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Energy value

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  • CuO nanoparticles were synthesized by alcohol-assisted hydrothermal method at various pH values, using sodium hydroxide as a precursor for pH control. The chemical composition, morphological and structural properties of the obtained CuO nanoparticles were investigated by the Raman and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopies, the field-emission scanning electron microscopy, and the X-ray diffraction.

    pdf12p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 2 1   Download

  • The F2B slab model weakens the oscillations and calculations on F2B model quickly converge. However, the F2B model leads to artificial narrowness of band gap. Besides, when the number of layers increases, surface energy obtained from all three slab models approaches similar values. In particular, values of surface energy from DFT calculations converge to the experimental range for all three slab models.

    pdf8p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 6 2   Download

  • This research aims to address these research gaps. Through the literature review, the most popular building PV applications in China are identified. Hence, five building PV scenarios are developed based on real-word cases, including BAPV, roof BIPV and window BIPV. Given the diverse geographic conditions and policy conditions in China, 12 typical cities are selected for the research. A MATLAB program is established to calculate energy generation and evaluate the economic performance of the building PV applications in the 12 cities.

    pdf186p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 4   Download

  • To evaluate the effect of the single energy metal artifact reduction (SEMAR) algorithm with a multide‑ tector CT (MDCT) for knee tumor prostheses. Methods: First, a phantom of knee tumor prosthesis underwent a MDCT scan. The raw data was reconstructed by iterative reconstruction (IR) alone and IR plus SEMAR. The mean value of the CT number and the image noise were measured around the prosthesis at the stem level and articular level.

    pdf9p vielonmusk 21-01-2022 10 0   Download

  • The paper conceptualizes rurbanization to bridge the gap in the research that emanates from the propensity of urban megapolises to create clutter, which results in degraded ecology, air pollution, health hazards, lower quality of life, gender inequity, and vulnerability to natural disasters. This has exacerbated during the current global pandemic. As de-covidating initiatives are unleashed, the energy access would need appropriate and manageable scale. Urbanization cannot be sustained without a robust rural interface.

    pdf9p nguyenxuankha_bevandan 13-08-2020 20 2   Download

  • Justification of the optimal values of corn cob grinder in the process of pre-grinding the corn cob, reduce energy consumption and improve productivity. Thus, the urgent problem of today is the need to develop a new technology for grinding corn cobs for small peasant and personal subsidiary farms that have a productivity that meets their needs.

    pdf9p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 9 2   Download

  • We have investigated the thermodynamic properties of the cubic zirconia ZrO2 using the statistical moment method in the statistical physics. The free energy, thermal lattice expansion coefficient, specific heats at the constant volume and those at the constant pressure, CV and CP , are derived in closed analytic forms in terms of the power moments of the atomic displacements.

    pdf16p 12120609 01-06-2020 9 1   Download

  • This paper presents a comprehensive scientometrics on the existing trend on mesoporous materials in chemistry. The study uses Web of Science database as the primary source of value added articles and performs different methods for detecting highly cited articles, most active countries, etc.

    pdf18p tocectocec 25-05-2020 12 1   Download

  • In this paper, a volume criterion based on a simple scalar quantity, the mean value of the strain energy (SED), has been used to assess the static strength of notched components made of Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA).

    pdf8p tohitohi 19-05-2020 12 0   Download

  • The thesis has identified the chemical composition, nutritional value of several tannin-fed leaf tops common in Vietnam and the effects of the source and the level of each type of plant to the substrate on the rate and in vitro gas characterization, methane production, in vitro digestibility, energy value (ME) and short-chain fatty acid content.

    pdf27p mangamanga 21-02-2020 34 6   Download

  • The ability discrimination of neutrons/gamma-rays of the detector was evaluated by the charge comparison (CC) method using an 252Cf source. The total efficiencies when measured on 22Na, 137Cs, 60Co and 252Cf sources were obtained 17.8%, 3.9%, 9.8% and 14.8%, respectively. The Figure of Merit (FoM) values of CC method were 0.4–1.55 for the range of energy 50–1000 keVee (keV electron equivalent).

