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Peak to peak)

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  • The derived temperature dependences of the peak intensities, separations and half-widths of the separate spectral peaks in the A-band phonon progressions indicate the different trends for vibration-free zero-phonon electronic transition and vibration-related lower-energy electronic transitions to high vibrational levels of the ground electronic state – lower thermal damping and more softened phonon for the zero-phonon transition, also implying the extended defect origin of the A-band photoluminescence.

    pdf9p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 3 1   Download

  • This paper introduces a novel high gain and wideband antenna array at 5 GHz for outdoor applications. The proposed array consists of a 2×9 elements planar array and a reflector. This antenna has a gain peak of 15.7 dBi and a bandwidth of 2 GHz from 4.0 GHz to 6.0 GHz.

    pdf6p videadpool 05-05-2023 7 3   Download

  • The current study sought to determine: If there is a correlation between conventional measures of lung function such as Forced Expiratory Volume in one second (FEV1) and less conventional measures such as airways expired NO level (eNO), electrodermal measures, TCM enquiry and BHT; If any of the lung function measures are able to distinguish between asthmatic and healthy subjects; If the use of a rye grass extract is better than placebo in improving requirements for bronchodilator medication, peak flow, forced expiratory volume in one second or quality of life in mild to moderate childhood a...

    pdf262p runthenight05 01-03-2023 7 5   Download

  • This work aims to fabricate ferrite - (Ag, Au) hybrid nanomaterials with a SPR peak located in the near-infrared region, high magnetic/optical-to-thermal conversion and ability to contrast MRI images for both T1- and T2- weighted modes, which are strongly bactericidal and able to be applied in biomedicine.

    pdf30p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 12 3   Download

  • Research on diversity of butterflies of Phu Quoc National Park, Kien Giang Province was carried out in November and December 2003. The park is located in the northern part of Phu Quoc Island. The research was conducted in different areas, from the inhabitant areas to the natural forests without disturbance, from sea water level to the highest peak of the Nui Chua (603 m).

    pdf12p larachdumlanat127 20-12-2020 8 1   Download

  • Vật liệu graphit tróc nở được tổng hợp bằng phương pháp chiếu xạ vi sóng. Cấu trúc vật liệu được đánh giá bằng các phương pháp phân tích nhiễu xạ tia X (XRD), quang phổ hồng ngoại chuyển đổi Fourier FT-IR và đẳng nhiệt hấp phụ - khử hấp phụ N2. Kết quả phân tích nhiễu xạ tia X cho cường độ peak, chứng tỏ graphit tróc nở (EG) được hình thành với độ tinh thể cao, phù hợp với kết quả phân tích phổ hồng ngoại chuyển đổi FT-IR.

    pdf4p vimariana2711 21-12-2020 40 4   Download

  • The shift in Raman and change in absorption spectra are evidence that would relate to the structure change or disorder and impurity in the samples. From the above results, a critical substituent content at which the structural phase change takes place is shown.

    pdf7p tamynhan8 04-11-2020 14 2   Download

  • In this study, SnO2:Ni2 powders with dopant contents ranging from 0.0 to 12 mol% were synthesized by sol-gel method. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) Raman spectroscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) and photoluminescense (PL) spectra.

    pdf8p tamynhan6 14-09-2020 28 2   Download

  • In the current context of eco-pollution, the substitute of conventional plastics with bioplastics is a big confront. On account of that, a non-growth associated PHB production study was conducted using Zobellella species under submerged fermentation process. As a result, Zobellella species showed the ability to accumulate 2.2g/L of PHB at pH 8. 0, temperature 37oC, salt concentration 2% in modified growth medium containing vitamins. Then, primary structural characterization of extracted polymer was conducted by FTIR analysis. The high intense peak was obtained at 1720.

    pdf7p nguaconbaynhay6 24-06-2020 37 2   Download

  • Sum frequency generation (SFG) spectra of cotton cellulose fibers were successfully obtained with IR wavenumber from 2800 to 3400 cm-1 . The spectra showed the two peaks at 2840 cm-1 and 2941 cm-1 assigned to symmetric and asymmetric CH2 stretching modes, respectively. There was also a peak obtained at wavenumber 2959 cm-1 assigned to the overtone of H-O-C bending at Fermi resonance with 2941 cm-1 peak.

    pdf7p thithizone 16-07-2019 3 1   Download

  • The noise level of the temperature measurement system was approximately 0.08 mK (peak to peak). The temperature of the core part rose by approximately 8.6 mK at 800 MU (monitor unit) for 6-MV Xray beams, and it increased as X-ray energy increased. The temperature rise showed less spread when it was normalized to the accumulated charge, as measured by an external monitoring chamber.

