with me that night. Promise to do something He said, “I will come on time.” He promised to come on time. Offer to do something “Let me drive you to the airport,” Alice said.
  17. Alice offered to drive me to the airport. Invite someone to do something / for something “Would you like to stay at our house?” said your friends. Your friends invited me to stay at their house. “Would you like to have dinner with us?” Her cousin invited her to have / for dinner. Beg someone to do something “Please do not tell my parents about this,” she said to me. She begged me not to tell her parents about it. Ask someone to do something • Warn somebody about / of something He said, “Be careful. The path is slippery.” He warned us about the slippery path. “Driving on this wet street is dangerous,” she said. She warned us of the danger of driving on the wet street. • Think of doing something John said, “The house is very nice! I’ll certainly buy it!” John thought of buying the house. • Dream of doing something “I have always wanted to be a pilot,” Paul said to you. Paul has always dreamed of being a pilot. • Look forward to doing something Mr. Smith said: “I feel like meeting my children soon.” Mr. Smith looked forward to meeting his children soon. • Prevent / Stop someone from doing something The policeman said to the customer: “Stay here! You mustn’t leave the shop!” The policeman stopped the customer (from) leaving the shop. • Accuse someone of doing something “You didn’t do what I said,” the mother said to her son. The mother accused her son of not doing what she said. Bài tập áp dụng “I don’t wantto becriticizedby non-professionals”,said thefilm star. → The film starobjected…….…….……………………………….…….…………… 18. “It’s truethatI brokeyour old vase”,shesaidin tears. → Sheadmitted…….…….……………………………………......…………………… 19. “It’s you thathavepartedmy family”, shesaid angrily to him. → She…….…….……………………………………………..…...…....…………… 20. “Shall we walk roundfor a changethis evening?”,shesaid. → Shesuggested…….…….……………………………………………..…………… 251“I don’t think John will come”,saidBill. → Bill doubted…….…….…………………………………......……………………… 22. “Why don’t you puta betterlock on thedoor, Barry?”, said George. → Georgesuggested…….…….……………………………….…….……………… 23. “Jack, why don’t we help Old Tom?”, saidJackie. → Jackie suggested…….…….…………………………………...…………………… 24. SheaskedmewhatI hadbeendoingat threethepreviousafternoon → “What……....…………….…….……………………………….…….…………… 25. “I wasn’t thereat thattime”,hesaid. → He denied…....……………….…….…….……………………………….…….…… 26. The policemanchargedhimwith stealingthatbicycle. → “You ………....………………………….…….……………………………….……. 27. He said, “I wish I knewtheanswer”. → He said that......…………………….…….……………………………….…….…… 28. “I don’t think John will come”,saidBill. → Bill doubted.....…………………….…….…….……………………………………
  18. 29. His English is not good,andhegot a badmarkin his testlast week → If……..….....…………….…….……………………………….…….…………… 30. “I don’t love you anymore”,said Eric to his girlfriend. → Eric told….....………………….…….……………………………….…….……… 31. “I mustseethemanager”,shecried. → Sheinsisted.....………………………………………….…….……………………… 32. “You stolemy bestcassette,Amanda”,saidWilliam → William….…...……….………………….…….………………………… 33. “You arecheatingme”,said Carol to June. → Carol…….....……………………….…….………………………………………… 34. “It wasn’tmewho took your car”, said Bob. → Bob.……….....…………….…….……………………………….…….…………… 35. “If you don’t takeit easy,you’ll haveanotherheartattack”,hesaid. → He advised....…….…….……………………………….…….……………………… 36. “Whenit stopssnowing,we muststartdiggingourselvesout”, hesaid. → He said…….....……….…….……………………………….…….………………… 37. “You’d betternot go out with Peteranymore,Elizabeth”,said John. → John……….....