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  1. 1. Which of the following objects of MVC architecture represents all the data and the various states of the component? Model View Controller All of the above. 2. Which of the following is not a type of Container? Top-level Bottom-level General-purpose None of the above. 3.The JToolBar has a method _________ which can be used to make the edges of the toolbar buttons invisible. JFileChooser setRollover() addSepartor() 4 The _________ method is used to set the current color of the color chooser. setColor() SETCOLOR() Setcolor() 5 The methods isSelectedIndex() and isSelectionEmpty() are members of the ________ class. JColor JList JBox 6 The ______ method of JComboBox is used to retrieve the item at the specified index. insertItemAt() getItemAt() removeItemAt()
  2. 7 The getMaximumRowCount() method of __________ is used to retrieve the maximum number of items the combo box can display without a scrollbar. JList JColorChooser JComboBox 8 In JTable, headers and footers can be specified with an object of____________ class. setTable MessageFormat TextFormat 9 The _________ class has methods to parse and convert text to a date. SimpleDateFormat DateFormat DateTimeFormat 10 The ________ class cannot be instantiated as it is an abstract class. URL connection URL ServerSocket class 11 The _________ method is used to retrieve the setting of the connection timeout of the URL in milliseconds. getContentType() getConnectTimeout() setConnectTimeout() 12 A timeout value of zero of the setConnectTimeout() method indicates Infinite timeout Opening a communication link to the resource referenced An exception raised 13 Instances of the ______ class can be used to read from and write to the resource referred by the URL.
  3. URL InetAddress Connection URLConnection 14 An instance of the Socket class represents the _________ side of the connection. server client application I/O 15 A ServerSocket instance binds itself to a __________ and then waits and listens for client requests to establish connections. port socket IP address URLConnection 16 The remote object in an RMI application must extend from the _______________ class. UnicastRemoteObject Remote RemoteException UnicastServerObject 17 _________ application can be used to start the naming service on the server. registry.exe namingregistry.exe rmiregistry.exe registryservice.exe 18 The server application has to bind the remote object with a _____________ in the registry. Reference
  4. name remote reference entry 19 A javax.mail.Session object can be created by invoking the static ________ method. getInstance() getProperties() getSession() initiateSession() 20 To retrieve a message from the mail server, one has to access the _________ first. Session Address MIMEMessage Store 21 __________ is the class used to contain email message. Store Inbox Folder Message 22 An instance of the ServerSocket class is used to represent the ________ side of the two-way communication. server client application I/O 23 A JFrame and a JApplet have a _______ layout by default. Border Card
  5. Flow Grid 24 Swing is a framework based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture in comparison to AWT, which was just a toolkit. True False 25 Which of the following describes Heavyweight components? Platform dependent Abstract Window Toolkit GUI based application Platform independent 26 _______is based on Model-View-Controller architecture. Swing AWT Applet 27 __________ components are platform independent. AWT Swing Peer 28 The general purpose container is JApplet JLayered pane Jdialog JFrame 29 When the client size changes dynamically, the ______ does not resize. scroll pane ?????? text pane
  6. editor pane 30 A __________ progress bar is used when a task?s duration and amount of progress are known. Determinate ??? hữu hạn ( phương thức) Indeterminate Change 31 A JEditorPane can be set to be non-editable by invoking the __________method and passing false value. setEditable() hyperlinkListener hyperlinkUpdate() 32 In the ___________ class, all the rows need not necessarily have the same height and all columns need not necessarily have the same width. GridLayout GridBagLayout GridBagConstriant 33 The ____________ works by defining relationships or constraints between the edges of components. Null Layout GridBagLayout SpringLayout 34 The _________ class is used to create invisible components like glue, strut, and rigid areas. file box view 35 The JFile Chooser has a _________ method which allows the user to add a component which is inherited from JComponent. setAccessory()  setAccessory(JComponent newAccessory) getName()
  7. getDescription() 36 The currency of a particular country can be displayed in the correct format using the ___________ class. MessageFormat NumberFormat  getCurrency() CountryFormat Locale 37 The _________ class is used to convert sentences from one locale to another without introducing grammatical errors. MessageFormat ???????? NumberFormat CountryFormat Locale 38 The constructors of the URL class throw a __________ if no protocol is specified. NullPointerException InvalidArgumentException MalformedURLException  if an unknown protocol is specified. InvalidProtocolException 39 The _______ method of the URL class returns the IP address enclosed in square brackets. getFile() getIP() getHost()  return the IPv6 address enclosed in square brackets ('[' and ']'). getPath() 40 Successful translation of the source files in the desired language is very difficult. True False 41 A Local is an identifier for a particular combination of language and region.
