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Range of sizes

Xem 1-20 trên 31 kết quả Range of sizes
  • In this study, we evaluated and compared the effectiveness of four different protocols (D, MJ, MA, and S) for separating MPs from water of different types (brackish, marine, and river). Known combinations of MP particles (polyethylene (PE), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polystyrene (PS) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with size ranging between 150 μm and 700 μm were spiked into water samples. Our results showed that the average recovery effectiveness of microplastics using four studied methods ranged from 53% to 86%.

    pdf10p dianmotminh02 03-05-2024 3 2   Download

  • The study examines how Small-Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) demonstrate a range of innovation capabilities when they collaborate with a regional university research centre. This collaboration is shown to be important to create and exchange new knowledge to advance the firms innovation performance. The study demonstrates the ability of firms to acquire and exploit this knowledge, which is a business competency described as absorptive capacity (AC). AC relies on several antecedents or factors to engage with a collective learning process.

    pdf243p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 3   Download

  • This study has adopted a systematic approach to identify the extent to which 20 kHz ultrasound affects the particle size and solubility of different protein solutions containing 4%, 7% and 10% whey proteins, caseins or a mixture at a range of energy densities (15-400 J/mL) and various pH (4.0-9.0). Milk proteins hold a prominent place in the food industry as they are used in many manufactured products for their functionality and most importantly nutritional benefits.

    pdf136p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 1   Download

  • Garnet-bearing xenoliths are observed within a trachytic dome extrusion in the Hisarlıkaya region (Ankara). These garnets exhibiting greenish-reddish-dark brown colour and ranging in sizes up to 1 cm were examined in terms of mineralogical, geochemical, and gemmological characteristics. Mineralogical studies indicate that these garnets (And88-93 Grs7-12) are linked to solid solution series, which are dominantly andradite with lower content of grossular. According to major, trace, and rare earth element (REE) analysis

    pdf13p tanmocphong 29-01-2022 17 1   Download

  • TiO2 nanocrystal powders have been prepared by sol-gel routes. By controlling pH, TiO2 nanoparticles of sizes ranging from 7 to 14 nm can be synthesized. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis indicated that both the anatase and the rutile phase appears in the powder when pH < 2.

    pdf6p tamynhan9 02-12-2020 27 3   Download

  • This paper describes the preparation, optical properties and the role of the concentration of rare earth ions (RE: Eu, Er, Tb, Yb) as active centers in the energy transfer of Y2O3: RE nanophosphors. The materials are prepared by the combustion method using urea or glycine. Nanoparticles can be prepared with sizes ranging from 5 to 100 nm and can be estimated by high resolution TEM. Optimization of Eu and Er content in these nanophosphors was reported. The effect of energy transfer between Tb and Eu and the up-conversion between Er and Yb were studied.

    pdf8p 12120609 01-06-2020 14 0   Download

  • This paper aims at identifying obstacles, benefits, leading practices and lessons learned in the transition/certification of the revised standard for quality management systems ISO 9001:2015 for organizations in various sectors, countries and spanning a range of sizes.

    pdf24p enzoenzo 29-01-2020 26 2   Download

  • This study introduced a method to produce a thermosensitive nanocomposite hydrogel (nCur-PG) containing curcumin nanoparticles (nCur) which can overcome the poor dissolution of curcumin. Regarding to the method, a thermo-reversible pluronic F127-grafted gelatin (PG) play a role as surfactant to disperse and protect nanocurcumin from aggregation. The synthetic PG was identified by 1H-NMR. The obtained results via Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) indicated that the size of nCur was various in the range from 1.5 ± 0.5 to 128 ± 9.

    pdf9p elandorr 03-12-2019 29 0   Download

  • The experimental results indicated that carbon aerogels obtained by using ambient pressure drying showed BET surface area, density, average pore size, total pore volumes in the range of 459.7–522.1 m2 /g, 0.167–0.629 g/cm3 , 19.45 Å, and 0.259 cm3 /g, respectively. The activation process with CO2 was influence to properties of carbon aerogels and it can improve the surface area reach about 779 m 2 /g. Thus, depending on the applications, carbon aerogels can be synthesized at different conditions.

    pdf9p thithizone 16-07-2019 19 0   Download

  • Colloidal silver nanoparticles were synthesized by Co-60 ray irradiation of Ag+ in aqueous solution containing polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as stabilizer and 0.5 M ethyl alcohol as free radical (OH• ) scavenger. The effect of Ag+ concentration which varied from 1 to 50 mM on the saturated conversion dose (D) of Ag+ into Ag determined by UV-vis spectroscopy and the size of Ag nanoparticles characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were investigated. The dependence of D (kGy) and average size (d, nm) of Ag nanoparticles on Ag+ concentration was found out to be as: D (kGy) = 0.

