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Tổng hợp kiến thức anh văn 12 là tài liệu luyện thi dành cho học sinh hệ Trung học phổ thông ôn thi tốt nghiệp và ôn thi Đại học - Cao đẳng tham khảo ôn tập và củng cố lại kiến thức.

Chủ đề:


  1. CÔNG THỨC ANH VĂN CÁCH CHUYỂN ADJ THÀNH ADV Lesson 15 (8C) word form ( hinh thuc tu loai ) I) Tính tu (Adjective ) 9. Noun + ly  Adj Noun + ful  .Adj 1 day  daily week  weekly month  monthly year  yearly leisure  use  useful help helpful care careful leisurely friend  friendly 10. Un / im / in / ir/ non + Adj  Adj colour colourful beauty beautiful harm harmful healthhealthful hopehopefulless  Adj (không) Noun + 2. happy  unhappy clear  unclear successful  unsuccessful use useless help helpless care careless modest  unmodest polite  impolite colour colourless shape shapeless edible  inedible hopehopeless dependent  independent regular  cloudcloudess irregular existent non-existent Noun + ous  Adj 3. definited non-definited Verb =adj 11. danger dangerous humor humorous clean (lau, chùi)clean (sạch sẽ) close consider considerous nerve nervous Noun +al  .Adj 4 (ñoùng) close(gaàn, thaân) like(thích) like(giống) nation national tradition traditional II) DANH TÖØ
  2. 1 . Verbs = Nouns condition conditional commercecommercial Plant (trồng)plant (cây) Water (Tưới nước) industryindustrial optionoptionaldj water(nước) Noun + able  A 5. Plan(laäp keá hoïaïch) plan (keá hoaïch) Present(thöôûng)present(phaàn thöôûng) enjoy enjoyable comfort comfortale 2. Verb + ion  noun remove removable 6.Verb/noun + ive  Adj prepare  preperation celebrate  celebration expense expensive effect effective cooperate  cooperation decorate  collect collective decoration decide  decision affect affective attract attractive combine  combination invite  7. invitation introduce  introduction Verb + ed  Adj invent  invention demonstrate  demonstration separate  seperation amaze  amazed amuse  amused educate  education collect  collection surprise surprised interest  instruct  instruction interested excite  excited thrill organize  organization produce   thrilled production decribe  decription bore  bored delighterb +delighted V  ing  Adj 3. Verb + ment  noun 8. move  movement amaze  amazing amuse  amusing treat  treatment punish  punishment surprise  surprising interest  develope  development equip 
  3. interesting equipment 4. excite  exciting thrill  thrilled Adj + ness  noun bore  boring delight  delighting careful  carefulness careless  carelessness swist  swistly bad  badly beautiful  colourless  colourlessness useful  beautifully careful  carefully usefulness useless  uselessness careless  carelessly normal  normally sick  sickness happy  happiness difficult  difficultly busy  business heavy  heaviness different  differently lucky  luckily friendly  friendliness correct  correctly 5. exact  exactly soft  softly  Noun Adj quiet  quietly silient  siliently loud  loudly ance/ence ant/ent important  importance clear  clearly distant  distanceinstant  intance late  (lately) recent  (recently) dependent  dependence usual  (usually) silient  silience happy happily busy  busily  Noun Verb 6. hurried  hurriedly ce se/ve easyeasily sadsadly * goodwell practise  practice advise  advice worried  worriedly healthy  healthily liciense  licience expense  expence excited  excitedly serve  service meaningful  meaningfully economical 7.  economically Verb + ant  Noun safe  safely fluent  fluently
  4. deep  deeply serve  servant (extreme extremely) directdirectly participate  participant correctcorrectly 8. widewidely regularregularly Verb +er/or noun a. CHỈ NGƯỜI: developre-develop readreader write writer learnlearner teachteacher performperformer singsinger 2. Adj = Adv workworker Near near Far  far runrunner winwinner fast fast beginbeginner earlyearly soon  soon playplayer examexamer hard hard visitvisitor *************************************** swimswimmer exploreexplorer IV ĐỘNG TỪ actactor 1 buildbuilder keepkeeper(goal Noun + izeVerb keeper,inn keeper) b.Chæ ñoà vaät: modern modernize appologyappologize cookcooker cleancleaner criticcriticize paintpainter emphasisemphasize erase eraser noun + ship  Noun 2 9. Re + verb Verb (lại) friend  friendship scholar 
  5. buildrebuild turnreturn scholarship sportsman sportsmanship III) TRAÏNG TÖØ formre-form replacereplace 1 enterre-enter educatere-educate Adj + ly  Adv doredo slow  slowly examinere-examine exportre-export quick  quickly fillrefill groupregroup joinrejion Lesson 15 (8C) exercises word form ( hinh thuc tu loai )
