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Classification problem

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  • They can survive in a highly competitive microbial environment. Bacteriocins attack their targeted bacterial cells through different mechanisms. Understanding different mechanisms that induced cell death will enable researchers to develop methodologies to limit this life-threatening problem.

    pdf10p mudbound 10-12-2021 12 1   Download

  • This paper presents a data classification problem and methods to improve imbalanced data classification. Especially, biomedical data has a very high imbalance rate and the sample identification of minority class is a very important. Many studies have shown that border elements are important in imbalanced data classification such as Borderline-SMOTE, Random Under Border Sampling.

    pdf10p tamynhan9 02-12-2020 15 2   Download

  • In this paper, we firstly state the secure three-vector product computation problem and develop protocols called tree-vector products to solve this problem. Our protocols are developed based on some basic protocols and their security properties is validated base on the composition theorem for the semi-honest model [9]. We then use the proposed protocols to address a focus problem of privacy preserving multivariate classification.

    pdf9p tamynhan8 04-11-2020 10 1   Download

  • In this article we present a complete classification for the parametric surfaces of bidegree (1, 2) over the real field. We also provide some results for the inverse problem: given a segment of a line or twisted cubic curve, we look for a patch (1, 2) which includes this segment as a subset of its singular locus.

    pdf15p tamynhan8 04-11-2020 6 2   Download

  • In this paper, we show the significant benefits adopting the Adaptive Learning Management System (ALMS) to improve the teaching quality for online courses. We set up a problem to realize and orient students in the ALMS. To solve this problem, we first show the psychological fundamentals for classifying students.

    pdf7p tamynhan8 04-11-2020 17 2   Download

  • In this paper, in order to increase the accuracy of the prediction model in imbalanced data classification problem, we propose a new cluster-based sampling method to address this work. Performing tests on a number of datasets, we have achieved important results when compared to cases without using any data balancing strategies and previous method.

    pdf9p koxih_kothogmih5 04-09-2020 22 3   Download

  • This thesis is organized into five chapters. In chapter 1, I give an introduction to remotely-sensed data and its application in various domains. A problem statement is also presented. Theoretical backgrounds in remote sensing, compositing methods and land cover classification methods are introdu ced.

    pdf39p tamynhan0 04-07-2020 13 5   Download

  • Bài giảng "Máy học nâng cao: Support vector machine" cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Introduction, review of linear algebra, classifiers & classifier margin, linear svms - optimization problem, hard vs soft margin classification, non linear svms. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.

    pdf77p abcxyz123_08 11-04-2020 41 4   Download

  • The method formulates the collaborative filtering problem as classification problems and performs classification for all users simultaneously by using a modified boosting algorithm. This allows sharing common features among different classification tasks and thus reduces the negative effect of data sparseness. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method in comparison with other methods, especially when data are sparse.

    pdf13p binhminhmuatrenngondoithonggio 09-06-2017 19 2   Download

  • Trong bài báo này chúng tôi đề xuất các mạng nơron SOM có giám sát, gồm S-SOM và S-SOM+ áp dụng cho bài toán phân lớp. Các mạng này được cải tiến từ các mô hình SOM không giám sát và có giám sát đã được đề xuất bởi Kohonen và các tác giả khác. Sau đó, chúng tôi tiếp tục đề xuất các mô hình SOM có giám sát phân tầng cải tiến từ S-SOM và S-SOM+, gọi là HS-SOM và HS-SOM+.

    pdf14p dieutringuyen 07-06-2017 28 1   Download

  • The fuzzy rule based classification system (FRBCS) design methods, whose fuzzy rules are in the form of if-then sentences, have been under intensive study during last years. The fuzzy rule based classification system (FRBThis paper presents an approach to tackle the high-dimensional dataset problem for the hedge algebras based classification method proposed in by utilizing the feature selection algorithm proposed inS) design methods, whose fuzzy rules are in the form of if-then sentences, have been under intensive study during last years.

    pdf14p dieutringuyen 07-06-2017 48 1   Download

  • Presentations Chapter 6: Some fundamental problems in the study of transfer present about problems of definition, problems of comparison, problems of prediction, problems of generalization. Invite you to consult the document details.

    ppt51p mailan1977 29-12-2016 68 8   Download

  • Chapter 11 - Incident response. The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Incident response overview, computer forensics defined, contemporary issues in computer forensics, forensic process, forensic tools, forensic problems, the future of computer forensics.

    pdf90p nhanmotchut_3 20-10-2016 44 5   Download

  • It is argued that a thesaurus, or semantic classification, may be required in the resolution of multiple meaning for machine translation and allied purposes. The problem of constructing a thesaurus is then considered; this involves a method for defining the meanings or uses of words, and a procedure for classifying them.

    pdf16p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 32 4   Download

  • [, vol.8, nos.3 and 4, June and October 1965] * by , Cambridge Language Research Unit, Cambridge, England The paper describes how the need for automatic aids to classification arose in a manual experiment in information retrieval. It goes on to discuss the problems of automatic classification in general, and to consider various methods that have been proposed. The definition of a particular kind of class, or "clump," is then put forward.

    pdf15p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 59 3   Download

  • We exhibit a counterexample to Elliott’s classification conjecture for simple, separable, and nuclear C∗ -algebras whose construction is elementary, and demonstrate the necessity of extremely fine invariants in distinguishing both approximate unitary equivalence classes of automorphisms of such algebras and isomorphism classes of the algebras themselves.

    pdf17p dontetvui 17-01-2013 68 5   Download

  • This paper settles a problem raised at the end of the seventies by J.L. Alperin [Al1], E.C. Dade [Da] and J.F. Carlson [Ca1], namely the classification of torsion endo-trivial modules for a finite p-group over a field of characteristic p. Our results also imply, at least when p is odd, the complete classification of torsion endo-permutation modules. We refer to [CaTh] and [BoTh] for an overview of the problem and its importance in the representation theory of finite groups.

    pdf62p noel_noel 17-01-2013 45 5   Download

  • The Security Problem Program Threats System and Network Threats Cryptography as a Security Tool User Authentication Implementing Security Defenses Firewalling to Protect Systems and Networks Computer-Security Classifications An Example: Windows XP To discuss security threats and attacks To explain the fundamentals of encryption, authentication, and hashing To examine the uses of cryptography in computing To describe the various countermeasures to security attacks

    pdf43p perpan 02-09-2012 70 11   Download

  • Phân loại bệnh tật quốc tế và những vấn đề liên quan đến sức khỏe (tiếng Anh: International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, viết tắt ICD) cung cấp mã hóa các bệnh thành những mã ngắn gọn, làm chuẩn cho công tác nghiên cứu và thực hành y học. Không những giúp ích khi bệnh nhân được chuyển từ nước này sang nước khác (tránh lỗi dịch), ở trong cùng một nước ICD cũng giúp tránh sự hiểu sai do cách dùng từ khác nhau giữa nhân viên y tế do đào tạo bởi các trường khác...

    pdf47p truongthiuyen11 08-07-2011 217 50   Download

  • In a classification problem, you typically have historical data (labeled examples) and unlabeled examples. Each labeled example consists of multiple predictor attributes and one target attribute (dependent variable). The value of the target attribute is a class label. The unlabeled examples consist of the predictor attributes only. The goal of classification is to construct a model using the historical data that accurately predicts the label (class) of the unlabeled examples.

    pdf118p thuxuan 03-08-2009 73 8   Download



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