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Language of the machine

Xem 1-20 trên 25 kết quả Language of the machine
  • Central processing unit (CPU) “Administrative” section Supervises and coordinates other sections of computer Secondary storage unit Long-term, high-capacity “warehouse” section Storage Inactive programs or data Secondary storage devices. Disks Longer to access than primary memory Less expensive per unit than primary memory

    ppt61p sakuraphuong 04-06-2013 57 7   Download

  • We describe Joshua (Li et al., 2009a)1 , an open source toolkit for statistical machine translation. Joshua implements all of the algorithms required for translation via synchronous context free grammars (SCFGs): chart-parsing, n-gram language model integration, beam- and cubepruning, and k-best extraction. The toolkit also implements suffix-array grammar extraction and minimum error rate training. It uses parallel and distributed computing techniques for scalability.

    pdf4p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 40 1   Download

  • We can only do a linear search on an unsorted array, but on a sorted array we can do a binary search. In this chapter we will study two different algorithms for searching, linear search and binary search. In linear search we look through an unordered list until we find the item we are looking for. The length of time it takes to look up something using a linear search will depend upon the size of the list. Imagine trying to look up a name in a telephone directory if it was not alphabetized (sorted). If we were to use...

    pdf9p linhtk93 15-04-2013 52 3   Download

  • I have noticed over the years that students have great deal of difficulty dealing with composite and abstract data types. Therefore we are going spend an extra lab review material we have already learned. Vector data type, a variation of array, will be introduced as well. Vector data type (Vector Class) can be used when you need an array that grows dynamically. However, C++ does not allow us to declare size of an array dynamically like some other languages. It is important for you to declare the maximum size you will need. Suppose you are writing a program to keep...

    pdf7p linhtk93 15-04-2013 57 2   Download

  • Dr. John P. Abraham, Professor Until now we have talked about variables that hold values of differing data types. For example: int x =20; The memory location referenced by x has a value of 20. float y=21.22; The memory location referenced by y has a value of 21.22. In early chapters we discussed that a variable name is an alias for a memory address. What if we wanted to know the address of the memory location where the inter variable x that has a value of 20 is stored? We can use the address operator &x to do that....

    pdf5p linhtk93 15-04-2013 54 2   Download

  • A finite-state machine is described which will control the derivation of Italian verb forms, including proper stress placement, given an appropriate dictionary and set of grammatical rules.I. Introduction In many languages a word may be identified, on the syntactic level, by a single vocabulary element or lexeme and a single term from each of a set of closed grammatical categories.

    pdf0p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 40 2   Download

  • Annual Meeting The Association for Machine Translation and Computational Linguistics will hold its first annual meeting in the Denver Hilton Hotel, August 25 and 26. The Association meets in alternate years in conjunction with a major computer conference and a major linguistics conference.

    pdf0p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 45 4   Download

  • This paper argues that machine translation programs will be able to solve certain problems, e.g., the resolution of polysemy, only by storing the meaning of natural language words in a medium and a format providing properties similar to those of human “understanding”.

    pdf13p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 30 2   Download

  • In the following we give an account of a computer program for the translation of natural languages. The program has the following features: (1) it is adaptable to the translation of any two natural languages, not just to some particular pair; (2) it is a self-modifying program—that is, given the information that it has produced an incorrect translation, together with the translation which it should have produced according to the linguistic judgment of an operator, it will modify itself so as to eliminate the cause of the incorrect translation....

    pdf9p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 50 4   Download

  • MACHINE TRANSLATION development at the University of Washington is a joint enterprise of the Department of Far Eastern & Slavic Languages & Literature and the Electrical Engineering Department. MT research at our University began in November 1949.

    pdf0p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 62 2   Download

  • Introduction Recent advances in linguistics, in information theory, and in digital data-handling techniques promise to make possible the translation of languages by machine. This paper 1 proposes a system for translating languages by machine — with the hope that when such a system is worked out in detail, some of the language barriers can be overcome.