…………….…….……………………………….…….…………… 38. “Lessnoise”,theteachertold theboys. → The teacher......…………………….…….……………………………….…….…… 39. “You causedtheaccident”,said theotherdriver. → The otherdriver….…………………….…….……………………………………… 40. Helenwantedto know thenameof Shirley’s hairdresser’s. → Helensaid, “Shirley, wheredo………….…….…………………………………… 41. Paul saidhewasgoingto Chinathefollowing year → “I…………......…………………………….…….………………………………… 42. The portertold us thatthetrain hadleft five minutesbefore. → “I’m sorry but..………………….…….…………………………………………… 43. “I neverusedbadlanguage”,shesaid → Shedenied…...…….…….……………………………….…….………………… 44. SheaskedJohn to repeatwhathehadsaid. → “Please…......………………………………….…….………………………… 45. “Must you go so soon?”, I said → I …….…….……………………………….…….…………………………….. Part 13 : MODAL VERBS ( Ñoäng töø khieám khuyeát ) A . Form : Modal Verbs( can/could/ may/ mightwill / would ) +Vo B. Use : a. Can ( quaùkhöùlaø could ) : chæmoätkhaûnaênghoaëccô hoäi laømñeàugì ñoù,nghóalaø “ coù theå“ Ex : Tom can playthreemusicalintruments. In thepast,peoplecould hardlytraveleasily. b. may / might : dieãnñaït ñieàugì ñoù coù theålaø thaäthoaëcñieàugì ñoù coù leõ xaûy ra. (less than50 % of certainty) Ex : It may / might bea bomb. Shemay / might beat hometoday. c. should ( not ) : chælôøi khuyeân( neânhaykhoângneân) Ex : You shouldnot smokeso much.It is not goodfor you. d. Must: chæ söï baét buoäc ( phaûi ), must not chó söï caám ñoaùn khoâng ñöôïc pheùp. ( 95% of certainty ) Ex : You haven’tgotmuchtime.You must hurry. You cantell Tom whatI saidbuthe mustn’t tell anybodyelse. e. Need ( caàn) #needn’t = don’t need ( khoângcaàn) Ex : You havegotplentyof time.You don’t need to hurry( You needn’t hurry) Notes : 1. Caâuñeànghò: Canyou …. ? Could you …. ? hoacMay I …. ? Ex : Could you pleaseopenthewindow? May I readyour newspaper? 2. Moät soácaùchbieánñoåi töôngñöông: - benecessary( for O ) +to – Vo =need( not ) Ex : It is unnecessary for him to studymanysubjects.
  19. He needn’t study manysubjects/ He does not need to study manysubjects. - bepossible/ probable+to – Vo hoacmaybe+perhaps=can/ may+V o Ex : Maybe your answeris right=Your anwermay be right. 3. Modals+have+V3,ed: - Could have + P.P: raátcoù theåñaõ(dieãntaû1 khaûnaêngñaõcoù trongquaùkhöù, nhöngchöañöôïc söû duïngtôùi). - Should ( not ) have + V3,ed : neân( khoângneân) laøm1 vieäcgì ñoùôû quaùkhöù. - Must( not ) + have + V3,ed : AÉt haúnñaõxaûyra ( khoângxaûyra ) ôû quaùkhöù. - May / might / can / could ( not ) + have + V3,ed : Coù theå,coù leõ ñaõxaûyra ôû quaùkhöù. - Need (Needn’t ) + have + V3,ed : Caàn( khoângcaàn) laømvieäcgì ôû quaùkhöù. Degree of certainty Why wasn’t Mary in class? (a) 100% she was sick ( sure) (b) 95% she must have been sick ( make a logical inference ) (c) Less than 50% she may have been sick ( Mention one possibility ) She might have been sick She could have been sick Why didn’t Sam eat? (a ) 100% Sam wasn’t hungry (b) 99% Sam couldn’t have been hungry Sam can’t have been hungry (d) 95% Sam must not have been hungry (e) Less than 50% Sam may not have been hungry Sam might not have been hungry Part 14: Word Form 1. Noun ( Danhtöø ) : taäncuøng: -ion, -ment,-ity, -er / -or / -ist ( chængöôøi ), -ance/ ence,-ness... - Sautínhtöø Ex : effectivetreatment ................................................... , - Saua,an,the +töø chæsoálöôïngnhömany,much,a lot of,2,3.. +no, every,this, that,these,those Ex : theproduction manyactivities............. , - Sautínhtöø sôõhöõu: my, our, your, his, her,their .. Ex : hersuccess......................... - Laømchuûngöõ/ taânngöõ Ex : Goodhealthbringshappinessfor ...... Note : Giôùi töø ( in, with … ) +Ving +O # Giôùi töø ( in, with … ) +N Ex : Thankfor your invitingme#thankfor your invitation . 