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Concept learning

Xem 1-20 trên 103 kết quả Concept learning
  • The focus of this study is on threshold concepts in the accounting discipline, in particular, to identify threshold concepts in the undergraduate accounting subject area of financial accounting, and to understand how and why threshold concepts are conceived and construed. An outcome of the identification and understanding of threshold concepts in financial accounting from this study is the potential to inform teaching and learning practices and approaches and in what ways they may contribute to enhancing the teaching and learning of undergraduate accounting students.

    pdf252p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 2   Download

  • This article presents a contrastive analysis of conceptual metaphors (CMs) denoting the concept of “Life” in English and Vietnamese lyric songs. Based on the theoretical background of many linguists, especially Lakoff and Johnson (1980), Lee (2001), Kovêcses (2005, 2010), as well as the data collected from the questionnaire and interviews, the study investigates and explores the similarities and differences in CMs of “Life” between the two languages from the cognitive perspective.

    pdf5p vilexus 05-10-2022 16 5   Download

  • Lecture Electronic commerce - Chapter 18: Social Networks and Industry Disruptors in the Web 2.0 Environment learning objectives: Understand the Web 2.0 revolution, social and business networks and industry and market disruptors. Describe Google and the search engine industry, the impact on advertisement, and the industry competition. Understand the concept, structure, types and issues of virtual communities. Understand the social and business networks and describe MySpace, Flicker, Facebook, CyWorld, and other amazing sites

    ppt55p caphesuadathemtac 09-11-2021 33 4   Download

  • the purpose of the research: On the basis of researching skills, defining concept and structure of skill of applying knowledge into practice; building and using process, tools to train skill of applying knowledge into practice for students in teaching biology at high school level, contributing to the enhancement of knowledge comprehendible quality.

    pdf27p thebadguys 10-06-2021 24 4   Download

  • In Lecture "Introduction to software engineering - Week 1: Course introduction", you will learn to: A general introductory course in software engineering; Introduces important concepts such as software processes and agile methods, and describes essential software development activities, from initial software specification through to system evolution; develop software in multi-person teams by applying software engineering principles.

    pdf11p larachdumlanat 09-11-2020 18 3   Download

  • The cross product of two vectors is important concept which is applied in solving many problems when using the spatial coordinate method. By applying the Theory of Didactical Situations in Mathematics, the authors designed teaching situation that they call “the cross product of two vectors concept” in which students learn through situations that involve action, communication and validation.

    pdf5p tamynhan8 04-11-2020 15 1   Download

  • The object (for students) in this course is: To learn how to interpret statistical summaries appearing in journals, newspaper reports, internet, television, etc; to learn about the concepts of probability and probabilistic reasoning; to understand variability and analyze sampling distribution; to learn how to interpret and analyze data arising in your own work (course work or research).

    pdf6p koxih_kothogmih1 03-08-2020 23 1   Download

  • Fuzziness is found in engineering, medicine, manufacturing and other areas in our daily life. Recently, Fuzziness is applied to find the solution of human decision, reasoning and learning. The concept of intuitionistic fuzzification of subalgebra and KM ideals of the K-algebra are considered for testing the satisfaction of the properties.

    pdf12p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 13 4   Download

  • The primary purpose of this research is to study the level of penetration of Learning Organization concept in Sugar Industry. The research is focused on identifying the factors that determine the existence of the Sugar factory as a learning organization.

    pdf10p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 16 0   Download

  • Collocation in ise. Learning about collocations, grammatica laspects of collocations, sapecial aspects of collocation, basic concepts, functions.

    pdf157p registergmxt 27-05-2018 139 18   Download

  • Chapter 1 - Getting started. After completing this unit, you should be able to: Identify the purpose and scope of this book, know the potential problems with lists, understand the reasons for using a database, understand how related tables avoid the problems of lists, learn the components of database system, learn the elements of a database, learn the purpose of the database management system (DBMS), understand the functions of a database application.

    ppt32p tangtuy17 11-07-2016 43 2   Download

  • Chapter 2 - The relational model. In this chapter students will be able to: Learn the conceptual foundation of the relational model, understand how relations differ from nonrelational tables, learn basic relational terminology, learn the meaning and importance of keys, foreign keys, and related terminology, understand how foreign keys represent relationships.

    ppt41p tangtuy17 11-07-2016 41 2   Download

  • Chapter 3 - Structured Query Language. After completing this unit, you should be able to: Learn basic SQL statements for creating database structures, learn SQL statements to add data to a database, learn basic SQL SELECT statements and options for processing a single table, learn basic SQL SELECT statements for processing multiple tables with subqueries,...

    ppt46p tangtuy17 11-07-2016 45 2   Download

  • Chapter 4 - Data modeling and the entity-relationship model. In this chapter students will be able to: Learn the basic stages of database development, understand the purpose and role of a data model, know the principal components of the E-R data model, understand how to interpret traditional E-R diagrams, understand how to interpret Information Engineering (IE) Crow’s Foot E-R diagrams,…

    ppt54p tangtuy17 11-07-2016 38 2   Download

  • Learning objectives of this chapter include: Learn how to transform E-R data models into relational designs; practice the normalization process from chapter 2; understand the need for denormalization, learn how to represent weak entities with the relational model; know how to represent 1:1, 1:N, and N:M binary relationships.

    ppt40p tangtuy17 11-07-2016 44 2   Download

  • Upon completion of this lesson, the successful participant will be able to: Understand the need for and importance of database administration; learn different ways of processing a database; understand the need for concurrency control, security, and backup and recovery; learn typical problems that can occur when multiple users process a database concurrently; understand the use of locking and the problem of deadlock;…

    ppt62p tangtuy17 11-07-2016 40 2   Download

  • Chapter 7 - Database processing applications and business intelligence. In this chapter, you will learn: Understand and be able to set up Web database processing, learn the basic concepts of Extensible Markup Language (XML), learn the basic concepts of business intelligence (BI) systems, learn the basic concepts of OLAP and data mining.

    ppt61p tangtuy17 11-07-2016 36 2   Download

  • Research objectives: Building a method of granulating partitions of domain of interpretation in DLs. This method is base on bisimulation and using suitable selectors as well as information gain measure; proposing bisimulation-based concept learning algorithms for knowledge bases in DLs using Setting.

    pdf31p change03 06-05-2016 50 3   Download

  • In this chapter, you will learn to: Differentiate between two categories of cryptography schemes; understand four aspects of security; understand the concept of digital signature; understand the role of key management in entity authentication; know how and where IPSec, TLS, and PPG provide security.

    ppt41p tangtuy09 26-04-2016 54 3   Download

  • In this chapter you will learn: Concept, network virtual terminal (NVT), NVT character set, embedding, options, option negotiation, suboption negotiation, controlling the server, out-of-band signaling.

    ppt41p tangtuy09 26-04-2016 47 2   Download



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