    pdf9p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 46 3   Download

  • IN THE NEAR FUTURE an attempt to translate from a foreign language by machine will be made at the computational laboratory of Birkbeck College. It will differ from previous experiments in that the sentences or passages of French to be translated will not have been specially chosen or "doctored" in any way beforehand: on the contrary, they will be constructed by French scholars, who will be invited to do their best to fault the machine. What follows is an account of the method, or program, which makes such an experiment possible. ...

    pdf10p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 43 1   Download

  • THE CAMBRIDGE Language Research Unit is primarily concerned with analytic investigation of language, and in particular with a correlative study of the descriptive-linguistic, logical, algebraic and other notational characteristics of natural languages and of translation between natural languages. Much of this work is relevant to machine translation and the following four sections by members of the unit illustrate some of the applications that are being made.

    pdf0p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 43 1   Download

  • RESEARCH on the problems of machine translation has been going on for several years in this country and abroad. 1 To date it has been concerned primarily with the complicated linguistic problems involved in mechanical translation, since the engineers can probably build the necessary equipment.

    pdf6p nghetay_1 06-04-2013 47 2   Download

  • The newly emerging field of systems biology involves a judicious interplay between high-throughput ‘wet’ experimentation, computational modelling and technology development, coupled to the world of ideas and theory. This interplay involves iterative cycles, such that systems biology is not at all confined to hypothesis-dependent studies, with intelligent, principled, hypothesis-generating studies being of high importance and consequently very far from aimless fishing expeditions.

    pdf22p inspiron33 26-03-2013 36 4   Download

  • Oracle Universal Installer The Java-based Oracle Universal Installer offers an installation solution for all Java-enabled platforms, allowing for a common installation flow and user experience independent of the platform. The Universal Installer Detects dependencies among components and performs an installation accordingly Can be used to point to a URL where a release or staging area was defined and install software remotely over HTTP Can be used to remove products installed. The deinstallation actions are the “undo” of installation actions.

    ppt22p trinh02 28-01-2013 59 3   Download

  • Assembly language is essentially the native language of your computer. Technically the processor of your machine understands machine code (consisting of ones and zeroes). But in order to write such a machine code program, you first write it in assembly language and then use an assembler to convert it to machine code.

    pdf0p doilan 25-01-2013 49 4   Download

  • Language Lap trinh JAVA Java is the language programming direction objects (as C + +) do Sun Microsystem output to the first hex niên 90 the ky 20. Program Việt using Java can be running on any hệ system that have installed your virtual Java (JVM - Java Virtual Machine). Máy virtual Java (JVM - Java Virtual Machine): One programs write by Java will be compile ra mã of the virtual Java (mã java bytecode)

    ppt53p nguyenvanhabk1 04-09-2012 83 6   Download

  • Rapidly changing field: –vacuum tube - transistor - IC - VLSI (see section 1.4) –doubling every 1.5 years: memory capacity processor speed (Due to advances in technology and organization) •Things you‘ll be learning: –how computers work, a basic foundation –how to analyze their performance (or how not to!) –issues affecting modern processors (caches, pipelines) •Why learn this stuff? –you want to call yourself a ―computer scientist‖ –you want to build software people use (need performance) –you need to make a purchasing decision or offer ―expert‖ advice...

    pdf118p cuncon159x 25-05-2012 157 22   Download

  • Object Oriented Programming via Fortran 90 (Preprint: Engineering Computations, v. 16, n. 1, pp. 26-48, 1999) J. E. Akin Rice University, MEMS Dept. Houston, TX 77005-1892 Keywords object-oriented, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, Fortran 90 Abstract There is a widely available object-oriented (OO) programming language that is usually overlooked in the OO Analysis, OO Design, OO Programming literature. It was designed with most of the features of languages like C++, Eiffel, and Smalltalk.

    pdf23p tengteng14 21-12-2011 51 1   Download


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