    pdf7p minhxaminhyeu4 26-06-2019 11 1   Download

  • In this work, 200-nm-thick PZT films were successfully fabricated on Nb:STO substrates by a solution process. One obtained that PZT(111) peak started to appear on the Nb:STO substrate at a low annealing temperature of 450oC. Also, scanning electron microscopy observation shows smooth and homogeneous surface of PZT films on Nb:STO substrate with no grain boundary, which evidences for epitaxial-like growth of PZT thin films. Remnant polarization of 6 µC/cm2 and leakage current of 8×10-8 A were obtained at applied voltage of 5 V.

    doc9p truongtien_09 08-04-2018 40 1   Download

  • Recently, drought has occurred severely in the Central Highland of Vietnam, particularly during dry seasons of El Niño years. Towards disaster mitigation and sustainable management for drought, this study aims to clarify relationship between drought area detected in dry peak month (March) in years El Niño occurred such as 1998, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2016 with local main climate factors and land-uses.

    pdf9p truongtien_08 06-04-2018 31 3   Download

  • Chemical structure of -aminonaphthalene (ANa) allows to deal with its electrochemical polymerisation, analogously as for aniline. To determine the oxidation potentials of ANa, the polymerisation has been realised on Pt electrode using cyclic polarisation. It was found that in sulphuric acid 0.5 M the first oxidation starts at 620 mV/SCE with the peak potential at 760 mV, and the second oxidation at 890 mV/SCE with the peak potential at 1230 mV. The PANa film development decreases the current peaks meaning a reduction of polymerisation rate.

    pdf5p uocvong03 24-09-2015 51 3   Download

  • Cotton bamboo fibers were prepared by mechanical method and their diameter were about 9- 26 µm. Surface composition and morphology of fibers were studied. The analytic result shown that most of hemicellulose and lignin were removed. There is a strong and sharp peak in the untreated bamboo spectra at about 1736 cm-1 corresponding to carbonyl group (C=O), but this peak disappeared in alkaline treated bamboo spectra. Epoxy composites reinforced cotton bamboo fiber have been developed with varying fiber contents.

    pdf5p uocvong02 24-09-2015 30 3   Download

  • Polylactic acid is one of the most popular bioplastics used in recent years and it is often mixed with other polymers or chemicals to form polymer blend because polylactic acid is able to accelerate biodegradation of polymer blends. This paper presents some results of study on polymer blend based on polylactic acid (PLA) and ethylene-co-vinylacetate copolymer (EVA).

    pdf5p uocvong01 24-09-2015 92 9   Download

  • đến Luân Đôn hết bao nhiêu tiền? single một chiều return khứ hồi first class single một chiều hạng nhất first class return khứ hồi hạng nhất I'd like a ... to Bristol tôi muốn mua một vé ... đi Bristol single một chiều return khứ hồi child single một chiều trẻ em child return khứ hồi trẻ em senior citizens' single một chiều cho người già senior citizens' return khứ hồi cho người già first class single một chiều hạng nhất first class return khứ hồi hạng nhất are there any reductions for off-peak travel? có giảm giá nếu...

    pdf5p truongphiphi 19-08-2013 126 26   Download

  • Hoa anh đào của thủ đô Washington D.C là món quà lịch sử tượng trưng cho tình hữu nghị giữa hai dân tộc Nhật - Mỹ. Hàng năm, lễ hội hoa anh đào ở Washington được tổ chức long trọng vào mùa xuân. Hoa anh đào nở xung quanh hồ Tidal từ lâu đã trở thành biểu tượng cho vẻ đẹp thiên nhiên của thủ đô Hoa Kỳ. Ngày đẹp nhất trong mùa hoa anh đào nở được người Mỹ tự hào gọi là Peak Blossom Date, khi anh đào quanh hồ nở đến 70%, tạo nên một phong cảnh nên...

    pdf6p kimchimm 18-07-2013 71 3   Download

  • The reader may wonder why the amplifier stages studied in previous chapters are not suited to high-power applications. Suppose we wish to deliver 1 W to an 8- speaker. Approximating the signal with a sinusoid of peak amplitude VP, we express the power absorbed by the speaker as:

    ppt82p vanmanh1008 23-05-2013 39 5   Download

  • Peaking a new language is something a lot of people have always dreamed of. They want it for various reasons. For those who are living in my country Vietnam, being able to speak English well could dramatically change their career prospects. For kids born in the US but having parents who cannot speak English well, learning their mother tongue could bring the family closer. Well, we all know that to be a successful person, we must learn on or more foeign languages gor communicating with people around the world. So In this paper, I will sumarize the book “5 Steps...

    pdf44p strawhero 17-05-2013 76 11   Download



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