  6. Ex2 . Choose the best answer Ex1 completethe sentences using the correct form 1.He has been very interested in doing research on of the words in bracket ……… since he was at high school 1. The World Cup............................ is open to all A. biology B biological C. (compete ) countries. biologist D biologically 2. Think.... …………………before you speak. 2. you are old enough to take …………. For what you (care) have done 3. This new center is an interesting…………………....... A. responsible B. responsibility C. (develop) responsibly D. irresponsible 4. Although she is rich, she is.................................. 3. Many Vietnamese people ………………their lives for (happiness) the revolutionary 5. We were in........................... on that point. A. sacrifice B. sacrificed C. ( agree) sacrificial D. sacrificially 6. The sky was........................ The weather was 4. They had a …………… candle lit dinner last night and rather bad. (cloud) she acceoted his proposal of marriage 7. He can look back on his career with great... A. romance B romantic C (satisfy) ……............. romantically D romanticize 8. Vietnam is a……………… …………... country. 5. she spent me a ……………letter thanking me for my (develop) invitation 9. Are you afraid of....... ……….………….. the busy A. police B politely C. streets ? (cross) politeness D. impoliteness 10. The new car goes at an............... ..... speed. 6. As an …………………, Mr Pike is very worried about (amaze) the increasing of juvenile delinquency 11. He was excluded from school for a week as a... A. educate B education C educator …..……….. (punish) D. educative
  7. 7. He was the only ………………..that was offered the job 12. I would ……….. give up my job if I didn’t need the . money. (happy) A. apply B. application C. 13. She believes she finally find true………........... applicant D. applying (happy) 8. Many people have objected to the use of animals 14. It’s…………………....... to see you again. in …………..experiments (wonder) A. science B scientist C. 15. We need your…………....... to finish the work scientific D. scientificcally successfully. (cooperate) 9. ………………..isd increasing , which results from 16. His classmates shouted.................... when he economic crisis won the match. (excite) A. employment B. Unemployment C 17. Mai has passed the exam. We can employ D. Unemployed see...................... in her eyes. (happy) 10. ………………! I have heard of your success in the 18. It is………………… have short hair nowadays. new project (fashion) A. Congratulate B. Congratulating C. 19. The secret to ( success ) __________ in life is Congratulation D. Congratulations hard working. 11. Almost half of turtles and tortoises are known to 20. Good __________ is essential in a large be threatened with …………….. organization ( communicate). A. extinct B. extinction C. 21. She is so busy with __________ activities that extinctive D. extinctly she has no time for entertainment 12. They are going to …………………..the pool to 1,8 (society) metter 22. Every…… ………….. in science helps you gain new A. deep B. depth C. deepen knowledge. (succeed) D. deeply 23. ……….. ……… is increasing by using better methods 13. The referee had no hesitation in awarding the
  8. visiting team a …………………….. and tools.(produce) A. A. penalty B. penalize C. penal 24. He’s very …………………. in scientific subjects. D. penalization (interest) 14. The referee’s ……………….. is the most important in 25. There have been many wonderful …. …………. in any sport competition this century.develop) A. decide B. decisive C. 26. It will take a long time to find out a thorough. decision D decider …………. to this problem. 15. Jonny used to be one of the most ( solve ) ………………….athletes in my country 27. Paper money is used (increase ) …… ………………. A. Succeed B. success C. in the modern world. successful D successfully 28. The plane arrived…………. ………………. after a 16. The success of the 22nd SEA Games had a great violent storm. ( safe ) contribution of many …………….. 29. Try to keep your money…. ………………… from the Volunteers burglars. ( safety) A. support B supporter C. supportive D. supportively 17 He was so …………….. that he could not even say a word A, nerve B, nerves C. nervous D nervously 18. Iam really ……………… the way hetalks , but the way he behaves A. interest B. interested C. interesting D interestingly 19. Thanks to labor –saving devices , women have
  9. more time to take part in …………….. activities A. sociaty B. social C. socially D. socialize 20 .A new dress makes you more …………………….. A. beauty B beautiful C. beautifully D,beautify Lesson 15 BỘ ĐỀ 18 I. Choose the best answers to these sentences by BỘ ĐỀ 17 I/ Complete the sentence by choosing A,B,C or circling A, B, C or D: 1. He isn’t __________ to drive a car. D. (5 ms) A. enough old B. old enough 1. These buildings ............ 80 years ago. C. too young D. young enough a. built b were built c. are built d. 2. Please answer the phone when it was built ___________ 2. My collegue told me what .............. when I A. is ringing B. ringing C. rang visited China. D. rings a. to do b. does c. do d. doing 3. The Prime Minister ____________ on TV 3. I prefer lemon juice ............ orange juice. tonight. a.rather b to c. more d. than A. will speak B. is speaking C. 4. Doing exercise is good for our............ speaks D. speaking a. healthy b. healthful c. healthily d. 4. Don’t worry about us. We can health ____________ ourselves 5. Would you like to watch on .......... film. A. look B. look for C. look after D. a.excite b excited c exciting d. excites look at 6. This is the girl ............ Hoa.