  8. True False 42 The NumberFormat class is used to create locale-specific formats for which of the following? 1. Numbers 2. Currencies 3. Percentages 4. Date 1, 2, 3 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 43 Which of the following layers in TCP deals with opening and maintaining connections as well as ensures the packets are transmitted and received? I II III IV 44 Which of the following is not a layer of RMI architecture? Stub and Skeleton Remote Reference Transport Protocol None of the above. 45 ___________ is a top-level container. JDialog
  9. JPanel JLayeredPane JDesktopPane 46 _________________ constructor creates a horizontal slider bar with the range 0 to 100 and an initial value of 50. JSlider(int orientation) JSlider(int value) JSlider() JSlider(int min, int max, int value) 47 Which of the following are the advantages of using FlowLayout Manager? 1. Simple to use. 2. Component placed in the center of the container by default. 3. Suitable for JApplet which runs as part of a Web Page. 4. Complex alignment can be easily achieved. 1, 2, 3 2, 3, 4 1, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 48 Which of the following methods is used to set the key combination which invokes the menu item?s action listeners without navigating the menu hierarchy? setEnabled(boolean enable) setMnemonic(int mnemonic) setAcceletor(KeyStroke keystroke)  thiết lập tổ hợp phím All of the above. 49 A JPopupMenu is more convenient than the standard menus because it involves more mouse movements. True False
  10. 50 The addSeparator() method adds a separator at the ____________of the pop-up menu. Beginning End Center Anywhere 51 The JFileChooser has which of the following methods? 1. showDialog() 2. showSaveDialog() 3. showOpenDialog() 4. ShowNewDialog()  chưa sáng tác 1, 2, 3 2, 3, 4 1, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 52 Which of the following methods of JFileChooser returns an instance of the File representing the file selected from the dialog box? getSelectedFile() getCurrentDirectory() return an instance of the File representing the current directory getFile()  chưa sáng tác All of the above. 53 Which of the following constructors of JToolBar constructs a toolbar with the default horizontal orientation? JToolBar()  mặc định hướng ngang (horizontal)
  11. JToolBar(int orientation)  theo hướng chỉ trước JToolBar(String title)  tên chỉ định None of the above. 54 JList is a class used to display a group of items. The items in a JList can be displayed in one or more columns. True False 55 Which of the following selectModes of JList class allows selecting a contiguous item? SINGLE_SELECTION MULTIPLE_ INTERVAL _SELECTION SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION All of the above. 56 Which of the following are the important methods of a JComboBox? 1. setEditable() 2. setSelectedIndex() 3. setSelectedItem() 1, 2 2, 3 1, 3 1, 2, 3 57 A JTable has which of the following distinct parts? 1. Column Header 2. Row Header
  12. 3. data 1, 2 2, 3 1, 3 1, 2, 3 58 The divider in JSplitPane can be dragged to specify how much of the total area is to be given to a component. True False 59 An internationalized and localized program has which of the following benefits? 1. Same executable application can run worldwide. 2. Textual elements for GUI components are not hard-coded in the program. 3. Support for new languages requires only recompilation. 4. Internationalized programs are localized quickly. 1, 2, 3 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4



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