2. Adjective( Tính töø ) : taäncuøng: -ive, ful, - al, -y, -ing, - less( not ), able.... - Tröôùcdanhtöø Ex : healthyfood ....................... - Saube( am,is,are,was,were), look(ed),seem(ed),feel(felt) Ex : is industrial naturalresource......... , 3 Adverb( Traïngtöø ) : taäncuøng -ly ( ngoaïi tröø: yearly, monthly,weekly, daily laø tính töø ) - Tröôùctính töø Ex : extremelycold ............. - Boå nghóacho ñoängtöø thöôøng: V-thöôøng+(O ) +adv Ex : treatwomenequally ...... - Ñöùngñaàucaâu Ex : Surprisingly, hecries. Notes: * a / an/ the+( adv) +( adj ) +N * Adj vaøadvtrongcaáutruùctoo, enough,so.... that,so saùnh. * Traïngtöø chænôi choánñöùngtröôùcthôøi gian( in Londonin 1780)  Hard( ……………….……….. ) #hardly( ………………….. )  good( ………………. ) #well ( ………………………… )
  20. The way to recognize the function words -ness -al -ibilty -ment -ary Suffixes to -sion -able -full Or/ist form a Noun -ive -less -cy ant -ous Pre/suffixes Pay attention to the usage of word functions to form an She is b e a u t i f u l adjectives She is a b e a u t i f u l girl She sings b e a u t i f u ll y She b e a u t i fi e s herself in front of the mirror She has a b e a u t y of her mother ‘ The be a u t y of Nha Trang attracts a lot of tourists Compl e t e th e s e s e n t e n c e s wit h th e wor d s in brack e t s . 1. Hopefully, the Asia Sports Games will be . . .by Vietnam at some point in 2. Our home team’s performance was extremely . . . . . . . . . . . .. ( su c c e s s ) 3. The . . . . . . . . . .attracted so many athletes in the region. ( co m p e t e ) 4. All the . . . . . . . .showed their solidarity and . . . . .. . .. ( co m p e t e / co- 5. It is believed that Vietnam can organize sporting events on an . . . .level. ( 6. The young and ……….. . .Vietnamese athletes won a lot of gold medals with their excellent performance. ( en e r g y ) 7. The winner was . . . .with a gold 8. Many countries in the region . . . . . . . . . . . . .in the 22 nd SEA Games. 9. They finished the games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ( exc e l l e n t ) 11. E-Mail is an …………………………..way of communicatingwith customers ( economy) 12.Mt little brotheris very …………………………..aboutgoingto kindergarten( enthusiast) 13.As the…..of multimediatechnologyhasgrown,teachershaveusedmoreteachingaids(available) 14. They aimto raise……………..of thedangersof passivesmoking(aware) 15.Runningupstairsvery fastmadehim……………….(breathe) Choosethebestoption 16. A computeris a __________typewriterwhich allows you to typeandprint anykind of documents. A. magically B. magical C. magic D. magician 17. The climb was________ becauseof thebadweather. A. terrified B. terrify C. terrifying D. terrifies 18. Hue is famousfor its __________spots. A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautify D. beautifully 19. The most_________thingaboutlisteningto musicis thatyou canrelaxyour mind. A. enjoyment B. enjoyed C. enjoying D. enjoyable 20. Whendid thecinemacomeinto___________? A. exist B. existing C. existence D. existences 21. “TheSpy Returns”is a very ___________film abouta wealthymanwho visits Italy. A. exciting B. excited C. excitement D. excite 22. Threefilms arein __________for thesamecontract. A. compete B. competitive C. competition D. competitor 23. The Amazonis _________longerthantheThames. A. far B. farther C. farthest D. furthest 24. The bluewhaleis ____knownanimals,reachinga lengthof morethanonehundredfeet. A. thelarge B. thelargest C. thelarger D. mostlargest 25. You mustplacetheseeventsin their __________context.



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