  10. a.calls b. called c.calling d. 5. The old man asked me if I ___________ a call flying saucer. A. have ever seen B. had ever seen C. 7. The house .............. last year. ever saw D. have ever been seeing a.Build b.builds c.was bui d. 6. Have you decided ___________ to cook for building dinner this evening? 8. Are you ............... in sports ? A. who B. whom C. why D. a.interested b.. interesting c.interest d. what interests 7. Don’t touch that chair. It _____________ 9. You ................... always talking in class. d. won’t A. has just been painted B. is being painted a.are b. have c.were C. is painted D. was painted 10. My father told me how .............. to the bank. 8. I can’t stand Jack. He _____ always ______ go b. went c.go d. going his dirty dishes on the table. II/ Complete the passage by choosing A,B,C or A. does/leave B. has/left C. is/leaving D. (3 ms ) D. was/leaving Twenty year ago only large companies (1)..... 9. When I arrived at the station, Mary Computer. They were large machines which filled ___________ for me rooms and they always had big tapes which rent A. waited B. waits C. is waiting round and round (2)..... the 1950s one is every two D. was waiting families (3)..... Britair had a micro - computer - most 10. Why don’t you ___________ your hat? school also had several (4)..... new machines were It’s sunny today. much cheaper and much smallr (5).....The older ones. A. put on B. put out C. take off People used them (6)..... pleasure as well as business. D. take on A recent survey showed that over 40% of home 11. Floods and droughts can easily computer owners used them mainly for games. _________ a harvest. 1/ a. have b. had c. has
  11. d. having A. harmful B. destroy C. kill D. change 2/ a. on b. at c. in d. of 12. To remember the words you have 3/ a. in b. at c. on d. over learned, you have to _________ them often. 4/ a. they b. this c. that A. repeat B. revise C. replace d. these D. rewrite 5/ a. that b. over c. 13. You are always late. You need a(n) than d. as _________ to wake you up earlier. 6/ a. to b. for c. with A. alarm clock B. watch C. d. of answering machine D. clock III/ Rewrite each sentense beginning as shown so 14. I am sure that they will tell us about that the meaning stays the same. (2 ms). ____________ 1. I gave her a dress. A. myself B. themselves C. She ourselves D. himself ..................................................................................... 15. I ‘m delighted _________ you passed 2. Do many tourists visit VN every year, Lan ? your exam. (David asked) A. that B. to C. in order to David asked Lan D. so that ................................................................. 16. The flight __________ at 6.00 has been 3. Could you Lend her some many ? delayed. Do you mind A. leave B. leaves C. leaving ....................................................................... D. left 4. I started learning English 3 years ago. III – Fill in the blanks with suitable I have prepositions: .................................................................................. Harry starts work at half past six. He
  12. -------- HẾT -------- delivers papers every day ……………… the week, ……………… Monday to Saturday, but not ……………Sundays. He works …………… the mornings before school and ……………the afternoons after school. He usually finishes work ………………six o’clock Harry says “…………the summer, the job is OK, but ……………December and January, the weather is cold ! I like this job. I get a lot of exercises, and the money is good. I’m saving my money in the bank …………… the moment ……………… a holiday in Spain



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