    pdf5p uocvong03 24-09-2015 36 4   Download

  • The photo catalytic efficiency of some TiO2 films (TiO2-ST01; TiO2-P25; TiO2 sol-gel) immobilized on glass has been investigated for the degradation of phenol in aqueous solution under UV light. It was shown that the best result obtained with TiO2-ST01 film, where the mineralization was the highest (70% TOC was removed after 3 hours of irradiations) and that related to the smaller particle size and the bigger surface areas of the TiO2-ST01 particles compared with TiO2-P25 and TiO2 sol-gel films. The effect of pH and phenol concentration were discussed.

    pdf6p uocvong02 24-09-2015 43 5   Download

  • The article mentions about the method and the solid dust generator DG-NaCl 02 that have been researched and assembled by the National Institute for Labour Protection (NILP). This equipment can generate more than 109 particles/cm3 of solid dust with the size of less than 1µm from NaCl, in which have 2.1010 particles/cm3 within the range of 0.3 - 0.5 µm. The advantages of this equipment are stable work; simple in operation and it can easily be satisfied the requirement of effective assessment for the filters.

    pdf6p uocvong01 24-09-2015 41 3   Download

  • NX is one of product development solutions CAD / CAM / CAE most advanced and closely integrated world. Spanning the entire range of product development, NX brings tremendous value to businesses of all sizes. It simplifies product design complexity, thus speeding up the process of introducing products to market. To help you understand more about this issue, invite you to refer to the content topic "NX7 for engineering design."



    pdf232p vuminhnhat92 03-09-2015 57 8   Download

  • PSA (prostate-specific antigen), the most useful serum marker for prostate cancer, is encoded by thehKLK3gene and is present in the serumas amixture of several molecular species. This work was performed to identify the hKLK3 transcripts in order to determine how many proteins resembling PSA are synthesized from thehKLK3gene and secreted in blood. Combined Northern blotting, molecular cloninganddatabase searching showed that thehKLK3gene produces at least 15 transcripts ranging in size from 0.7 to 6.1 kb. Polysomal distribution analysis revealed that the transcripts shorter than 3.

    pdf9p tumor12 20-04-2013 50 1   Download

  • ThepyrGgene fromLactococcus lactisencodes CTP syn-thase (EC, an enzyme converting UTP to CTP. A series of strains were constructed with different levels of pyrGexpression by insertion of synthetic constitutive pro-moters with different strengths in front ofpyrG.These strains expressed pyrGlevels in a range from 3 to 665% relative to thewild-type expression level.Decreasing the level of CTP synthase to 43% had no effect on the growth rate, showing that the capacity of CTP synthase in the cell is in excess in a wild-type strain. ...

    pdf8p dell39 03-04-2013 41 3   Download

  • The Hitachi SV1100 utilizes capillary electrophoresis on a microchip that is capable of rapidly sizing DNAfrag-ments. Reproducibility of electrophoresis in different channels was shown by comparing the migration times of the internal controls, DNAfragments of 100 and 800 bp. The range of DNAsizing for this microchip is between 100 and 800 bp, and accuracy in sizing of a 322 bp DNA fragment of a pUC118 PvuII digest was observed, inde-pendent of DNAconcentration. Although relatively good quantification of this fragment was observed with a DNA concentration of 1.

    pdf7p dell39 03-04-2013 38 3   Download

  • ESI greatly enhanced the ability to characterize protein and peptides by MS.  ESI requires the sample of interest to be in solution- flow in to the ionization source region.  To ionize the sample, high voltage is applied, result in the sample becoming positively or negatively charged; however, positive ionization is used primarily in the analysis proteins and peptides.  As it exits the spray tip, the solution produces submicrometer-sized droplets containing both solute and analyte ions. The sample is then desorbed of solute prior to entering the analyzer region....

    pdf76p caubebimu 13-01-2013 48 7   Download

  • This is the emergency room in a large hospital .A paramedic is wheeling a patient on a stretcher into the emergency room where a doctor is waiting to treat the patient .The patient doesn’t look well. His head is bandaged and his eyes are closed. A nurse is pushing an empty wheelchair towards the exit. She is probably taking it to a patient in the ambulance. The eye chart on the wall is used to check people’s eyesight. The chart consists of about 28 letters ranging in size from about 5 centimeters in height at the top of the chart to about 1 centimeter at the bottom....

    doc116p muonghung 05-01-2013 226 51   Download

  • Dynein, which is a minus-end-directed microtubule motor, is crucial to a range of cellular processes. The mass of its motor domain is about 10 times that of kinesin, the other microtubule motor. Its large size and the diffi-culty of expressing and purifying mutants have hampered progress in dynein research.

    pdf16p cosis54 04-01-2013 45 2   Download

  • Part 1.Duong basis information on the number and quality of production (quantity and quality) from the nursery and macadamia plantation is available different sizes, including financial indicators, social and environmental conditions and pests and diseases. Part 2. The design of the enterprise budget and Macadamia gross margin analysis for a wide range of areas and macadamia plantation scale production system small family.

    pdf26p xau_la 10-02-2012 60 5   Download



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