    pdf6p gildur 30-11-2019 7 1   Download

  • Get going, success, integrity, the best kept secret, đoesn’t time fly, exercise for energy, self esteem, where your thoughts go, you go, personal values, get up and go, observe failure and defeat,... are the main contents of the book "18 days to success". Invite you to consult

    pdf109p boyhd12 11-09-2015 52 15   Download

  • Pyrolysis to produce bio-oil from sewage sludge is a promising way, to not only improve the economical value, but also to reduce pollutants associated with sludge. The aim of this study was to evaluate the production of oil from primary, waste activated and digested sludges.

    pdf8p tuananhhumg 04-11-2013 51 2   Download

  • The ¯uorescence resonance energy transfer parameter, f, is de®ned as the eciency of the energy transfer normalized by the quantum yield of the donor in the presence of acceptor. It is possible to characterize the ¯exibility of the protein matrix between the appropriate ¯uorescent probes by monitoring the temperature dependence of f. The intermonomer ¯exibility of the Ca-actin and Mg-actin ®laments was characterized by using this method at pH values of 6.5 and 7.4.

    pdf8p research12 01-06-2013 49 3   Download

  • A computer program has been evaluated for subsite map calculations of depolymerases. The program runs inWIN-DOWSanduses the experimentallydeterminedbond cleavage frequencies (BCFs) for determination of the number of subsites, the position of the catalytic site and for calculation of subsite binding energies. The apparent free energy values were optimized by minimization of the differences of the measured and calculated BCF data.

    pdf6p tumor12 22-04-2013 36 3   Download

  • Conformational analysis of angiotensin I (AI) and II (AII) peptides has been performed through 2D 1 H-NMRspectro-scopy in dimethylsulfoxide and 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol/H2 O. The solution structural models of AI and AII have been determined in dimethylsulfoxide using NOE distance and 3 JHNHacoupling constants. Finally, theAI family of models resulting from restrained energy minimization (REM) refinement, exhibits pairwise rmsd values for the family ensemble 0.26 ± 0.13 A ˚,1.05 ± 0.23 A ˚, for backbone and heavy atoms, respectively, and the distance penalty function is calculated at 0.

    pdf11p fptmusic 16-04-2013 54 3   Download

  • DNA-binding sites for SYCRP1, which is a regulatory protein of the cyanobacterium Synechocystissp. PCC6803, were predicted for the whole genome sequence by estimating changes in the binding free energy (DDG A total ) for SYCRP1 for those sites. The DDG A total values were calculated by summingDDGvalues derived from systematic single base-pair substitu-tion experiments (symmetrical and cooperative binding model).

    pdf10p inspiron33 23-03-2013 39 4   Download

  • For the complex parabolic Ginzburg-Landau equation, we prove that, asymptotically, vorticity evolves according to motion by mean curvature in Brakke’s weak formulation. The only assumption is a natural energy bound on the initial data. In some cases, we also prove convergence to enhanced motion in the sense of Ilmanen. Introduction In this paper we study the asymptotic analysis, as the parameter ε goes to zero, of the complex-valued parabolic Ginzburg-Landau equation for functions uε :

    pdf128p noel_noel 17-01-2013 41 6   Download

  • This is the first in a series of papers in which we initiate the study of very rough solutions to the initial value problem for the Einstein-vacuum equations expressed relative to wave coordinates. By very rough we mean solutions which cannot be constructed by the classical techniques of energy estimates and Sobolev inequalities. Following [Kl-Ro] we develop new analytic methods based on Strichartz-type inequalities which result in a gain of half a derivative relative to the classical result. ...

    pdf52p noel_noel 17-01-2013 58 5   Download

  • This is the second in a series of three papers in which we initiate the study of very rough solutions to the initial value problem for the Einstein vacuum equations expressed relative to wave coordinates. By very rough we mean solutions which cannot be constructed by the classical techniques of energy estimates and Sobolev inequalities. In this paper we develop the geometric analysis of the Eikonal equation for microlocalized rough Einstein metrics. This is a crucial step in the derivation of the decay estimates needed in the first paper. ...

    pdf50p noel_noel 17-01-2013 51 5   Download



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